IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Thanks Heatherwhite!

EDD is in March next year. We've been very cautious so haven't really told a lot of people yet.

star baby !!!!
congrats!!!!!!!! *hugs*
my edd also march !! :D
i think kate's edd also around march...

heatherwhite & the rest, jiayo!! no fret.

have your hubby tried the consensual pills that i've posted?
Congrates to you too! Looks like there are more and more BFP luck sprinkles in this thread here! Let's continue the trend! Jia you gals! Hehe...
Congrats star baby and chomp.


Hee... I've finished the medicine. Now waiting for AF. Think I will try naturally this cycle. Next cycle then see how. Maybe will go iui again.

How are u now?
star_baby, thank you for the info and big congratualtion to you
Do rest well and take care. Any additional things you did when you try naturally? so share with us
BTW, is it a must to take the 2 weeks hospitalisation leave after egg retrieval?

bbtauraus, i am thinking to go IVF or not, dun feel nice to take so many days leave.
Congrats Chomp!! My EDD is end March, I'm guessing yours should be earlier?

Heatherwhite, you are still as optimistic as before, that's so wonderful.

Really hope that everyone is successful soon.

I was actually seeing Dr Xia Rong immediately after my IVF in May. It was in the middle of the second round of TCM that I conceived. Maybe it was TCM? We also saw a fengshui master and made some changes to the orientation of the house. Dunno if it's coincidental but we struck a few weeks after.

It's good to take the HL after egg retrieval...cos you will be sedated for ER and the sedation can take a couple of days to wear off. If you don't want to, can don't take the full 2 weeks but make sure you are rested after ER and egg transfer.
Hello warriors! (sorry can't type each and everyone of your names)

This thread is always so full of fighting spirit. Keep it up! You are sure one step nearer to your dream.

Lots of baby dusts

I'm fighting still, as I'm 8 weeks preggie now and combating with some uncomfortable preg symptoms like nausea, unpreditable appetite and fatigue. Let us all jia you!

Take care yeah and be well
Congrats all mummies to be!! Sure perks our hope!!! Never give up!

Btw doc xiarong from Euyansang? Can share her schedule n price n how often must see her? I m seeing dr zou but find it hazzle to go see her every week :-S. Being an accountant my work is quite stress n long hours...
Star_baby, thanks for Sharing the info. Can I check with u if they will put patient to sleep when drawing the eggs n put back the implanted eggs n sperms back to womb?

Babyseetoh, do take care n enjoy the process

Kym, I aso seeing dr zou, I find is too long queue n a lot of waiiting needed. Do u take her medicine? I dunno if is a need to eat? I only go for accuputure.
Hello my dear jie meis.....

congrats to star_baby for the good news!!!

How's everyone doing? I've been quite busy after starting my new job....had stop iui for last month...today AF reported so i guess i'll embark in my next iui this month...hope to have some good news soon...

Hi Star baby,
Congrats, may I know why your gynae is ok for u to do iui 7 rounds? I m not doing iui but my doc says gonal f only 3 rounds.
Hi ladies,
I'm new here. Got registered juz so that i cud thank all of u here for the encouragements & experience shared. I was really down cos i juz got my failure msg again for my 2nd SO-IUI. But after reading the postings here, got really motivated again. THANK YOU LADIES!!!
For the records, i hav went thru 2 iui(wif clomid) & 2 SO-IUI wif gonal-f injections...Now considering going for 3rd round in Oct. Btw, hav oso juz bought the Blackmore conceive well supplement after reading that most of u ladies are taking it. Hope it will help me ;) This month going natural.
Not too sure about Dr Xia's schedule, just call EYS TCM clinic at Paragon and ask. Her charges are not cheap, each round of meds for me at least $250. I had to boil herbs everyday in addition to drinking powdered medicines.

My 7 rounds of IUI were done with two different doctors.
Usually doctors will advise you to stop after 3 to 4, I switched to a fertility specialist for a second opinion after my first gynae told me it's hopeless, I cannot conceive without IVF. Mine were Clomid IUIs.

