(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


i hav a spare fridge to sell . sorry my picture is too big n i dunno how to resize it.

it is bought 2 years ago. onli use for 1 year. still in good working condition

brand EuropAce 2 door fridge

size 160x58x58

good for those tat want a spare fridge for breast milk storge but do not 1 2 spend too much for a new fridge

bought at $800plus , now selling at $150 onli

. pl enmail mi [email protected] for detail. thanks alot. first come 1st serve. delivery can be arranged.



oh dear.. yours must be a stubborn blocked ducts. better seek for lc help before it turns worst. like that how to sleep? so painful.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha.. peektures of milk stash.. the new wave here.. mebbe we should do another montage of em :p

here's mine a few days back from facebook.

u should see babyl's mineral bottles of FBM!


so far i've put in 300+ ml into one milk bag, still can hold, never burst. hope the boots ones will be as good. otherwise very ex to store via bags

wow all of your fbm are so nicely packed together. mine's all over the place. alamak!!

i ordered the Boots milk bag too. hope it's as good as the Lansinoh's.

tash, i still got e enfalac, how many u need?

ladyk, i brot enzo to another pd.. kidslink at chinese garden. i nvr been to bukit timah before.

hmmm... need to go TMC to buy the plastic caps for the nursette glass bottles.

would like to get a bigger Fridge-to-go.

think when go back to work, m not gg to bother. gg to accumulate milk from various pumps into same bottle.

yeah, hope boots ones are good. much cheaper.. am trying to store into avent bottles and the food storage cups (240ml) as much as possible cuz can reuse.. but takes up more space..

hmmm, i still got april milk in e freezer, so i shld feed them n freeze those now?

jules, very tiring.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n it is only half day..

elise, ya, dun let the old ones store too long.. like what ladyk and lovinglife do, try giving enzo a mixture of frozen and fresh ebm per day.. thats what i'm doing also.. how's enzo doing? still waking up alot at night?


the enfalac is glass bottle? I need glass bottles cos need to put spare ones at my mum place for storing ebm. She prefer bottles to bag...

tiga, opps okay.. i just check i got april 12 milk... going to clear it today... yes, still waking every 45 mins to 1 hr.. dunno when it will stop.. sigh..

winnie, nope enfalac is plastic bottles.


enzo still waking up so frequent at night? he is not waking up for milk right? poor you, must be exhausted! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wahahaha u gungho leh! the max i ever store in a Lansinoh bag is like 280-290, and it already took SOOOO long to freeze!!! hahaha.


yup, use old ones and freeze current ones so that your milk stash is constantly refreshed with the latest stock.


try to "educate" yr mummy - tell her, plastic bag faster to thaw and freeze, save time and lighter. Then she no need wash so many bottles also wahahahaha. Sell the idea to her :p

I did asked my mum b4 if she is ok with milkbags... thankfully she is still OK, in fact she doesnt like bottle coz it took v long to thaw and ice in e middle also don't thaw nicely.


you already got a FTG bag issit?

It's actually quite heavy with the ice pack.... unless you don't need to stand all the way on public transport [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what does Enzo wake up for?

Because he gets startled in his sleep and start flapping his arms?

So he will cry and want pple carry him and pat him back to sleep huh?

lovinglife, i write on a small piece of scotch tape. just peel off after use.. easy.

waah.. damn sian.. trying to coax belle to drink now.. screaming and rejecting, very angry.. think she lost abit of weight.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] altho still chubby.. her feed really quite little compared to u all.. like 5 feeds daily.. sometimes 6.. each time avg 100-120ml.. never gone beyond that before.. plus 2 latches or more sometimes.. at 6am and 8-10am.. which i cant count..

last night she merlioned her feed.. traumatised me.. she kept looking around during the feed.. left, right up down.. swish here swish there.. as i was gotta sit her up to burb, she merlion out everything unto my pants, couch.. her romper... total mess..

miracle, wahh...mirabelle growing so well despite her feed is lesser than our babies. Must be your milk very rich in the nutrients. So don't worry.

Sometimes I think its better for our babies to merlion than to try to keep it in cos they can xin ku for a few hrs one.

Hi ladies.. seeing all your BM stock makes me green with envy again!

Just want to ask, do you feed your babies basing on "when its time to feed" or "when they start wailing for milk"?

thanks toray for the consolation.. hope she's not surviving on her reserves and slowly losing her weight.. mom says she's not as round as before.. perhaps she's also getting taller..

1727, i try to feed belle regularly.. if they start wailing for milk, it may be that they're too hungry. cuz they will give other cues first, like rooting.. sucking fists.. then eventually wailing

i remembered using masking tape cos easier to write on w a pen when i used Avent milk bags which they have stopped producing. good ol' days...

ladyk, ya hv a long one. find tt w the ice plates in them, the opening to put bottles become restricted. my workplace to hm very near so no need to worry abt wt. phew. b4 gg back to work, must plan properly...

miracle_tiga, if Mirabelle can sleep well and drink well, no need to increase yet. I think we are very intune to our babies needs so we will know when they want more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also monitoring if Heidi need to increase. So far everything seems good.


my mum scared she kalang karapo and spill the milk when she transfer esp when mal start to wail for milk. She say BM very precious so can't waste. FM spill still never mind... Hahaha...

Wah, store more than 200ml in one bag? Me pour 180ml already very paranoid. Scared it burst.

Elise, thanks for the info. Like that ve to stick to bags already.

