(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

opps...i c...u got from bishan...
then it's ok...

haha...mis-interpret liao...

Don't be sad. I am very sure Ian appreciates you spending time with him and taking good care of him. You are doing the greatest thing in the world! Have a good talk with your hub, telling him that you need his support and help. If he asks you questions like that again, you just simply ask him back - ya, I thought as a dad you should know better since Ian is a boy mah, you tell me why.
<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> oops! ya, like what cloudme said, not run as in like run lah but fade after a few washes, so must re-mark her hanky and bibs.
You sending Jacob to which one at Turf City? Babies Inc?

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> ya, its true, if other label are not non-toxic it defeats the purpose...well,...its ok lah, I like the labels as they are very cute and it sticks very well
Plus, at that time I also bought the stickers before Rach got her stickers in
and dont know about cheap sticker lobangs

Labeling clothes - yalor, i will go mad labelling all her hankies and bibs, so I just resort to let the teacher use marker to initial them...I have like 50 hankies and at least 20 bibs for her, i will go mad labelling!
Michelle > I was thinking of that too, rice got worms, should be quite normal for cereal to get worms if not stored properly. Btw, one of the ways to get rid of worms in the rice is by putting a few cloves of garlic when you store the rice, then you will get rice free of worms. Why don't we put garlic into the cereal when storage to get rid of worms hor? KEKEKE... Just kidding..
<font color="ff0000">Phillips Carnival Sale</font>

To Mummies who are using Avent products, its time to stock up!

Date : 28-30 May 2010
Time : 9am-6pm
Venue : Phillips Electronic
620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh
<font color="0000ff">Itsy</font> I can share with you that I really got back my sanity after going back to work! Handling baby 24/7 on our own, plus daily household chores... (&amp; a dog in my case-i still dunno how <font color="0000ff">kiki</font> is keeping herself sane!)
These really put a strain in my relationship with baby, relationship with hubby and drained me physically and emotionally too!
Speaking from my personal experience staying at home and going to work, I feel I cherish the evening times with Kate more now (and weekends too)....not as easily flustered by little little things.
That's why I really applaud SAHMs!!
cloudme> i think u mean rach la. she got order the label. 4bucks for 120+ i think. can mail to u oso =p

paige> haha. actually i oso din know. but happened to walk ard bishan after visiting my pil. so shun bian lo =p

lol. heng my boy's sch nv label the hanky n bibs. else got to differentiate btw sch n outing liao =x

maelyn> erms. can baby eat garlics? if can den can put garlic in de cereal =x haha. i dun haf rice at hm, cos my kitchen is a display set. haha. not meant for cooking. so u can imagine how crazy i got when the confinement lady was ard -_-

i only need pacifier. not sure if i shuld go squeeze with the crowd -_-" like not worth the effort hor. erms...

marie> haha. last time my hanky oso got sew names =p
i got a special set of handkies(diff pics) for the IFC
so will not get mixed up with the outing handkies de...
<font color="119911">Michelle, Melissa and Kam</font>
actually I find Ian quite ok too but family tells me he's so skinny and like it's my fault. Ian is already on at least 2 meals of solids a day plus latch. I figure maybe my supply drop so not enough milk for him. He refuse to use bottle so I tried to increase solid. Last week I got so pek Chek trying to feed him more I think I was literally force feeding him till he wanna puke.

I tried asking for time off from my mum and husband but unsuccessful. They will say go and take a break lah but somehow it never happen. Since birth till now, I had 3 hr of me time only, and that was to rush to saloon to get a hair cut. They will tell me they understand how tiring it is to take care of Ian but hor, no body offers to help! Hubby will tell me his work is important.. Then when I hear this, it make me feel that my dinner time, bathe time and rest time Are very Insignificant so I keep quite lor. Worse part is, I'm not total Sahm, I do freelance design work. Just cos I work From home, nobody sees me work they assume I'm not working. Sigh... Sometimes I have to wake in nite when they r sleeping to do work, or when Ian naps I work. When I complain to them, they say they understand... That's it!!!! Nobody will do anything to help!!! If I tell my hubby I'm rejecting work offer cos I can't handle, he'll say better accept cos got money and dun wanna lose the client and he'll help me with Ian.. then after I accepted the job, he dissappears.

