(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Your 1st kiddo wasn't on pacifier?

From my experience la, I rather choose pacifier. If not, they will suckle their hand then finger. Then that very very hard to wean off liao. My #1 wean off the pacifier quite easily, I purposely cut his pacifier then told him spoil already. He weaned off when he was coming 2 yrs old. Ok lah, sleeping then use only leh so not very unsightful for my case.

Occasionally my #2 will cry all of a sudden, will cry like for 30mins. I will carry him, hold him tightly and walk ard the house. He too will not accept the pacifier then. So no choice lor, he will cry till automatically stop. He is not sleeping in sarong but using pacifier. I will carry my #2 when he wants to zzz. Carry him for a while, walk ard the house then finds him drowsy liao then place him on bed. Pat pat him again till he zzz.

thanks rachel,
ya,i find it v heartpain to put him w e nanny, i had left him thr for half a day to "try" and nanny told me he can recog the place and cried when he saw nanny's face...

i can understand ur anxiety, i hope ur bb get well very soon. am gg bk to work nex week too and he seems to recover v slowly. its v heartpain for me to see e tube in his nose to suck out the mucus..

gd dat ur bb is recoverin fast. hope mine and mongs' too =)
amy, i rather have my boy on pacifier than yao lan. I dislike my boy putting his fingers into his mouth, so with a pacifier, it's bttr and i don't think pacifier is hard to wean off. It's the bb's fingers that are hard to wean off from their mouth, hahaa!
That time my son kenna rotavirus which no medication can be given to cure. He was admitted to TMC and put on drip. Must wait till the virus automatically gone. You know, he was like 1½ yrs old only and nurses wrapped him with big towels, controlling his movement cos need to insert that drip in mah. That daddy so clever, knew that what they are trying to do liao and he stepped out of the room. Left me facing that drama. I held him tightly, son was looking into my eyes with that teary eyes. He was screaming, "Mummy, Mummy, "poh" "poh"(in hokkien means carry me). Pleading me to help him. Waliao, I was so heartache man that I cried inside. The PD somemore came over to console me. So embarrassed!
ya #1 was not on pacifier

I will also carry him till he sleep but after I put him down he wake up. Only at night I carry him sleep together, sometimes when he deep in sleep then I let him sleep himself...

1st one was on sarong, thats y my hubby complain if #2 on sarong again, next time go out very troublesome. He prefer pacifier. I prefer sarong.

actually i dun know it is harder to wean off finger then pacifier. I was like encouraging him to suck his finger, everytime he try to suck the mittens, I will take it off and give him his finger, lucky he still dunno how to do it.
tub,... well, that if i can wake up and am not lazy to walk to the kitchen to prepare the 1st feed milk for him.
i'm just so lazy hahaa
btw, just got info from gaia sg, they will have a booth at mother and baby fair at expo, and they are not going to have a booth at taka baby fair. so for those who want to get gaia pdts, prob can drop by at mother and baby fair instead.
cloverluv & mongs
don worry, i'm sure yr bb will be well very soon!

personally prefer pacifier. my fren's son actually was sucking his fingers till 7 yrs old!
amy, hehe, ya it's harder to wean off finger sucking. my boy only know how to "eat" his hand, dono how to suck his fingers though he do suck his thumb when he was in the womb, but dono y he didnt do it when he was out of the womb, maybe time not ripe yet aha. I even got the pix of him sucking haha!

i tried the ergo on my boy today and he didnt scream! but i had to remove the infant insert. turns out, that was wat was bothering him. so i wasted $ getting the insert. will have to sell or keep for next baby!
haha, so funny.
My gal very fierce. last nite just fought with the bro & bit him until he bled.

hope she dun do it in school.
so tmrw will be your son's last day at cm?

u too?
hee.. mine is e ABC pink colour one. we bought fr e DIY shop in Vivo city. After we stick on, we realise we still need abit more of e wallpaper. By then e DIY shop had ran out of e wall paper, so now e room there's 1 small area without e wallpaper

haha yah i'm really thinking about it. already got the ergo actually but maybe can sell if the beco is better? heehe. haven't told my HB yet though... :p

I'm thinking of getting the butterfly, because the 4th generation beco is actually the same as Ergo, just nicer prints. But the Butterfly is a slightly different carrier so i might just keep both Ergo and Butterfly...

