(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

skysilver, i think a one-session course may not be sufficient to cover so many topics that we need to learn as first-time mommies.. quite a lot of things to cover one.


Elise and Dino, according to the website it stated booking can be done after 20 weeks, thats why I havent book. I just called up and most slots are taken up. I have ended up taking the 10am-12pm slot on Sunday at AMK Hub. Anyone taking the same timing?

Jon, the cupcakes are so cute and sweet!

Jon, ladykirvin and cactus, all the best in your scan tomorrow! Everything will be fine! Next wk will be my turn and I hope will pass too!

Hi miracle,

I get what u mean =) but TMC want I think the next nearest they have is AMK hub which is too far for me =( so I intend to look for somewhere near my place but I dun mind lot of lesson =)

I didn't attend the classes cos a bit troublesome to go to attend at a specific timing on a specific day... tired also.. late in pregnancy. so relied on books, hands on advice when bb was born. and those saw me through rather comfortably.

Jon.. the cupcakes are so cute. Have u tried them before? Nice? BTW, anyone knows where to buy the jellyhearts cheesecake from?

I didnt have pressure / pain below the belly area but do experience aching on my left back esp near the waist area? Is it due to my sleeping posture? I have been trying to sleep on my left but always end up on my back.

Hi cactus_79,

Pls update for me. I did my detailed scan on Monday, its a BOY!

Juz to share my ultrasound scan pic.


hi Ladykirvin, Medela has 3 types of PIS. One is Pump in style traveller, Pump in style original, and the newest is Pump in style Advanced (which I think came to Singapore in 2007). For pump in style advanced, there are 2 models where the parts differ (not the metro/backpack external difference). A model before July 2006 and a model after july 2006 (I think). This info is important only if you are buying a PIS 2nd hand from someone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tks for remembering. yes i can change to pte rates for O&G dept and subsi for liver dept.

But after cooling down and think about long term, i think will stick to subsi for now 1st. See if the next appt is also jia lat..then consider. Give them another chance.


Congratz! Very cute!


i heard Mrs wong classes are VERY popular..so maybe tat's why.

I personally think for 1st time mom, good to attend if can afford time and money. 1stly, can ask qns and hands-on. 2ndly, husb can join in and participate. Especially the part where they will be taught how to massage for us!! 3rdly, get to know other mummies :p

Pain down there:

No one ah? Think will monitor myself..

Thanks miacle_tiga,cactus & dinobob.


u have mistakenly put the word 'boy' under my location column, hee.. And all the best for ur scan too!

Dinobob, good to know that you have clarified and know your options. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sometimes, doctors do not know the administrative side of things, and it's better to speak to the frontline staff about it. When is your next appointment? I think Dr Dev is on long leave or something. I'm supposed to go for my monthly check up today, but he said he is not around and will only see me 2 weeks from now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not complaining though.. cos I"m doing detailed scan tomorrow.. and will probably get another scan from him in 2 weeks time! Yippee!!

hi cactus79, oh thanks for your advise!

just 1 suaku question hor..

do you mummies feel tired of expressing milk, need to hold the bottles or got those hands-free accessories ah?

I'm thinking how to hold the bottle there for 30-45 minutes before the breast is emptied.

Ladykirvin,It's not really tiring to hold the bottles. It's more tiring to compress the breast at different angles. Sorry to be so descriptive.. but that's what I do when I express.. for maximum output. Also, nursing (latching on) and expressing is very energy draining.


u mean you have to tilt the breast at different angles to empty them? sounds logical if its for maximum output... like trying to squeeze every corner of the breast huh....

ladykirvin, not really to tilt, but the lactation consultant taught me how to compress my breast as I pump for maximum output. so I got tired from actually squeezing my breast as I pumped. not really from holding up the bottles.


i bought the medela Freestyle. supposed to be even more silent than the Pump In Style Advanced. also have straps to hold the cups in place while expressing. my hubby took one look at it and said "still looks like cow" shucks but it does look smaller. the pump is also dual voltage so can travel with it and use without adapter.

i saw the spree by powerteletubbies, it looks like good price! get the freestyle lah cos the PISA is already 380+35 for adapter which is 415 anyway, while the freestyle is 460! whoa super good deal buy buy buy!


well i lugged around the PISA wherever I went for my #1. in the end I didn't use the backpack, it was like a dead giveaway that "look at me i'm breastfeeding" so a bit vain lah i carried around 2 soft 'boxes' - the pump which was quite heavy, the ice pack which was just as heavy but i squished the medela bottle, cups and tubes all into the ice pack cooler! I had a bulky bag.

in the end because my flow was not that much anymore I switch to carrying the avent manual breast pump (SGD90 i think), which works really well as a manual pump, but can only do 1 side at a time. it also makes a horrible "squach-squach" sound which sometimes leaves people guessing what's going on in the toilet cubicle. but hey, 90 bucks, works, and super light! i will probably stick to the same configuration this time round. but the freestyle pump looks really cute and not so boxy so will probably be more inclined to really maximize its use.


