(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Carol, I enjoy putting up the tree!! Will put it up after I get my good results from my test and scan....'tis the season to be jolly falalala....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


awh...yes sometimes all these petty stuff issn't really worth. be strong, it will be nice to visit him when he is away in UK.. at least you will get away too.

you know cactus by the time #2 is nine months, i'm sure you'd had made alternative plans [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think positive, today is Thursday - Sunday will be here so soon!

my Dr say i cant have sex (poor hubby). but i still go swimming leh... i mean i cant swim, i was told can walk in the water, its good too.

as for Dr Brown's bottle, i heard ppl say it reduce colic, wont have a lot of air to bb. Both also BHA free... i havent seen the bottle physically. but some mummies in the forum have difficulty cleaning the bottle. Think its a bit complicated bah.

hello cactus and carol, giving me goosebumps la. ah think my marriage is going down the tubes, my hb is gone for a wk and I rejoice like mad. Well he has himself to blame, I was once like u gals but he has "trained" me up to be strong and independent, he is not expressive and doesn't show me that he missed me so over the yrs, my heart becomes hardened....sad hor. During courtship days, he left me for 1.5yrs to work in states and japan. When my #2 was 7mth, he left me for almost a yr to work in Germany and when I had my first and 2nd mc, he was in China!! How not to lose hope leh.

You gals are so blessed to have hb who shower their affections on u, me only can be envious boo hoo.....

jonjosh... i didn't say anything like missing my hubby lei!! muahahahah, if he travels i secretly rejoice too!! omg!! the amount of less hassle...I'm pretty trained too, he is the softie all the time, in reverse i'm the hard stone one. You know it's always the small things that matter, not how much someone says "I love You" or "I miss you" it's making sure everything is in perfect order and you keep together a great family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carol, I have resigned to my "fate". This yr marks the 10th yr of our marriage but I'm not hopeful that I can get pass the next 10 yrs....sigh....but for the sake of the children, must bite the bullet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We used to quarrel so much last year, why? because our daughter took away all the "US" time we used to have. He was really frustrated, then i said we should have another child - he blew the top! I explained till vomit blood! he cudn't get the concept why we needed to sacrifice all the time we should be having for intimacy or just going out on a date. I haven't been to the movies, date or a romantic dinner in 3 yrs... kekeke that's his compliant, daughter squeeze herself right in between us in bed - no sex or rarely any action in bed! ajajajaj..i told him one day, the "US" you are looking for is the three of us, a family, one day our daughter will grow up and till then you just need to deal with it.


my last order still left alot so will order together with new products after i move hse if not have to move ard

yr hubby go work why u cannot follow him ard leh?

don be so pessimistic, now another bb is on e way..

some men is like tt one my hubby also dun say things like i love u.

but since yr hubby is working so hard away fm home to support family shows he is a very responsible man. its definitely better than those man who only know how to sweet talk but duno how to take care of family rite?

mm..i feel tt for kids gotta train them to sleep in their own room since young and we shld lock our door so tt they don come in as n when they like

cos i also tink its impt to maintain intimacy with spouse esp after having kids to keep the family gg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carol, can't wait for husband to come home.. just spoke to him... feel better now...

bebechan, yah.. it's good for kids to sleep in their own room, but perhaps until they are independent and can get what they want, it may be a good idea to have a responsible adult like a maid or grandparent sleep with them so they can ask for help at night if they need it.


if both maid n gramps not available(like my case) i will put nite lite in the room and they shld learn to knock on our door if they need help instead of barging in as n when they like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

THat's a good idea, bebechan. it's always good to instill good manners in kids from young. I guess you can start having your kids sleep in their rooms after they are old enough to be able to open their bedroom doors to walk to your room at night. I think depending on the height of your kids, can teach at 3 to 4 years old. Also depends whether your home have steps or not..whether they kids need to navigate steps before they reach your room, or their toilet.

my colleague uses baby monitor. her kids sleep i ndependently. 5 and 8 years old. they use the baby monitor to call her for help. she doesn't let them walk to her room at night cos it is too dark and they cannot reach the wall switch.


