IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Foodieshare,

Wah!!! sOO excited for you!!!
I will be gg to see him end of the month for
HSG test...He will advise me further after the test.

So u will be doing ICSI in September?!! ]
wEeehOOOOOO...sOoo happening!!


He is more patient than dr Foong. I feel comfortable with him. My HB said try another round of IUI with him first since icsi appt in sep.

Hopefully sonography goes well then can do.

Oh ya all ladies here, pls note that dr s f Loh told me the WHO revised the passing rate of sperm morphology to 4%. anything more than this consider pass. So dun worry too much abt the low morphology.
I dunno exactly what it is. I know is an ultrasound on the womb. But need to put dye in one。I left the form and the leaflet in the IVF centre. Forgot to take.
Hi Foodieshare,

Good to know that u are comfortable with DR SF LOH..Me & husband feel the same way tOO!

In that case sonography same like HSG? Do you need to do that after ur AF?
Yes after AF is cleared. I asked the nurse whether it is same same HSG she said different. Cos I did HSG before and I brought the x ray to see dr Loh ytd too.

When I have time will go read up.
Now busy with outings keke...
Oh I am going for hormone blood test at KKH.

My AF reported le. This month because of test and scans, will be another natural cycle. Not on any drugs

Where are all the sistas? Are you ok?
morning morning foodieshare and the rest!
i'm waiting for my HB to finish up his medicine (sexual tonic) so the next appt with our gynae will be around july. then he have to do his SA again.


I am here... been waiting for AF to report for the past few days so nothing much to update. Was feeling down in fact, haiz... feeling tired on this TTCing journey suddenly...

I will start my clomid today, CD2
And back to NUH for follicle scan again on CD 12. Planning to try another IUI this cycle.
Ya, I am curious, which 2 TCM are good in Singapore? Can share share here?

Hope your AF not reporting to you too!

How are you? Hope you are doing well there.

Rest of the sistas here. Hope you all doing fine there too!

I am also cd2. Dr Loh only says 2 but never reveals who? My HB said usually western medical doc won't recommend TCM so tht is why he didn't say who...

He said all other TCM doc may do harm than improve your condition. Hmmmm... So I didn't visit clementi doc last week.
I dunno who to trust now.

What is your HB SA previously? Sign, Prof. PC Wong never really comment about my HB SA at all although my HB SA is bad at only 2 % morphology. I asked Prof. Wong if he can give my HB some supplement for him at my previous appt. All he gave is Vit C and E.
I wonder what can we do more to improve his side.
We are cycle buddies this month.
Oh, Dr. Loh never mentioned which 2 TCMs are good to you ah. Hmn...I am not surprised the western doctors don't support TCM.
I can't tell you whether if Dr. Tan is really good or not. To me, there is no right and wrong. Just follow what your heart tells you to do, make sure you are comfortable with your own choice. I can see you are very comfortable with Dr. Loh now, so I think you should just follow what he suggest to you.

Do keep us update on your tests with Dr. Loh ok? Oh ya, how's the charges like so far? How you gals manage all the medical appointments with work har? I am getting tired to juggle and rushing here and there with appointments. sigh...
Hi ladies, hope you have all been well?

Been MIA cos...a lot of unhappy things. We only had 5 embryos left at the time of ET and two best ones were put in. Even then the grades were not excellent, just okay. Then the remaining three were not good enough to freeze so effectively I have nothing left.
Was very very sad for a while. Now am halfway through my 2WW.

Maybe you can get your hubby to try L-Carnitine and Exsativa? My doctor said that they are not scientifically proven but as they are anti-oxidants, no harm trying. My husband's morphology has always been hovering around 4% and his motility hasn't been good either. Don't feel disheartened okay? My IVF journey has taught me that we are all stronger than we think we are. And we will get through this eventually.

Foodieshare and Kate,
Wow, good luck for your IVF in September! It will be here before you know it. In the meantime, go and tiao your body, okay? I regret not doing that, that's why my egg quality so terrible. But I did do acupuncture one month before IVF and I think it helped me in being more relaxed about the procedure.

Fingers crossed that your hub's numbers go up, thanks to sexual tonic heh heh. :p
Gd Morning tO ALL mY sisTas!!

How are yOu dOIng?? Its been awhile....

