(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

corsage - sounds good. I'll try your recipe soon
<font color="119911">Corsage</font>
I use the same recipe too. Ian loves it. I'll add cheese and cauliflower to it. I also use potato instead of pumpkin.
<font color="#6600ff"> Hola Momma Chicas... LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!</font>

Hope all mommies and adorable babies are doing fine! Those that are ill and cranky, Please Get Well Soon!!!

<font color="#6600ff"> Baby 1st birthday</font>

I bet some of you are planning or have already celebrated your little ones birthday... I'm like planning everyday!

I wanna rent a helium tank to blow est 100-150 balloons. So if I were to rent from Adam and Eve.. It'll be $180 for a 40L that can blow up 450 balloons...

Anyone wanna share? I only need it on the 17th Of Sept. So any date before or after within 3 days we can share and split the costs.

I may not be able to check the forum much. So PM me and I'll check!

I'll drop by on and off to catch up mommies.. But tentatively had many things happening and am loaded with stuff to do!

Love you Mommies and Babies.. Don't forget me!

cloudme> thx
have pm bp owner

corsage> wow. u add oil to the tomato? hehe. ok. i think i will try it. i m slowly exposing my boy to the food i m eating. but more selective. like washing my noodles in water n than giving to him =p
Yes partly coz I don't want the tomatoes to stick to the pan. haha. But I also think olive oil makes it tastier. Only add a bit

I'm starting to think about the 1st birthday bash! I've decided to only invite friends - especially those who have little babies/kids. No relatives coz that will mean too many people. (Like for the 1st month - we had to have 2 parties to accomodate everyone. SIONG)

How are you all selecting guests for the party?
XY's celebrated her birthday!
Eventually we had about 50 adults and 30 kids, all squeezed in (kinda) in the A&amp;W party room. I was so busy entertained all the guests (cos they were mainly my relatives and friends), till I didn't eat anything for lunch, and XY wanted me to carry ALL THE TIME (think she was scared by the crowd). Think the guests have had a great time, esp the kids, they laughed so much and enjoyed the game so much (though it's just very simple game). The adults were having good time chatting/catching up with each other. Those old people were putting up a wide smile on their face when they saw the kids laughing and playing. We enjoyed the party a lot too, cos we have nothing to worry about, cos everything was taken care of by others :)

Only one thing that I wished I had done was that I should have prepared a party pack/gift pack for the children. I had been thinking of doing, but no time (yes, good excuse) to do it. I can imagine the smiles on the children's face if I had done it :p
Does it mean we've to blow up the balloons ourselves?

Does anyone know where can I buy ready blown up helium balloons at a good price?

Great that the party went well
I'm sure you'll have many chances in the future to prepare party packs!
need advice
mummies, S stops having diarrhea after the episode last week. her poo was also back to normal after she started on soy milk. She has also finished her small tin of soy milk ytd and i gave her the normal milk powder since ytd afternoon. In the evening, she poo-ed and it's watery. This morning's poo and afternoon's poo are also watery. It's not as frequest as last wk but the watery part is a concern. Should i give her soy milk again?? Or monitor for antoher day? Does this mean she cant take normal milk anymore? Lactose intolerance?
The last time my #1 had diarrhea (due to stomach flu), he finished 1 tin of soy milk (Isomil), then he was back to normal cows milk till now. I think frequency matters more than the texture? If less frequent means her body is adjusting? Maybe observe 1 more day and see how. Did the PD say the diarrhea was due to lactose intolerance or stomach flu?
Kam, PD says its due to virus. He says should recover in a few days... gave her soy milk on Fri nite till ytd morn. Her poo back to normal and no of times also back to normal. Then ytd started on normal milk, her poo becomes watery again... my mum just sms me and said she poo again and watery... hmm.. 3x today already...
Then it's stomach flu. Nothing to do with lactose intolerance. She should be able to be switched back to cow's milk. I remembered my #1 was on Isomil for about 1 week. Maybe you want to put her on soy milk for a little longer?
hi milkyway...
my boy is on soy milk for both times or diarrhea for 1 wk or finish the whole tin of soy milk, cos kiasu mommy me bought 900g tin instead... lol

doc did advised to be on soy milk formula for at least 1 week...
he is still on soy milk now...
<font color="#6600ff"> Corsage,</font>

Yes, we rent the tank, And blow up the balloons ourselves at whichever venue we are holding the party.

