(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Yes... maybe I try adding u on fb tonite...
Can send Lucas' photos to my personal email? I pm you. I like to keep the original cos the quality of pic after download fr fb is no good, can tell straightway when develop the pics.


Is there a sept baby group on fb??


if your mil is the caregiver then it's v hard to control what she does in your absence. Hv to close 1 eye.
<font color="#6600ff">Enxuan</font>

I face the same problem with you. But not with my MIL, My MIL respects my decision. It's my mom being a pain in the ass. She L-O-V-E-S to annoy the shit outta me. Just few days back. She fed Kairi Royce chocolate... Saying it's just a WEE bit. But a WEE bit will still leave some taste in her mouth. What if she asks for more? I bring Kairi over to their place on the weekends. But I dread doing so sometimes. My mum can FORGET to feed her. Or tells me that she ate porridge... So no need to eat in 3-4hours, she's full enough. Too full no good.

She brain washes Kairi too... Telling her I am a bad mommy, crazy... I think she's refering to herself!

i tink im the one who any how give my baby boy food. whenever i having i will give a bit for him to taste. example agar agar..milo. ice cream.. liang tahu..red bean soup.. .teh tarik . orange juice..cake.&amp; etc etc....

is my mum who say dun anyhow give...
BTW, mummies.
pls becareful when buying stuff from bulkpurchase here ah... my kena con.. haiz... pay so much, seller run away.
<font color="0000ff">food</font>
My MIL worse, wants to give dunno what chinese liang drink and herby stuff! Am so glad she's at infant care mon-fri, only weekends at her Nai-nai's place, i watch her like a hawk!

Anyone of you started giving your babies egg yolk?

<font color="0000ff">flower4</font> oh dear...hope they get replacement teachers soon...curently, how many infants at your infant care? 5 teachers leaving is very drastic!
Any baby who doesn't like to eat porridge?

Gave Arielle ngoh hng fish + spinach porridge yesterday. She doesn't want it at all. She did taste abit then her mouth remained closed when we tried to feed her again. And she screamed somemore. In the end, gave her cereal which she gladly opened her mouth. Haiz. I think she is not ready or the fish is too fishy...Else think i would start with 1 veg porridge like pumpkin.

flower4 - what happened? care to share about it?
flower4> huh?? wat leave it to god? so wat they do abt the sudden shortfall of teachers?

paige> i've given my boy de egg custard from heinz. it contains egg yolk.

bernice> i tried giving my boy pumpkin porridge. his mouth closed until like wat. but de sch give him chicken porridge, dey say he like to eat. now he eat 3/4bowl in sch -_-" must be mm is a bad cook =x
Michelle,my boy love porridge cook by centre too leh, duno they report can trust anot... no eat oso say eat...

i oso give egg to my son already.. i jus treat him like normal child liao , i duno need to prevent any food anot...

Shortfall of teachers. i guess the director &amp; principal will help out ba. not too sure too. cuz i dun wan to pressure the director la.. i guess she oso under alot of pressure already..

i bot stuff from sgmotherhood bp lor.. after i make payment no news from the seller for 3weeks already lor...

so MIA la.. my $$ gone lor.. sianz..

i duno , i din count leh. but always i go fetch my son. only see two teachers.. at 7pm.

Your mum how come so funny, trying to brainwash..and can forget to feed her. I think you wldn't leave her alone with your mum huh??


I have a friend who told me that the 1 yr old jab contains egg so she advised me to let them try egg yolk first, not the egg white as egg white is the one that can cause allergy.


Oh, maybe the pumpkin porridge has not as much taste as chicken ba. So fast, can give chicken already? I have not started on any meat yet..

