(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

itsy> ops. hubby knows i dun like him to go out with his frens. cos i'm always left to pick up baby's mess when he's not ard. so he usually go out with his frens only when i need to ot, or have to go out with my frens. cos i'll make plans to leave my boy with my parents, than he can go out with his friends n pick me up when i'm done with my stuffs =p

like following sun, i'll let him know in advance i have a colleague's wedding dinner to attend, than he'll make plans to go out with his frens. hehe. this wkend we're going to the movies n leaving my boy at my parents hm

yeah yeah. try to let him take care of ur boy for a day. than he'll better understand wat u r going thru. like u c huh, my hubby cannot handle my boy. so when i go out, he wun take care of baby, thus need my parents. but if he needs to wk late, i have to handle baby myself n he understands that it's not easy cos he cant handle alone. so he will better appreciate me =p

kaira> dun sian la. i guess maybe nxt time he dun wake up in the middle of the nite, who knows u'll miss him waking up. haha. like last time he sleep so much in the day, i miss him not playing with me. den now he keep wanting me to play i so tired =x

i guess it's a phase tat we parents go thru and i think we shuld enjoy the process
I have friends who tell me to talk to my girl when I put her to sleep every night, to tell her to sleep well and wake up only when day breaks to have her milk so that mummy can have a good night sleep too.

Since there's no harm, I did it constantly when she was 3 months old onwards till today. So far she goes to bed at 10.30pm and wakes up only at 6.30am or 7.00am for her Milk and back to sleep again till 9.00am or 9.30am.

At times, especially when she is reaching her month old or just few days past her month old, she will keep crying and waking up frequently during the night - I think is growth spurts bah, normally it lasts about 2 to 3 nights like this then after that she's back to normal lieow.I will have to wait for the next cycle again.

I really respect and hats off to all full time working mummies and mummies who take care of their babies/kids themselves. After a hard day's work, housework and taking care of children & family, not enough rest and still got to suffer sleepless nights attending to the frequent wakings of the baby.

If I'm the one going through all these, I'm sure I will be very mang chang(frustrated)and cranky.


My 1st child, now he is age 6, use to wake up for night feeds twice a night at 2am and 5am till he is 15 months old.
My husband and I were really being tortured by him big time till we Or Bak Kak (Dark Eye Circles)......

Anyway once you have gone through this phase, you will look back one day and feel so amazed that you managed to pull through and survived.

Book: Toddler
Real-life stories of those fickle, irrational, urgent, tiny people who love
Sometimes when I get really devastated with my life as a mother, I read this book. As a mother, so busy lieow, no time to take a crap, where got time to read right?
Well, the book is a compilation of short stories written by mothers and fathers of toddlers.
They share their trials and tribulations, stories of protecting their young ones, playing with them and much more.
The stories are short and sweet, totally to the point and hilarious.
You can easily sneak a read while hiding in the bathroom.
This book make mothers feel less alone in parenthood, we are all in this together!
It really perks me up and makes me feel better to embrace motherhood again after reading the short stories.
any other ideas on what to use to cover the cot bed sides...i got bumper, but it can't be tied every part, so baby will lift it up n can still knock his head on the panels....

kaira, what do u mean use blanket to cover the top? how to tie le?

hai maybe shld just put bb onto mattress on the floor..but then again, how to protect against the wall leh?
<font color="0000ff">Itsy</font>
**Hugz** It took me quite a few months to do the readjustment, not easy. Jia you k! For me, it's easier, cos I know ALL his friends, and he knows ALL my friends, cos we are childhood darlings :) Yes, like others suggest, ask him to take care of Ian 1 full day on his own. I did that. What happened was my boy's IFC was closed. So I told him I couldn't take leave cos I had already schedule a very important meeting (in actual fact, the meeting was not important at all). Made him took leave and took care of our boy 1 full day. He kept quiet when I asked him how's the day. But after that, I can tell he changed :) You gonna make up something to let him do that 1 day to appreciate you more. For me, if my husband wants to go to play soccer on weekends, I would tell him, sure no problem, let's all go together, and I can play with the kids while you play soccer, keke, we do things together almsost 99% of the time. We are okay with it, cos we have about the same pool of friends.
Hi Jeni,

You can use those thick bath towel, fold it to make it thicker and shorter. Use the longer length to wrap the top edge of the cot bed. We cut the nappy cloth into 5 or 6 strings cause we couldn't find any. Just tie it around using the strings at corners and center. I have a bumper too but there's no protection to the cot bed top edge.

