(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">flower4</font>
she still cries when being left alone...and the hoarse-ness of her voice is getting from bad to worse....
But her runny and stuffy nose getting better, that's why I'm trying my best to breastfeed her...*sigh*
But those infant care teachers really have a tough job!!

puree> yeah. juz made my first home made puree - purple sweet potato puree. wonder if my boy will like it. hehe. actually it was hubby who made them. cos my boy refused to sleep. so i ended up having to play with him, den at 9+ latch him, den he fell asleep. grss. by than hubby have finished blended them n all tat was left for me to do was to fill them into de 8babycubes -_-

kiki> i'm oso doing 8 feeds wor. but de 2 solid feeds were introduced for fun wor. tried to remove the 9pm feed n bring forward his 1am feed to 11pm. ended up he wake up at 4+, fainted.

kam> my boy only 7.2kg at 6.5mths. drink so much, yet so small. zzz

flower4> slowly lo. i used to buy heinz puree n juice to make my boy's meal interesting oso. den slowly introduced fruits like mango, papaya, apple, banana which i can give him fresh. today finally made my first frozen puree - sweet potato. so excited to let my boy try tml =p

wah. ur boy is big =p

paige> erms. my boy's sch used de instant cereal. which is maybe why 11am dey can still give him cereal. have not asked them to gve him porridge. think i might do so when he hit 7.5mths or so =p another 3-4wks more =p

huh. scallop porridge? my boy's sch got diff kinda food for baby of diff age leh. think is 6-8, 8-12 n more den 12mths. all diff kinda food

congrats on your 1st homemade purée!
mama to 6Js,
Heng ar.. got joseph boy same as my kriden. i was wondering why everyone's baby having so little feed per day while kriden still having 8 feed per day. thought something wrong wif kriden stomach. He is having 150ml X 7 feed and 1 bowl of puree +30ml of milk.

kriden sama sama as joseph lor. 8 feed per day.
=( if 4 feed aday, then shiok la.. relax =P

btw.. kriden will be 7month in 4days time, weighing 8kg =)
cool, how long is she staying here for? i'm totally busy for the next three weeks (driving lessons, driving test, going to bintan) but middle of april onwards i should be able to date you gals out for lunch/tea again.

you know what, just now we offered him a small teaspoon of mango and he projectile-d all the milk that he took 10 min before the mango feed. reaction is more acute than that of banana. it seems like he may be unable to tolerate tropical fruits. but then again, avocado's usually in the same allergen band as banana and my boy's totally okay with avocado. he's been taking 1/2 an avocado daily ... for two weeks already. until i find another fruit that's agreeable with his tummy, he'll have to continue to take avocado for all his lunches.

daily diet,
my boy's daily diet consists of 500ml of BM, latching on 3-4 times, 1/2 avocado, 10 tablespoons of HT brown rice cereal.
haha actually i didnt realise he has 8 meals till u mentioned! i dunno if i shld cut not but he not complaining so i guess i just leave it. i wish he can drink more so i can drag the feeding interval but no lor. he still stuck at 170ml 3 hourly. my other kids were on 3 solids and 3 milk feeds of 240ml each by the time they 8-9 mths old.

oh kriden also milk king? these few days mine somehow like lose interest in solids? or the feeding timing is not good for him he gets quite grumpy after abt 7 spoonfuls. he used to like porridge but now he prefers cereal n avocado. he can have it for breakfast everyday. buay sian lor!
mama to 6Js,
yes... he is milk king. he love milk.
he can eat alot of puree or cereal then plus milk. meaning no matter wat he eat, he must end his meal time wif milk. even 10ml also can. else he buay ge yan then start his music lesson.

kriden like banana puree most. haven tried avocado. wat kind of taste?? sweet or sour??? look sour to me. i nv eat b4 leh... hahhaa
potbelly> keke. thx. but it's super thick lo. think i put too much into each portion. lol. but nvm la. c how when my boy eat tml =p

sandwich> wow. 10tablespoons. think ur boy is moving on to take more solid n less milk. i wanan do tat for my boy too. but no matter how much i feed him at 7+, he still wan milk at 9+ -_-

myfavchoco> avocado is creamy. hehe. dunno how to describe the taste. but not sweet, not sour at all. i find it pretty bland
Feeding schedule>
aiyo.. Rayanne never had a schedule cuz I feed on demand.. But generally every 2.5-4hrs interval...

I feed cereal once a day.. Sometimes morning, afternoon or nite... Depend wat time we wake up, go out or not etc..,

I'm a lazy mummy...:p

rayanne just started on oatmeal today n she quite love it!!
I brought the cereal out in Avent VIA cup n squeezed milk directly inside before feeding in the nursing room..
Made it a bit thick today n she was ok with it.. Think I
oatmeal not as watery as brown rice leh...