Haiz... Think it'll be easier if I change my mentality and accepts that I won't have help and find a way to do everything myself. Hope and pray Ian is only teething and his food strike will not last and he'll grow fatter soon.
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
reason why I've been procrastinating goin back to work is due to my job nature. Design job have long long hours. Hubby works late too then Ian will have to go infant care then to grandma house in the evening. Grandma will have to prepare dinner for all... Take care of Ian in the evening.. Lots of logistic. And I'll have to pay for infant care plus grandma! Hahaha shiong ah! Furthermore I learnt from u guys babies fall I'll easily at infant care, then I have to worry abt this as well. See how, I'll try to last a while longer, most prob go back to work next year. At least by then he's older and easier to care for. Don't u wonder why House and childcare seems to be the mothers worry even when the mother is working too? While the husband just need to concentrate on his work?

I am sure the garlics work for the rice coz I have been doing this all the while, but dunno whether it works for the cereal wor.. I also dun really know whether bb can take garlic. But my guess is babies will not like the pungent smell of garlic. That is why they nvr recommend garlic during confinement.
what u're feeling is normal. but try not to let other ppl's comments get to u too much, else will go into depression! if hb can't help out much and u find it difficult to cope, how abt get a part time helper to help out with household chores? my hb also does very little housework. sometimes i get very mad too when he rather play his computer games then play with baby or help out with baby for her night wipe down and change to PJs etc. nowadays abit better lah...coz there was this period i was so overwhelmed and tired, i told him i feel like a single mom coz i have to do EVERYTHING! and if i'm gonna continue feeling this way, i might as well be one! and no...i wasn't joking when i said that. so since then, he stepped up abit more. i guess for me, something is better then nothing...so i try not to nag him too much.

brown rice with si sien is powder form is it, so its very smooth texture? hmm..maybe kim is gagging on the porridge? not too sure... i think i'd try fish with cereal and see how it goes.

i didn't know there are ifc that does 2x/wk service. can i ask how much u pay for it? how does it go? how many hrs each day and the fees go by per month or per term?

truth be told, somedays i do experience insanity, especially nowadays when she's so clingy and keeps crying all the time! i just keep telling myself the 'difficult period' won't be forever...though at the back of my mind, i really fear its only gonna get worse! yikes! don't wanna think abt it, just take 1 step at a time.
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

its a bit pricey, $530 after sub for the 2 full days plus need to top up a bit for the additional classes. but they feed them well leh, like organic brown rice cereal, yogurt, puree, etc. wad i would feed him at home lor. not like some other centres i visited, so at least this part i can really be assured. haha they feed dinner also

<font color="ff6000">cloudme</font>

oh ok thx! i placed an order for the brightstar kid one leh haha! too cute to resist!

<font color="ff6000">paige</font>

i need to use marker first cos the labels wun come so soon. sending Jacob to Sunflower Baby House. Babies Inc not inside Turf City right?? Wad?? u have so many bibs and hankies? Hmm... i thot i was crazy enuf! i must go tell hubs cos if not he scold me for buying so many! need to buy more bibs for sch also. think i go get the ikea ones! last wk was oos lor! haha u do the laundry once a wk huh? i will set aside some clothes/bibs/hankies for sch so dun need to label everything hehe! can wear those ugly ugly ones in sch! but u still use hankies? now i only use at home during meal times to wipe his mouth with a wet hanky as opposed to wet tissue or tissue paper. other than tt, i use for bath time only. so dun use a lot now.

<font color="ff6000">itsy</font>

jia you! why dun u consider looking for ifc with flexi scheme? tt's y i put jacob twice a wk. so tt all of us are not so tired, all = me, mum and jacob. cos he will also be so bored of me at the end of the day and gets cranky! but at the same time i also dun want him to be in ifc full time yet so i thot flexi scheme is good, just my 1cent though... cos i also need to work a bit liao if not my clients will kill me!

