(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I'm sure nothings wrong with your baby. Don't let your cousin scare you. Maybe she's jealous. Haha.

not just massage. Should go for a spa!!! I just went for one. My gfs dragged me there. So shiok!!!! Very nice place!! Highly recommended!! Can Nuah there for hours!!

my centre too,very high turnover of teachers!!! standard getting worst. my son got nappy rash!!!! today i reach the centre after work, astonishment !!! my son is only wearying romper top no bottom??!!! i gave them 3 pants every day.. say my son dirty the pants?! i rather he wear dirty pant then bottomless.

centre is full blast of air con and guess what, once reach home my son kena Fever 38degree!!

so uncaring teacher!
<font color="#6600ff"> Hi Mommies</font>

Sorry for MIA-ing.. Been battling a bout of bad illnesses between me and Kairi.

I have to keep this short because I have taken medication and am feeling a tad bit drowsy...

Does any mommies who have used Drypers before wanna give me their numbers at the side of the packaging? 3,4 any number will do.

If yes, can kindly leave me a message?

Thank you so much.
kam> wow. din know can try the jumperoo at toys r us one leh. which toys r us u went to? maybe i shuld bring my boy to try it out too =p

jul> haha. glad to hear tat sam is well again
parents very ke lian hor? baby sick, we tired. baby healthy we oso tired =p

adeline> i'm interested. need to get the pics from my brother first. give me some time k? =p

flower4> ops. cerntre with high turnover of teachers no good leh. i like schs tat specific teacher take care of specific child. erms. pantless? maybe u start giving them more pants? but how come can dirty 3pants? -_-" dun they change his diapers at least 3hrly?

pamelia> wat do u mean by numbers? i use drypers. but wat numbering u want? n use for wat?
Ya, he is a happy baby. Good that he is doing well in school, then you can work in peace. Hope the school get more help soon. Oh heard you got your driving licence !! Congrats...
<font color="0000ff">Paige</font> - Hee Hee... sorry for responding so late.. Thanks.. yeh... love them so much... I'm really blessed...

<font color="0000ff">Jordan</font> always gives me surprises in the morning...
that day I left him in his cot and just walked out for 1 min and he pushed the mug down from my side table and broke it.. hahaha

This morning, he woke up earlier than me and gave me a "surprise". He was happily tearing up my Motherhood Mag!!! No wonder he didn't wake me up...

Oh man, I need to be really careful now cause I dun wan to end up like last time... my #3 will wake up earlier than us and break our glasses..
hahahah *shudders* .

I rem me and hubby both combined changed 4 pair of glasses in 2 months.... hahah
Speaking of surprises...
Few days back, when I returned to my room in the morning, expecting Ian to be still sleeping cos he wasn't making noise. To my horror and amusement, he pushed the pillows I used to surround him off the bed and he was lying tummy down at the edge of the bed, best part is... he was holding my iphone with both hands and looking at it very intently! HAhahaha maybe cos he always see me looking at my phone so he's trying to find out why.
rach> pediped costly leh =x den bb cant wear for long wor

steph> the biggest surprise i had this morning was my boy waking me up after he fell on the floor with a loud thud =x
Melissa and Kam, Thanks.

Michelle, collect 3 numbers and you can exchange for a small pack of diaper at selected post office.

I went to the baby fair yesterday. Quite good. Didn't have time to look around. Infact I think it's something like the Taka baby fair, having almost the same brands participating - avent, pigeon, evenflo, drypers etc. Thinking of going down again today.
bbq98> huh? juz need de 3numbers? dun need de packet or something ah? like tat juz go super market c the numbers? lol. only on new packs got the number isit?
Michelle, the number is at the side of the packaging. you have to cut it out. Collect 3 cut outs and you can exchange for a small pkt.

they do change 3hrly diaper,i tik they simply bo chap lah.

i tried jumperooo at toy r us at vivo, and immediately i bot it.. my son enjoy very much til now..

its only til 11.5 KILOS but i tink can drag la.. hope my son wont grow so fast heheee...

i wonder shld i get a walker?

How ur son ok anot?

Itsy... sooo sweet the way u discribe ur suprise
Flower4, I didn't look at the strollers but there are a couple of booth selling strollers. Sorry, can't be of much help.
Mommies!! Last call for sept playgroup!
2pm onwards.. Anytime.. Join us if you can!

Blk 828, yishun st 81.. pm me for unit no.

1) rach
2) kiki
3) itsy
4) Melissa
5) Michelle ( my personal friend)
6) myself

did I forget anyone? Using my iPhone, abut difficult to update... Yipee!
im going to bath now.... Hehe... need to check my camera, make sure got batt...

