(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I tried a few nyonya restaurants in Singapore, some don't bother to remember the names. But yes, Kim Choo is NICE! Malacca has Kim Choo also?

Actually I like ALL of their changs...

oh, they have branch in Malacca?
I just had a HUGE chocolate brownie...decadence!

Oh, Ghim Moh market?! didn't know this, thanks, no need to travel all the way to the east now!
<font color="119911">princessxiaomei</font>
Maybe you tell them that you wanna go, but breastfeeding "issue" and see what they say. Will be a good break for you too

<font color="119911">cookiez</font>
My boy also the same! Pouts his lips every feeding time. So, I have to use the arrowroot cookie as a bait. No choice, otherwise nothing gets in.

<font color="119911">paigey</font>
All the way la! I think it's a really good idea. I contemplated that, but decided not to, cos I know I can't cook for nuts, not to mention baking. Maybe bake sweet potato can la... haha...
<font color="119911">princessxiaomei</font>
Ya, maybe I should really look into it and stop procratinating.

<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
Hey, thanks for the info. Will look out for Samsung when I go out. Heard that a keyboard one one is coming out. Hope they come out quick! Problem with these phones is that they always put the best features in different phones, there isn't one that has it all!
<font color="ff0000">Sept birthday bash</font>

1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct
9. xmasc - 25,26 Sept
10. printz

Is it the latest list??

25-26 Sept: 6 votes
2-3 Oct: 6 votes


So we narrow down to these 4 dates. May I propose make it on Sat lunch? so sunday rest and monday go to work.

How about venue? Anyone offer her place?

<font color="aa00aa">For your action (sound like pple in my office)... Cast your vote for date and give suggestion to venue</font>

1. Date
Option A: 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
Option B: 2 Oct (Sat) lunch
Your vote = ??

2. Venue

Who else is keen to join?
<font color="ff6000">maelyn</font>

haha no prob. if they call me to give me sample then i give u lor. cos similac just called to gimme the stage 3 one

wow malacca is ur hometown??? hubs n i love gg there since dating days! we can go like at least once a yr! cos we find it safer than jb. after transnasional stopped their service there, we dun go liao. cos we dun really like other coaches... so we switched to kl instead!

satay celup and chicken rice!!! ah! and chendol! omg!!! i miss them! i love the chicken rice at the coffeeshop near the bridge. dun like farmosa also. i oso only tried capitol for the satay celup cos accessible. haha next time i ask u!

<font color="ff6000">corsage</font>

yes dulukala is fantastic! we always cannot rem the name and call in a variation of duludulu, dukulala, etc! fil is a baba n even he loves the food there. he and sil can finish 1 serving of rice when at home, they take only a few spoonful. love love love the ladyfingers!

<font color="ff6000">jollimilk</font>

no worries! i use healthy times teething biscuits lor. but i dun wan to always rely on baits lor, like giving him bad habit... sigh but he wants milk leh... the thing is, after u go thru all the trouble to cook and prepare then he dun eat hor very kek sim leh. u still want arrowroot cookies? i ordered with sandwich, u wan 1?

<font color="ff6000">kim choo</font>

the changs nice ah? all along i thot they are very commercialise so i dun even bother to go buy haha!

<font color="ff6000">connie</font>

wah u still have so much bm and ur baby intake is so much? now i only latch for night feed. am thinking of weaning but dunno how! taking meds for cough now and i think they either reduced supply or changed the taste cos he will fuss and i need to make milk. thinking of using this opportunity to wean
<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Sept birthday bash</font></font>
Anyone able to book a function room?
Or can we do it at any babies friendly cafe/eateries, which is even better cos food and clean-up will be catered for
cloudme> thx.

paige> yes. i love kim choo too. but i like the original ones from joo chiat. the others like pirated. some not as nice

kam> but they taste diff

cookieezz> nice nice! i love the ones which have salted eggs inside. yummy!
Haha, yeah - I took a while to remember the name as well. Remembered that I wrote a picture entry on my blog 2 years ago! http://iamcorsage.blogspot.com/2008/07/peranakan-pleasures.html

Talking about food. I miss dining out the way I used to before becoming a mother!