I don't think there is any place that sells already blown up helium balloons at a cheap rate.

Furthermore, Transporting the blown up balloons will be a problem. XD
<font color="119911">PrincessXiaoMei</font>
Ian is also rejecting cereal. I think he's bored with it so I'll add fruit into it. Or u can also try adding crashed Heinz baby biscotti into Zender's cereal.
Corsage- I had 2 parties on same day when it was 1st mth party and it was so tiring!!!!!! This time I finally had my own roof so I combine but it's gg b alot of relatives.. I really hope my fil don't make me quarrel w my hb again cos everytime both side familes ard, fil alwax grab my baby away and don't return!!! My sis weddin he did tt too and my dad and mum relatives didn't gt the chance to even see him!!!!!! And yet hb Kip say let his dad carry as he only see him once a wk! Pissed!!!! Hate him to max!!!! Alwax make hb n I quarrel so horribly! Yucky! Actually i haven really plan his party just tt I book venue only. Gonna b a v simple event just tt wif a big crowd...

Kam- xy clings on to u when there's such a crowd.. I guess z gg do tt even more as nw he also like tis... Sigh and I tink I'm gg to hear alot of rubbish frm sm ppl say -stop bf z &amp; he wil nt b gluey to me- sigh!!!

Btw hw will I knw if baby has stomach flu? And hw to differentitate e poo poo fr diarrhoea? Is it really watery like adult having diarrhoea? These days z really acting wierdly... He super gluey to me even if it's just me n him at hm. I can't do a single ting at all. He feels so insecure to me. Last nite he wakes up every hr lo!!!
and smtimes he bite his own arm.... And smile to me! :S making me worried!!

Itsy- add fruits to cereals? Taste wierd? Hahaha... He likes to eat new food one lo.. What I eat he also want... Always ask me fr it.... But his own food.... Duh!!! At times don't want...

Milkyway- what happen to S? Hw cum suddenly diarhoea again??? Eat smth wrg or???
corsage> haha. ya lo. maybe can slowly introduce baby to abit of oil. i give my boy the not so oily portion of chicken that i eat too =p

itsy> nice to add the heinz biscotti n give to baby? i got quite alot of it. din know it'll be nice to add the the cereal or not. maybe i'll add to his vanilla custard cereal from heinz with chocolate biscotti. give up feeding him with cereal. cos he juz love my food more than his. so i juz wash my food with water n give it to him -_-
S was already well after she started on soy milk. But she has finished that small tin in abt 3-4 days and so i just continue on her normal milk and the diarrhea came back lor. Now back to soy milk again. PD says it's virus leh.. can be due to anything. I dont think she ate anything wrong and she hardly goes out! I didnt introduce any new food to her also. Mayb she ate some bugs/ants?? she loves to 'catch' them when she sees them on the floor!
Baby tends to be sticky to mummy once in a while, especially during the period when she is having stranger or separation anxiety, be it BFing or not. XY still clings on to me a lot these few days and she doesn't even let me to give my #1 a cuddle! I can do totally nothing, but then I have to do something for my #1, so screaming/crying from XY is happening every day now. Totally siao!

Stomach flu is caused by virus infection. It can happen anytime, and apparently it's very common for babies this age (my #1 got it when he was about 11 months too), maybe because they are mobile and put lots of things into thier mouth. The symptoms are very bad diarrhea and/or vomitting. For Milkway's Shanis, it's diarrhea. For my #1, it's vomitting, very bad till he would vomit even after drinking water, and he vomitted more than 20 times in a night! For some, they have both, that's even worse. Just have to be very careful that the baby doesn't become dehydrated with the severe diarrhea and/or vomitting. Other than that, really nothing can be done, than to let his body readjust and recover.

I do give my bb some of our food also, but in very small quantity, like just to distract her, and only give those supposedly safe food, like tofu. As much as you can hold it, hold it till about 1.5 years old before letting them to have adult food. Rinsing with water doesn't really help, eg, noodle would have absorb all the gravy/soup already, so rinsing off only get rid of the coating, but not what has been absorb.
not sure if this will help, but maybe when u wanna change back to normal FM again, u ease it in...meaning, u mix both gradually until there is no more soy milk left. some babies tend to have more sensitive tummy, so maybe gradually changing will be better. its like when u change from stage 1 to 2, also recommended to do slowly. hope S gets better soon! take care...
<font color="119911">Michelle</font>
Ian takes his cereal after I added the biscotti, guess it give the cereal a crunchy texture so he likes it better. I dun mix the biscotti in, just crush it into bit size and sprinkle on top.

