(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="#6600ff"> Hi Potbelly</font>

I'm most likely holding it on the 12th Of September (Sunday)

Do let me know if anyone is keen on renting it together.

I think 3 people including myself can share it.
u also seldom log in here =P

yah, i guess most mummoes busy with 1st birthday. me too.. 2more weeks to the party.
after much discussion, finally confirm our buffet, chilli padi catering.

cakes not yet decided.. hmm...

i am fine with sept bday bash too.
Myfavchoco> hahah I nv post doesn't meant I dun read..

Nothing to contribute so dun post Lo..
Else later say wrong thing kena shoot again..
So diam diam read Lo...
Sometimes dunno what to say ma... Read n acknowledge in my heart Lo.. Lol...
We also booked our buffet last nite..

My fren's baking Rayanne's cake..
<font color="0000ff">1st Birthday</font>
Yes! very busy with Kate's 1st birthday...goodness, I'm so last minute, I have only sorted venue and nothing else!
Actually I went on a shopping spree at Phoon Huat yesterday....hope to make her bday cake...but hubby was so afraid it will turn out to be a flop, so he was trying to hint that we SHOULD buy a cake for "just-in-case scenario" haha!

Rach - sure! if there's a Sept Baby Bash, count me in ( i will transfer the $$ for oldnavy tmrw at work, ok?)
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Your hubby is so nice, just hinted. When I was at Supermarket baking section, I just mentioned that perhaps I should try baking Ian's bd cake, my hubby immediately said "Forget it, just buy'". Hahaha

<font color="119911">Birthday Party</font>
I'm still deciding if I should throw this party! HAhaha Talk about last minute.

i'm keen in sept baby bday bash! hey, do a list with big bold heading and count the mommies who are keen lah. if not like this, its all over the place, hard to keep track who is keen.
Went to pine garden last and this weekend. So so crowded lah.. Babies around our babies age too. Think also buying for 1st bdae, hehehee.. Tried 6 cake design and still find the cake taste rather normal leh, y so crowded huh???
Since a no. of us are keen on Sept baby birthday bash, should we start planning now?

Maybe a simple one, not too much hassle.

How about 28 or 29 August? coz i guess Sept month everyone busy with own celebration.

Venue... anyone stay in condo can help to book function room? just a suggestion

Meal... how about high tea buffet? else do simple pot luck like that time we did at Itsy's house

Last but not least... those who have ordered the Sept baby t-shirt / romper: wear on that day to take "class" photo...

just some of my inputs... pls feel free to suggest
Just to start the ball rolling...

Interested mummies:
1. Waiwai
2. rach?
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco
5. paige
6. kiki

add on to this list if you are interested
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Birthday bash</font></font>

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 / 29 Aug
2. rach?
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - 29 Aug
5. paige
6. kiki

Any suggested venue?
Buying cloths online are convenient but risk that cannot wear. I bought 5x for myself , end up all giving it out cos all too big. For kids, all ok. If big, can keep since they will grow very fast.

Now M'sia got mega sales, 50-70% off.
I saw some kids disney cloths offer at RM10, very cute and good material.
<font color="0000ff">sept bday bash</font>oh no, then have to count me out coz Kate's 1st bday bash is on the 28th! (she is born on the 30th, so celebrating on the 28th)
Ermm, how about celebrate in october? more time to plan and most mummies will be done with their own Bday bash already...
Yes i second Paige for having the bash later...

Maybe not Oct but last week Sept?
Do we have many babies here that's born end sept?
Or at least mummies n babies who will br attending..
I think most of the tee are pretty big also..
Give them one more month to grow to fit the tee... Lol...
Birthday bash

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 / 29 Aug
2. rach?
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - 29 Aug
5. paige
6. kiki
7. printz

I've been to Fidgets before. The play area for children our age is rather small. So might not be that good. How about we book Gymboree for one or two hours?
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Birthday bash </font></font>

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 / 29 Aug
2. rach?
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - 29 Aug
5. paige
6. kiki
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Birthday bash</font></font>

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach?
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - 29 Aug
5. paige
6. kiki
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct

Pls update the preferred dates, then we decide the date
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Birthday bash </font></font>

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - 29 Aug
5. paige
6. kiki
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct

Pls update the preferred dates, then we decide the date
Birthday bash

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige
6. kiki
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct

Pls update the preferred dates, then we decide the date
Birthday bash

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct

Pls update the preferred dates, then we decide the date
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">OLD NAVY/GAP</font></font>
anyone keen??
wanna order tonite.. have some orders on hand but not enough...
GAP got 20% for adults.. regular priced items only.... 10% for kids....
PM me fast fast okie.. :p
Birthday bash

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct

Pls update the preferred dates, then we decide the date
jacob's a late sep baby so we are celebrating on either 25 or 26th! haha depending on my fickle mummy...but we will have a real simple and small one!

oh yah! anyone needs more of isomil? i saw some in shop and save near j8. was at cold storage great world just now, they got lotsa, even in 900g! and enfa with lactose free milk also! and i din noe similac actually has milk for premmies! gg to zzz now tired!
ohhh Farrell's also late sept baby! He's born on 30th. And i am holding erm last min party on 25th. =x i also suggest hold it on oct. =)
Birthday bash

