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  1. D

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Windy, Pls help to update. My no. 2 is a BOY again. Thks.
  2. D

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Windy, Pls update for me too. EDD: 15 June 2013 Baby #2 Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa Hospital: TMC Location: Central
  3. D

    Need help to find handkerchief!

    Hi lasery2k, Tried AMK Central before but they dun sell this type anymore. Will try Whampoa Drive some day. Thanks alot
  4. D

    Need help to find handkerchief!

    Hi All, Can anyone help to find exactly the same kind of handkerchief as below? My 2 year son cant sleep without it and I only have 2 or 3 pieces left at home. Its so difficult to find exactly the same design and corners, tried so many places. Would appreciate very much for your help
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Anyone knows when is Taime (Lucky Baby) next warehouse sale? Am waiting to buy some things from there..
  6. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi, My baby was born on 12-Mar-10 at 2333hrs. Went TMC to induce in the morning but end up gotta go for emergency c-sect cos baby is in distress, heartbeat ard 200. My baby boy was 3.035kg & 48cm in length.
  7. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    elise, That website realli has alot of cutie stuff. Btw, the person told mi clothes stating 90cm is for babies around 2 yrs old. For new borns, choose those around 50 - 60cm.
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hi gals, see this website, lotsa cutie baby stuff to buy.
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Cactus, I happened to see this advertisement on this website when i was searching for Lucky Baby products info. For me, i will find time to go if possible. Anyone went to Baby Hyperstore & Baby Kingdom at Kaki Bukit before? Are the things there cheap?
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi cactus, Is this the advertisement u were referring to? [IMG=]
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi gals, Any of u joined the antenatal course at TMC or KKH before? Was it useful?
  12. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Tree, Thanks. Ya, i'm pleased to know baby is growing well. And even happier cos its a boy, hubby & PIL actually prefer boys to gals. So now i wont have to stress whether next one is a gal or boy le..hehe. Hope ur scan goes smoothly too.
  13. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Thanks miacle_tiga,cactus & dinobob. Cactus, u have mistakenly put the word 'boy' under my location column, hee.. And all the best for ur scan too!
  14. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    thanks ladykirvin, my scan took abt 45 mins cos baby was moving around too much, very active, hehe..
  15. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi cactus_79, Pls update for me. I did my detailed scan on Monday, its a BOY! Juz to share my ultrasound scan pic. [IMG=]
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    cactus_79, thks for ur reply anyway. it was helpful enuff [IMG=]
  17. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    cactus_79, thanks for ur info. I was wondering how to tell my KKH gynae that i wanna change hospital, shall keep quiet then, hehe. Will be having my 20wks scan at KKH tis coming monday, after that mite change to TMC. Any recommendations of a gd female gynae in TMC?
  18. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi gals, I'm currently seeing my gynae at KKH but many friends encourage mi to go TMC instead. So i juz need to tell my gynae i'm changing hospital during my next visit? Then they will send my reports/particulars to TMC or wat? Anybody noes?
  19. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    jules, i'm not those slim type, so put on weight overall, not oni on tummy...juz feel so fat. But never mind, we'll pass this stage veri soon then we can have the privilege of ppl giving up seats to us on bus/mrt, hehe.
  20. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    lovinglife, ur tummy really grows very quick. I still look more to fat than pregnant now, though i'm at 14 wks. How i wish y tummy grows faster so that ppl can tell at once i'm pregnant & not fat, hehe.