Hi WenLim,

Wow, I would love to read up on that book. U have 2 darlings, must be not easy for you. I would like to try for a rabbit baby ;) Hope to meet up with you to share some parenting tips keke

I'm meeting some tampines mummies tomorrow for lunch, any mummies wanna join ?
wenlim777> hehe. i handle baby at nite too even when i am working. need to settle baby to bed at 9pm, 1am need to wake up pump. luckily hubby helps me with the feeding =p

but sincemy boy in ifc, i dun need to come hm n bathe him after a hard day's work =p
Hi Michelle,

My boy's ifc only shower for him once so when back home in evening still need shower or wipe for him. Your ifc so good ah.
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">GOsh!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font>
I see <font color="ff0000">red!!!!!!!</font>
Grrrrrr............... i was wondering why i'm having incontinence or something.. why suddenly dripping urine.....................
went to toilet and tada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so it means I'm ready for #2????

<font color="dc143c">cookiezz,</font>
was it u who said dun want tigeress??
Now have also wont be tigeress liaoz...
It'll be Rabbit from now on... hehehee.. :p
Hi michelle,

You very solid, still can wake up and pump at 1:00am

Btw, do you feel that babies taken care by ifc are more independent ?
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

for childcare its $900 no need to add the enrichment cost

<font color="ff6000">rach</font>

yah me! but we timing for yr end cos confinement will be cooler hahaha!!! me also see red this mth
<font color="dc143c">kaira,</font>
you can see how GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really am.............
Must be too angry with some silly people that caused it.. wahahhahaha...*pushing blame*
Duhz............. happily enjoying my red-less days... for the past 18months...................

<font color="dc143c">cookiezz</font>
hahahhaa..... true also... i probably will try (if want #2) after Sept... at least after Rayanne is 1.. hahaha... gotta spend more time with her first... Go new house enjoy the house first... kekekeke.. :p

Wah lao.. whats with 8th months old???
Sianz... think <font color="aa00aa">Pam</font> also see red.....
Theorectically no menses means no ovulation. But the thing is you don't know when your menses will come back, just like Rach announced hers. So if you don't take precaution, even if you are "red-less" now, there is a possibility to conceive loh. Take Rach for example (sorry Rach, have to borrow your name here), if she did "exercises" without protection during the past month, there is a chance she might get pregnant woh, cos is ovulate first, then 14 or so days later then it's your menses.
<font color="dc143c">Kam</font>
u funny la!! lol..
so my red came just in time for ur example..
man.. dunno psychology or wat.. now i feel cramps and backaches.......................
Grrrrrr............... hate red!!!

hahahhaa... obviously i havent been exercising..else i wont see red.. wahahhahaaha.........
<font color="dc143c">Bernice</font>
wah lao! dun congrats me!!! i hate it!!!
Grrrrrr.....my coll didnt see red till now... her baby is March 08 okie.......

I agree with the rest to let your husband take care of Ian the whole day so he can fully understand what you had gone through. Guys really need to be put in the same position. If you need their help, must specifically tell them to do, if you just keep quiet, they would think everything is fine and don't need their help. That is what happened to me. He told me if i need his help in taking care of baby, i would need to tell him specifically what are the stuff that needs to be done. Otherwise, they would be playing computer games. I think guys got no initiative one...but if they like and want to chase girls, they always very initiative..
18 months of red-less is enough already lah. Don't be greedy :) Now you know your body better, then can plan for your #2, also means your hormones are back to the balanced state, better mah. Can still exercise, but remember to use protection, no need to deprive yourself of exercising :)

You are planning for #2 also?
I am an old tiger. When I have my #1, I was already 34 :) But then, this old tiger still not closing shop yet. But not now, I want to have a break first, and hubby said he wants a dragon bb, so gonna wait another year before TTCing.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666"></font>wah... today is a seeing "<font color="ff0000">RED</font>" day huh? Mine JUST came as well.. but its my 3rd one post-natal liao... 1st one came in feb, nothing in march, then came in apr n now, this mth... late by 9 days... hurhur~</font>
Kam - Wow, i think when i'm at your age, i may have stopped already. Too tired by then. You still got lotsa energy! Better to try early coz not say when we want then can get jackpot!
corinne> shower once is good enugh wat. haha. i dun believe in bathing baby so many times wor. i think once is good enugh. no good to shower too late. will catch cold =x

kaira> hubby wakes me up to pump n change baby's diaper. cos he wake up to feed my boy oso =p my boy where got independent? can cry de house down when no one accpy him. only in sch he can play alone la