Thanks.. counting down to detailed scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agree with u. We should have our own time and space. My hb and me made a bold move, despite my parents & mil disapproval, we bought my kids single sized beds and let them sleep in their own room at age of 3. And i didnt want my maid (then i still have a maid) to sleep with them, cos i want to train them. Even in the afternoon, i told my parents not to nap with them. Right now, sometimes when my hb is away, i want them to bring their mattress to sleep with me in my room, they will refuse and prefer to sleep on their own bed in their room.

hi mummies, not very well now. I have this very suan feeling on my tummy. But bb still kicking, not sure if he is sitting on some nerves or what to cause the suaness... Anyone same experience?

carol, trust me. I'm the proactive one. Sometimes I feel that I have "cheapen" myself and lose all dignity but he is still behaving like a block of wood. After facing "rejections" time and again, I'll just have to give up trying. I have quarrelled, cried complained and tried to talk things out but all no use.

Aiya, nevermind la, no pt complaining abt my household problem here.

my boys are trained to sleep in their own room by 1 yo. Now my house is so small, no place to place the playpen in my room!! aiya must move to a bigger house, what's the prize $$ for tonight's toto?? :p


it's a process this growing up..from holding own milk bottle, potty, sleeping, self feeding... it's a looonnngggg list! parents need so much patience. Intimacy part, i was also pretty affected after giving birth.. i tot myself as to be utterly ugly, then the biopsy so that took away 2 yrs of intimacy. We finally over come all this minor obstacles hence hadn't had enuf intimacy and i'm already pregnant, poor hubby is on diet all over again!


i also dropped alot of hair!

it's worse each time i finish washing my hair, until my hubby literally waits for me with the vacuum cleaner and stand there while i dry my hair. hahaha.

I heard that the hair dropping will be much worse after childbirth :p

jonjosh, can you share how you trained your boys to sleep in their room by 1 year old? Are they in the same room? Do they disturb each other? If they need help, do they cry, or do you observe them over a baby monitor? Cos at 1 year old, cannot open the door to ask for help yet right? My boy is rather tall for his age and only recently was able to touch the door knob but no strength and height to turn it yet.

jonjosh, it's not a shame to hope for the best. and it's always good to share your problems, not it's gonna bite you in the bum bum soon!

and our daughter, she doesn't park her bum in the middle of our bed anymore. She does sometimes pity her dad, and says "mommy, if i sleep nearer to you then daddy will have enuf space to sleep - ok?" and her dad retorts - "NO! in your bed or you can sleep in your room - choose?"

she might be young but these young ones know just how to test market :p

i start to feel the weight of the tummy, like pulling down along with the gravity, that i feel abit insecure and have to place my palms below my tummy to support it.

i cant imagine the weight in 3rd trimester.....


you can try special shampoo's at the pharmacy, you'd need to ask for assistance at the counter as I'm not sure what labels are suitable during pregnancy. The brand i used is no longer available. Am having alot of hair fall too, decided to cut my hair short so it's easier to maintain.

Old wives tales say that when your baby begins to laugh/smile that's when you begin to lose your hair.

Was at the mall yesterday and i saw this mother with literally so much hair lost - such a pity! You don't need to buy expensive shampoo's nor consult specialist, it's a process woman go thru during and after birth. A proper diet and suitable shampoo will help you get a good crowning glory back.

gosh.. real sleepy after lunch.. zzzz..

Passed my detailed scan and also got my full amnio results yesterday.. Spent the entire afternoon waiting for the scan and to see my doc.. bb is 21 weeks weighing 390gm.. and confirmed a boy..

Dunno how Icy is doing after her detailed scan yesterday..


you could get a belly belt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will make you feel more secure i think.