Which bp is it? selling what products? *patpat* hope its not a big amount of money...Did you report to the moderator? can trace the seller through the bank account..
i din bookmark the BP thread lor. so i lost. i pay almost sgd50 la..i order via her email indicated at the thread lor. so blame myself so careless lor.

moderator can help ah?
which spree. u can complaint to the adminstrator.
It ever happen once to me but due to some unforeseen reason, the seller do cancel the spree n slowly return the money to the buyer. reslve after 6 mths or so.

cc/infant care
for wat I understand, the teacher works in shift. 7am to 5pm n 9am to 7pm
connie, maybe one day i spot check them during afternoon time..

i very doubts about their reports lor.. at times same handwriting all the way but attend by diff teachers.maybe they help each other to write.

but got one time , they always say my son finishes my BM i gave them. but one day i go early pick up him during milk feeding time. my son only complete half!!

see their report duno trustful anot.
flower 4 - wow you give so many things for your son to eat!

Yes you can complain to the moderator.. there would be other members also affected...

potbelly - regarding the Sept FB group, you can pm Ling to add you. She's the one who created the group if i remembered correctly...
<font color="0000ff">flower</font>
I tot u bought fitflop cuz one of the fitflop seller armed to have MIA ... Dunno back or not.. Can read abt it in the closed BP..
wat did u buy??
Thank God I ordered mine frm girl from mars...
Rach, i bog Gap PJ la.

Bernice, those stuff are for test test only. hee.. cuz at time we eat out,so i wan to let him try.. cuz he stare &amp; stare like poor ting.hehe. although he din ask for it la. u noe la.. soo urge to feed them hahaaa...
flower4> erms. shuld be can ba. de sch quite truthful to me. will report cases of sick kids etc. den he seem to drink less milk after his solid meal too. so i cut down on his after lunch milk.

u buy from bp but nv get ur stuffs? think can email moderator ba. i believe all bp organiser need to send their ic copy to open bp.

my boy's sch report quite truthful. dey did tell me my boy very distracted. will take 3times of feed to finish one serving of milk. n when i pick him near to his milk time, de milk really nv finish, den dey will offer to warm up. so i can feed my boy as i bring him hm

bernice> think de porridge is cooked with chicken. but dey never eat de chicken yet. but i heard it's ok to give meat after 6mths. anyway i oredi give him the heinz beef puree when he turn 6mths. so shuld be ok ba

i have oso given my boy chawamushi. in fact when he was only 4mths old. cos he look at me eat like so nice. so i give him lo. even gave him french toast =p
Hi mummies...sorry i MIA for a long time :p but finally now have maid...i think i can rest more and have more 'me time'.

I thought I was the only one having problems with in-laws and mothers...seems like most of us have a fair share...living with them now...so have to tahan

It's not 3 months yet...but I am really happy and want to share this news with mummies here...me preggy with 2nd child...but this time...until now 6-7 weeks, doc still say cannot see heartbeat cos too small...lets hope that all will be fine...fingers crossed....

Jaydon fell off this bed this morning...with blue black on his face...rub ice on his face before bringing him to see doc to check...doc say must observe for the next 72 hrs...hope he is okie...cos didnt see how he fell...he fell off even with pillow at the side...now i noe, put pillow also not safe

Terrin prefers cereal too. Give her porridge and she will show this 'it's so disgusting' face. I can't bear to see this kind of face so this job was given to papa. I'll feed her cereal for lunch and papa will feed her porridge for dinner, haha..funny hor this arrangement...XD bt she can still finished. Really funny gal.


Maybe u can try searching the closed BP. They cld still be there.


The nurse in the polyclinic told me tat can give egg yolk at 9mths and introduce whole egg at abt 1yo.
Ning, congrats

Girly, it's up to your own comfort level but I would rather go with my PD's recommendation because if anything happens, my babies suffer.
hi mommies...
too bad cant join the playgroup! seems so fun with the babies in the photos..
my boy was down with runny nose n cough.. though better now, better keep away from other babies...

take good care!
# of solids
hmm am i giving too little solid to my gal?? i'm only giving her 1 meal per day - mainly cereal with purees or just cereals. Have not really started her on porridge leh. Gave her once b4 when my mum cooks for everyone. Should i give her 2 meals of solid already?? is there any rules/guides to follow??
congrates!!! You are a brave mum!

you mean the whole cc right? Cannot be just the infant class has so many teachers, where got such a big infant care. You sound like very unhappy with the centre. You wanna try change to another one? If you can't trust them, it's not only not good for us, I think it would affect your bb too.

