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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    etelle maybe I will try to give pacifier. ytd my bb dun wan to sleep in the sarong. whole nite sleep on my bed. also dun need to carry.. I'm confused by him liao. or maybe he is also confused .
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    linda actually i dun know it is harder to wean off finger then pacifier. I was like encouraging him to suck his finger, everytime he try to suck the mittens, I will take it off and give him his finger, lucky he still dunno how to do it.
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    missylan ya #1 was not on pacifier I will also carry him till he sleep but after I put him down he wake up. Only at night I carry him sleep together, sometimes when he deep in sleep then I let him sleep himself... 1st one was on sarong, thats y my hubby complain if #2 on sarong again...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    hi Ask you mummies. If can only chose 1 either pacifier or sleep in sarong which will you give ur baby??? My boy sleep on the bouncer during daytime, nite with me-got to carry him to sleep. last week he was very cranky & keep ccrying till 3am. initially I gave my boy pacifier,he stop...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    gina I carry and sleep wif my baby every night after he is one mth old.
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    hi MTB I am from Dec'07 MTB, I have the below cot to sell. It is still in very good condition.
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    (2008/05) May 2008

    hi MTB I am from Dec'07 MTB, I have the below cot to sell. It is still in very good condition.
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    (2008/06) June 2008

    hi MTB I am from Dec'07 MTB, I have the below cot to sell. It is still in very good condition.
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    hi MTB I am from Dec'07 MTB, I have the below cot to sell. It is still in very good condition.
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    (2008/03) March 2008

    hi MTB I am from Dec'07 MTB, I have the below cot to sell. It is still in very good condition.
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    eve, constance but I don see the deduction on e hospital bill leh....think will check wif cpf board.
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    my baby also wake up for feed every nite. is either 1,3 & 5am or 2,4,6am without fail.....
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Idah you receive a cheque for the $450??? When did u deliver ur baby??? My bb was born on 12 dec but I still yet to receive leh I also receive the baby bonus, but I am referring to the $450 claim for prenatal claims.
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    hi mummies really busy with baby, new house renovation and moving house. finally settle down n got some time to surf the net. any idea when we will receive the claim of $450 from CPF? this is the prenatal expenses claim that we submit together with the hospital bill . ANyone receive...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Congrats to all who had delivered! I have given birth on 12 Dec via Emergency C-sect, Baby Boy weighing 2.805kg, 50cm. Baby Name - Jester Leow I was having contractions on the 11 Dec & also had plans to go & induce the next day. Admitted hospital at 10am, was put on drip @ 11.10am...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    I went for my check up today, still the same no further dilation. But my Gynae is going on holiday this friday for 6 days. He say either is to induce or there will be a stand in doctor while he is away. But I feel that most likely I can't wait till his return, coz bb really low liao pressing on...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    botanist I was thinking if I still haven deliver by this week, then I start ML next Monday 17 Dec, but next week only need to work till 19dec (half day oni with Xmas party & lucky draw then can go home liao) after that company close for the year liao. If start ML on 17dec like very wasted...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    petrina I had been walking a lot for the past 3 weeks coz shopping for my new house. Thought that maybe will help in dilating, but did not leh. I was thinking only 1cm dilated only, gg to take a long time to 10cm...I haf this feeling is gg to be like my #1, takes a long time to dilate. So...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    I was having contractions on thursday and went for ctg for an hour, had contractions between every 20 mins. Was only 1cm dilated. My gynae gave me 2 options,either to admit & induce or to wait for it to happen...I choose to go home and not induce also mainly because I was only 1cm dilated & I...
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    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    baked bean Cannot move the bed is becoz scare something bad might happen to baby bah. I remember when I move house when I had my 1st child, my Dad insist that we cannot change the bed mattress, must bring over the old one after bb born then can change new bed. he was saying something like...
