(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hello mummies!!

Just a update on my birth story.

Baby Elliot was born on 10 March 2010 at 1002 am via Natural without Epi.

9th Mar

10am: Went clinic to induce. Doc insert pill. Only 0.5cm dilated then.

12noon: Only 1 cm dilated. So went walk walk and lunch

3pm-5pm: Monitored on CTG, still 1cm dilated. Doc stretched to 1.5cm, OUCH!

6pm: Went home to rest, slept and ate dinner at 10pm.

11pm: Admit to TMC.

11.30pm: Waterbaf broke at TMC. Still 1.5 cm.

10th March

1am: Contractions intensified.

1.30am: Clear bowels

2am: Pain intensified but still refused to take any epi.

3.30am: Cannot take the pain, nurse checked only 3cm! So asked for jab on buttock to relax muscle.

5am: Wheeled to delivery ward, already 7-8cm dilated.

7am: Feel strong contractions, feel like poo'ing. So painful, asked for laughing gas.

8am: 9cm dilated. Super strong urge to push but still cannot. Unbearable!

9am: Nurses prepared, standby for 10cm dilation.

9am- 10am: Pushing stage. Can feel all pain cos no Epi.

1002am: FINALLY!

i was so busy and tired. tried to BF baby but he can't suckle much on my short nipple. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so been expressing and feeding at the same time. thank God milk supple came in at day 3.

it;s so hot nowadays and feeling sticky! argh..


Congratz to strawberryz, serendipity, lim, Lonelymum!

hey mummies, my milk ss seems to reduce...now pump for so long onli..30ml. Is there any thing that I can do to up my ss. Feel so down..

WF, you are one determined and brave mommy. I salute you! I am going to try latching on my baby on Monday. I must learn from your determination.

Hi joelle,

I am in the same situation as you. I am thinking of asking julues lc to come over n take a look. Cause seem like for me got blockage.

Sky, are those lumps considered having blockage?If ur bb got latch, i heard can clear the blockage right? I have lumps sometimes and when I pump or latch, I will try massage down to clear the lumps.

Hi girls, if u have lumps, jus massage and push towards ur nipple, and u can see more milk coming out.

Btw can someone tell me if i can mix two bottle of chilled BM, expressed on different timing, warm n feed bb?

Chloe, thats what my CL is doing leh...I will have a few bottles for her to feed bb and if 1 bottle is not enough, she will pour from the other bottle and mix to get the amt..


My baby was born on 12-Mar-10 at 2333hrs. Went TMC to induce in the morning but end up gotta go for emergency c-sect cos baby is in distress, heartbeat ard 200. My baby boy was 3.035kg & 48cm in length.

hi grace, congrats on ur bb boy! glad all's fine now.

girls, anyone taking fenugreek? how many to take? i'm taking 1 a day currently. today day 2. earlier i managed to yield 100ml of ebm in 20min! but my right boob is producing far more milk than left.. almost twice! why ar.. hope my left one not dio tud. first time using both pumps same time. previously only use one side to concentrate the amts.. hope it will continue to increase..

hi miracle

actually ur ss is quite good...

for fenugreek, the LC at KK recommend 3 capsules, 3 times a day to be effective.

Tiga, my right side been producing more milk than left from the start. Right side can pump around 140ml each time but left is max 100 ml or sometimes lesser. I also wonder when they will both match up...

babyl, ur milk ss is so gd. How i wish mine is like tat too?

By the way, i nd advice..how u mummies manage between latching n pumping? If every 3 hrs bb latch, and i continue to pump, that will total empty my breast right?

wow.. thats a lot babyl! envy envy.. hope i get there soon!

my left nip bled before, so mebbe its scared to produce.. heh.. just started leaking abit.

i cant do 3 hourly pump, think ss cannot be as good.. now i think i'm like pumping 6hourly or so.. wait till breast feel engorged, then start my ritual. noticed alot of dead skin cells on the nips, think from all the soreness and biting.. ladies, try taking a damp towel.. slowly rub them off, i can see milk ooozing out from more pores after i 'exfoliated' my teats.. heh.. like clearing white heads.. dead skin cells.. so that flow will be better..

btw, anyone having bad water retention? i really mean BAD.