My tummy is so big too.. feels like a hippo know, and hubby would say "ya, you said the same thing the last time.. then upgrade to elephant.."

lady kirvin/carol

my hair loss is not cos of pregnancy its been like tt always...though now i cut till very short still e same

yes it will be worse after delivery cos our female hormone drops dramatically though some say its only temp but still scary hor

i very scared drop till got a hole lor


i am my hubby 1st gf n 1st wife(hopefully its e last haha) last time he also very very shy one especially when it comes to intimacy then he will always siam

then many times like tt i became very angry n throw temper n told him i feel so cheap having to offer myself n take initiative everytime

but as time goes by i know his pattern like tt so i got used to it liao lor

maybe yr hubby is also shy type ma but doesnt mean u cheapen yrself.

and at least he got reaction ma..tt explains how yr 2 boys n e one in yr tummy comes about rite? hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and its good to let out steam, my listening ears for u here


i plan to let bb sleep in his cot since day 1 so tt he gets familiar with him room n get used to be alone at times

but will prob use the baby monitor

my room n bb room only 3 steps apart and bb room to his toilet also 3 steps apart typical hdb flat haha tink he gotta learn to be independant since young


i also dun care wat other says if i tink its rite keke

next time my mil dare say anything regarding how i teach my kids i will sure talk back haha, cos its my child, i decide how he shld be taught n brought up, they all disapprove i also don care

ladykirvin, me too. I starting to feel the weight on my legs. Now I walk like a penguin. And just climb one flight of stairs and I felt so heavy n breathless. I also just experience this suan feeling on my tummy. Not sure if bb is sitting on nerves or wat. I got to keep rubbing it to make him change position.

omg i jus realised e hair on my tummy becoming thicker n longer n messier eeeeeeee so ugly!!

bebechan, I have occasional cramps too. But this is a suan feeling. Definitely not cramps, shall ask gynae on sat.

Hi everybody,

wanna ask, is it ok to take the longan and red dates water now when we are pregnant? My helper commented that I am very weak and no energy, so suggested drinking it.. anybody here also drinking?

litte twin stars, I think the longan and red dates water is high in iron so if your weakness is caused by lack of iron, the dirnk may help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bebe, tks for ur comfort, this kind of husband and wife relationship is "jiang qi lai yi pi bu na me chang" u chinese teacher sure know what I'm saying haha.

Anyway tks bebe and carol for listening and sharing.


my #1 slept in the cot and even migrating him to another room, he is still in the cot so he doesn't need to open door to come out coz he can't. If he has night mare or woke up for any reasons, he will cry or and we will hear him. Don't need monitor because rooms are close to each other. If they need u sure cry loud enough for u to hear them.

When #2 came, he slept with bro by 4th mth. Though got a maid then, she slept in her own room. I'm a possessive mum, I don't allow maid to sleep in the same room as my children.

Yes if one cries, the other may be affected, it takes a while but soon both will learn to adapt to each other in the same room.

When #2 inherited the cot, bro slept on bed with bed guard and by then he knew how to open door coz already 2+.

About training them to sleep independently,

it was a big problem coz they have always been falling asleep on their own (nap time) so they are pretty used to a room with nobody. So before we put them to bed, would be in the room telling them a bedtime story, then we kissed them goodnight, say a prayer, have a nightlight on and just left the room.


hahaha ya lar jia jia you ben nan nian de jing ma...me and my hubby also have a long and difficult history cos of his mum almost cost our marriage...

luckily now he wake up liao cos of a horrible thing his mum did and he gave up then can have peace...heng ah...

thanks, jonjosh, for bothering to explain in detail. It sounds really nice that you have things worked out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm also very possessive.. wouldn't want a maid to sleep with my kids. currently, the adults in the family take turns to sleep with my #1 who is coming to 16 months. It gives the rest of us a break. my boy still drinks milk once or twice at night, so it's easier to be near him so that we can prepare and feed him milk easily. He has been sleeping on his own mattress since birth. He will be 21 months when #2 arrives. the plan is for me and my husband to care for #2 and my parents to care exclusively for #1. Hopefully, when #2 is 1 year old, I'm able to put both kids in the same room, so we adults can resume our nighttime shift system so that the rest of the adults have a break from caring for the kids at night. There are stairs just outside the kids' room.. so I guess I will have to continue having an adult sleep with the kids until they are older and more mature to manage the stairs at night. The previously family who stayed at our place had 3 kids. the older 2 would sleep with the grandparents in one room and the youngest would sleep in a cot with the parents. That's how they got around the staircase issue...