Pls update the list here:
1. Waiwai - 28 &amp; 29 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
2. rach - 25&amp;26 sept
3. Cindywang
4. myfavchoco - Any weekend except 29 aug
5. paige - 2 &amp; 3 Oct
6. kiki - 25 &amp; 26 Sept
7. Itsy - 28 Aug, 25 &amp; 26 Sept, 2 &amp; 3 Oct
8. cookiezz - 28 aug, 2 &amp; 3 oct

Planning to go for Friend's wedding in KL on the 25th of sept :p
Thanks for the link. Phew, luckily we didn't own any of these toys. Think these usually sold at the neighbourhood shops? Regardless, we really have to be more careful when selecting toys for our kids. No wonder those "branded" toys are selling so well.
<font color="0000ff">blendedbaby</font> I have to agree with your that grandparents <font size="+2">LOVE</font> these kinds of toys!!! I need to ask them to throw them all away now (good things KAte is only 'exposed' to it on sunday @ in law's place)
oh yah! i agree too! it's great-grandparents in my case! Shanis has 2 of such toys bought from neighbourhood shops.. they looks 'safe' to me so she's still playing with them. Else i prefer to stick to those with brands. More ex but at least some standard of QC :p
Morning ladies.

With regards to the regulation of toys, am wondering if you ladies would be interested in signing a petition to get the authorities to start doing what we pay them $2 million bucks per head to do. There's no telling that even the more expensive toys are safe for our kids then.
What do mean by "paying them $2 million bucks per head to do". Pay who? To do what?

But I agree that more expensive toys doesn't really mean safer, as there is simply no telling about them.
Pay our beloved ministers la. I mean... petition may not mean that they will do anything about it. They might just tell us that even the best toymakers cannot make safe toys but hey... a petition is all I can think of.

There should be a relevant authority that makes companies comply with safety regulations yar?
sign... fil bought a whole lot of such toys, been trying to subtlely tell him not to buy cos dun wanna pamper him but almost every mth a new toy pops up. these toys are loud... very loud for the ears!
Ah, I see, your mighty ministers!

Or another way is don't buy toys! I was talking to my colleagues over lunch just now that we remembered during our childhood (okay, I am an older mum here, so the same may not be applied to all the young mums and dad here), we really have very very limited toys to play with, but we were contended to play with the sand, stone, leaf, running around, jumping around, and we all grew up happily.

Why do the modern kids need so many toys? Okay, I admit, me included. Though we don't buy a lot, but we still buy.

And Sandwich is a good example, who doesn't buy much toys for her boys, they get them books instead. And his 2 lovely boys grow up just as happy and smart as others.

Do we have to buy them toys to show them our loves? Or because we can afford so we just buy? Or do we believe the nowadays toys are really educational so it's good for the brain development (or whatever development) for our kids? Or it's just a kiasu thing that if the other kids have them, my kid doesn't have, then he might lost out? Same thoughts go to enrichment classes.

Just sharing....... no offence taken, ya, everyone :)
kam, u do make sense. i think sometimes we buy toys also due to guilt? since we may not spend a lot of time with our child. then with all the media influences (i used to harbour the thought of taping cartoons for my child and making sure i skip the ads so that he wun see the toy ads!) and peer influence just make the matter worse. i m cutting down on toys or rather... hmm... i haben bot much since the fisherprice warehouse sale! the rest of the toys are gifts. n i realise tt jacob likes to play with our stuff instead! like the empty puff bottle and my water bottle?! so i thought i shldnt buy too many toys for him. wanted to give him books but he ends up trashing them. i m a book lover so i cant bear to see him torture the books... tear off pix! but he was so fascinated by the mechanism of books (flipping them open n close and page by page) which is similar to doors and he loves to swing the doors and books!

I don't think all the toys were bought from neighborhood shops. There was a toy tagged vivo city. So we do hv to be v careful as our babies are at the stage when they are putting everything in their mouths.
My #1 seldom touches the toys nowadays. We haven't bought any toys for XY, she got some as gifts and the rest are her gorgor ones. Yes, books, XY also likes to flip books and she has teared a few pages! Think Disneyland playhouse channel doesn't air commercial?

healthy times products,
i ran out of my cereal and need to buy more. any mummies in the west who want to tag on the order to enjoy 10% discount, please PM me your orders by tomorrow.

your barley cereal is still at my mum's place. i assume you're not interested in it already. don't worry, i'll get my baby to eat it up for you, hee.

haha you're right my boys are surviving on a very small amount of toys at home. between the two of them, they have three battery operated toys and two riding toys at home. and if i don't count puzzles and shape sorters, all their masak masak can fit nicely into one clear ikea box. my mum thinks that i am crazy by not buying toys, so she overcompensates and buys a lot for them at her own house. i get irritated at her place because it's like a warzone there every weekend with all the toys strewn around. hiyah, grandparents are the same everywhere, hahaa.

get board books and bath books and cloth books. jacob can't tear those.