my legs were swollen like elephant legs since delivery and seemed to be getting worse. cant even walk properly cuz its like exploding, feet cant flex. finally went to see GP, he gave me some medicine to reduce water, but warns that it may lower my milk supply.. that hadnt happen yet *touchwood*.. and also broke out in allergy rashes on arms, legs, shoulders, groin area.. and behind thighs.. its been a horribly itchy nightmare.. dunno allergic to wat also.. now my legs feel MUCh better although still fat from water.. and my weight loss..

i was about 75kg before i popped, after popping?? was hoping to lose at least 10kg rite?? to my horrors.. 72.3kg.. i wanted to cry. u mean my bb weight plus water bag plus placenta only that few kilos????? thankfully after i started taking my GP's medication, i started to pee more.. and now my weight has dropped steadily in just 3 days to 66.5kg.. hopefully still dropping! but my tummy still huge.. sigh.. cant do massage cuz c-sec.. still look like 5 months preggy.. really hope it'll shrink back man....

jenny, is it safe to consume so much fenugreek? 3 pills 3 times daily, thats like 9 pills a day?? sounds like overdose to me leh.. dun dare to take so much...

i super envy all u mummies out there with good ss!! my ss is pathetic, abt 40ml max per breast per pump and bef latching. i manage to feed my bb with bm, no fm all so far (except for inital few days when ss not in). so if i can do it with pathetic ss, anyone of u can do so.. i never take any fenugreek but drink fish papaya soup but still the same. only thing i did is to pump 2/3hrs diligently. i hope i can persevere on.. cos its really tiring to pump every 2/3hrs. now my gal is drinking 140ml per feed! super daunting task for me!


jenny is right. Fenugreek is safe to consume 3 tablets, 3 times a day. My gf who's bb is already 5mths has been taking it in that amount also, advised by LC at kkh. She told me whenever her supply drop, she will quickly take it again and she will immediately see supply. For me, I'm taking only 3 tablets in morning once a day, coz my supply quite abundant, I don't want to overdo it.

Wah, u still dare to scrub ur nipple, I don't dare to scrub it, don't want to risk any injury to it at all. I only massage my boops in the shower when I put some foam on the sides.

tiga, i am taking feengreek, just started yesterday. Not sure if it helps.. But i am only having abt 30ml - 40ml per pump from both breast.. Am pumping every 3 hrs.. Very tiring!!!

Re : Weight

I weigh 67kg before popping... Now am abt 59kg with 2 days of malay massage.... I still got 11kg to go! Anyway hubby just went n buy the Osim binder for me.. binding it for today and tml.. Massage only resume on Monday...

BabyL, yr ss is really making me soo jealous!!! Give me 50ml per breast and i will be soo happy!

Joelle, dont worry, u will have good supply too de, just keep latching and pumping. There is a few days i didnt latch or pump much, my breasts dont feel full easily. Once I increase the frequency, I kept feeling the fullness and keep having the "let down" so i think latch n pump will stimulate more flow.

wow today is a good day with so many good news! more than half our list is filled up eh

congrats to mummies who have delivered yr precious safely, hope my turn comes real soon!!!


i tot few months back mummies posted they take fernugreek then have some kind of side effects?

Thanks mummies for ur encouragement. Today less crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad can pour everythg out in this forum.

Saw my bb Lucas today. Gave nursery EBM to feed. PD said he lost weight but his cheeks seem more chubby to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] missed him so much. Lucky can control my emo when I saw him.. He's at level 3 nursery TMC. Read a couple of mummies hv bb at level 4.

Gd news is jaundice level has reduced to 10.1. Dun need phototherapy but still needs to stay till Mon to monitor.

elise, joelle

if i can do it, u guys shd have no problem.. my ss is super pathetic. u just need to pump n latch!

the mummies here all super good ss.. looks like i m the only one! sorry just ranting cos some times i m stressed over not enough bm for my gal. back to pumping again!


yar it's normal, when they gobble it too fast with too much air. Got to pause in between feeds at intervals to burp them, then continue feeding. If drink too much at one go, sometimes will throw up.

Tiga and Elise, dont worry..very soon ur milk will be more de. Initially I also pump around 60-70ml combined and slowly it increases. My CL also cook fish for me everyday, saying it will increase ss.

Tiga, u dare to scrub ah? I scared scrub liao, will be painful.