<font color="119911">Birthday Goodies bag</font>
I'm so new to this.. I need some advice. What do we place inside these bags? My friends' kids are mostly 1-3 year old.
goodies bag stuffs can buy from value shop, e.g. mickey mouse / winnie the pooh pens, pencil pouch, etc. or you can give sweets and chocolate
<font color="119911">Waiwai</font>
Tks for suggestion! Not sure if my friends wanna let their kids take choco and sweets, better not get these.

Mmm.. big crayons. Step, why do I get these?
Itsy, you can get those from $1 shop, just get those crayons that are thicker so its better for tiny hands...

If you got big bugget, crayola has got some thick big crayons..
I got "tou chiam" for Jordan and my helper cooked it today and he loved it!!! hee hee I was having such a big headache cause this little prince was just bored of what he's getting daily.

So yesterday I went Cold Storage to get Tou Chiam and Mee Sua... this afternoon is Soup Tou Chiam with veg and cod fish, maybe tomorrow lunch will make Salmon Mee Sua soup.. hahahah

Let's hope that he will like this menu... Not sure what else he likes.. he's quite fussy..

Hopefully Tou Chiam is safe for babies.. lol
Corsage, you know those budget shop, or $1 shop or those erm.. neighbourhood shops type... they should have...

I bought the baby biscuits (can't remember brand) from NTUC, it has a cartoon baby face on the red box. Inside think got 2 packs of baby biscuit... I bought that for my #2's birthday party for the guest's younger siblings..
Milkyway- lolz eat bugs ants??? Hv u tried letting her drink this --- cook porridge n the water u put a bit salt? Muay um??--- my last time family doctor teach me and it works on me since young. U can try ?? Does this kinda virus spread? Cos my fren baby also like S.. But she just change job so she let her mum look after n nt even a wk she kena tis frm dnw her other niece or what...all along she look after no such prob . So she tinking was it another baby passed the virus to her baby...

Kam- I can understand hw siao can be!! Lolz. Does she try snatch korkor toys? Z alwax cling v tight to me bt I'm ok w it. Afterall I pregnant w him I gave birth to him I look after him I cook fr him I feed him I play w him I scold him etc also is I do it. Even twice wen I gave him bm in bottle also I gave the bottle to him.. So he glued to me is natural mah bt sm ppl jux buay song! Lolz.

Last nite he cried n cried n woke up at 5!!! Til almost 8 then slp! I dnw wad he wants... But was suspecting maybe tummy ache... Then morning he woke up n stood one corner n poo... Sooooooo much n smelly!! Lolz. Let's see if he is like tis tonight.... He was not crying but screaming middle of night which scared me!
Yes, the virus causing the stomach flu is very contangious indeed!

Exactly, I also don't mind my kids cling on me, simply because I am the mum. But with 2 young kids and 1 adult at home, I just cannot handle them well if I have a koala bear clinging on me. Just hope XY will get over this round of separation anxiety soon. Oh yes, she snatches the toys from gorgor, beat gorgor, kick gorgor, push gorgor away, etc, very very fierce girl, and won't allow gorgor to touch him!
i'm not sure is S eats the bugs/ants lah but she loves to play with them when she sees them on the floor leh. hahaha.. always trying to catch them with her fingers. Yes PD says gives her plain porridge + salt/soya sauce for solid for the time being.

oh i didnt know it's contagious! thanks for highlighting that to me!
Oh dear Milkyway, hope S gets better soon! Yes, stomach flu is highly contagious!

Thanks for sharing! I'll have a look around. Have been thinking about the party all day. haha. Can't seem to cut guest list. It now stands at 100!

Could Z also be teething? Since you said he bit you?

Seems that most siblings where there is one boy and one girl the girl is often fiercer! hee

What kind of place are you looking at? I've searched SO MANY places. Got a couple of quotes. I may finally just hold it at the function room at my place just for the convenience!
kam> reason y i fed him our food is becos really bo bian. i try to cook him porridge most of the time, but sometimes he simply refuse. feeding out food beats not feeding him at all.

itsy> maybe i shuld try adding biscotti instead. but i really hate feeding him his baby food now. cos even those heinz puree doesn't get him interested
Kam- indeed it's rali v hard on u. Fr me I m alone w z and I cannot do anytin! Few times no choice jux let him cry or explore my drawers if I need cook fr him n myself.. But I'll suffer at nite again... Cry too much he nite time Kip wakin up n cry!!!! N screamed!!!!!!!!