Rayanne was only 7.2kg last jab abt 3weeks ago.. I wonder how heavy now..

Rayanne feeds abt 6 times a day. Sometimes 7 if she wakes in the middle of the nite..

when when??
We. Didn't get to go petit bowl yet...
<font color="119911">itsy</font>
aiyo....your boy so cute and happy. How tall is he? Looks like a toddler in the photo, and can sit so steadily already...!
<font color="119911">mama_to_6Js</font>
wah, your boy really can drink a lot hor?
I don't know how much mine is drinking cos he's still latching on, day time when I'm at work, he'll drink about 125-150 about 3 hourly.

<font color="ff6000">Feeding schedule</font>
I also don't really have a schedule, depends on what time he wakes, sleeps, go out, etc.
But am thinking that I should start a schedule for him soon. Otherwise, rather hard to keep track, especially if we're out.

Do your babies cry after feeding cereal? Just started mine on Sun and he cry after finishing it, wanting more. It's only the third day and I've upped it to 5scoops already. So, I give milk after that. How much can a baby eat? But his weight is alright, 8.2kg already, though it has slowed down by a lot.
<font color="119911">babiesmeme, milkyway, kiki, Michelle</font>
Thank you. I love this photo too

<font color="119911">Xmasc</font>
Yap yap, quite a few of us stay in Sengkang, should try to meet up. But guess now we can only do so in the weekend right? Cos most mummies got to work.

<font color="119911">Paige</font>
HAhha you noticed it too! He was really like holding on to the chair for his dear life. So funny. The photo was taken in Ikea, we just plonk him onto the chair, immediately he held on to the sides like that.

<font color="119911">jolimilk</font>
I also dunno how tall he is now, haven't measure for 2 months liao. Perhaps it's his attire that make him look like a big boy. Then again, dun u think our babies are growing very fast! In 6 months, they developed from that helpless tiny little newborn to now, able to eat and demands to be carried!

<font color="119911">myfavchoco</font>
Pulling his legs will help him grow taller? I must try too haha Dunno leh, I pinch his nose everyday too cos I think his nose is quite flat :p And also massage his middle toe cos it's sticking upward... hope all these massage helps.

<font color="119911">Tiwi</font>
Hang in there. Must stay positive ok
Your hubby will be back soon.

<font color="119911">porridge</font>
mummies who have started bb on porridge, can I ask how you prepare the porridge? Can we feed bb blended fish or meat already?

<font color="119911">potbelly_burp</font>
I'm still Bfing my boy but I use FM to prepare his cereal. Using Enfapro A+, u can call diff companies for FM sample.
<font color="119911">itsy</font>
ya lor, VERY fast, too fast. Before we know it, they'll be one year old already, and then become the terrible twos, haha.

<font color="ff6000">fish &amp; meat</font>
I read from Annabel Karmel's books - she includes fish and meat into purees for 7-9months. Then again, her first stage of weaning was at 4mos. So, I'm thinking fish and meat can be introduced after 2-3mos? Must ask the more experienced mommies.
<font color="ff6000">morning</font>
sigh... Think ss really drop big time all of the sudden... guess time for me to let go...

u don't eat California handroll?? I find avacado tasteless leh.. Not sure wat it'll b like after blend/mash. I bought 1 but not ripe. Bought a green one and rach told me it's raw

if it's too thick then you can add cooled boiled water or milk to make it runny before serving.

Wow! So many mommies still up in the middle of the night! I'm already totally shack out!!

thanks! I gave her some enfalac initially when my bm wasn't enough. I'll try asking for samples. But once you start them off on a certain brand of fm it's advisable to stick to the brand?
rach> de hb cereal, de amt i add to oatmeal is lesser den brown rice to obtain the same thickness leh.

jolimilk> ooh. my boy even sleeping schedule is standard. wake up at 7am, nap at 930 for 30-45mins, another nap at 2pm for 2-3hrs. den sleep at nite ard 830pm.

potbelly> yup. intend to add water before serving. but hubby insist add when blending, den easier to blend. haha. but i still stopped him =p
My #1 does very well with the EnfaA+ range. So my girl is also on that (Enfalac then Enfapro now).

Wah, mango also cannot ah. So ironically, both banana and mango are my girls' favourite so far, and she doen't like avocado.

All the very best of luck for your driving test. I would like to join for a lunch meet up in mid April. But I prefer weekdays, I don't mind taking leave for the meet up, cos weekends it's strictly for family :)
Feeding schedule
Dun really follow a schedule. But generally, he will have 2 solid meals (either porridge or rice cereal mixed with purees) he can eat more than half a bowl each time.

And would have minimal 5x 180 breast milk. Eh, i think he is still drinking alot bah.