Elise, ur hubby so gd ah...straightaway go buy the Osim binder for u...but remember dont lose weight too drastically leh, will reduce ss de. So dont overuse it ya..

Ryne, glad to know that bb Lucas jaundice level has dropped..

elise, my bb recently started to throw milk.

timy, how u manage between latch & pump? U pump right after BB latch? I done that b4, but vy little onli...

don worry ladies, here is e best place for us to destress, we are all ears cos only we understand each others' problem cos we are e one being preggy n giving birth, bf! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

timy, 140ml per feed!? how many days is ur gal now? ya, its super tiring to keep pumping, esp every 2-3 hourly.. so at night when u sleep, u also wake up to pump? so far i havent, unless woken up by bb.. very precious leh, sleep now.

cef, the fenugreek bottle says 1-2 tabs a day leh.. now we're taking 9 per day?? no side effects ar? dun wanna overwork my liver also..

i didnt really scrub my nip lah.. hehe.. just dampen it, so that skin will soften, gently use the wet cloth to run over it, tiny bits of skin will fall off.. mebbe its dried skin cum left over nipple cream.. was kinda custardy over my nip.. now exfoliate liao, can see more open milk ducts wiht milk oozing out when i squeeze nip

great to hear that ryne! my mirabelle also 10.1 now. was 15+. she'll be going home tomorrow morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

they look pinkier now dont they? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have 12 more kg to lose! aiming for 55kg, my pre-pre-pre-preg weight. heh, was 54-55kg before i ever got preg.. now aiming for that.


bb lucas will be home soon. Don't be so sad yar? I understand how u feel, last week my bb also admit to kkh for phototherapy. I felt so sad during admission and having to say goodbye. But the nurses were v good, every morning and few hrs, they will call me to update me the nxt feed time. And I will keep pumping EBM and literally sit around KKH and wait for her feed time so I can latch her. If level drop, v fast can go home soon. Cheer up yar? When bb admitted, hubby comforted me and told me to take opportunity to rest and sleep so can recharge and care for bb better when she comes home. Can also quickly go out run errands and make bb's things more complete. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] V fast lucas will go home, so don't be too sad okie?


i dun latch n pump. i latch, cupfeed then pump. cos per breast max 40ml, bb drinks then get hungry and cry cos she drinks 140ml now. i can seriously feel my breast super dry loh after latch, so must cupfeed her more milk, then after that pump. so prob 1 to 1 1/2 hr after latching


my bb is now 1mth already! haha! i dun really sleep at all nowadays, i take short nap every now and then. cos if i miss one pump seesion, my bb no bm to drink. i got no fm at home, still givne tbm to my gal. thats why i wonder how long more i can take it..

Elise, yes my bb does puke sometimes. There was once, she vomit a whole lot, scared us to the max. I think if didnt burp properly and have alot of wind, bb will tend to puke.

Timy, did u pump right after latching? Sometimes if I latch and pump later, the ss will be lesser. If u have a longer interval, will the ss be more? I heard there is a nursing tea that can help increase ss too...jiayou ok! U are doing great liao...i only know how to pump and latch, but cannot take care of my gal yet...


it's safe lah, don't worry. I also saw the instructions there. myself taking 3 tablets in the morning. But my gf, been taking all the way 9 tabs a day. She say if u follow the bottle instructions, there's no effect at all.


my gal is also taking more than 140plus ml a feed. She can literally drain out one whole breast now per feed, and she feeds for 1hr. Think she going thru some growth spurt, started today that she really suckle until one whole breast can empty out. But feels quite shiok for me, coz finally the lump gone. She's better and more efficient than my massage or pump.

timy, my boy is juz few days after urs. Urs alrdy drinking 140ml. I tried mine with 85ml will left a bit. I latch him and pump onli like 1 hr later. But oso got this worry whether after my pump, will I hv sufficient for him in the next feed due in 1 hr time.


i also drinking nursing tea too. but no effect. i did try pumping bef latching to see how much, still stuck at 40ml per breast, last time worse, 20 to 30ml per breast. dun worry, take of bb quite easy.u can getthe hang of it fast!


miss ur question. yah we can meet up. i m at compassvale side. can meet compasspoint, i think a few sk mummies already gave birth to. we can all meet up