cookiezz> hehe. maybe nxt time. but than turf city abit out of the way for me =p

kam> erms. isit? hehe. icic. maybe than. gynae nv tell me oso. haha =p

ling> wah lau. at least urs is once every mth. mine is like once every 2wks. think i m on pill, thus the spotting. n according to my gynae, yes, it's normal -_-"
Haha, no choice. We only settled down in Singapore 3 years ago. Before that, it's not a good time to have kids. It's okay for me, I am very happy with my 2 lovely kids, if I can have more it's considered bonus :) Can one lah, don't be fooled by your age, if you think you can, you can!
Hi Michelle,
Cos my boy sweats easily, if dun wipe or bath second times very sticky.

Any my boy oso will cry the whole hse down even though he went ifc for so long. Teachers always complain abt him haha.
corinne> aiyoh. my boy is wun cry at ifc lo. cos ard him olways got people ma. he is the one who olways stare at baby cry lo. den people cry he kpo lo. den he olways cant sleep at ifc lo -_-
<font color="ff0000">Rach in red - since u see red today
i saw your comment on facebook, gosh, these ppl are really not appreciative hor! maybe you pek-chek until you see red! hahaha!

<font color="0000ff">SANDWICH
Hope you'll have a lovely bday today...3 boys to pamper you...with love

<font color="0000ff">michelle,corinne</font> I agree! Kate doesnt cry in ifc bcause there are ppl around her but when she comes home and doesnt see me in the living room she will start to go 'em ma ma ba..then WEK WEK WEKKk!!' *sigh*
But i realised now that she is crawling on all fours, she likes to 'attack' my dog.
<font color="0000ff">1 yr old T-shirts</font> just happened to browse through august mum thread and they are having this T-shirt thingy for 1 yr old!! So nice lor!! I am thinking of tagging along, but are we having one for ourselves?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff"> Paige,</font></font>
wat tshirt??? :p

ya so long no see red I dun even rem what to do... Left home without pads.... >.<"""
dr chong is GP at lighthouse, rental is SGD5 perday, ya next if my son need neubilizer i sure go buy one ..

oh dear. dry lips ..
<font color="119911">milk in porridge</font>
I tot of a way to let Ian take more milk. Since he likes his porridge, can I add FM into it? Haha I haven't tried doing this so there might be a chance he'll reject porridge too due to the FM added. Just wanna check first if I can do this.

<font color="119911">see open le</font>
if hubby wanna return late, so be it. Sick of nagging. Not gonna force Ian to eat, if he wants, I feed. If he rejects, I just throw away the food. That's it. He cries when I leave his side then I'll just sit with him and not bother about doing housework. House gets messy, laundry piles up then hub will know that i've been doing all the housework these while!

<font color="119911">1st Birthday</font>
so exciting! Our bb gonna be 1 year old Liao and so many of u are already thinking of having #2! how are u guys celebrating for your bb? My friend tot me not to bother doing anything eleborate cos bb too young to know. :/
Anyone know where I can get cake suitable for 1 yr old? No sugar, no egg, no colouring etc etc type.
paige> hehe. ya lo. my boy like so used to pple ard in ifc. now me n hubby stand up from our seat he cries. faint

i m joining aug mums t-shirt wor. u can join too. since nv say aug or sept ma =p

flower4> oo. haha. cheaper. n nearer my hm. haha

itsy> how true. maybe leave everything undone, den he will know how much u have been doing all these while =p

i oso tot baby dunno anything dun need throw kua zhang bdae party. i think 1yr old can eat egg le la. actually i fed my boy bakerzinn brownie before =p

ok only three small pieces =p
Corinne , Michelle,
My boy also cry very loud , cry little bit so much tear drops. Wah, the three of them can be good buddies.

August bb 1st birthday bash
It's like a very big event, wonder can all the sept mummies join in the party and fun as well.. Go kay poh..keekee
Sorry I can't go for the lunch tomorrow lieow.
My elder boy is having a fever, 39 degrees, so he won't be going school tomorrow.
Will join you on the next meet up in Tampines.
<font color="119911">Gerald</font>
Just my experience... I was also wondering how to make Ian sleep thru', he'll wake at least 2x in the nite and I need to latch him to sleep. I got suggestion such as feeding him water, pat pat him, to just letting him cry. I didn't wanna let him cry in the nite lah.