<font color="ff6000">kiki</font>

got!! u got to call and check and be prepared tt its not ez to find. centres usually hv full and half days. then for mine, 2 full or 3 full days and flexi care. 2 full days is $530 after sub per mth and its a full day prog. for mine its 7.30am - 7pm. but u muz fixed the days tt u want to put ur child. in a way its not very cheap but if i pay for full days elsewhere n din utilise i will heartpain also. and most importantly, thru the chat i had w the centre mgr, we kinda agree in a lot of ways in terms of parenting so i feel quite ok. checked w her and the staff turnover has been very low also. the teachers are younger and not those aunties and will sing to the kiddos there. my boy also driving me nuts lately! always dun wanna nap even though he is really tired. and my mum keep saying its becos i keep bringing him out. when i told her i haven been going out for some time, she will say cos i keep bringing jacob to the ifc... kaoz... twice only leh! she always must have sth to say one!
cloudme> lol. prob is infant care i let him bring 4hankies a day. den i dun wash clothes everyday. so i need like 4X5hankies for ifc liao =p

itsy> aiyoh. dun care wat people say ba. the more u force food into ian, the more he's going to reject i believe. let him slowly love to eat the food, den u can slowly up the amt of solid u give him a day

tat's y i nv wanna work from hm. cos if i'm hm, the task of handling baby will still be mine.

cookiezz> wow. more costly than my 5.5day wk =p but hehe. maybe like u say dey dun feed as well. but definitely better than at hm. cos now morning he drink milk, den dey give him porridge, than he take milk again, den sleep than wake up milk again. wonder when they'll start offering him teabreak =p
Hi itsy,

Me kay poh here. heehee. Being a SAHM , you are in control of your time. I think now SAHM is different from our mother's generation. We can spent each day 2 or 3 hrs, get out of the house be it go supermarket, meet friends at their house or shopping mall, or just window shopping. I have been doing that during my 1 week being a SAHM. I find its less tiring as i just need to push the stroller and I feel more refresh than staying home the whole day. Maybe you cut down on your housework ..

There are days where I go for my morning swim, massage and facial. When I go , I just leave baby with hubby. I didn't nag at him , I just tell him I book the appointment liao. He has no choice but to deal with it. But lately , when he knows i have facial or massage, he will bring baby to his mum house and play computer game there. He so smart to siam .. heehee... My hubby workload is very heavy but I still make him handle babies when days I feel tired..
IMHO, If you cook very often, the normal cooker 2+1 is recommended which is good and durable.
The Induction type may not be as durable as the normal cooker.

Out of Topic Big Time:

I think it's better to put baby to sleep on a mattress or a kids sofa bed on the floor instead of on the adult bed. Melissa use to sleep in one position thoughout but recently started rolling, turning and spinning 360 degrees during her sleep at night.She can behave like very "mang chang" trying to find a suitable position to fall asleep, all the pillows that I surround and barricade her also being pushed away. There're a few occasions I found her under my bed because I was awoken by some knockings below, it's actually her head bobbing up and down, knocking under my bed.....

Frog Legs Porridge
Just to contribute one more idea for cooking porridge for our little darlings.
Use the live ones which can be bought from wet markets or sheng shiong.
After buying, on your way home, don't be alarmed that the legs are still kicking in your red plastic bag although the body as been dismembered.

Tum Jiak
My girl really loves to eat!
I started her on solids from about 4.5 months old when she is getting very interested and curious with the food we eat. She keeps looking, staring then salivating......
She's not fat, just nice, hopefully she will keep it that way. Else grow up fat fat no men admire or chase....

Melissa's Daily Routine
6am/7am - Wakes up for 120ml Milk (FM-Similac) then continues with her sleep.
9am/9.30am - Fully awake for her breakfast (Porridge-2servings)
10am - Shower then Play
11am/12pm - 150ml Milk then Nap
1pm/1.30pm - Lunch (Porridge-2servings) then Play
3pm/3.30pm - 150ml Milk then Nap
4.30pm/5pm - Wakes up, eat Fruit Puree then Play
7pm/7.30pm - Dinner (Porridge-2servings) then Shower and Nap
8.30pm/9pm - Wakes up, eat Cereal then Play
10pm/10.30pm - 150ml Milk then Good Night Sleep.
Sometimes if she is not full, she'll demand for another bottle of 100ml Milk at 11.00pm.
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

yah ex hor? but its an expat crowd so he will have frens from many countries! tt is wad i would like to be when i was young. too bad no chance tt's y i give him now haha! at most he dun like i put him in cheaper alternatives! they really feed well leh, got tea break one! next wk when i go i will take a closer look. but i rem got white bait porridge, yogurt with fruits, macaroni with cheese, tofu porridge, vege porridge, etc... every wk menu change one! better than what i eat!