Oh, I also cooked threadfin + carrot + heng cai - porridge... Later, any babies want to share with Eliza are welcome!!

For mummies and daddies, I have prepared some really simple finger-food, like nuggets, sausages, watermelon and drinks... Hope it's alright!! In any case, if want, can still call for delivery!! hehehe
bbq98> hehe. i think most likely my packet not eligible. cos my is last time buy one =p not recently buy one. haha =x

flower4> huh? y dey change 3hrly u still say dey bo chap?

oo. was at vivo yesterday. nv bring him in to toys r us to try. zzz. btw, u went to the vivo shop to try the baby boy's clothes? found anything nice? promo ends this wkend if i din remember wrongly. too bad my boy was asleep liaos. else i would bring him to the shop, let him choose some himself. he likes to wear nice clothes u know =p

i wun recommend buying a walker, i got it cos someone gave it leh. den dun use abit wasteful =x shuld be ok. he's asleep. still as noisy when not sleeping =x

enxuan> haha. for a moment i tot how come i m going for playgroup =x hubby's colleague organised a bbq at someone's hm at 4pm onwards. else i would have loved to join in
bbq98> really ah. sian. tat day i juz brought one pack to sch leh. let me go c cut out wat. lol

think i got 4packs of drypers at hm at the moment. erms. how come mine is all drypers 5? like tat can exchange?
oo. saw the promo here:

Drypers Wee Wee Dry Buy 3 Free 1 Promotion

Basically, you can collect 3 cutouts (any combination of drypers stamps) and redeem for one free pack of drypers. The stamps can be cut out from the plastic packaging and is rectangular with white text on blue background, with either 'Drypers 3' or 'Drypers 4' or 'Drypers 5' printed on it.

Participating pack sizes are NB28, S64, M56, L48, XL40, XXL32, M84, L72 or XL60 and free pack sizes are S32, M28, L24, XL20 or XXL16.

Redemption from 15 April to 31 May 2010 (while stocks last) from Singpost at Jurong Point, Tanjong Pagar, Sengkang Central, Toa Payoh Central, Tampines Central and Woodlands Central.

only those few post office ah? so inconvenient for me. n go there only to redeem 1pack of diapers. faint -_-
that is by report, actuall doing it u wont noe. its ok for me the diaper change jus tat dun leave my son half naked at the full blast air con room lor...

yaya. i went yesterday.. the shop but mostly like shirt leh... dress smart kind. but son very fat la, if wear shirt material he will be very uncomfortable like no room for him to stretch lor. so the end i got noting.. i saw one mandrain colar one, kinda cool! din get anyway, seems too tight for my son lor..

glad to hear ur son still as active

why no walker ah? heard they will tip toe ah? how to make them learn to walk ah? the other form like trolley kind ah? tat one have to of guard at all time when they using hor?
<font color="0000ff">flower4</font> my baby also came back with diaper rash 2 weeks ago! I told the teacher to change her more frequent as she had diarrhoea then...3 days later, she got admitted to hospital because of high fever, dehydration, bacterial infection..., then stayed home for a week, diaper rash amazingly healed, just with application of desitin
But...*sigh* 6 days unrecorded child care leave not enough!!!
mwerkz - oh man.. is ur baby okie now?

Gathering -
I can't join today cause having advance Mother's Day dinner tonight

My eldest boy also having exams in 2 weeks time so got to study with him.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">old navy 30% off entire site 2 days only</font></font>
PM me ur orders by Sun 10pm..
the teachers seem to be getting more overworked at my boy's school, not that they have a high turnover rate. their turnover rate over the past 3 years that i can remember ... one principle left, one infant teacher left and one toddler teacher left. that's a very very good attrition rate considering that the salary of childcare teachers is not high. so i think they're able to retain staff well. but just that staff members getting overworked. hmm, is there a communication book or email avenue for you to reach the head teacher/principal to register your concern? otherwise you just have to keep reminding and reminding the teachers until they remember.

yes i passed with 14 points on my first attempt! but so far i've only drove independently with the boys once, hahaa. the rest of the times i drive with some verbal 'assistance' from husband.

he's prob going to snatch your iphone away from you once he learns how to play games on his own (maybe 2.5 years old onwards)!!

aiyoh so serious, thinking of looking for an alternative childcare arrangement for her? babysitters or a different infant care centre??

you're going to move soon? how big is your new flat? i think you can set aside one room specially for all your online biz!
flower4> erms. so far i haven encountered baby dirtying all the clothes, den dunno wat he wear. erms...

icic. de clothes are all mostly formal ones. yes. hehe. but my boy was so happy when i dress him juz now to try. lol. i bought one with tie. he busy playing with the tie. den refuse to let me take off de clothes. faint -_-

steph> i'll think he's fine ba. still so active
How's the playdate? Must be fun !!
Must post some pikkies, love to see how kids playing together.