Pssssstttt....i'm late for AF for 4 days...
Will keep yOu aLL updated k. Keep my fiNgers crOss!!

How are you??? I'm waiting for menses to come then can proceed with HSG test.
AF means menses....heheheh

How abt urself? Areyou trying to conceive naturally or with medication?
morning ladies!
Sergeant AF reported duty. Was late for 1 week. But guess AF went 'honeymoon' and decided to 'come back' grrr!

but this time round, i felt much better. not stress or cry when Sergeant AF reports. Next mth will try via natural way. No fret!

Hey Kate & Foodieshare,
Both of you going for IVF in KKH?

Hi Heatherwhite,
Hubby took his SA test @ Quest Lab.
And our gynae gv us a copy of the lab's report.
Normal *20 (it shud be above 29%)
Sperm viability *55 (shud be more than 74%)
Morning Chomp Chomp,

Good to hear that u'r doing fine. Lets try harder next month k

I'm late for AF 7 days liao!!

Will keep you ladies updated soon k

Have a great week ahead tO ALL!!!
Hi Gals,
Nothing to update from my side too. Haiz...

I think you can check already. 7 days should be quite safe to check for result. Waiting for your good news ya.
You should test! 7 days is a good sign!

Well girls, unfortunately IVF was not a success. Got my period ahead of time. Was very sad but have to look forward. Hopefully can start on cycle 2 in August.

Kate and foodieshare,
Are both of you with Dr Loh? I may be switching to KKH for round 2, cos of the costs.
Hi Ladies,

Thank you so much!!I dont want to be too excited..but i will check it soon

Hi Star Baby,

I seen him once for consultation. I think you will like him...you will feel very comfortable

Highly recommended!

Big hugz to you. We can only do our best, the rest is out of our control. Don't feel sad ok. I am proud of you to go though all those jabs.

To gals who are still trying, let's continue to work hard and support each other ok?
Any good news to share?

Thanks Heather.

Going to rest for a couple of months first before trying again.

My pte doc recommended that I switch to KKH since it's cheaper and subsidized by the government but he recommended another doctor, not Dr Loh. Have contacted him and will probably see him for a consult next week.
Hi LAdies

I would like to thank you all for all the support & always there for me.

I always pray for all of us to get pregnant soon... I'm sure it will be sooner or later.

I know how it feels to keep on trying...but pls remember after all the hardwork its all worth it!

I will be here as long as I can...even if I got pregnant one day. I will give you all my support! Dun ever give up! Love yOu ALL!
Hi girls,

Just dropping to read how you are doing.

Star: *hug hug*

On the other hand, so we may be hearing good news soon?

As for me, I'm not doing anything now, maybe just try naturally in the meantime while I serve 2 months' notice. Found a new job, so baby plans KIV-ed.
Hi girls,

Just dropping to read how you are doing.

Star: *hug hug*

On the other hand, so we may be hearing good news soon?

As for me, I'm not doing anything now, maybe just try naturally in the meantime while I serve 2 months' notice. Found a new job, so baby plans KIV-ed.
I went for 2nd consultation with dr Loh today.
After seeing my test results, he recommend me to try naturally. See him in 6 months???

Hmmm but I am getting older each month... Dunno what to do now...
Hi foodie,

Isnt that good news that there's nothing wrong with you?
But you can let Dr Loh know you don't want to waste anymore time and just embark straight to IVF program?

Just to update, I have no progress for these 2 continuous months. Follicle not growing into good mature size for this cycle again! Stop growing half-way. So discouraging, but Prof. Wong comment it is normal. It is a good natural selection, follicle stops growing if it is not in good quality.
Ask me to try again next cycle. Sob... Why is it so hard for me!
Dr Loh suggestion makes me think twice to embark on iVF. But on the other hand, if it can happen should have happened long time ago right...

Hopefully this cycle strike then no need to be so fan
Hi HeatherWhite,

Blackmore Conceive Well will also helps you to ovulate regularly.