aiya, went to buy lunch and forgot all abt toto!! See later got chance or not.....lazy to move now :p

If I strike, see what I strike la, strike 4 no. only donno is it $15 or $20, how to give treat. Strike 1st prize then say la. What lunch? strike first prize treat Ah yi restaurant ah....hee hee bright day light dreaming already. <grin>

cactus, why do u still give ur boy milk in the night? he is only drinking because of habit, he really doesn't need milk now. pt to take note, drinking in the middle of night will coz a child to have early tooth decay unless u rinse/wipe or some form of cleaning after the milk intake. I know they will eventually grow out of this habit but why "xin ku" yourself? wean him off early so u adults can really rest at night. I have a friend who woke up to give her son milk till he is 3! She say she not "ren xin" to ignore his cry for milk so she "gan yuan" But the pt here is they really don't need....unless there is some medical reasons.

Another thing to add, another friend's child has middle ear yr infection coz always fall asleep while drinking, somehow milk can go into the ear.

(just my 2 cts worth, don't be offended hah.)


can use those stair blocker, or whatever they are called. like a bar to bar off the staircase.

Hi gals,

I'm currently seeing my gynae at KKH but many friends encourage mi to go TMC instead. So i juz need to tell my gynae i'm changing hospital during my next visit? Then they will send my reports/particulars to TMC or wat? Anybody noes?

jonjosh, thanks for the advice. yup.. I did some reading up and know the problems with giving the child milk.

actually my boy doesn't even cry for milk .. he doesn't wake up for milk.. rather, he sucks his thumb alot and flips over and over.. and I can hear his tummy rumbling.. no kidding. so I heart pain.. give him milk, dream feed him. so he falls asleep better. it is true that it is hard work, but I wlil probably stick along with it because I think he is truly hungry and being hungry, how to sleep properly? Before each growth spurt, (ie. before he learnt to walk , before he learnt to run), he would take less milk. then suddenly, the day after he learns these new skills, he takes in alot of milk at night. So it reinforces my belief that he is hungry.

I guess at the end of the day, I just want to be there for my son. Although it is easier to ignore him and let him suck and bite his thumb through the night (my friend did just that and his daughter ended up with a raw and sore thumb.. had to see PD but PD also cannot do anything..), I can't bear to. Cos he will only be young just once..

I give him dinner at 6pm and he sleeps at 730pm. He wakes up at 630am and sometimes past 7pm. I guess 11 to 12 hours is a long time to be without food.. esp for a small tummy. HIs milk feed is usually about 330am. Sometimes, he takes another milk feed at 5am or so. I actually thought it is normal for a kid his age to take at least 1 milk feed. Cos it happened to my husband's nephew and also a neighbour's child was is 2 months older than my boy. Cos we adults sleep with him, at the same time, we get at least 7 hours of non disturbed sleep before he takes his milk at 330am, so it's not that bad (I guess!)..

hi little twin star,

i didn't take longan red date water as it can be heaty. My TCM doc told me i have combination of heatiness and feng-han (wind and dampness) so i watch my diet v strictly these days.

Actually depends on why you feel weak and no energy - are you sleeping and eating enough?


i also feel tired after walking around for 20 minutes, have to sit down once awhile and rub my tummy.

re: toto

when you all feasting after winning toto, must be careful of what u eat oh. my colleague had m/c after having buddha jump over the wall..

grace82, KKH will not send your records automatically to TMC. you just have to request for a copy of your records. but there is a fee to locate the records and make a copy of them. Do check with your new doctor if he/she really needs the records. normally, no need. the doctor will just speak to you to find out more about your pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If you are uncomfortable telling your doctor that you are changing hospital, you can just keep quiet about it. And cancel the appointment date that you had been given. tell the appointments hotline staff that you change hospital.

ladykirvin, if I strike toto, won't treat u all buddha jump over the wall, treat u all "baochi" ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



thanks for ur info. I was wondering how to tell my KKH gynae that i wanna change hospital, shall keep quiet then, hehe. Will be having my 20wks scan at KKH tis coming monday, after that mite change to TMC.

Any recommendations of a gd female gynae in TMC?