Z also quite fierce at times ... He doesn't snatch w my niece doesn't fight w her but he alwax want to snatch my nephew tings n u knw my nephew is autistic he can't socialize ended up screaming crying shouting!!! Sigh! Gt once at playground, a toddler push z away when he was playing it first and she so fierce to z lo! Kip push him off n he almost fall bt he nv do anytin bt turn to me n ask me hug. Then another boy Fr nth pull his hair and shake his head... He gt mad and pull his hair back.. -.-" this boy sister then came up the pg n z hug her.. ??? Lolz. Funny baby I have!!

Woah it's so contagious! Omg.. Like tt most likely it was passed to her baby frm other baby le... Plus lately she so cranky.. Wkends back to her hse she cannot tk it... Reject food reject milk reject water.. Dnw wad she wants...

Milkyway- hopefully s recovers asap else she cannot enjoy her wkends again.. When babies unwell they v uncomfortable lo... And not much appetite... Maybe e virus will tk few days to clear by itself...

Corsage- I peep peep see no white white leh... So dnw wad cause him b so wierd lately... Hope he doesn't wake up n cry fr nth ltr.... I'm so tired after few nites of him waking hourly!!!!
S is as active as normal even when she's having diarrhea last wk. Her appetite still teh same but PD says need special diet lah. No more LS now after we switched her back to soy milk again on wed. PD says she's ok already, just need to take some time to slowly switch back to normal milk lor. So i guess for S case, its not serious ba. She's back to her normal solid meals now, gotta take some time to adjust back to normal milk ba.
Itsy, Corsage,
PM me ur address and I email u the person I bought the gift from. I have join her spree when I prepare the bag for my son cc. 20 cars at $15. She email me her promotion on color pencil n crayon but I don know how to cut it here.
Cloudme- haha not really leh. He see my fren's son and he always want pull his shirt to call for attention leh.. Then my friend will gt scared he too rough on her son wor.. Lolz. Maybe he see mood?? Wahahaha

milkyway- that's good at least she won't lose weight too... Remain as chubby chubby.. Heee... Z unwell wil stil v active bt cranky!!!!! -.- so kinda stil can differentiate..
I'm curious yah.. Soy milk a week can finish le ah? So fast? How much is a tin?

Ooooo today is Friday the thirteen!!!!
<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> hope Shanis gets well soon...mine suspected to have the teething runs, been "pooing" about 4 to 5 times a day! She'll poo in the middle of the night too! so tiring must wake up to change her!
(p/s. mine eat dog fur! worse! but I'm sure if she sees a bug she might just wallop it down too!)
thanks... she's better already. my mum also insisted that it's teething runs... hmm but i dont see any whites. Yes last wk she wakes up crying and when i picked her up, so smelly lor. haha...
Hi All! I'm back!

Itsy, Will you be home this sun? I'm going to Sengkang and can collect my girl's tshirt from you.

<font color="0000ff">pamela</font>
helium tank. I'm interested. But I haven't fixed the date for the party yet. She's born on 17 Sep, I'm still trying to decide whether to do it on 17 sep or the next day. hehe.
Milkyway- woah. But I tink usually comes in small tin only since it's fr babies during these few days when diarrhoea. Milk powder really ex.. My friend says she spend $110 on it every mth at least.

Baby travelling- my siblings are gg tw/hk in oct n askin me wanna join them since my hb wun b in sg fr mths.. I dnw wanna go or nt as I'm still bf z. It might b troublesome fr them as I can only latch him in a place when der is only both of us in e rm. Day time we might hv to find a ?? To latch.. Then night time... Since my bro &amp; dad r w us in e rm, can't expect all of them out of e rm n I latch mah... Sigh.. Hw ah? I cannot decide... Other than milk time, everything is ok w me. I do hv a nursin shawl n I tried few times using it bt failed... Z wil play w it n flip open... So no use.. Hais..

hey mummies,

I need to revamp my wardrobe!!! any good online boutique to recommend? it is mission impossible for me to go shopping centre to shop for clothes with 2 kids lol

i was looking at some overseas online fashion... saw pple organise BP and Spree for the same overseas store, BP one charge handling fee, while Spree one don't charge. I wonder why still have pple buy from the one that charge handling fee...