Separation Anxiety:
My bub seems to have been suddenly struck with this in a big way. Feels awful to peel a pitifully crying her off me these few days when going to work. Sigh
It is a stage I know! But it is still difficult.
<font color="119911">dear mummies, sorry to interrude, im lookin for ergo/manduca carrier for my sil, pls PM me if u are sellin one. tks! </font>
<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
Ya, I also don't wanna rely on baits, but I no choice leh...otherwise, he won't eat at all. The thing is he doesn't protest although he knows the cereal/porridge went into his mouth instead of the puff/cookie. Then until he really doesn't want anymore, he will start to make noise, at which point I stop feeding him and give him the puff/cookie to eat. I know what you mean when you say "after all the trouble to cook and prepare and he doesn't eat". Sometimes, I do wonder if it's my cooking.

Arrowroot cookie, if it's extra, and you don't mind, sure. But if you need it, it's alright. I have another 13pieces (so precious, haha) left.
<font color="119911">maelyn</font>
Hey, thanks for the "insider" information! Next time go, will try these places. How about laksa and durian chendol? Any other places that are popular with locals?
I'm on anti biotic n cough mixture now n have to stop bf for a week. My storage can only last 8 days so have to start introduce fm but v relunctant cos she turnin 1 yrs mid sep so if start wif stage 2 then switch after a can. Find it v odd. Can we skip 2 n start w 3 instead? Only a week b4 she turn 1.

E telesales from Abbott reminded me on e milk alLergy n fm rejection . Thkin of switching 1 feed to fm first but if she take fm n reject bm how?
connie> my ides is they will not reject bm. haha. but than again, i have not started fm. so i dun really know too. erms. why now kids so troublesome. wat allergy, wat rejection. last time we where got. juz give u wat milk u drink =x
fm r more sweet than bm. Bb like sweet stuff.
Same wif food, if u have being giving them strong favor stuff they will rej blend food.
I recall I nvr add soya sauce in bb porridge last time but mil added now so now too blend he don wan.
hmm... The Line.. heard about it, I guess its one of the top famous buffet dining place. So, what are their specialty that serves as a good memory for you? Which are your favourite dishes and not to be missed out? hmm.. next time can "wat" my HB go there.. ho ho ho..

not that early bah, I was still at home then.. keke.. my office to my house near near only, 15-20 minutes walking distance, 1.5 bus stop away.. hehe..
<font color="ff6000">connie</font>

haha urs so complicated! but i think can go straight to stage 3 bah. wanna mix? like mix half fm n half bm for 1 feed? my son is like a drug addict now. when he is crying for milk and i hv to carry him while making, i will scoop some fm for him to lick and he loves it lor! hmm allergy and rejection? guess have to deal with like when we intro new foods. i can still bf leh cos gp said the meds are fine but i wanna wean liao!

<font color="ff6000">corsage</font>

wow just saw ur blog! i dun like the buah keluak! an acquired taste for the non-nonya! love the babi ponteh! ahh!! i m salivating again!

<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

salted eggs?? okok i go try! love salted eggs man! hey speaking abt salted eggs, u know delta industrial estate there got 1 zi char selling fish head steamboat? they have salted egg pork ribs. nice! love their steamboat also! oh! last wkend i finally went to try cupwalker! haha took green tea w pearl n pudding. not bad! hubs was stunned cos he thought we made a detour to carrefour to buy groceries but ended up i buy bubble tea!

i think for allergies, etc, not tt why kids nowadays very diff from us. but cos last time our parents gave us food without the 4 days rule, so ended up some of us are allergic to certain food but dunno exactly which food, so its very taxing when u have a reaction n u cant pinpoint it. so now we try to minimise such scenario bah

<font color="ff6000">jollimilk</font>

yah! i also wondered if its my cooking! but heng my boy also rejects sch and my mum's cooking! now my boy is getting cleverer. give him bait he will know tt there is porridge or cereal underneath so he also refuses!!! so now i try to relax lor. i dun think he will want to starve himself lar.
Haha, I don't particularly like it either! I like it as a flavoring but I don't actually eat it although the people I dine with love them.

