(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

jonjosh, yr bb like mine, also face down when i went for my oscar scan.. the sonographer say he/she is diving!

Actually i havent seen bb for 3 weeks, me wondering is it fine. sigh. getting abit down.



Good for you, at least you know your bb is growing.


Good for you too, at least you have just scan. I've got to wait for 2 more weeks. Can't wait...

Anyway I will try to talk to my bb or make my hands really cold and touch my tummy to see if my bb move alittle. He..


hi babypink, i also need to wait 2.5 weeks before i see baby again!!! My tummy is quite obvious now, and partly because i got bloatedness...

Looking forward to the next visit.

Hope baby is cooperative and we can tell the gender by then.

just got my appt for my detailed scan at tmc on 12 oct. can't wait for tt day as i can take MC. Phew! monday's a holiday. strange that i'm looking fwd to it when i had just a week off last wk.

Ahhh... craving for toastbox laksa and honey green tea!

congrats Jules!! how i wish i can find out my bb's gender in next visit too.

my tummy is very obvious. pic taken first thing in the AM, before eating anything..

at 10 weeks


at 13w5d


elise, yours now look like my 10wk? for subsequent pregnancy, tummy really balloon very fast! i will look like 5 months if pic taken at night.. hrmp!

hey lovinglife, looks like mine now. dun dare to take picture.

I did a funny thing. As my boy wants a lil brother, I put all my scan pictures from the start into his album. told my hubby if want boy put into gor gor's album, want girl then put into mei mei's. haha.. silly me.

think for me, i will not only balloon very fast after 5th mth. my face will also erupt very fiercely together with it ah...

yest at the clinic, i saw how smooth some mtbs' skin were. aiyo, so envious!

jules, tell me abt it! my face also erupt like nobody business. no luck on the radiant skin like other moms hv. sien.

baby pink, updated. i did look very pregnant now LOL

wishuponstar, dun nervous, you will get to see bb again!!


ur tummy really grows very quick. I still look more to fat than pregnant now, though i'm at 14 wks. How i wish y tummy grows faster so that ppl can tell at once i'm pregnant & not fat, hehe.


i'm not those slim type, so put on weight overall, not oni on tummy...juz feel so fat.

But never mind, we'll pass this stage veri soon then we can have the privilege of ppl giving up seats to us on bus/mrt, hehe.

for me, before i can lose to my ideal weight after birth of my girl, i found myself preg again. however, i lost some when i fell very sick when I was ard 7 wks.

lovinglife, mine is bigger than yr week 10 and slightly smaller than yr week 13...

My face also outbreak like nobody business.. It is soo horrible, forehead filling with acne, white heads.. sigh!

on sleeping... anyone feel aching in the hips or backside? I sleep on my side, rotate left and right. Been feeling the aching throughout the night lately. But tummy can't be tat heavy yet, to put pressure/weight on hips... maybe my bones are loose???


nice pics! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u take every week? actually can take 1 every wk, standing in same position, then join the pics up into a slideshow or video. U can see how ur tummy grows! hee...

ryne, i try to take every 2 weeks. yah yah always take in same place same position. i hv the same pregnancy album for my #1. compare to #1 and now, my belly really grows!!! gosh!

compare between 2 pregnancies:

1st pregnancy, 14w2d


2nd pregnancy, 13w5d


hi mummies! rem me? hee... this fri gg for my oscar test. anyone saw gender durin this test?

lovinglife- u r nt alone! i am nw comin to 12 wks but tummy looks like 4mths plus alrdy. my colis were askin sure i am only 3mths? hw cm tummy so big. grrrr


wow, what a difference! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ur #2 eating well! hee...

my tummy also bigger compared to #1, but so far, still manage to hide fr colleagues. Don't plan to announce until someone asks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then once I tell one person, word sure spread one...

ryne - know what u mean.. cannot tell office.. sure spread like wildfire.

Some of them are guessing already but i just smile.

Though some friends can tell already... gotta wait till month end to be week 13..

Told family already.. they thought I put on weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yupz.. was worried tt no 3 will b even bigger cos hv yet to shrink my tum then baby came along again.

hello chloe, hv not seen u for a while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jules, ya.. busy preparing for my wedding. n im a first time mum, nothing to contribute. hee... dunno y my 2nd tri keep haveing blood stain. haiz...

hmmm... does sound pretty worrying but you have consulted yr gynae?

wedding's fun tho the prep can drive you nuts at times..

hullo ladies..

hope everyone's feeling great and tiger cubs doing well?

here's my belly pic to share.

actually the changes were very subtle, didnt realise how it grew but could see from the photos how the shape is slowly changing. feeling extra boliao, i actually went to trace out the shape :p can see how it slowly droops lower.. scary. first pic was 10 weeks 6 days, followed by 12 weeks 6 days, then 14 weeks 5 days.

seeing the cub next wed, cant wait!



chloe, heh.. isit sharp? i guess the shape is still changing bah.. so far all the gender prediction says girl.. but boy also fine lah.. but i really wanna buy those cute headband with flowers... hee..

tiga, yours is sharp. most likely boy!! hehe..

quite fun to see belly pics [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lovinglife

My tummy is abt the same as you... currently just turned 14 weeks..

I also find my tummy this round is bigger than my previous one... Then this round, I have outbreaks on my face manz... so sianz.

Btw, I saw my bb gender too, should be a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heh.. really ar? we shall see if the prediction is true!

more angle shots :p paiseh, pic so tiny.. shy lah ;) look so fat, urgh.


Miracle tiga

Your figure still very good leh... For me is arms fat, thigh fat, everywhere also FAT! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chocpockie, wah you also found out bb gender. so fast! i am waiting for my next appt next week.

tiga, it looks bigger from different angle. sexy leh.. hehe



Now I hate to look myself in the mirror, especially without clothes on... then plus my outbreak on my face...

My mum ever told me if I am carrying a boy, my complexion won't be good... dunno true or not...