In fact, i did some research online and found out that Ergo threaten Beco with a lawsuit so that's why Beco got to discontinue their 4th generation range. Wanna get, better get now before its completely gone.
thanks for sharing.
i guess e stress oso comes fr my in-laws w e "how come he kena flu" so young... haiz..
thanks for sharing.. its esp heartpain for us as mothers to see our young ones unwell n nothin we can do...
botanist, can u enlighten me whats the main diff between the butterfly and the 4th generation? cos i can seem to see the diff besides the shape and the zip compartment. only diff i know is butterfly can only carry 2 ways..so 4th generation better?
hi, any mummies out there using sterlising pills to sterlise bottles n pump?

am thinking of using them when i pump @ wkplace..

I'm no expert but based on what i've read online...:

1. 4th generation is really a duplicate of the Ergo carrier. Just with nicer prints and the fabric is different.

2. Butterfly is their new series now that they can't market the 4th generation anymore. Main differences:

- Butterfly is great for infants and young babies because it has an insert which allows them to sit 'higher' in the carrier (their legs cannot do the split...). That way, you can put your infant in the carrier WITHOUT buying an infant insert (unlike Ergo).

- This insert seems to be made with quite lightweight material and can be flattened against carrier once its no longer in use.

- The biggest difference between the two is that the Butterfly has an internal sling. What it does is secure your child in the carrier before you put it on or transfer your child to a back carry position. With the 4th generation or ergo, u got to basically shift your child to the back before putting on the carrier which can be abit scary if you haven't got used to doing it yet.

- The way the carrier has been designed (to do what i mentioned above) has resulted in a slightly different design from the 4th generation. For the butterfly, there are buckles connecting the top of the front panel to the foam straps. With the 4th generation, the straps and the front of the carrier are sewn together. The buckles are supposed to allow you more adjustment and room for nursing.

- You can't do the hip carry with the Butterfly because the design facilitates what i mentioned above. With 4th generation, you can.

- So, aside from the differences i mentioned.. you can only use the Butterfly for either front or back carry..

I think that's the key differences. Check out this link - this is where I got all my info from. Scroll to the bottom, the writer does a review of the carrier and she brings up some good points.

botanist, thanks for the detailed points. ya i got it now. so m i right to say tt butterfly is nt so good for BF? cos i have a bb bjorn Synergy now, although it claim to be able to use it for BF , but i cant seem to figure tt out. am thnking if BECO can BF in a breeze, tat will be nice.

are u getting the Butterfly or 4th generation? and are u going to try out first?
Haha, you're getting another baby carrier? You're really an addict!! or becoming one?? LOL...

Anyway, you mean your boy can hold his head steadily already? When you place him in the carrier, his head won't wobble?

My boy still can't really lift his head up when place on his tummy.. he's quite heavy so think he needs more time to strenghten his neck muscles...

These few days my boy will protest when I wash his head.. I wonder if it is painful for him.. Anybody has the same experience?

I have an ergo, its supposed to be BF friendly.. but I think all carriers alike - it will need getting used to. So if you are getting the BECO cos of BF, then abit risky cos u might find it hard to adjust to it.
I'm thinking of getting the Butterfly because I already have an ergo, which is identical in terms of function to the 4th generation Beco. Although I must admit the Beco has fantastic prints.. hehe. I haven't decided leh. I actually dont mind trying out first... make sure my son really likes it before I invest. But the seller going to pop soon so she said must wait at least 1 more month before can let people try... like that how??! Plus I want the pre-order fabric... by the time the carrier arrive, my son will be 6 months old liao!! hahah


No lah, i also like u... attracted by the fabric but was so confused over the differences between both carriers. Plus the price not cheap.. better do research and justify my purchase. :p


alamak, i dun know leh.. feels like i'm being addict liao! Already a handbag slut, then wanna be a stroller slut and now... this!!

My boy can't really hold his head steadily, but I strapped the hip strap higher... nearer to my waist so easier for him to 'sit' with his legs split open. Becos he still 'small', the top of the front portion ended just at the top of his head so also act as a support. Plus I pull the straps tightly so he is close to my chest.
i'm thinking to get the beco carrier too! i love the prints,mainly...i thought with butterfly shld be able to BF easily? plus i think hip carry nt so important feature...can do with back n front carry only...