Yah i guess weekend would work best for all haha at times i get to work from home so can nua a bit hee hee.

cayden just went for his prevaner jab a few days back and he is now 6 mths 2 weeks and 9.2kg. I guess that explains all the strains i have
I think weekday is a great idea also. Yet to meet up for any gathering. I have 5 weeks of maternity leave to clear by end Aug 10. hahaha..so happy
Paige, Michelle,

ihave this silly tinking in my mind, will infant care teachers molest babies esp boys?

cuz last time i saw nanny like to play with babies' boy private parts

Michelle,Way to go. do let us noe if you boy love the sweet potatoes.

Btw, my boy these days after drinking bm+cereal in bottle he will immediate vomit the whole feed out why ah? not use to wheat cereal?

oh ya, why only start your boy on porridge when he is 7.5month old?
<font color="ff6000">sandwich</font>
wah ic such a violent reaction! take care ya! just fed mine with banana ytd and he loves it! i think lina's pretty bz actually! haha she is jetsetting to japan on sat! super good life ah! so she's probably doing visiting rounds now. then 1 wk later she will be back for another wk. so maybe we can meet then?

<font color="ff6000">kam</font>
wah take leave? hehe okie! oh yah got qns for u, had wanted to sms u but always forgot! how to make rock melon puree? blend? cos its very watery leh, so its a bit too hard to mash but too watery to blend! can freeze? can make steam corn puree?

<font color="ff6000">xmasc</font>
come join us!! but usually we will be ard alexandra ikea area!

<font color="ff6000">infantcare</font>
haha finally doing some research into this area! thinking of sending jacob there! had wanted the flexi scheme but like boh hua leh, cos like abt $100-200 difference compared to full day! wad shld i look out for?
good morning mummies

<font color="0000ff">potbelly</font> i forgot to reply you regarding peas...yes, i got the smallest pack of peas from cold storage, can't find organic peas though....but I personally quite like peas, i used to make a lot of peas soup when i was a student....heheh....I read from annabel KArmel's book you can mix peas and potato, might taste better than peas alone
I might try that today...need to go get myself some potatoes.

<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font> all the best for your driving test!! maybe the next time we meet up you'll be driving already

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> oh dear...supply drop so much after getting our period back?? oh no, please please please i don't want to have my period yet!!

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> Kimberly is eating well now, so you don't need to worry

Kate gets:
3 to 4 latches +
2x120ml BM +
60ml of: veg puree(lunch)-sometimes teacher give her apple/pear puree as 'dessert' (that reminds me i better go ask how come yesterday never give her dessert!)+
80ml of : cereal(5babyspoons)+puree+BM (dinner)
<font color="ff0000">Freezing Puree</font>
Are most of you using BabyCubes to freeze your purees? Couldn't sleep last night, was surfing the net, and found this which seems to have very good reviews. Think I'll get one.
- BPA free, freezable
- portable and stackable
- Secure, screw-on, locking lids (won't pop open in bag, lids stay put until you twist them open)
- cups snap together for space-saving stacking
- 7" organizer tray fits in most freezer doors.
- Microwave and dishwasher safe
- twelve 2 oz. containers with lids and tray.
- pieces snap together for ultimate space-efficiency
- Ideal for storing and transporting homemade baby food, milk, formula, or toddler snacks
- marked with 1 ounce and 2 ounce measurements

Anyone wants one too? PM me.
<font color="119911">milkyway</font>
Mine came back last month, and supply came back up when it finished. So dun give up yet if you're planing to BF longer.

<font color="119911">Michelle</font>
wah, your boy very good leh, 8.30pm sleep till 7 in the morning?!! Mine ah, no schedule, sometimes 11.30pm still wanna play. But lucky he can play by himself, so I just go and sleep. Haven't found a solution to his midnight waking up yet though...but ok-la, it's only once in a lifetime, and will be over pretty soon I'm sure.

<font color="119911">Sandwich</font> Good luck for your driving test! I should go for my refresher course soon.
flower4> huh? molest? wun ba? so gross. dun freak me. infant care so many teachers. shuld be more safe from abuse n molest ba

yea. will let u all know if he like de sweet potato. erms. not sure. my boy nv vomit the cereal. sch porridge got other stuffs like meat which i only wan to introduce to him later. so start at 7.5mths. let him take cereal n puree first lo

cookiezz> things i look out for: teacher:child ratio, environment, activities, teacher, intake number etc.

jolimilk> nono. but 830pm sleep. i still feed him at 915pm n 1am hor. so is not sleep thru. but he will drink n go back to sleep la.
wanna ask u hor...
the bbcubes's lid will tear easy or not huh if use by guys?

errh molest at IFC?
how they molest with so many pair of eyes around?
anyway the IFC teachers at my school are quite young...except 1 auntie lor...
<font color="dc143c">cloudme</font>

heee.. so far its okay la. never tear leh...
hahaha.. its the only baby cubes ard that has the lid attached.. then we wont have missing lids..
i find it very convenient till now.. ask those who's using it for reviews here..