One of my friend told me to carry on latching and he'll stop and sleep thru' naturally when he's ready to do so. So I changed my mentality and not get pek chek when he wakes and just latch lor. Somehow, he has been sleeping thru' since last week
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Sept babies playgroup #2</font></font>

Date: 28th May, Friday Vesak Day
Time: 1pm
Location: near Buangkok MRT
There is free parking at neighboring blk.
Food: If you guys wanna bring food then bring lor. Else I'll prepare drink and some snack.

Rach (Will try to make it) - 1 adult?
Kiki - 1 adult
Shirley - 1 adult?
Melissa - 1 adult (hubby can only confirm nearer to date)
Sheryn - 1 adult
Bernice - 1 adult
princessxiaomei - 1 Adult
waiwai (tentative) - 1 adult
kaira - 1 adult
Ling - 1 adult
joopz - 1 adult
milkyway - TBC
Ling - will try to join in
jiahui - TBC
<font color="#6600ff">First Birthday for our precious li'l ones</font>

My plans are already underway in planning for her first birthday. It's gonna be a themed one with approximately at least 30-50pax. I don't want to have that many people as I'm afraid all the oo's and ahh's will scare the sh*t outta my bub.

Anyone gonna be ordering stuff from www.birthdayexpress.com ? If yes I'd like to tag on.
kaira> ya la. wah lau. he keep wanting the balloon, den he dun hold properly. drop only he cry. zzzz

as long as u join in aug mum chat, i think it's possible. =p
<font color="dc143c">Pam</font>
I'll be doing one for partycity.com &amp; birthdaydirect.com

now got another birthdayexpress.com

aiyo....can we just buy from one link?

I dun mind ordering.. lol.....

i havent check out all 3 links...
but which has the most variety???

<font color="dc143c">michelle</font>
u mean anyone can go to the birthday bash??????

<font color="aa00aa">enxuan</font>
Woah… until now you never see red… good leh.. I am still total breastfeeding.. total latch on… but I first seen red in NOV then again in JAN…. now my menses cycle went haywire.. unlike before whereby it’s so accurate!!! And sad to say, my boobs went down 2 cup size already!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m back to A cup! -.-

You so fast planning for #2… last time I was planning to have #2 when #1 hits 1. But so far, not going to plan for #2 yet…. I need to have more income and energy first… hahahaha…. Plus I want to spend more time playing and carrying #1… now he wants me to play with him carry him etc… next time he might not want me to play or carry him liao.. then I will be very sad.. so now I will cherish all my time and focus on him… hahahaha….

<font color="aa00aa">prinzess</font>
Ohh hahaha… okok… so that’s you! (; I will sleep when he sleeps during night time…. But hor, I have to get up much earlier than him if I want to get things done.. just like now! I need to do housework etc.. so cannot just wake up eat sleep play. So my ore bak kak and eye bags…… don’t know how also!!! Sobz.. so ugly looking la… urgh….

<font color="aa00aa">itsy</font>
HUGS. Most of the things you stated is so SIMILAR to mine!!!!!! Though it’s really not a happy thing but I just felt when the day you totally give up and sian liao… you will just hack care lots of things already… just like me! I do what I can… if he comes home and say WOAH WHY THE HOUSE IN A MESS…. I will just say, I did my best.. and I haven’t even EAT or BATHE…. How to do this and this… of course my hb will get mad… but who cares… he thinks it’s easy… I will ask him to do… he knows I bek chek liao and hack care le… so lately he did improve but don’t know is it because he’s on course… totally very tired (kinda don’t want quarrel w me cos no energy liao) and maybe he is going for deployment for 4-5months so he better don’t make me mad else I leave house and not going to be back w him! Wahahahaa..

Vent your anger here…. You will feel better somehow… zander makes me very very very tired too… and sometimes angry.. he doesn’t really like to eat his porridge, cereals… most of the time he drinks milk only…. And many commented he slim down he slim down he slim down. And from mar till may.. he gain 100g only. I just have to let him try spoon by spoon of his cereals and porridge.. many times I make already.. he eat very little and I just throw away.. no choice…. Sad and angry but don’t want to force feed… I think you don’t add milk to the porridge… afraid he might reject porridge totally leh…. Zander loves milk but when I added breastmilk to cereals etc.. he totally give me one face and reject… funny loh… but since he doesn’t like then forget it, I don’t add…. We live so near… if weekdays you feel lonely looking after Ian alone… I can go to your place if you are free…. :) but must let me know few days in advance… cos sometimes I will go back to my mum’s place…. At least Ian and zander can play with each other and maybe you can take some time off to do some housework or do whatever you want in the house… :) just sms me ok! :)