FoodieShare is right...maybe the gynae can prescribe you with clomid 1st...but dont take clomid for more than 5 cycles it will make your lining thinner.
goodie morning ladies!

youhooo kate *wink wink*

have you all read the recent 8days magazine featuring Jaclyn Tay with baby bump?
i read and she starts eating ginseng etc to prepare her body a yr ago. and together with her includes her 4 spa staffs, all conceived at same timing!

wondering if you ladies would like to try to take that? cos i'm thinking of trying to take Chinese herbs
Foodieshare and Kate,
Yes, I was with 50mg of clomid this cycle already. Prof. Wong wanted to to prescribe me with the same dose again for my next cycle! I requested him to increase the dose for me! Obviously 50mg of Clomid don't work for me! I was quite surprise to hear his intension on staying at the same dosage! But I don't know if I am stressing up myself or not. I don't wish to experience another cycle of anovulatory. Haiz... Prof. Wong was good enough to grant my wish to put me on 100mg of clomid for my next cycle. Haiz... don't know what is the outcome next month. Hope it will help in my ovulation.

I think there must be a reason on why Dr. Loh ask you to try naturally for 6 months? If I were you, maybe I will shorten the trying period like 3 months? If nothing happen in this 3 months then I will proceed with whatever I have planned?
Sigh, I think stress is the main culprit! I know I am stressing myself on this TTCing, but I just can't find a way to release the hidden stress in me. It is no good for our long term health too. How I hope I can totally don't think about getting conceive, but I really want to have my own kids.

Hi, how are you there? Back to work? Seen KKH gynea for consultation already? Hope things going well there.

Hope new job, new environment will bring you new mood and new luck.
Hi Heather,
I'm good.
Back at work. Will be seeing KKH doc this coming Saturday and see what he has to say.

How long have you been on Clomid? I understand your frustration.
Do you have time to go for a short holiday? Help you to relax and take your mind off this TTC biz for a bit. Or have a staycation and enjoy room service!

I agree with Heather, maybe try naturally for a couple of months first? I guess nothing is really wrong with either you or hubs, that's why Dr Loh suggested that?

Hug hug back! My notice period is also 2 months, so sian! In the midst of looking for something else so dunno how to proceed with ttc also. :\
Think the job mkt is good now, many people are changing jobs.
I have thought of it too, but because of ttc, plan on hold.
I hope I can get preggy fast and move on.
Ttc kind of limit my pay now, I can't change job and my pay increment last year is so pathetic.

I still dunno what I am going to do yet. Hopefully get preggy this cycle and not 'fan' anymore.

I think u need to relax. Find something else to occupy your thoughts like GSS now, go buy whatever you like to make yourself happy and then your ovaries will be happy to produce nice eggs next cycle.
Hi all,

I am really devasted cos i went thru 5 times of IUI with stages of taking clomid, (maximum) injections to induce ovulation. The biggest egg size i manage to get is only 23mm which is considered the most desirable this time round, thus pinning high hope for this month since my hubby would like to have a rabbit baby to be.. But, i encountered spotting few days ago until today, my menses came... ~haiz.. tats bad news.. i really dun know how to break this bad news to him. He will definitely feel very disappointed...

No rabbit baby to be, fine! But what have i done wrong to deserve THIS?! What is the next step i should take? To continue IUI? Or proceed with IVF ?(which is least preferred due to the tremondous pressure cum $$) Change gynae? Change to TMC? Or any other choices? Please advise...
hi sunnyday,
cheer up girl, cos your nick is sunny, whateva your weather is dun forget to bring your sunshine aite.

i wonder if your hubby have check his SA (sperm analysis) done?

u seems devastated as i can see your notes here.. but just think positive kz... gather your couraged and talk heart to heart with him. dun make sex as your daily chores. it will be boring. bring the 'sunny' out of your sex life. enjoy it. if you dun have a rabbit baby, maybe you will have a dragon baby, who knows right? only God knows when He wants you both to enjoy the bundle of joy news!

maybe for now, He (God) wants you & hubby to enjoy the days together ;) think positive kz... baby news will come when you & hubby least expected it


Hi sunnyday,
i just failed my SOIUI too. I'll continue to see TCM at EYS cos my cycle became regular after taking the medicine prescribed by Dr Xia Rong.
Meanwhile, looking into fengshui too... ppl might think that i'm superstitious but i think there is no harm trying anything since I'm desperate to have a bb.
Don't be discouraged. I think it is best to discuss with your hubby on your next step.