<font color="dc143c">Michelle</font>
I just fed Rayanne with 60ml sweet potatoes + 40ml oatmeal + 30ml BM..
i didnt make it that watery...
it was VERY pasty and gooey....and she actually finished everything leh...
i feel so dry seeing her eat.. but she dun seem to find it dry..
waahhaha... i faster feed water after that...she only drink 10ml water...
then i latched her to sleep... (i know not much milk left also... coz squeezed out liaoz... and the breast didnt feel full in the first place...)
<font color="dc143c">potbelly</font>
you can go to wet market.. they have it in small packs of $1..

at least my market at Chong Pang has..

U talking abt green peas rite?
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>
thx! e one i m looking at just opened a mth ago so e ratio is super gd, 5 babies to 4 teachers! they can take in another 5 babies. its very big also. maybe gg to take a look on mon. only thing is tt its quite ulu frm bus stop n i vant drive yet!
rach> erms. eat so much? i wonder if my boy can finish 60ml of sweet potato lo.

cookiezz> erms. 5babies to 4teachers is like wow =p hehe. my boy's one is like 11babies to 4teachers. now is like full oso
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>
yah amazing right! but tt's also becos it is new. so at least i dun need to be on waiting list. can let him go immediately even if i want to. how u all pay? thru cda acc? like tt it will deplete very fast??
Hi everyone..
I think its time we all organise a meet up soon.
Really excited to see all the little ones and of course, mummies too.. hehe... After reading all your post on how much your bb eat/drinks, I seriously think mine is undereating..

Yesterday I was on leave and was home all day.. This was how it is..

6 plus in the morning - Latch
11am - Eat 2 tablespoon of Heinz vegetable puree + 1 tablespoon of nestle rice cereal + a bit of warm water ---- She only manage to finish half of everything..

1.00PM - Drinks 120ml of Similac FM
4.30PM - Latch on for only about 5 mins then fall asleep

6.30PM - Eats the same as above -- also cannot finish
9.00PM - Drinks 150ML of milk, after which sleeps
Woke up 6 plus this morning..

She doesnt seem to be hungry and is still happily playing leh.. How can I encourage to feed her?

I'm trying to raise her milk feeds to 150ml per each time now. My bb eats around 10 bb spoonful then shakes her head left and right.. If I try to force feed, she will get agitated and cry.. So I figure out she had enough.. Should be ok right? Any other mummies also experiencing what I'm experiencing? Should I be worried?
<font color="#6600ff"> No. of feeds</font>

Kairi's feeding time is very irregular as she can sleep till like 12pm. (She sleeps between 12am-1am)

Can't provide specific timing. But I only have her routine.

Once she has had her shower, She'd have about 3oz of cereal (wheat/brown rice) mixed with fruit or vegetable puree. I'd top her mug till 150ml and sometimes she can leave me with 50ml in it ( part of it was used to splash all over the place when she shakes it)

3-4hrs later milk(latch)

About 3hrs later same cereal again with 150ml water filled.

Then latch, after which is bedtime where she is latched to sleep.

Is this routine okay?

And for those apple juice etc, it can be given just like that? Is there any specific or average amount to be given?
Formula milk

if baby normally drinks 150ml bm, if I'm slowly switching her to fm, should I give the same amount 150ml? Any advice?


according to first foods you can pass purée through strainer to remove skin.
<font color="0000ff">connie, potbelly</font> i didn't remove skin before mashing, i steam with skin, then use my handheld blender to blend with skin and the remaining water in the steaming bowl, it came out really nice and smooth, but i was kinda kiasi, i blend for quite long :p

<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> wow, which infant care is that!! that's really really good ratio!!
Mine's 10 babies to 4 teachers....and my teachers mostly middle aged >40 there is one part timer, she's 63 years old!!! but still looks young lah...come to think of it, there are less kids now, maybe the 2 18mths old boys got transfered to nursery1.
oh man!
just finished reading newspaper! Heng my daughter "skipped" rotarix....gosh! then, i was so annoyed with the nurse for not giving her the vaccine (as she was 'over the age limit' already)
Now, i feel it's such a blessing in disguise...
but HSA still cannot confirm anything...so no issues here lah.
<font color="dc143c">michelle</font>
ya lo...first time i let her try so much also.. ahhaa...
aiyah...wanted to bring her swimming. but now i so nua liaoz... dun feel like doing anything....
she's now lying across my waist while im typing with both hands..

u see pic u'll sure flipped.. lol!!

<font color="dc143c">Paige</font>
wat news?? wat about rotarix?????????