1st Birthday Party:
I've finally decided on the theme, bought stuff for the goody bags, and decided on balloons. Now I'm trying to select photos to print to do a photo line. I'm realising that having a baby really made me improve my photo skills by leaps and bounds! (Which makes me a little sad that her 1st few months photos are rather lousy. Ugh!)

Burst Diaper:
Oh, today I experienced what it is like to have a diaper soaked till it bursts! =D Took my daughter swimming at a whim so I didn't bother changing her into swim diapers. Her normal diapers burst and all these gel bits came out! Good thing I was with other more experienced mothers and they helped me out.
<font color="119911">Connie</font>
Luckily I didn't take the noodle. Actually I gave quite a lot of dishes a miss cos I can't possibly stomach everything so I 'attacked' only the food that I like :p

<font color="119911">maelyn</font>
Thursday is their seafood night I think. The price includes free flow of wine, beer and juice. What's the best for me... wine, baby lobsters, fresh oyster, sashimi, cheese and all the cakes and desserts LOL All my fav food :p The pizza looked good too but I was too full to try. The ice-cream are yummy too. There're also cooked food like Chinese food, tim sum, Indian, Mediterranean, salad, noodle, drunken prawns and you know, usual buffet range.

Con is you have to make reservation way in advance and the place is also pretty crowded.
AHhhh i am so so so so so angry and sad. My precious darling boy got a deep cut just above his eye!! He knock at my fil's bed edge.. i really dont know how they play with him! I totally heartbroken.. blood stains all over my shirt.... and fil still ask me dont clean the bloood away... ask me put ice! F man! i look after all along nothing at most baluku... kaoz... still always ask me must take good care of him leh... then he... watch tv.. last week also like that... he fell and knock his ear hard and turned red... today worse! damn! I really very heartbroken.. those have my blog should be able to see the photo... i no mood do anything.. now want to sleep also cannot sleep... keep looking at him... sad! Hope no scar! Hope everything is ok! Can apply aloe vera on it right? I actually used breastmilk to clean the wound few mins ago after i goggle abt bm wonders. then dap dap some bm on it too... hais.. dont even wanna do anything now... sian.. so sad and heartbroken.. my fil still say nvm.. baby must fall then will grow up! i keep crying like nuts... f la! really really angry n sad... z just now kept crying and fil carry him away frm me machiam he can make him dont cry.. he alr stretch his hands to me for sooo long wan me carry after knock yet dont return him to me! why like tt one!!! my mum even say he smth wrg! ): any fast fast and good remedies???? or my bm is the best liao? hais.... really heart broken into zillion pieces....
Aiyo... he must be crying very very badly. I can understand. Last time my elder gal had the whole weighing machine drop onto her toe. The whole toe nail cracked. I was so heartpain.

As for the scar, one thing good about baby's skin is that they heal very fast and you can hardly see the scar after that. But of cos, it will have to take some time lah...
Prettymums- now I also see blueblack at the corner of his eye. Hais. I really 心碎! Can apply aloe vera right? The cut so long.. Abt 2-3cm leh. Damn! Told my hb dun play in fil rm le he say it's ok. I told him off no means no. Rm so small n so many sharp edges.. Living room so big and spacious. Kaoz. Mil can always walk out of room to see him no need we go in what! So big shot meh muz we go in. Damn! I whole nite can't zzz.. Super sad and heartache..
sayang princessxiaomei and Zander...

can understand how u feel. Haohao recently had his finger nail injuried when he played with bouncer, doctor says the nail will drop off later. *heartpain

sayang sayang!!! take care! zander will be well soon! tt time when i bathed jacob, i din hold him tight enough and he fell forward and scratched his face against the floor trap! so his left cheek got a small hole lor! haha but he cried a little bit only. but was quite ugly lar. then everyone kept asking cos it was such a sore thumb and i have to tell everyone wad a careless mama i was...
cookiezz> hehe. now my i shift to the je office. seldom get to go delta area. only back to dsta office once a wk for meeting now

usually i drink cup walker is juz pudding only. cannot imagine how it feels with both pudding n pearl =p

so far i gave my boy all the food, no allergy yet. have given him really many many food. i abit dun care la. most of the food given him liaos. eggs n all. juz name it. i think i have given him =p

itsy> erms. thurs than is seafood nite ah? sian. i wanna book a sat den go leh. thurs not convenient leh. erms

princessxiaomei> ouch. dun worry so much k? kids will be kids. they get injured easily n heal quickly too.
just visited ivins nyonya restaurant upper thomson branch. Order ayam buah keluak, Babi pongteh, nyonya chap chye, Assam pedas fish, ngo hiang, sambal lady finger, and sotong hitam. I also had the durian chendol.. Hee.. Me and my friends felt that the dishes were just average. One of my friends commented that she thought Kim choo's dishes tasted better.