I used to put baby to sleep on mattress, but i found that he actually crawl to the toilet door, had a shock. Now I put him back to his cot, but he keeps holding on to the edge and stand. I worried he will bang his face on the wooden edge or hurt himself. So i have to be awake when he does that, sometimes can last for 1 hour..
<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> yes! was about to tell you sunflower baby house have a lot of angmos
Babies Inc as well (Its at horse city, just before you enter turf city)
But I read a lot of good reviews
Jacob's one lucky boy! I'm sure he will enjoy his 2 full days there...his FOOD sounds sooo yummy!!
WE did consider, but turf city is kinda out of our way to work, though its not too far from our home...but morning jams from upper bukit timah to dunearn road is horrible...
<font color="#6600ff">Hola Mommies</font>

<font color="#6600ff">Ning</font>
Sorry to hear (Read) Bout what happened. Hope time will heal.

<font color="#6600ff"> Lenses</font>
Before I go off to meet the Mommies later, Just wanna leave a note for mommies that do wear contact lenses. I'm still about 50 pairs short to close my spree earlier than scheduled. I have clear lenses for those of you mommies that do not use colored lenses.

Straight from Korea.They are not fakes or of cheap quality. Best of all. They are inexpensive.

Check out my site www.addicted-beauty.blogspot.com


<font color="#6600ff">See whoever'll be heading for the meeting later!</font>
<font color="ff6000">paige</font>

haha its actually not very near our hse or work place also! but at least its quite ez to catch the feeder bus there. at least i can go take driving lessons! i am quite apprehensive abt the jams also. so may cab in early in the morning like 7.30am? haha so tt can siam the jam and surcharge?!

<font color="ff6000">printz</font>

really??? yeah! haha wad is ur baby's name? i m going next tue and wed
<font color="ff0000">Healthy Times</font>

Hi, any <font color="0000ff">WEST SIDE</font> mommies wanna order HT stuff? I'm going to order for Chloe.. cos my stock running super low..Let me know fast before the day ends okie, if you wanna order?
cookiezz> haha. initially when my boy was 5mths, dey give cereal. now got fish/chicken/vege porridge. oso got fruits puree. but dunno y dey nv give him yet. maybe when i go to the sch on 5june for their teacher-parents meeting session, den i ask them more =p

now too bz. no time dropby n haf a chat =x

btw, do they have any 5day program? wonder how much it'll cost. maybe when he's bigger, den will be better to put him there =p
<font color="0000ff">RE: Husband</font>
Just to share. I was in the same boat as you all here after gave birth #1. I was super angry and unhappy that hub was so busy with his work and left everything to me, even on weekends. I nagged and nagged till he couldn't take it and shouted back "Do you think I don't want to spend time with baby? Do you think I intentionally want to come home late? Do you think I don't want to spend weekends with you all? Do you think I have a choice? I go to work leh, I am not going out to have fun, but stuck in the office rushing with the deadlines!". After that night, I changed my mindset and try to be more understanding. I do what I can do, and try not to complain, and tell him what happened or what we have done during the night when he comes home, and so he won't feel left out. But we also agree that if I feel I cannot cope, I will let him know and he would try to schedule time for it. It's true that both parents should contribute to the rearing of our child. But if you read the article that Sandwich posted, it's a fact that in our society, we are just not ready for the equality, it's definitley not like you can divide the workload to 50:50 (except some very lucky families). My hub has been great, he helps out a lot with the housework (till we got a part time helper) and taking care of babies. But still I was not happy with that. How silly I was!
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">kam,</font></font>
u are a very understanding wife...

my Hubby also said similar things like I'm out there working hard n trying my best to provide for family, for our own house, it's not like I'm out there partying... Do I want to come back so late every nite? Do I not want to spend time with my queen n princess??
It's like I can understand but yet he could help more with Rayanne but there's only so much he can do if Rayanne doesn't want him at certain times....
hi mummies,
sorry i left out the details,

area of stay is bedok...

pt-helper/cleaner to help do housechores
prefer to come during wkends
$$/hr between $10-$15.

those with recommendations do pm me.
Yupz, brown rice with si sien is powder form. tried fish with that 1st and after that I move on to chicken/fish/pork porridge. He's ok with fish porridge as well. The porridges are double boiled.

any idea how to get preggie again while still breastfeeding?