Thanks. Ya, i'm pleased to know baby is growing well. And even happier cos its a boy, hubby & PIL actually prefer boys to gals. So now i wont have to stress whether next one is a gal or boy le..hehe.

Hope ur scan goes smoothly too.

Carol Chalker: Thanks for the info on Maris. Let me know how your little one adjusts there. I like the school grounds but I'm not so sure if their curriculum is robust enough. I've booked a place for my son but he may not want to get uprooted from his present childcare. Have to weigh the pros and cons again when the time comes.

Elise, skysilver: I agree that Mrs Wong bb is very popular but she gives good advice and I had loads of questions then so its like "free consultation" lor. would encourage you to sign up for her classes if you can spare the time. Its a few weeks long but me & hubby definitely benefited from it even though he is a medical professional.

ladykirvin: I had no problems with my Ameda pump but I think you can still get it fixed at the local vendor if need be. I bought extra reusable parts like the bellow and valve cos those need to be replaced around 3 to 6 months esp if you use it alot.


U want jellyhearts? Call this: Uncle Bryan: 9459-7711. Have min orders. Where do u stay? White sand also sells them but more ex.

I have the recipe where I try make myself.. quite fun.


I buy handsfree set from mumsfairy (see biz thread). It helps, definitely less tiring. And with the shield I dun need to bend forward, can surf a bit of web when pumping lol.

skysilver, confinement, u can call Mdm yue, she is an agent at 90227779 or 82285873.


frankly i cant tell if its bb moving or is it just tummy gases....


ah good idea..! hands free... surfing... hahaha


It is not totally handsfree like u can do big movement, but clicking the of mouse and type with 1 hand is still possible.. at least not so boring. haha.

I still use one hand to make sure the parts don't fall off.


2nd time mum will feel it sooner, I feel bubbly and sometimes I wonder if she is having hiccups. lol Don't worry, you will feel it soon, until you cant sleep becos the movements. lol

Hi Cactus

Could you change for me, I am having a bb Boy.


Hi Miacle tiga

I might book the same timing as you in Mrs Wong class. Is Tues 7pm rite.


your detailed scan coming soon right?

Then you can see your baby again.

i'm a first time mum, so i might not be able to tell bb kick as early as experienced mummies. and also, i'm not on the petite side, so i got alot of fats... then cannot feel that much lor.. kekekeke

Strawberryz, sometimes u have to concentrate very hard then can feel the bb movements. When you are sitting or lying down, did u try to focus to see if it moves? Perhaps ur bb is active when u are sleeping? Initially I thought its gas but when I tried to focus a few times, I suspect could be the bb movement already.

Baby Pink, sorry ah, i cant remember the archive. Ur previous scan shows that its girl now it has confirmed to be a boy?

ladykirvin, yea... next tue... hope i can see him move...am first time mom too n yes, i concluded that i got lotsa tummy fats, so cant feel the kicks =p


The cupcakes are nice and moist esp the chocolate ones....if u are into chocolate, they have vanilla cuttercup too. Anyway the website again. www.partypetite.com

The one that sell the cheezyheart is called cottage pie if I'm not wrong. My #1 loves it but very heartpain coz expensive.


can share recipe? then I can safe alot. I couldn't figure out how they make it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] pls....

i'm in office mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I only go missing from this forum over weekends, public holidays and when I'm on leave.


We can share orders since we stayed in pasir ris. lol.. It is slightly more cheaper.. but think need at least 3-4 boxes. Think white sand got the same vendor. I order from them b4.

I try making them, dun need to bake. I do Mango one.




110g digestive biscuits(about 8 pieces), chopped into fine crumbs

40g melted butter


250g cream cheese, soften at room temperature

50g icing sugar

1 tablespoon gelatin powder

40ml boiling water

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

½ Lemon juice

1 box Jelly crystal (strawberry flavour)

1 cup boiling water

1 cup cold water

Some strawberries, cut into heart shapes


1. Mix biscuit crumbs & melted butter together and press firmly with the help of a spoon onto the base of a 18cm cake tin. Chill for 30 minutes.

2. Place gelatin powder and boiling water in a bowl. Heat a pot filled with some water until just simmering and place the bowl inside the pot. Dissolve gelatin and boiling water in the bowl. Keep warm.  can do this only cheese is done.

3. With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese , icing sugar, lemon juice and vanilla essence until smooth & creamy. Blend in gelatin solution and mix well.

4. Pour the cheese mixture into the cake tin. Layer the strawberries on the cheese mixture. Chill for at least 3 to 4 hours.

5. Dissolve the jelly crystal in the cup of boiling water, followed by the cold water. Pour the jelly on the cheese mixture. Let it set before removing from the cake tin.


thank u thank u so so so so much "muak muak mauk"[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can try during sch hol yeah!!


when u say u do mango hor, means what? still use cheese, just replace the strawberry jelly and the strawberry fruits with mango isit?

