(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

i wanna ask...

recently i noticed my boy has red bumps on his forehead (initial), sideburn (initial), part of the ear (initial), then yesterday appeared on his forehead, back of his neck , back of his hands.
yesterday was the 2nd time. it started last wk...

smallest about 1cm diameter and the biggest as like 2.5 cm diameter... reddish and bump that is like mozzie bites but mozzie bites are not reddish... and im prone to a lot mozzie one usually but i dun have any bites at all.

dunno if it a insect bite or not.. or he scratch himself to cause this..
anyone got this problem? shld bring him to see doc? =(

pls help! pls advise. TIA
cos the red swell took abt 3 days to disappear & and it surface again..

it seems itchy cos he was scratching it.


I didn't see! Erm.. does that mean we need to re-vote timing? Hahaha


Depends on Hubs. But if we go, it'll be during the am coz Sam's a morning baby. Wakes up super early *grumbles*


Sounds like Hives

Better bring to the doctor first to verify that it IS hives. You can ask him/her how to recognise such symptoms in future etc & can do the treatment at home. But this time round, better be careful.
gymboree got music too but i'm not too sure if its the same as kindermusik. u might wanna check with itsy how is it, she is going/has gone to the trial i think!

bernice, huishan
i signed up K for edufarm's startot playgroup. 2 hrs daily. also start in april. huishan did they ask u to pay the June fees with the april fees too?

ya...those 2-3hrly playgroup preschool no subsidy and also cannot use CDA.
cld it be chickpox? has he taken the jab yet? yeah...cld be hives too or food allergy? if its alot, better go PD to check!
Y don let k start on half day I instead?? Since no sub and can't use cda??
Btw, wat will they teach for 2hours lesson?

Yippppeee just fetched K, feedback for today is, k will sing along during music lesson?? Or sing song thingy..
And I notice K seem to like school and alot happier...Talks, smiles and sing more at home ;) so happy.. If really attapt well, might switch to full day next mth..
coz hor...i'm lazy! keke... i wanna find school near my hse (this one walk 5 mins reach!), the half day CC near my hse all FULL house already and not taking in anymore. =p yeah, no sub and can't use CDA, only cash..but its not THAT ex, so still ok lah, doesn't matter to me. K also going shichida once a wk now. if i put half day CC, then must move shichida to wkend. my hb prefer to keep wkend for going out / play.

according to the handbook...their curriculum includes:
-letterland phonics
-thematic english
-math & shape concepts, rhymes with fingerplays
-partial montessori learning
-art & craft and science

i think different day they do different things. can't be do ALL these in a single session. but honestly, i'm not expecting much. my purpose of putting her there is to socialise, catch some bugs to built immunity (just kidding) and also it give me a short break away fr her daily. as for the REAL learning part will still be done by myself.
errmm.. there are songs, actions to match the songs, some flash cards on music notes, teach animals sounds, loud/soft, somthing like that...

y do u want to put K in full day?? errm i dont see the need since my mum is still taking care of her lah... 2hrs is to let S go play play with frens lor.. she seems better every other day.. come back gibberish alot and seems to be singing songs but we cant make out what her words are.. and some actions here and there.. recently doing those 高高reaching for the sky action and fat fat action.. suspect she learns these in sch as we didnt show her any actions of these. We are paying 266+ per month for 2hrs daily, no sub, no CDA too. But since it's not that ex.. ok lah...
Catch bug?? U funny leh. U are so good in teaching sure not a problem..

Full day cos I wan K to learn more things... Though my mom also can help to take care.. But wat can she teach?? B for beer and R for roti?? And at home keep feed all those junk food. I cannot tahan leh..
Oh K is attending Shichida? How do you find it? can they pay attention at class during this age? I have 2 colleagues which their children are attending Shichida. One of them says good, the other says not effective.. hmm.. mixed reviews. Heard need to practice alot at home..
tot u SAHM?? Full day not necessary will learn more things rite?? there is time for the todds to nap and then i heard most kids are picked up at ard 5pm.. errmm my mum didnt teach B for beer lah but her angmo is singlish type.. i listen to her teach S i also headache ar... then i say dont talk to S in English.. talk to her in mandarin. then hubby complains my mum's pronunciation also sala for mandarin! duhz... aiyah i dont know lah.. sometimes i also use singlish. haha...
errmmm both my frens who send their kids to shichida says need to practice daily at home. otherwise not effective. both stopped after 1 term or something like that. So i guess not that effective ba.. anyway i'm not a believer of flash cards and i dont need S to be a genius lah :p
Huishan - oic, you're staying at northeast? which one you're putting J at? I'm undecided between Edufarm n Talentplus.