Wow very impressive to pass by one try.

Soo nice to have mother's day celebration &amp; love the way u describe your surprises !
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Corinne</font></font>
I think most of the mummies here uses manduca n I dunno if anyone used boba leh..

Manduca is a sure good by us users here!!
None of the mummies who have bought manduca says no good n everyone is loving it n has no regrets..
Morning everyone.. Yesterday's playdate was really quite fun.. Babies get to play, crawl, climb and interact while
mommies and daddies get to talk .. Interesting and fun for both baby eliza and myself.. Haha.. Haven't upload the pics from my camera to my computer, so will upload the pictures once it's ready..

As for now, gotta prepare to go out for lunch with family.
<font color="119911">Thank you Enxuan!</font>

thank u n ur hubby 4 being such good hosts! It was fun and hope to have these gatherings more often.
Hi Mummies,

Seems everyone enjoyed the playdate. Too bad I cun join yesterday. Next time perhaps.

Btw, thanks all mummies for the suggestions on the vacation locations. Decided to chose Bali in the end. Went to the NATAs fair on Sat n collected some brouchures. So crowded man... Now deciding whether to go through travel agent or book by myself. Have to decide on which airline, hotel etc....so headache.... Anyone been to Bali? Can advise me? hehe....
<font color="0000ff">steph</font>
yes, children are such blessings...but hor, at times, i really dont know how you guys deal with >1 kid! I only have 1 and I'm already tearing my hair out!

<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font> well, i felt that the flu/bacterial infection that Kate had was not from infant care as none of the kids at infant care were ill (according to her teachers) it might be from her swimming the day before she had her fever...

<font color="0000ff">chase</font> Bali is nice and food is cheap, went there when i was 5 mths pregnant
You can hire a driver to drive you around Bali, very convenient, our driver was so nice, if you want, i can go check see whether i still have his contact, he speaks good english...and I did see a lot of family with young kids around, I might want to go Bali again with Kate too!
Can our babies start taking bird nest?

My mil secretly fed my bb bird nest.. I heard that it may cause asthma in babies if the bird nest is not cleaned properly..
Haiz, my mil only revealed this to me after a few days.. Why can't she ask me if she can feed y baby bird nest before feedin? Why do they always have to bypass th mother??
Ok, iknow she meant well, but inany case, as the mother of the child, it's only natural that I would like to be informed too. What if my baby has some kindof alllergic reaction in the middle of night and I wouldn't know what is the real cause right? Really have to vent it out..

Even my own mother is getting on my nerves.. Once she fed my baby chocolate, when I went over to her house, always carry baby to her room and close the door.. Always telling my baby "you can don't be close to anyone it's ok, but you must be close to your grandma" - to me it's brainwashing lor. Is it ok if my bb is not close to me, the mother?
So irritated now.. Ranting away.. I'm facing this problem day in day out.. Anyone else like me? Why can't they learn to respect the mother too? I guess this is how it was back in the olden days..
Lucky , my parents , i only see them once a week.. But my mil is here to stay. Haiz, shouldn't have asked her to do my confinement for me.. It's already months after confinement and she is still staying at our place .. Now I know what it means once invited in, hard to invite out..

Thanks for hearing me out.

Sigh... I guess it's the norm la. They can say things like, "Grandma loves you the most!" or "If no one loves you, Grandma will."

I guess just take things with a pinch of salt. Sometimes it just doesn't occur to them. Just tell your parents or get your hubby to talk to his parents. They'll be more careful I'm sure in future.

Have a great day!

bird's nest is one of the top 10 problem food that may trigger an allergy. The good news is your baby doesn't hv allergy from bird's nest since she's ok after eating it. But I can imagine if someone feeds my baby something that she's not supposed to eat I'd hit the roof.

But most of the time it's because the old folks don't know about it. Just hv to educate them lor. Cos at the end of the day if the baby is ill we moms are the ones who will suffer. And the baby too.
uploaded the photo taken during gathering. <font color="ff0000">Enxuan &amp; Melissa</font>, I dun have your FB acc, are u in the Sept babies group?

Thanks for opening ur place for the bb playgroup.. Enjoyed myself n nice meeting itsy n gina n you for the 1st time. : )
Love to go to these kind of gatherings!

I do face the similar prob as u as in my mil fed my boy something w/o asking me first . The 1st time she told me after she done. Luckily fed him chicken. The 2nd time she didn't even tell me n I found out when I asked. Really getting on my nerves, definitely u/s how u feel.

My mil doesn't know abt the 4days food allegery rule n even though I explained to her countless time, still can't get thru her brains. Sigh!!!