Need to totally stop first? I'm still latching on for the last night feed only. Other than that, I dont latch or pump. Also, my menses is not back yet leh.. So dunno if I am able to get pregnant again? lolz.

Any advise?
Enxuan> Wah!! U really so badly wanna get preggie ah?? Lol!!! Ur HB must be having a good time... Lol....
So nice.... Haha....:p
dun be too stressed up ba.... Let nature takes it's course better.... Too stressed all the more dun have... Keke...

is sunflower the only IFC that offers 2 days programme? A bit far for me leh. I stay in the east. Am thinking of putting my daughter in such an IFC because I think my mom who is taking care of her is spoiling her. Good to let her be more independent.
Does it hv a branch in the east?

Rach, I want to quickly go through thr birthing years .. Than can one shot try to lose the weight and settle thr clothings (pregnant versus nonpregnant) than can see them grow up in similar stages together lor.. Haha... I think I'm the only kan cheong one here!
Mummies, I have 2 new boxes of healthy times brown rice cereal to sell. Just delivered on mon so it is new stock. I forgot I have 2 more in the fridge. Ps pm me if u want.
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>

i think its slightly above $1k for the 5 days prog. but if want the enrichment prog must add somemore

<font color="ff6000">potbelly</font>

dun think its e only one but i think no branch wor. not a lot will offer such prog cos one of the centre told me, their operating costs still run so no diff n may be a bit confusing for them. u look for those centres which r bigger? also w expat crowds cos i think they usually not so hardcore to do OT so will collect their kids early or put in 2-3day prog one. family time mah. gotta call the centres one by one lor. if not get the cheaper ones and put your baby there 3-4 days lor haha! lugi a bit. or half day ones. i think will b easier to find

<font color="ff6000">enxuan</font>

i also hv the same mentality as u!!! but i dun wan a tigeress so next yr then try! now i m still buying bravado bras! cos cant fit into old bras anyway!
theorectically not possible. Cos no menses means you are not ovulating yet. But some poeple like waiwai and a couple of my friends did conceive when still BF and no menses. But I guess there is nothing you can do unless you want to get med from doc to regulate your hormone or stop BF so the hormone balance again. If you are really really wanted to conceive now, call your gynae for advise.
enxuan> lol. menses not back, but can stil get pregnant =p

hehe. actually i oso wan another one sometime nxt yr. will start trying when my boy turns 1yr. or at least stop taking pills when my boy reaches 1yr =p

cookiezz> u mean 1k after subsidy isit? hehe. ok. will consider when my boy move on to childcare. cos i find below 18mths like dunno how to appreciate the classes =p

kam> cannot meh? my gynae told me can. which is why i was on the pill before i had my menses wor
<font color="119911">Kam</font>
u are so understanding. I just had a big fight with hubby last nite on the same problem u said and he answered me the same way. Sigh.... I tried to be more understanding but problem is when I Do that, he'll push the limit. When I dun make noise when he returns late, he'll start returning later, go for dinner with supplier and even go play soccer on weekend! While I'm alone at home looking after Ian, trying to be understanding!!!! I'm tired of talking to him, like talking to my toes, dunno if he understand me or not. He's totally taking me for granted, that I'll take care of things and I should be doing it. He's lucky I'm do not have stable income else I would have left him.

Hi itsy,

Try letting him take care of the bb one day and probably he will understand better. Afterall , u have been taking care of your bb for 8 months. One day is not alot.

Hi Wenlim,

Thanks for your link. Yesterday, we use the blanket bought from ikea $3.99 to cover the top edge of the cot bed, cut the diaper cloth to tie it. BB yesterday wake up so many times, wonder when i can have a good night sleep without waking up. 8 months liao still like that, sian ;(
