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  1. pamelia

    (2024/05/20) Proven AIR-CON SERVICEw/2,000+ SMH-Mummies' Supports So Far!FREE SWAROVSKI-Ring PROMO!

    <font color="#6600ff">Hi Eliza, You have PM.</font>
  2. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> HI! LTNC in forum. The meet up tomorrow sounds fun! But... Kairi has no wetsuits for waterplay as she isforbidden to swim till she's 3! >.<</font>
  3. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    For real authentic and good Nonya Cuisine, Try True Blue. It's just along the stretch of the Peranakan Museum. I love the food and the ambiance there. Not forgetting the LONGAN TEA! Tad expensive but totally worth it!
  4. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Hi Potbelly</font> I'm most likely holding it on the 12th Of September (Sunday) Do let me know if anyone is keen on renting it together. I think 3 people including myself can share it.
  5. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Corsage,</font> Yes, we rent the tank, And blow up the balloons ourselves at whichever venue we are holding the party. I don't think there is any place that sells already blown up helium balloons at a cheap rate. Furthermore, Transporting the blown up balloons...
  6. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Hola Momma Chicas... LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!</font> Hope all mommies and adorable babies are doing fine! Those that are ill and cranky, Please Get Well Soon!!! <font color="#6600ff"> Baby 1st birthday</font> I bet some of you are planning or have already celebrated...
  7. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Morning Mommies!</font> Slept for 4 hours as I was setting up this all night.: <font color="#6600ff"> Looking forward to your support!</font> <blink><font size="+2"><font...
  8. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff">First Birthday for our precious li'l ones</font> My plans are already underway in planning for her first birthday. It's gonna be a themed one with approximately at least 30-50pax. I don't want to have that many people as I'm afraid all the oo's and ahh's will scare the...
  9. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff">Hola Mommies</font> <font color="#6600ff">Ning</font> Sorry to hear (Read) Bout what happened. Hope time will heal. <font color="#6600ff"> Lenses</font> Before I go off to meet the Mommies later, Just wanna leave a note for mommies that do wear contact lenses. I'm...
  10. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Babiesme</font> Probably more teeth emerging and cutting causing discomfort. Crankiness is something we can't really do anything about in a baby. But at least we tried. Bear with it, It'll last no more than a month. XD It's gonna happen on and off though. :3
  11. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Rach, Just my two cents worth</font> Financing a Housing loan is no joke. Hard as it may be after sticking to Rayanne for so long. ( Or Rayanne sticking to YOU for so long )You'd have to leave her to be independent without you around. My hubs told me. Either you be...
  12. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Hi Mommies, I'm back!</font> After battling with Kairi's fever and cough.. I got hit by the H1N1 2009 and was almost made to stay in hospital because I had a stupid persistent fever of 40.2degs. Staying in the hospital for almost half a day on their extremely...
  13. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff">Enxuan</font> I face the same problem with you. But not with my MIL, My MIL respects my decision. It's my mom being a pain in the ass. She L-O-V-E-S to annoy the shit outta me. Just few days back. She fed Kairi Royce chocolate... Saying it's just a WEE bit. But a WEE bit...
  14. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> Hi Mommies</font> Sorry for MIA-ing.. Been battling a bout of bad illnesses between me and Kairi. I have to keep this short because I have taken medication and am feeling a tad bit drowsy... Does any mommies who have used Drypers before wanna give me their...
  15. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600fff">Itsy~</font> Oops... XP It's really a very goo buy! Buy it and you'll know why!
  16. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600fff">Paige~</font> I been back to work after my 1 mth confinement. So been pumping till now. But now I've reduced to pumping once at work. Because I latch before I go and after work. Pumping every 6-7hrly.
  17. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff">Jeni</font> The Mozart Magic Cube Is quite big. About 5" by 5". But it's made of plastic and has rubberized corners. Kairi has bumped her head on it a few times. No problems though.
  18. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600fff">Oh right... I forgot</font> Kairi bumped her head on the shelf 2 days ago. Bruised and a slight abrasion on the right side of her forehead. Silly girl's been going to the shelf and messing around with my stuff, And standing with it's support too! She really is quite a...
  19. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600fff">Hola Mommies~</font> Long time... Been busy... And ill at the same time... Stupid cough... <font color="#6600fff">Paige</font> Hope you're feeling better now... From what I know... Wired bras are a BIG nono. <font color="#6600fff">Jul</font> Kairi does...
  20. pamelia

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    <font color="#6600ff"> No. of feeds</font> Kairi's feeding time is very irregular as she can sleep till like 12pm. (She sleeps between 12am-1am) Can't provide specific timing. But I only have her routine. Once she has had her shower, She'd have about 3oz of cereal (wheat/brown rice)...
