(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

noscon, rocker is good cos the traditional type, cooling, net material. but I didn't use it as rocker lah. I just place my baby there, so the baby can be inclined at an angle to look around, instead of lying down flat in the cot looking up at most at a mobile.. it's a bit boring.


the baby fair at united u referring to is fm which company? is it gg to be a big one?

elise, thanks for sharing. I think it's chicco? Hmm... maybe that's why the advertisment is such a small one! The advertisement stuck in my head cos I live at Tenah Merah area.. near the sale. but didn't intend to go cos have alot of baby stuff left over from my #1.

thanks cactus... yeah she was using that too...

if anyone is interested to get baby cot/stroller/car seats from baby kingdom pls let me know... I emailed them and they say that if I buy a few on the spot they will give discounts so if anyone is keen, can schedule timing to go together. Browse, we can browse separately with our hubbies but when time to buy, we can all gather tog to bargain... hahaha

just my thoughts lah... I know it sounds ridiculous sometimes... the extent I go to get discounts... but for big items it might be worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noscon, one thing about rocker. I didn't use it for long. cos my boy started being inquisitive and wanted to be carried around to look at stuff. when he was able to sit up, you can forget about having him in the rocker. he will struggle to get out despite the straps!

rockers (the traditional type) are cheap. the non rocking type, $15+ can get arleady. the rocking type - $20+ can get. it's also good to place baby somewhere safe when we go visiting. no need to always open pram to put baby down and baby can be inclined to observe surroundings instead of always placed flat or carried in someone's arms when we go to someone's home.


yeah i wanted to get a rocker cos I see my sis-inlaw just leave her son there and then maybe he was quite small, dunno how to crawl yet so stay put there and watch tv so seems like quite comfortable for him. i dont intend to rock too... looks giddy to me to rock for a long time... will get one from kiddy palace in dec. Does kiddy palace has yr end or xmas sales?


2012 is quite nice....

ahwww... i miss everyone! thread had problems yesterday :p

cactus, congrats on little cactus - so cute!!

re: rocker

daughter didn't sit in those, too troublesome, had to stuff pillow on sides, stuff bolster under bum bum otherwise she'd slide down n down and have to adjust all the time.

finally we bought for her Fisher Price Flutter by Butterfly or something called that..it had vibrating mode!! muahahahah - it's a miracle invention!! kkekekekek


yeah... but it has a positive ending though not without some casualties along the way... but it also depend on what kind of movies u like... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its quite real-like in the sense how the world will end... 2012 is partly based on that the mayan(dunno whether I spell correctly or not) civilisation in central america predicts that the world will end 2012...

jonjosh, buy la!! it's so cheap k

we bought ours at $161 preloved but the condition as as NEW.

that was the best price i think i could find after months of waiting.


my sisinlaw got that! But I seldom see her son playing in it. She got it preloved too....

how long can babies use the rocker and the rainforest jumperoo?


I'm going to inherit that rocker from my sis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wanted to ask for sometime, are any mommies with older children giving any supplements? I'm not in favor but daughter seems to be catching virus from school so often and thought vits might help.

i remember Champs vit C but is there any other vits? thinking of getting from amway too, the pricing is much more affordable.

Hi cactus,

Is this the advertisement u were referring to?


use of jumperoo and rocker... not long, daughter spend time on rocker till 3months, moved on to walker - 10 months started climbing out.. that was it. jumperoo we had was fasten to the ceiling so she played in that till 15kgs/11months..from 5 months, roughly 15 mins a day max. after that walking came and the end of life for all expensive activity FP bought by mom n dad!

Hi hi

Jonjosh- My Gyne is Dr Lee Keen Whye.

Went to the Robinsons' Sale last night

Got a car seat, Britax Royale $499 less 20%

and some Pigeon Baby items at 20% off

noscon, I don't know if kiddy palace has year end or christmas sale but they have periodic sales on certain items from time to time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually, those HDB chinese shops selling bb clothes also sell the traditional rockers. I've seen one at AMK before. but can't recall which block number. happened to walk past, then ended up buying from there.

Carol, I think you set the incline a bit too high.. that's why your girl kept sliding down the rocker! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It happened to my boy also.. so I just fixed a less inclined angle.

noscon, the traditional rocker can only use for a few weeks.. at most 3 months. at least, until your baby cries and doesn't want to be put in loh! rainforest jumperoo have height limitations and minimum height requirements.. so that's something to consider.

Carol, my SIL gives her son cod liver oil. that's all. Her son also fall ill very often.


my nephew is 6 mths. He seems to have outgrown it now coz he no longer want to sit on the rocker for too long.

the rainforest jumperoo is for bb at least 5mths and above.


only 3months usage....?! ok...at least rocker not so exp.... now ur second child can get to enjoy the expensive toys....!


ok will check out KP every now and then. I seldom see baby shop my side of the island.. only saw one in beauty world very big kiddy store with lots of toys... maybe i will check out there too and compare prices to KP.

I think the jumperoo is good for parents who need "me time" and need a place for their babies who are starting to stand up/walk. but once the babies learn to walk, they will prefer to walk around instead of being stuck inside the jumperoo. an alternative to buying new is to buy 2nd hand, and can consider renting. most kids get sick of toys after a while. happened to my #1.


she kicks all the time, it's set to rock. after awhile i gave up. put her in the FP rocker/bouncer, she liked it more. I sold both my traditional rocker.

i give cod liver oil too but still she falls sick often particularly certain months.


weight limitation for FP jumperoo is 25lbs

cactus, can we rent the jumperoo? I don't mind if it is available for rental [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I happened to see this advertisement on this website http://www.taime.com/taime/ when i was searching for Lucky Baby products info. For me, i will find time to go if possible.

Anyone went to Baby Hyperstore & Baby Kingdom at Kaki Bukit before? Are the things there cheap?

jon, thanks - will go check it out!


the jumperoo actually does more for babies if supervised by parents. I didn't use FP jumperoo for my daughter - jumping Joe, fasten to the ceiling not lights or sound or toys attached - just the baby. It helped with motor skills and jumping is a great form of exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. she started walking much earlier than her peers in activity classes we were in.


i thought you are gonna to inherit the jumperoo from SIL? theres someone else selling the jumperoo preloved in the thread u provided....


never been there yet but definitely will pop by

Carol, I was torn between buying and not buying the jumperoo. decided eventually not to buy cos no space at home! in the end, we just used the old fashioned method of holding our son by our hands to encourage him to walk. It was tiring and always required an adult to be with him.. as in, actively involved, but it was fine. It was only for a short period. about 2 months from start to end. from standing up to taking first steps.

noscon, think some ladies here are getting a playpen for sleeping but can convert to playing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not getting lah. cos my experience with #1, #1 will flip and turn at about 4 months old and he will wake up if he cannot turn. in the end, needed me to pat pat pat back to sleep. if he sleeps on a mattress next to me, it's easier to pat pat pat him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome, jon!

noscon, some mummies buy a cot which is convertable to junior bed. Another thing to consider if you want a cot - some cots are rockable. so it's a bonus. If you buy a cot, make sure you can get the right sized mattress and that the cot can pass through whichever places in your home (doorway/stairways).

noscon, I'm using the playpen as a cot. oh my pink playpen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great tips...really experience helps... :p yeah i was thinking of buying a cot that can convert to junior bed. I guess playpen I will give it a miss. I thought cot is suppose to be assemblable.... like being able to assemble at home...


hahaha jon I read in the thread that some other person(was it you) was thinking of buying a pink cot or something.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ikea does sell pink cot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

