(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Thanks, jeelomeelo & dinut
Yeah, my baby is also very prone to hiccups when he was in my tummy
that explains it

how do we know the bb hiccups when he was in our tummy?
my bb hiccups in every feed & very long hiccups...till he starts crying...then the hiccup will slowly stop
thanks all for the info...
i went to the fair too but that time didn't intend to buy sterilizer,let alone milk warmer...but now that i'm living it,i feel more at ease to have a milk warmer (and a bonus if it comes as a sterilizer too just like the pigeon multi sterilizer) coz i'm worried if i warm my EBM up with hot water it'll destroy the nutrients.
on top of it,it's also very slow...and not practical if i have to keep monitoring the temp to stay at 40 deg C when warming the milk up.

you'll know you're bb is having hiccups when you can feel this constant n rhythmic movement in your tummy but it's different from heartbeat.
it feels just like when you're having hiccups yourself...

i'm interested in the wrap too...

Busy Baby Wraps :
1. Botanist - Snowflake blue
2. Constance - Natural
3. Eve - Pink
4. cookiemz - Natural/chocolate
my office @ hong leong building, next to Lau Pa Sat..

yalar..my MIL n mum oso said so.. so will try feed her water sometimes too.. but she pushes the teat out sometimes
shall continue working on it.. hmph

Dinut - Busy Baby wrap,
count me in for this ..pink for me .. tankoo =D
hi mummies

really busy with baby, new house renovation and moving house. finally settle down n got some time to surf the net.

any idea when we will receive the claim of $450 from CPF? this is the prenatal expenses claim that we submit together with the hospital bill
. ANyone receive already???
hi mummies, i bought too many clothes from the CCt SPREE.... anyone interested? got about 4 2 sell off... BN still in plastic bag n tag.

my poor baby cried non-stop when i try to cradle her to sleep. she wants to be carried upright all the time. Last night sent her to kk hosp to find out why is she keep crying and dont want to slp even keep yawning.

She has to put on a special urine bag to check whether kanna the UTI. Nurse said had to insert the urine cathter if still cant collect the urine as her urine bags are contaminted.

Luckily doctor say is infant colic after doing all kind of tests.
my girl do wake up for nite feeds too..i latch her in the sleeping position .. hehee.. so can still zzz n rest while she suckles..

me too ve received the baby bonus 1st instalment..

my boy also got similar problem.. some days he will just cry and cry unless we carry him upright. he sometimes fall asleep in that position... my PD simply said its colic and ask us to comfort him with whatever works! so we let him sleep on our tummy and carry him upright quite often lor... so far so good. He still fusses once in a while but definite improvement already.

you receive a cheque for the $450??? When did u deliver ur baby??? My bb was born on 12 dec but I still yet to receive leh

I also receive the baby bonus, but I am referring to the $450 claim for prenatal claims.
Do we get to receive the $450 cash? I thought it had been factored in when calculating the cash portion that we have to pay to the hospital after all medisave claims?
hi dinut,

i'm interested in the wrap too...

Busy Baby Wraps :
1. Botanist - Snowflake blue
2. Constance - Natural
3. Eve - Pink
4. cookiemz - Natural/chocolate
5. Elaine - Hip Green
jaz, amy
my bb also wakes up 2x per nite. for 1st feed, bet 1-2 am, i always feed him ebm, cos wanna make sure he drinks at least his regular qty (if i latch, we both sure fall asleep...) if i am lucky, he will sleep for 4-5 hrs. then latch him awhile for 2nd feed, hoping can last him till morning.
I guess diff bb diff feeding demand. My no 1 stopped waking up for nite feeds by 2nd mth. No 2 only quit this habit in her 9th mth.
hi everyone,
thanks for your interest in busy baby wraps
they haven't gotten back to me regarding shipping cost (maybe coz it's weekend) so haven't found out the exact figure.
meanwhile...anyone else interested? MOQ for bulk purchase is 10 pieces so i need 4 more to place order.

Busy Baby Wraps :
1. Botanist - Snowflake blue
2. Constance - Natural
3. Eve - Pink
4. cookiemz - Natural/chocolate
5. Elaine - Hip Green
6. Dinut - Natural
i jus chked wif my hubby. he says it shld b factored in our hospital bill leh.

oh, i thought my ger is e onli one who wake up for nite feeds....

my ger also likes to b cradled smtimes.... would scream her lungs out if she is not carried...
Dear All,

I have an Ameda Lactaline Pump to exhange for $250 NTUC voucher.
used for 1 month only.
Warranty till 23 July 2009.(receipt as proof)
Collection point can be arranged at Clementi/Bt Batok/JE/JW/Bt Panjang, or self-collect at Jln Jurong Kecil

I also have:

- 1 unopened box of 60 pcs Pigeon Breastpad and 8 loose pieces (for $12 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 pair of Mumsfairy original Super shield (for $20 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 pair of brand new Avent ISIS Comfort Breast Shell set (box opened. for $20 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 used tube of nipple cream from Mothercare (or $2 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 opended box but unused Breast Milk Storage Kit, contains 20 steralised disposable milk bags, 20 dater tags, 10 milk bag clips, 4 milk bag stands (or $10 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 full set old model pre-loved Avent ISIS breast pump with all parts and a complete bottle set (or $15 if you are only interested in this)
- 1 old model Avent warmer (bought but not used before, thus became yellowish. not for fussies)
- 26 glass bottles, each 100ml with screw caps

All to go together, at $300 NTUC voucher.
Can PM me if u are interested. Thanks
still down with flu, hopefully will recover by cny.

Anyway, now my boy only wake up for 1 feed every nite. Usually he wake up only 3 or 4 am for the feed and then sleep thru again. And i also change the diaper together with the feed so he wont wake up again for the diaper change. He used to wake 2-3 times for the feed every nite, but since 3 weeks ago, he had changed to 1 feed per nite only.
u r one lucky mama...haha having bb sleep through from 1 mth is a joyous piece of news which means you can also sleep longer.

My son these couple of days also slept at about 11+ then wake up at 5am for 1 feed then sleep through till morning about 8+am. I am going to monitor a few more days before confirming if he is sleeping through le
Hi Dinut,

I'm interested in the wraps. Think Slimz is also interested...saw her post somewhere above...so you only need another 2 more to hit MOQ.

Busy Baby Wraps :
1. Botanist - Snowflake blue
2. Constance - Natural
3. Eve - Pink
4. cookiemz - Natural/chocolate
5. Elaine - Hip Green
6. Dinut - Natural
7. Slimz - Pink
8. CSI_Fan - Natural

i delivered on the 5th of dec and hubby submit for the claims on the 6th. The cheque i received also on the month of dec itself (cant remember which date though).
hi, any bb drinking lesser? my ger nowadays refue drink even though she cry for it.... wads happening? a bit worried & smtimes she cant even finish 100mls...

wads e wrap u all r toking about? can i hve e link 2?
jaz, mine too!!!!!!!!!! she drinks about 100 mils only and she's 9 weeks!!! on good days it's 120. this is every 4 hours. went to see pd and she said nothing wrong wif bb. bb gaining wt. just have to feed her with syringe at times. went to see mrs wong at tmc and she's monitoring. dunno wat's wrong also...
etelle, ya, hopefully he can go w/o any feed at nite soon.... Now i need to revive my eye bags from the dark eyerings, :p

Tub and jasmine, my boy oso drink 100ml during day and at nite he drink 120ml, i think as long bb is active and gaining wt, i think shld be fine, tat wat my pd told me.

i'm ordering 1 more wrap for my friend.. updated the list below..

Busy Baby Wraps :
1. Botanist - Snowflake blue
2. Constance - Natural
3. Eve - Pink
4. cookiemz - Natural/chocolate
5. cookiemz - Snowflake blue
6. Elaine - Hip Green
7. Dinut - Natural
8. Slimz - Pink
9. CSI_Fan - Natural
the link is: http://www.busybabywraps.com/html/busy_baby_wraps___products___n.html

my boy will want milk btw 11-1am, then another time btw 3-5am before he wakes up his morning feed ard 6-8am. So is it considered 2 night feeds?

u delivered in tmc? how much do they charge to see mrs wong? other than feeding issues, is she able to help with kicking off bad habits like wanting to sleep in my arms all the time? desparately need help on this. i tried the bouncer also no use.
my boy is beginning to learn to suck his hand and fingers n he always smear his saliva all over his face n myself. what's yr opinion btw letting yr bb suck on his fingers or the pacifier
hazel, wah, 6-8 hrs sleep, how do you find time to get your own things done when your baby at home?

sigh, kena lectured by PD. he said why feed her EBM if can latch on cos my baby's sleeplessness caused by EBM, hence she had slight infection. EBM probably contaminated during the expressing & storing process. and he said ridwind is a placebo, doesn't work at all. it's just something for parents to feel like they're doing something (huh?!?!). anyway, i stopped feeding EBM & ridwind to my baby, and she's been sleeping much better. like rite now, been sleeping for more than half hour, not in anyone's arms but in her own bed. shiok ah............ cos she as heavy as sack of rice now
wow... so many mummies still latching ur bb on ah? think m the bad mummy, has been expressing out n bttle feed her instead of latching her on since wk 1 post birth. me still on TBF la....

mummies can ask, if e milk put in e freezer... how to thaw it?

anyone memory affecting?? i see, to b more forgetful nowadays.

anyone koe where 2 buy gd bras? need get 1... r we able to wear wire bras?