Aiyoh, why hurry into feeding adult food, these food are too much seasoning which is really not good for bb lah. You can't see it but their digestive system is very stresssed clearing all those seasoning. Teh Tarik is so over the limit to me, contains caffine leh!!! You can bring bb biscuits when you are out, so if he stares at you when you eat, you can offer him biscuit instead.

9 months is ok to try egg yolk. Whole egg is after 1 yo. This is only applied to bb who doesn't has any allergy issue or no family history of allergy/ashtma/etc.

Wow congrats! U r the 1st mommy to get pregnant again!


I give Terrin 1 solid per day during weekend or when I feel lazy. It's difficult to prepare and feed solid when we r outside the whole day.
Congrats! Same as u, had #2 when #1 was 6+ month old. it is going to be tough to take care of two young kids, so take care and rest well before your #2 arrives!
congrats!! Keep telling myself I want to be preggie again but yet, no results still.. Congrats!!!

Potbelly, Gerald, Pam, Melissa ..
Gosh! She fed her again today.. definitely am going to tell her not to feed my bb anything else other than what permits. My own mother also irritates me to the max.. Maybe because my relationship with her wasn't that great to begin with, leading me to nit have that much faith in her now that I'm all grown up. Always felt that she failed to love and care for me and brother when we were young because she is always off playing majong after work.. Didn't really connected to us and blamed my grandparents for snatching us away from her. But the truth is, her main priorities are work, personal life and money. Therefore, this might br thr teal reason why I had so much resentment when she tries to brainwash my daughter! Aiyah.. But that's all in the past and now that I'm old enough and a mother myself, all these doesn't really bother me anymore. Just wish she will not brainwash my daughter too
much into believing that she is all that motherly.. Or maybe I'm getting paranoid?

wow! congrats! u r really efficient yeah *wink*


u seem to be rather unhappy with ur ifc. if u can't trust them, then it's hard to put ur boy there right?

mil/mum feeding bb rubbish

hiaz both my mum n mil can't get the allergy thing. my mum's in denial. she thinks just coz she says so, sam wun get allergy. sometimes i wanna ask her if she thinks she's god, then i quickly slap myself for the blasphemous thot.

as for mil, same.. she kept wanting to add some pork into sam's porridge. says just adding for the taste n not letting him eat, so "it's ok, he's not really eating it". sometimes she keeps trying to let him taste bread with butter n sugar, or biscuits n i keep getting heart attack. or she'll be eating fruits n she'll bite a piece n let him 'eat her saliva'. faint.. maybe i'm being mean/petty, but i feel like slapping her whenever she says let him 'tiap tiap only'. i HATE THE TIAP TIAP PHRASE!!!!

no choice lor, just gotta close one eye to 'not serious things' n watch them like a hawk in the meantime!

u go by ur gal's reaction?

sam needs 2 solid meals a day now coz he's a lot bigger n active. in fact, if he doesn't get fed every 3.5h, all hell will break loose. i also went by how hungry he was when i started him on 1 solid meal.
<font color="119911">Milkyway</font>
I used to feed Ian only 1 solid meal of cereal a day, I was afraid of over feeding him but then I notice he's not gaining weight and PD told me to feed more. I slowly increased to now 4 solid meal a day and he can finish every meal. Each feed is about 3/4 of the green pigeon bowl. Morning cereal, noon fruit puree, late afternoon and evening porridge. In between meals, latch.
<font color="119911">Enxuan</font>
Didn't notice you're sarah! Hahha and I tot u r not in my FB friend list, while in fact I sent you "gifts" everyday! Blur me.