btw a little update on busy baby #1...
will start collecting vpost shipping cost once items have arrived at botanist's...haven't calculated properly but i thik shld be about $3 only...i think botanist will advise local shipping charges if you're not collecting in person...
i think quite worth it coz i saw someone's running a busy baby BP for $48...we shld do bulk purchase ourselves so no need to pay xtra fee incurred by bp thread admin fee heeheehee
hi ladies,
speaking of holding head steadily, mine dun like tummy time. The only thing he does on tummy time is to eat his fist (no matter how hard i try to distract him or pull his fist away it doesn't work).He practises his neck muscle is when he's being held like a koala bear on the shoulder. pls share tips/experience on training your baby. and my boi is 12wks old liao

he takes pacifier when he needs to sleep. we always quickly sub his fists with the pacifier when we see him yawning/rubbing his eyes.

we dun really do tummy time with baby. But we always carry her like kola bear (upright) cos she likes it tis way. N during daytime nap, sometimes we hold her tummy against our chest n lie down together. she tend to look up thus strengthening her neck muscle.
my girl oso 12weeks le tmr .. and she oso hates tummy time.. neck muscles still far from being steady leh .. my mum was trying to flip her over to her side tis morning and faced wif protest...
i attribute her less strong neck muscle to her big head.. =P
haha, my boy also has a big head!! I don't really let him let him lie on my chest coz he tends to rub his cheeks while trying to shift from one side to the other.. ended up saliva all over his face plus then baby acne will pop out...
hahaa.. my girl was born wif a double chin .. head size 34cm .. weighing 3kg ..
my fren's girl born @ 3.6kg but head size 33cm .. smaller dan my girl's..
dat's y i conclude my girl's head = big =P
Friday is the last day. Aiyoh, yr dd so fierce! Now yr dd's class isn't big think the 2 teachers can manage lah. Overheard from my class's teacher that March or April, they will have 24 students. Scary...

My son prefers to be carried upright too, when napping, he prefers to be carried like breastfeeding... He can do well during his tummy time cos I will massage him, he will quietly enjoy the moment. Hahaha... I joked about his stiff neck today. Steady neck = stack up fats.

Baby Carrier
Wanted to get one but was thinking whether necessary for me or not leh. Got stroller and helper mah... So wanted to get one... any advice?
hi, can i ask... the expressed breast milk... can w store in those glass bttles which hospial has given us upon discharge?

i noticed u like the morgan design too! I just can't decide leh. But will decide by soon cos will be too busy until sunday so guess i will place my order tmr.
Botanist, u handbag slut? me too....LOL..hhaa....stroller and now a carrier addict? i think i m like u! My hb must be thinking i m a mad woman cos i jus got a bb bjorn and now eyeing the BECO... not forgetting my other pouch and slings...wahahha....

actually i tot bb bjorn can allow me to BF easily..but nt the case. nt tt i need the carrier to BF, bot my priority, but will be good if it really can do the job...if cant also find since i also ordered the busy bbwrap.

ok since u hv an Ergo, would like to find out if the straps of the 4th gen tt run across the bk, similar to the Ergo one? cos i read reviews tt the 2 straps sometimes run to the bk, hard to reach and can be annoying. the Butterfly dun hv this problem becos the strps are adjusted together with the shoulder pads....does ur Ergo pose tt problem. cos if nt then my choice is clear, will take the 4th gen cos dun wan to wait so long for pre order.

I just placed my order! Just saw that the March pre-order Beco's are already gone! Sigh... I was eyeing the AVA design actually.

Yeah! I have so many handbags - it's not funny. Infact I have ALOT of brand new bags too... my HB really nag me. Now that i stop working, cannot splurge on expensive bags anymore..*sob sob*.

Speaking of carriers - I have the ergo, got a baby bjorn too (hand me down from my cousin) and now the BECO! Also got a few slings too *shake head* I think I can open childcare centre with my 'over supplies' liao... haha

Yah I think the busy baby wrap will be better for BF cos more comfortable. I just can't imagine BF with the carrier leh... strange!

For Ergo, yup the back straps aren't attached so sometimes hard to reach for it. But they can be tightened lah... (still abit inconvenient sometimes). So U're right, the 4th Gen Beco doesn't have this problem. Yah, choosing the 4th Generation is a good choice if you dont have an Ergo, because it has the same functions! I would have gone for it if not for the fact I already own an Ergo...