Ha, my MIL taught A how to call taxi action, with one arm stretched out flagging for cab. I thought was boliao lo...yesterday she taught A to say "socks" because there was a pair of socks on the chair!! very random....
For k, their nap time is around 12 so now by the time I reach at bout 123o he is already napping. So switch to full day should be no affect.. After nap should be lesson time.. Pick up time should be before 7 ba.. Not sure. Dunno leh I feel tat at least he learn more lor . At home is sleep eat play nia . Now is sahm la but I no patient to teach.. I going back work la.. Can't be forever sahm, ah Bo my ah Lao pok gai ;p

Faster vote the timing.. If not later knock off work, nobody log In to check Liao.. Haha
hee...thank you! i really do enjoy teaching her. i feel v happy when she learns something that i teach. =)

i think it varies for different kids. what matters is ...does she like it, do u like it? i can see some of the parents look pretty stressed up and somehow this indirectly stresses the child too. i think it requires alot of patience and committment on the parent's part. some can sit quite still n concentrate on the flashing of cards and activities (they move v fast btw), others cannot and will fuss or lose interest. so far, i wld say K is doing quite alright. yes, if can practice at home will re-enforce whatever they learn, but this requires very good discipline too (on the parent's part!). hehe...
Shichida is more of a memory training class. According to my colleagues, they train children on different methods of memorizing items. For e.g. my colleague's dotter can now memorize 27 items within let's say 30 seconds. The training some how teaches you to memorize things unconsciously. One of my cousin who is in sec 2 now was complaining to his mum that his memory not good and struggling with his studies, so thats why I was thinking would shichida help in this case.. hmm..

Luckily my mum is still ok.. now shes teaches my son body parts, like eyes, nose, ears, hands and legs.
errm i must say my mum is doing a very gd job taking care of S le lah.. just that proper speech might be a bit not that gd lah.. at least she can say quite a few words and convey to us what she needs/wants etc.. so i'm not complaining lah though hubby not very happy with her pronunciation and singlish. He was the one who insist on sending S to playsch now lor. I chincai pick one nearby for convenience nv really bothered if it's really those top notch ones or if feedback is gd. So far still quite happy with the playsch.. we get updates of S almost daily.. but now she is doing quite ok so no updates le. Also tot of sending her in earlier so she wont feels neglected with #2 comes along and feels that we are dumping her in sch lor. :p

yah i think shicida needs a lot of commitment leh so i decided not to.
okie thks mommies.. will bring go hm and chk him again.. and bring him to doc if there is continuous increase...
so far.. only 1 on his forehead, 2 at the side of the neck, 2 on back of his right hands.
I also think it could be hives. HR started out like that too. Is it something like this - http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/search?q=hives

If you think money well spent, and it's worth it cos it's good for Sam, etc, $1k is okay bah (and if you can afford it).

To me, I strongly believe parents take the most responsibilities in their early years, so I won't spend that much for their pre-school.

You might be the next one ending a SAHM career? Actually good for you leh, to send K to full time, so you don't need to tense up with your mum's "nonsense" (and save money on jing feng shan also, keke). That cc quite okay lah, HR has been there since Aug last year, and he is still willing to go to school everyday, never cried.

You are lucky! I think it's a special rate for staff. Hope K adapts well! From their website, they say they bring the kids outdoor a lot, very good hor.
errmm... so tmr's gathering.. are we voting another time slot since it's whole day as per Qy??

i cant make it at 5pm ba... wanna go ikea leh...
as for 11am... still thinking too.. hahaha
ikea nothing much leh! like same usual stuff. ling n myself went with the girls ytd. i thought got what fantastic sale! bleh...

sat playdate at SSC
anytime shd be ok for me, just let me know when firmed up. i try to drop by ya!
playdate at SSC
hmmm then mayb i opt for 11am too ba...

ohh nothing much ar... i need to get a bed with rails for S leh.. need to upgrade her bed... recently she dont like her cot.. keep crying in teh mid of the nite for the past wk... then like to sleep on our bed.. carry her to our bed, she stops crying leh.. hubby says our serta mattress is much more comfy then her cot mattress...
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Sept Babies Gathering – CONFIRMED

Date: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Time: 11am
Venue: Splash Park @ SSC aka Sembawang Shopping Centre</font>