Egg retrieval will be done under sedation but egg transfer is not. ET is just like IUI, you will be awake and you can even see the embryo being placed back into your womb through the ultrasound. Quite cool!
Ladies, Today is day 16 after my 2nd IUI,my AF haven't come yet. But I think I got strong PMS since last week. My regular cycle is 35 days. Anyone can tell me when I should do the preggie test? Worry... Thanks.
Thanks dragonhopes, I did my IUI on cd13 (20/8). I didn't take my BBT because I don't want to make myself stress. But I got strong PMS feel until now so don't dare to test now.
Tong Le,
What PMS feeling you have? Read from online that pregnancy feelings can be quite similar to PMS feeling most of the time. Stomach feeling crampy? tender breast? Feeling tire? hehe... feeling excited for you here. keke...
CD 13 + 16 = CD28, you are on CD28 today? If you want you can just do a test since is DPO16 already. If you don't feel comfortable to test it now, you can also wait for few more days until CD35 (your normal CD cycle length). Cos HCG level also will be higher by tt time, clearer result would have shown. Another indication is to take your BBT, high hope if it is remain high. Or you want to call yr doctor to check on when can you do the test? Fingercross for you too!

Erm...I feel stomach crampy,bloating,breast tenderness,yellow liquid discharge,mood swings and irritability.
I am on CD29 today.I think I will wait for few more days.
I hate this feeling.
I think I am not pregnant.
Tong le, we all understand how you feel. Like heatherwhite say, we shall keep a positive mind. We will all pray for u.

Mono, welcome. Success rate for so-iui is 15% according to my doc in kkh. We do have successful case here too
do not think of the rate as will only add in more stress for yourself. Just have faith
It ranges from 21 days to 28 days (depending on whether I have been good and eating the medicines daily heh). I was lucky, when I called to make an appointment with Dr Xia the very first time, she was scheduled to be in Singapore the week after. And subsequently, I would make my next appointment after each consultation.

Good luck! Will you be doing it with a private doctor or KKH?

Tong Le,
I kept thinking I was getting my period soon when I conceived. So there is still chance! I was crampy, had tender breasts and backache. And I had mood swings too. Fingers crossed!
Hi gals,

Just an update. My af reported. My flow abit haywire. First 2 days light light, 3rd and 4th day more heavy. I think this month I'll try naturally.

Tong Le,

Jia you!! Hope to hear more good news here.
Star_baby, I m doing my ivf at kkh next month. Quite worry abt the schedule. Not sure when to take leave. Don't wish to tell my colleagues y I m taking leave but look like no choice.

On another note, do you visit dr xia Rong just for medicine or she did accupunture for u too?
tong le, dun be despair kz...
i starts test the kit when i was 3 days late... its a sudden happy feeling that i want to test..
try not to think of menses... just keep on saying ms. menses wont come this time round, and i think that can helps :D but if comes, dun be disheartened .. jia yo!

starbaby, yarp my edd beginning of march :D

** sprinkled golden baby DUST here **
Thanks, really appreciate it!

Hi all,
Actually i have a question on exercise, esp. to those who have succeeded from IUI,hope u can help me with this. Do u all exercise while undergoing the IUI process? Coz my doc actually advise against it but she only mention when i ask. So not so sure if it's an impt. point. I thought exercising will help. Hope to get some views here. Thanks!
Megafaith, i would think exercise is always good in anyway
just do not over do it. But i did not do any exercise for my last 2 SO-IUI. Not sure is it the reason y i fail the 2 times, but really no time due to work.

Tong Le, how are you now? hope you will bring good news for us
Hi Ladies,

I am a frequent follower for this thread... didnt really post anything here coz i have yet to undergo any treatment..

Me and hubby trying to conceive for the past 1 year but no result.. I personally had a PCO problem so we went to a private specialist for help.. went for the past 3-4 months, in the end doc ask us to try ourself...

At first the doc concentrate checking on me... everything went smoothly.. when we thought we are going for the next phase which is so-iui... she said she needs to check on my husband.. in the end hubby's sperm result turns to be negative... i got abit shock & disappointed..there goes our plan... she prescribe 2 months of supplement for my hubby... so wasted another 2 months... of coz in between we tried but no result too...