mummies, when do we stop putting mittens for them? my gfs tell me they can stop wearing after 1 mth....
eve, this is my MIL's experience with her 3 kids. first 2 used pacifiers. very good when in mouth, but CRRRRRY when can't find paciifer. so when in middle of the nite her kids wake up and pacifier already drop from their mouths, she also has to wake up and put pacifier back else they keep crying cos can't go back to sleep without pacifier.

her 3rd kid no pacifier, became thumb sucking all the way. but his thumb became a bit crooked (slightly lah, won't notice unless pointed out) and she claims he had rabbit teeth. but i see his teeth, looked normal. and hand/thumb will never get lost! only thing is must keep wiping it i guess

i tried letting my girl use pacifier twice already but she rejected. so may depend on your baby too.
csi, dinut:
yup.. count me in for the wrap (pink) tankoo =D

i latch my grl, duno how much she drinking..but the past 3days shee been zzz-ing alot.. can zzz 5hrs straight in daytime n no wake up 4 feed...n i will wake her up for feed coz my breast bursting le n i no wan to pump it out lest my MIL complain too many milkbags in her fridge esp its cny n she nid the space 2 store her food..
but last sat brot her to PD , she gaining wt.. so its ok bah

personally, i would rather let baby suck the pacifier coz at the later stage u can wean it off. if baby suck thumb, we can't wean off the habit by chopping his/her thumb away.

of coz, the "ideal" situation is not give pacifier or let baby suck thumb coz it will affect their teeth when they grow older.
but at times really no choice n hv to admit that pacifier does wonders when baby is cranky or has a habit of suckle for comfort.
thaw frozen milk by putting it in the frigde for 12hrs .. den warm up like normal fridge EBM.. but the thawed EBM can oni last 24hrs.. if not consumed mux throw.. so thaw oni wat u tink bb can finish else waste..
i've alwys been forgetful.. so cant comment =P
tot underwired bras will cause block ducts.. i had blocked ducts b4, not fun
so wont try underwired bras..
my girl still wearing mittens coz no matter how i cut her nails, stil abit sharp .. scared she kenna disfigured..
eve, i delivered at mt a but attended mrs wong's antenatal class. can't remember how much... think it's about $60? not sure... u may call up to ask. 62514090. and yes... she attends to other problems like sleeping in yao lan and other bad habits. u may want to call early to book an appt.

jasmine, u r not a bad mummy la... it doesn't matter latch on, ebm or fm... as long as bb drinks the milk and thrive, it's fine! dun think too much.

linda, your boy drinks the same amt also? every 4 hours or 3 hours? i called yen ping from kkh and she told me not to worry about how much they drink as long as they are doing well cos everyone's digestive system is different. told me not to compare. :p
tub, my boy just started to drink 120ml for every 2.5hrs but depend if he sleep thru during the day, then prob it 4 hrs later. last week he was still on 100ml for day every 2.5hrs.
Ya lor, tub, don compare la, me also. some babies drink as much as 140ml some as little as 80ml, as long they are doing well, don't worry too much.
mummies, u all got a lot of milk in the fridge ah?? my hubby has been either throwing o drinking my milk... has not been able to store much milk in e fridge... stress ah....
ya lor i was about to post this...i was so sad when i see this...really, must kill that maid...i really wan to know who is this maid and i wan to humilate her infront of the entire world...really cant understand why got such maids around...
aiyo, i feel so sad when i saw this - i dono if she had injuried the baby hands or nt, the way she pulled the bb so hard from the sofa to her side, u know our bbs' bone structure are not as solid and hard as we adults and also the way she "yao" the sarong. i cant imagine if that bb is my boy, i will sure cry

i took out his mittens even before 1 mth old cos he got a lot of rashes on his face when he rubs his hand all over the place n then on his face. Shd not let them wear to long as they need to start exploring things w their fingers already.

i was told not to wear wired bra cos can caused blocked ducts. now wearing nursing bras fr M&S, V comfy n good support even without wire.

personally i like to latch on cos more convenient. no need bottles, sterilise, etc. but i feel ebm is also not bad cos will know how much they drink n won't hv prob rejecting bottle when trying to wean off breasts. my son sometimes will reject bottle recently even tho i introduced bottle to him at wk2.

i've 4 bags of frozen milk of 200ml each in the freezer n 2 bottles of chilled ebm daily for his 2 afternoon feeds. other times, i feed 2 FM n the rest, i latch on. so my storage is not a lot too. me also not sure if enuf when go back to work. my 4 bags is already occupying a bit of space in the freezer as my fridge is those small ones... my mil sure grumbles later on.

ankh, ah bie
yah lor... he'll cry whenever it drops out fr his mouth. but sometimes it's really effective to calm him down when he's cranky esp now when he's sick.

so u just call n tell her u wld like to see her for yr prob? i also attended her class tho din deliver there. is the session v rush n is it useful to you?