Btw, it was my first time I tried buah keluak last nite. Ermm.. It tasted really weird.. Hehe..
For real authentic and good Nonya Cuisine, Try True Blue. It's just along the stretch of the Peranakan Museum. I love the food and the ambiance there. Not forgetting the LONGAN TEA! Tad expensive but totally worth it!
<font color="ff0000">Sept birthday bash </font>

1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct
9. xmasc - 25,26 Sept
10. printz
11. enxuan - 25 to 26 sep

25-26 Sept: 7 votes
2-3 Oct: 6 votes

So we narrow down to these 4 dates. May I propose make it on Sat lunch? so sunday rest and monday go to work.

Totally agree! I prefer Sat too

How about venue? Anyone offer her place?

For your action (sound like pple in my office)... Cast your vote for date and give suggestion to venue

1. Enxuan - 25 Sep (Sat) lunch

Option A: 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
Option B: 2 Oct (Sat) lunch
Your vote = ??

2. Venue

Who else is keen to join?
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Sept birthday bash</font></font>

1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct
9. xmasc - 25,26 Sept
10. printz
11. enxuan - 25 to 26 sep

25-26 Sept: 7 votes
2-3 Oct: 6 votes

So we narrow down to these 4 dates. May I propose make it on Sat lunch? so sunday rest and monday go to work.

Totally agree! I prefer Sat too

How about venue? Anyone offer her place?

For your action (sound like pple in my office)... Cast your vote for date and give suggestion to venue

1. Enxuan - 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
2. Itsy - 25 Sep (Sat) lunch

Option A: 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
Option B: 2 Oct (Sat) lunch
Your vote = ??

2. Venue
If turnout is about 10, we can have it at someone's house. Previously my 4rm managed to accommodate 15.
Sept birthday bash

1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct
9. xmasc - 25,26 Sept
10. printz
11. enxuan - 25 to 26 sep

25-26 Sept: 7 votes
2-3 Oct: 6 votes

So we narrow down to these 4 dates. May I propose make it on Sat lunch? so sunday rest and monday go to work.

Totally agree! I prefer Sat too

How about venue? Anyone offer her place?

For your action (sound like pple in my office)... Cast your vote for date and give suggestion to venue

1. Enxuan - 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
2. Itsy - 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
3. Xmasc - 25 Sept (Sat) lunch

Option A: 25 Sep (Sat) lunch
Option B: 2 Oct (Sat) lunch
Your vote = ??

2. Venue
If turnout is about 10, we can have it at someone's house. Previously my 4rm managed to accommodate 15.

How about fidgets in turf city? Anyone been there? please give some feedback

Fidget @ Turf city is mainly for the older children, those who can walk/run and be independent from the parents. They have a playard for young kids, but very limited space, and nothing fancy.
Party Venue:
If anyone has the NUS Guildhouse membership, the Kent Ridge Guildhouse has a lovely newish Playroom. It is fairly large and the one time my daughter was invited to a party there she LOVED playing in it. It is suitable for both crawlers and walkers. There's a restaurant just next to it that has a buffet line too.
hi, i have the nus guildhouse membership. I've never been to the playroom though. i can help check it out if you are interested.
aiyo, you girls are making me salivate, yummy yum yum...

<font color="119911">princessxiaomei</font>
aiyoh! is your boy better now? Can feel the heartache, poor thing, must have cried real bad. Is he ok? Lucky didn't kena his eye, thank God. You try to take more rest while he sleeps, he needs you.

<font color="119911">cookiezz</font>
I know why my boy hasn't been eating well recently already! He's FINALLY teething! Just one tooth coming out. Teething babies don't eat well, right? hur, so it's not my cooking, hurhur...