Miracle, the thing is if i stick to regular schedule ie 2 hrly, how can i stretch his feeding time longer? I'm increasing Nicholas intake to 130-140ml now. When i feed his 2 hrly, he takes, i gave him his feed 3 hours later, he is also ok. Dilemma.

1727, i'm the wrong person to ask.. for belle, even if i give her 2 or 3 hourly.. she was take her time to finish her 100-120ml.. seldom finishes at one go... hai.. i think if Nic is taking 3hourly interval fine, then u just stick to it?

lovinglife, yes still waking up frequently.

ladyk, i also dunno he wakes up for wat.. if i leave him alone, he will cry n scream.. need to carry him up n pat then put down.. n e cycle repeats every 45mins-1hr! i really have a weird son w weird sleeping habits.


what's the feeding schedule like for belle. She so "ba ba" so envious. My Kaitlyn only 100-110ml every 3-3.5hrly

6-7 times per day. Only abt 5kg, putting on weight slowly manz.....


for the past week, dyl's intake hovering between 110-120ml! i upped to 120ml for a week and it seems it is too much. so going back to 110ml. for pumping, you don't have to stock much really. first week of work i used only 2 fbm packs cos 1) dropped in ss 2) i couldn't deliver the milk back home in time. once you get the routine going, it will be ok already. the 2 fbm was used on day 1 and day 2. in fact, i got 7.5 bottles in the fridge right now, enough for dyl for a day even if i return home like 9,10pm.


maybe you have to do what i do..the 36 times thingy if u remb. dyl was like this in the first month that is why i had to resort to the 36 times thingy.


belle's feeding schedule abit not fixed, depending whether or not that day got go out or not

her last feed usually around 12midnight.. thereafter she sleeps till around 6am.. i'll latch her on one side.. sometimes at 8am she'll fuss and i'll latch her on the other.. this morning she woke around 10am.. so i slept from about 2+-6am, then 6+-10am.. then around 11am i start feeding her with bottle.. only 80ml, she'll drink abit until 12noon then finish.. then 1.30pm.. i poured about 150ml out (cuz in one bag, not here not there).. fight with her until 4.30pm.. now super worn out and exhausted..

so far, 2 bottles for the day, average she drank mebbe 200ml at most cuz some went to tissue, 30ml pour away in the end.. not intending to feed her until 6+ or 7pm (3rd feed) now.. then mebbe 9+pm (4th feed).. then 12mn (5th feed).. so mostly 5 feeds a day.. then last latch before her bedtime.. max 10min only.. only to get her sleepy..

agar agar lidat lor.. if we go out, will miss one feed.. but latch on and off..

feeling damn sian.. just now right boob blocked again.. soo frustrating.. grrrrrrrr. took so long to get it out.. now press until sore liao

jon, yes!! even in e night.. he has nvr slept a block of 3 hrs without a eh eh eh in between.. Only once when he was a nb, 3.5hrs!

serendipity but he stops crying when we pick him up n pat a while, put down.. he will sleep... then 45 mins later awake n repeat again.


was belle drinking alot initially? For birth weight 2.96kg, to balloon to 6.8kg is a lot leh. they are expected to double by 6 mth and triple by a yr. AT the rate she is growing she could triple by the 6 mth!! If they have so much reserves, they can go on such feeding pattern for a while leh.


i think my gal also losing weight.. she doesnt wanna drink now. used to drink 800ml now barely 600ml. just now only drank 60ml and started to push away the teat. zzz...

perhaps belle drank more when latch on? so dun need so much when drinking from bottle? i latch too but my ss is no good so i think at most she drank 20 to 30ml per latch.


have u consulted the PD to see this is normal? diff babies behave differently and prob he belongs to the high need category- need for comfort security and attention.

the magical 3rd mth is round the corner, maybe turning pt is coming, hang in there!


i think probably the better time to bottle feed is when she just wake up from a long slumber.


yes babe. dylan previously was like this too. if the ferberizing method of letting him cry it out doesn't work. you will have to try tracy's method liao. the timing to put him down is very important. put him down immediately when he stops crying. in a way you are telling him he has to be independant. i know it is really very stressful to wake up in the night when you start work. in fact when he does wake up in the night during my ML, i already complain one entire day.

anyone babies start to flip already? When will they start to flip?

timy, is it cos her stomach is bloated? Enzo had a period that he was als drinking 60ml for 2-3 days only.. Then i fed colic drop and after that revert to 120ml... And he is starting to drink 80ml yday again.. So i reduce my ebm and also feed him colic drops.


my left shoulder is aching now! due to using the sling for like 3 hrs plus. perhaps i do not exercise enough hence the aching. cannot take the sling out for long.

if we past 3 mths...does it mean we r free of colic?

i'm not worried when dyl drinks lesser so long he is thriving. in fact, he had 2 low intake today, 95ml and 85ml.

serendipity but the problem is pick him up he stop crying liao, within 5 pats i can put him down n he zzzzz... like that how?

I m at my wits end lo... this is making me soo miserable n no one can give me an answer.

I spend $120 on 2 PDs, both tell me some babies r like that! i just got to wait for them to outgrow it..

hmm.. enzo birth weight is 3.84kg, at week 9 he was 6.55kg.. so by 6th mth got to be abt close to 8kg?



if u pick him up and he stops crying, put him down immediately. don't bother patting him. the little one has to learn to self soothe. for bedtime, i make sure no one pats him. my routine is feed, wipedown, change diaper and PJs, stick pacifier, put him in cot. he will fall asleep by himself. previously must carry him, pat him then he will sleep. sometimes can take an hr!