Recenlty - in fact is last week (after the 2 months) hubby went for a check again.. this time the result is good but still got room for improvment. Anyway is already a good news to us, so we thought this time we can start doing so-iui. But she told me PCO is not recommended to do so-iui plus i dont react to clomid so is diffcult and could be wasted to do. At that time of point my excitment went to minus zero.. After all this months than she start to tell me all this... she ask us to give it a try for 3 months if still can't we will go and look for her.. she suggest IVF will be a better chance for me but she want us to try first. I felt so dishearted whenever i am ready she just smash my dreams away.. i am ready to get pregnant i will bear whatever it takes.. even though is IVF... i know IVF will be a very tough journey but my mind is set.. Anyway both of me & my hubby felt that she is not really into treating us. So we decided to get a second opinion.. we have make a appt at SGH with Dr Yu Su Ling.. Hope this time round i can get real help.. btw does any here seeing Dr Yu from SGH? Need to get advice here. Thanks...

After reading your post, it's sure a smart move to seek second opinion.

Some doctors may not be professional or sensitive enough to understand each and individual issues. Some even go for the quick fix and money (IVF!)

Let's see what the SGH doctor has to say and share the news with us.

Cheer up k! *Hughugs*

I have been exercising 3 times a week for the past 1 year doing yoga, pilates and cardio+weight training. I spent my time exercising mainlt is to keep myself busy, de-stress and keep healthy all at the same time.

I'm 8weeks preggie thru IUI+Clomid by now. I only stopped exercise after knowing i'm preggie and basically i dont havw much energy these days.

From past, i didnt really forced myself on working out on my abs, as long as you dont push yourself to the limit, it should be ok. I just do some light stretching for a few days after IUI.

What I can say is to follow your gut feel

Hope you find this useful.
Hi Lady Chris,

I'm not seeing Dr Yu Su Ling but I went to a talk which she's one of the speaker. If I didnt remember wrongly. She's the head of the fertility deptment. You're in good hand.
Hi Cherrie,

My thoughts exactly.

I didn't exercise at all also during my last 2 SO-IUI & we failed. Coz my doc say don't do exercise. But i tink its not due to that we fail lah. Who knows wat the reason is...sigh..
Hi BabySeeToh,


Thanks for the info on what exercise u did for the past yr. Its really useful. I am considering taking up yoga.

Btw, could u tell me what sort of stretching exercise u did after your IUI? Heehee, hope u don't find me a nuisance.
hugs hugs Megafaith,

only god knows the reason. Even IVF also not 100% successful. That's caused by implantation failure. As for IUI, maybe troops dont meet egg, maybe meet but egg cannot hatch.

I really wish to know i do not have all this knowledge and get pregnant happily and easily..sigh! why me
Hi Babyseetoh,

Thanks for reading my posting...yes... i think second opinion is definitely needed... hope this time will get real help...
btw congrats on your preggy... the feel of a life inside you is definitely amazing ya...
so happy for you.. do you mind telling me you tried for how long? and how old are you? if is a sentitive ques than is ok...

Hi bbtaurus.. yes Dr Yu is the head of the fertility deptment.. do really hope i am in the good hands... Thanks for your encourgement...
Dragonhopes, I share the same sentiments. 'Y me?' this question I also always ask myself
especially people all around me get it so easy. I going to lost the topics with my friends soon as now they all talk abt kids during gathering .

Anyway, let's try our best
jiayou for all
Hi bbtarus,
My AF reported too! It was CD32 for me yesterday, praying for some hope to strike this round (no usual symptoms) but I guess I didn't get lucky!
we have to work harder again...

Hi Tongle,
Hope u have better luck than us this round! Share with us your good news soon k.
Been a silent reader, had done first so-iui in mar 11 and succeed, but m/c in 6 wks. Thereafter, done my 2nd on 30th jul and 3rd on 25th aug. Today AF reported and feeling very dishearted. Dont understand why 1st attempt can conceive but not the subsequent ones.
Not sure if i shd change gynae, any gynae to recomend in Mt.E?
***Cherrie, Hopeful, dragonhopes, bbtaurus***

The "why me" questions that blanketed our minds would soon turn "YES, IT'S ME FINALLY!"

***Heatherwhite, Tong Le***

How're your progress? I'm waiting for your good news.


Sometimes there're no specific answer to our questions. Don't keep thinking of finding a reason to it. Re-collect yourself, eat and rest well to prepare a stronger body for your next battle k!

Sorry, no recommendation on Mt E gynae.