My granny also feeds Ian all kinds of food too. Cheng Tng, ice-cream, fish (in soy sauce) and whatever food we're eating. Luckily we dun meet so often so close eyes lor. Maybe u can get reading from book or net and show your mum that she shouldn't feed eliza bird nest. Or u can say u asked PD and PD says cannot feed.
milkyway> hehe. dun think got any rules to follow. wkday my boy take 2 meals of solid. cos sch give him porridge for lunch, i give him cereal+puree for dinner. but wkends i dun give him solid lunch. only dinner

enxuan> wah. so u shuld be #2 to announce u r pregnant again? =p
thanks, mummies girly, jul, itsy, Michelle for replying me on the no of meals
my gal still takes 4*120ml FBM + 2latch and 1 meal of cereal/purée lor. So my mum who's the main caregiver says don't have to give her 2 meals of solid yet since she's still drinking milk, moreover she things they r so small and stomach may not be able to digest well. But mummy here is just worried that she takes too little. She's happy and active still. Anyway I noticed she does wake up once in a while at those wee hrs for milk but it's very inconsistent. So I guess I'll slowly increase her solid intake ba.

wow Ian eats a lot hor? I only give shanis half of that green bowl each time only!

I also get my fair share if mum/mil feeding baby food. Mil most ultimate. She wanna feed half boiled eggs leh!!! Lucky hub is ard to stop her!

ur mil not so ultimate lor. we met this lady with a 4mth+ baby at the pd's. she told mil that she fed her baby QUAIL'S EGGS n mil came back n wanted to feed sam that lor! said it's very small, nevermind! can't get it into their heads that it's not the size! faint

i was mentioning that sam started cruising. then he stopped! guess he realises that he can crawl very much faster n get where he wants more efficiently by crawling.
haha i guess quite common for mil / moms to be feeding rubbish to our babies. my mom is one paranoid one though. she everything also cannot, and everything that baby uses must be sterile! i think she worst than me! after so many kids, i half eyes close liao!

bird nest is definitely a no no. yes it may cause asthma in some babies esp if u have asthmatic / allergic genes that run in the family. anyway, there is no nutrients that baby can derive out of bird nest la!

wah u lagi best! feed ur babies with so much of our table food. although a teeny weeny bit wont hurt but still best to leave table food till at least a yr old la? in fact my first borns, the twins, didnt get to taste restaurant food or even salt till they were almost 2.5 yr old! yah that was how paranoid i was then. of course now im not so uptight la esp with so many kids.

shanis still taking 120ml each feed ah? her meals seem quite small portion each time hor but she growing well n chubby leh. so surely there is nothing wrrong la. anyway babies who eat small but frequent meals can digest food better also. just tiring on the caregiver la.

exam period now hor? u must be v busy la! me no need say lor, gotta teach so many of them.
yah lor she don't want to take more than 120ml even if we try to stretch the interval. Sometimes she don't finish 120ml lor. She takes 3-4hrs interval in the day and mostly sleeps thru fr 10pm onwards to next morn 7am. How to increase her milk intake and increase the interval? My dad came back fr overseas and commented that she looks like she lost wt and not as chubby leh. Last weighed her 2wks ago, she's about 9kg so I think still ok lah.. I know my arms ar aching carrying her lor.
My gal also taking 120ml or less per feed. Now we mix the sisen brown rice to the BM and she taking in more milk. Middle of the nite taking another feed instead of sleeping thru the nite. At least now she can finish the 120ml. She prefer solids rather than milk. Not sure abt yours. Mine only 7.5kg.

Maybe you might want to consider sisen brown rice.

Congrate. Not easy job to tend the first one while with another one inside. But u will b happy when u see them both play together. Same as wai wai, my bb gap also v closed. Jia you

Sept facebook
Can add me inside?

that's why I never leave my gal alone with my mil. She tried to stuff one big mango into her mouth!! Even when I told her cannot and she's on her 1st day if trial for a new food. When I carried her away she still tried to chase us with the mango!!!


I think by 9 mos they should be taking 3 solids a day. In fact when they take more solids the milk intake will decrease. Also I read that the older they get the less nutrients they are able to get from milk so hv to feed them solids.