1) Paige + Kate
2) myfavchoco + Kriden
3) Cindy + Farrell
4) Bernice + Arielle (?)
5) kiki + Kim (may drop by)
6) Kam + XY + HR (tentative, TBC)
7) jul + sam (tentative)
8) milkyway + Shanis (TBC)
Sept Babies Gathering – CONFIRMED

Date: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Time: 11am
Venue: Splash Park @ SSC aka Sembawang Shopping Centre

1) Paige + Kate
2) myfavchoco + Kriden
3) Cindy + Farrell
4) Bernice + Arielle (ok)
5) kiki + Kim (may drop by)
6) Kam + XY + HR (tentative, TBC)
7) jul + sam (tentative)
8) milkyway + Shanis (TBC)
erm.. it doesnt look that big patch and rough skin... comapred to HR's pic in the blog. did HR scratched those redden swells? Zech's just looks like mozzie bites except it is redden

Zech has bits of eczema when he scratched his skin &amp; it broke and become rough after his continous scratching.. then i apply his eczema cream and it will heal..

can try to apply a tiny bit of the eczema cream on one of the small spot to see if it will heal??
haha, that was when HR still a baby, when he was about 15 months. He has since long outgrown his eczema already (didn't make an apperance for almost 1 year now **touch wood**).

RE: Playdate tomorrow

For those who are going, you better have a contact no of either of one those confirmed going (Paige, myfavchoco, Cindy and Bernice).
am @polyclinic. Kate is getting her DPT jab now (waiting) I totally forgot about it!!!
....errmmm, not sure whether she will have fever tmrw? Hope not so i can bring her to meet her little friends and have some water fun!
<font color="#6600ff"> HI! LTNC in forum.

The meet up tomorrow sounds fun! But... Kairi has no wetsuits for waterplay as she isforbidden to swim till she's 3! >.<</font>
can go in her birth suit!! lol.. anything will do dont have to be swim suit. S plays in her dress at NEX waterplay as mummy didnt bring her swimsui. :p i wasnt ready to let her play actually only wanan recee the place
The edufarm don't allow me to register for April lei cause my gal not 18 mths now. Funny. Y they allow u de? Now available only pm section.

Kindy fee
Look like the kindy in the north are more x. My boy kindy already $710/term which already more x than the better one which is JCK and St francis in Jurong.
Come!! No need to wear wetsuits lah. The only problem is the diaper will be very heavy after a while. So just change her to a swim diaper, can still wear her pretty dress, she is set for waterplay. I actually find it funny to wear swimsuit at waterplay, esp at shopping malls :)
Yippee!!!! I clarified the charges with MFC. It's 'only' close to $800/mth including GST, materials, building fund etc etc. Only if I intend to put Sam in 5 full days, then it'll be $1,300/mth.

I feel so much better now *yippee*

I'm quite opposite from you in this case. I believe this is the sensitive period in their formation yrs. So a good foundation is necessary to base their entire life upon. Once they 'get it' during this period, somehow they are trained in sensitivity, language, writing, psychomotor skills, discipline etc for the rest of their life. Even if they 'go out into the world and are subject to other influences', they hopefully won't stray too far from their roots?

Think I've been reading too much Montessori haha

milkyway, kiki

Thanks abt the music lessons. I'll ask Hubs. Personally I'm not impressed with these music classes, but if Hubs wants Sam to interact.. we may go to one.
Hiaz.. Hubs wants to bring Sam to Novena tomorrow morning &amp; take the di di bus &amp; mrt there. No zoo... no playdate
go trial first lah... no need to commit mah.. :p

take hub/mrt to SSC lah... also the same.. then can have playdate at the same time!

Go Novena as in for Novena mass, not Novena Square shopping centre haha

As for music lesson, I see how lah. I'm not so keen now coz I found a kindy for Sam &amp; I feel so relieved!!! Now I am inspired to play with Sam. Play, bond, love, play, bond, love..

I think I am "high" liao, coz it's Friday!!!
Not that opposite actually. I also believe this is the most sensitive period (0-6years) in their formation yrs. Our different is what foundation you want him to built, how you build it (what methods), and who (parents of teachers) to build it :)


Thanks so much for collating

There is NO subsidy. Scary hor? I used to think that I wouldn't spend on Pat's Schoolhouse / Etonhouse type of CC but now I'm spending MORE on a Kindy.


That's true lah
We want the same thing but in different routes