With that being said, I dont regret getting the Ergo cos its quite neutral in terms of design so my HB wont mind using it. Whereas the 4th Generation is so girly... i think he wont want to be seen carrying our son in something like that! haha
botanist, u are confusing me now....so the Ergo straps IS annoying? cos the 4th gen straps is the same as Ergo i think. only the Butterfly one is improved version of the 4th gen....but i m nt prepared to wait for the preorder le....i wan the carnival which will only arrive in MAY,...by then i prob hv other thngs in my mind again...hehehe
my #1 slept in sarong till he 6 months then i move him to sleep on the bed with me it was okay it wasn't difficult for him to sleep. Then he was also on pacifier and auto wean off at 18 mths when he told me one fne day that he dun want the tutu.

For my #2 he is not sleeping in sarong but on bed but i got give him pacifier on and off. I agree with missylan that pacifier is easy to wean off and if only sleep want to eat its alright...fingers and hands always here so much tougher to wean...

Baby carrier
just wanna ask can we put baby in carrier now if their heads are steady...?

yah sorry, i just checked and the 4th generation and Ergo straps are the same. THey are both loose and annoying!
so yup.. butterfly dun have this problem.

I dun mind waiting till May.. guess no choice cos I'm also ordering becos of the design. Haha. Actually the PONY design also v.nice but i think maintenance is a problem.

I noticed that alot of US websites are selling the 4th generation cheaper. Like around $100USD. So if you want it fast, you might be able to get it from those websites, cos plus shipping to S'pore.. probably be around BP price.

yup, can liao. it also depends on what type of carrier u are using. Yr carrier must have support for yr bb's neck and head
cos their necks still not solid la... still abit shakey sometimes
i think ard 2hrs in room temp. I always throw away after 2hrs.

wow, 24 in one class? ur son's class? dats alot. how many teachers? my dd class one has 2 teachers n one helper. ds k1 class has 3 teachers.
have any of you used the leap pad systems? So tempted to buy but every time go and look, sprees all closed already. Also heard shipping quite ex so dun want it to become a white elephant at home
haha claire
i have 2 sets at home.
The first leap pad and the read n write one.
becoming 2 white elephants...
my kids were very happy with them at first.
after 1 week, sian already.
now collecting dust on the shelves.
Baby Carrier:

this morning i wanted to order jack and was surprised that the march pre-order all snapped up! whoa...so popular...
i also dun mind pre-ordering coz by then i think it'll be just nice,DS's head wld be very steady by then i can get the print that i want

i like the pirate prints like jack and morgan...jack was my first pref coz the strap is brown,a great change from boring black but too bad now must go for morgan,my 2nd choice...

initially i wanted to get a sling but figured out probably a carrier wld be better coz support both shoulders thus kinder to the back...my back already aches a lot half the time...

i think it's gd to have both stroller n carrier so when tired can put bb in stroller n when bb cranky n needs to be close to parents,can use carrier...plus i think by using both methods bb will get used to both being rolled away in stroller and carried.

Tummy Time & 'Eating' Fist

my bb is moody...he's got big head (during 1 mths check up it was 39.8!) but he can hold his head during tummy time,turn his head side to side and can even roll to change position but sometime too lazy and when he's lazy he will end up eating his fist too! i notice that this also occur when he's bored/sleepy...what shld i do? so far i've never given him a pacifier...is this just a phase that babies go thru? (ie because they're gaining control of hands and getting to know their body parts?)
Hi cloverluv,

u can put yr bb w nanny 1 week before u start work. And maybe you can your bb there half or 3/4 of the day for the 1st week. You can either pick your bb earlier or leave him there later. And spend some time there for the 1st week to allow time for him to adjust.

Hi Mummies,

Since some of us will be meeting on Sun. I have some enfalac glass bottles that are good to store BM. Anyone interested let me know, I will bring some for u gals.
Botanist, me looking at the butterfly le...if 4th gen the seller has stock, no need to ship from US. its me actually, if i wan something, i wan it fast lo...2mths later who knows i might change my mind if something new pops up! hahha... by May (nt sure early or late May though), my gal already 6mths plus...if she used to the stroller then i prob wont need another carrier ....so now is dilemma dilemma...
jeelomeelo, my boy also like to 'eat' his 'pillow' during tummy time. haha. But he likes to be carried upright, and daddy like to carry him like lizard lying on his tummy on daddy's chest. So he get to train his neck abit too. Now also quite unstable.

I also give bb.. cos now he likes to 'eat' his fist whenever the pacifier drop out! I will scold him n beat his hand lightly.. then he'll cry. :p Now my mum looking after him while I work, so his on sarong during day time, + pacifier. Bo bian...

tub, I tried warming ebm for nearly 2 hrs while my bb takes his own sweet time to drink. Seems ok.. no diarrhoea or wat.
