(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

I was thinking if I still haven deliver by this week, then I start ML next Monday 17 Dec, but next week only need to work till 19dec (half day oni with Xmas party & lucky draw then can go home liao) after that company close for the year liao. If start ML on 17dec like very wasted...

thanks for e info.. i guess dats e way most ppl r doing...

ya lor, my PIL wan me to ask to be warded cus they too kancheong... *faint..
i told my coll i rather break my waterbag in e office than at home...
i really cannot imagine stayin at home facing 4 walls.. esp when i stay w in-laws...

my gynae dun check whether i'v dilated or not... and jus told me e only ting i can do is also to wait whether i hav dilated... haiz..

same here, went east coast walk for e past 2 weekends also liddat...

as long as our darlings ok and healthy.. we shall carry on w e waiting....

ya you might as well enjoy the xmas party and lucky draw hahaha! maybe can win something!
better to be at work and doing something than being bored stiff at home!
sassy, you can just get the adapter from sim lim tower/sq...

milkingcow, I got mine from babycenter.com, not drugstore.com. My mistake. But it's the same. It was shipped directly to me.

My princess on Day 11:

The Bathroom's Over There!
haha coco, like you, i'm still "incubating" my kid! congrats to all the mummies who've popped, especially those from the rice table dinner
. A bit envious of you all. Since 2 weeks ago gynae said my baby quite comfortable in me so now play the waiting game. Already started my ML, wait wait wait until my brains stagnate liao
my crampy feeling came back again .. juz called my gynae .. he said i'm likely to be in my pre-labour so he said me to admit to hospital tonight

your crampiness may be a sign of early labour.. hehe.. i also had mini cramps the day i admitted to hospital, which i only experienced after being induced for my #1. perhaps your #2 wants to see the x'mas lightings at orchard earlier

i'm coping well with #2.. he drinks and sleeps most of the time.. #1 is more of a problem now, her behaviour really changed when #2 came along, she used to be quiet and "si wen".. then now she yells, throws tantrums and lie on the floor and cries easily. when my maid carries #2, she will hug my maid's leg and cry, shd be jealousy lor.. otherwise it is the beginning of the terrible Twos.. urrgghh.. she used to sleep thru the night, 2 mths before #2 came, she start to wake up in the middle of the night and cry, she wants to squeeze with us on the main bed or she wants to PLAY *faint*. now still the same.. tiring.. i think you are also experiencing the same right? i hope i can cope after my confinement nanny leaves...
Belle and DarEve,

Brazilian Wax

My gynae told me I would be shaved, be it C-sect or Natural delivery. Since I had rashes problem, she encouraged me to go for brazilian wax.. so last Friday I finally did it!

Like most of you who are waiting, I'm also very very tired of waiting... Tail bone hurts a lot... BB also kicking very hard.. crammy feeling...*sigh* really envy those who are now cuddling your little ones and not waiting around ...
ya i stay at blk 15, u? I need to find a babysitter to look after my gal, so want to ask u got any lobang?

i juz moved in last year, seldom talk to any neighbours, so its kinda hard to know got any auntie around our area are babysitters.

yalor, my #1 has been manja these few weeks..will want me to carry her if she sees me. Otherwise she is ok with hubby...really hope she will be ok when #2 comes along....cos we dun haf any maid to help us, just hubby, myself and confinement lady...
i had a fren who was so tired of waiting for her bb to pop.. she had intercourse with her hb and she popped the very next morning. maybe some of u mummies wanna try? read somewhere that there's some component in the semen that has got similar effect as oxytocin (drug used for inducing labour) or the hormone oxytocin is released into the blood during orgasm.. can't remember exactly

i stay at blk 13! what a small world. Oic, you just move in last year. I move in around 4 years ago. Also dont know many people, dont really talk to the neighbours.

Hmm i dont have any lobang for babysitter, was having so much problem looking for infant care around the area - give up liao! Am sending my son to part time infant care near my mum's place.

u not considering infant care?
I started to manually pump out milk on Sat nite since it hurts too much for bb to latch on. Was able to pump 100ml for both breast. Still a bit of engorgement though. This morning, tried to let bb latch on again. This time it doesn't hurt, think nipple is softer now so she is able to suck better. But she didn't want to suck very long. I tried to give her the breastmilk frm bottle, she's not keen to drink much. In the end, I had to let her drink a bit of formula then she finally fell asleep. Hope she's not stuck to formula now *sob* *sob*

cookiemz, thanks, I'll call KKH if bf still fails by later this week.

sassy, the actual bill has yet to come. I signed up for A1 Premier Hospitalisation Package which supposed to inclu normal delivery by snr consultant n 2 days stay for mother n bb. Since we only stayed for 1 nite, not sure how n whether hospital pro rate. The package price is ard S$1,550 n est total bill is ard $3,490. Am hoping will be less than this since my stay is shorter.

dun carry ur girl too much.. my pre-term labour arose from my placenta detaching from the uterus wall coz i overstrained myself, and i bled more during delivery as well.

sometimes i feel bad abt not carrying her when she whines and looks at me sadly lor......btw, does your gal insist that you cannot carry didi?
hiya cookiemz, thanks for the warning, trying very hard to restrain from picking my girl up as well, difficult lah, she wants more attention nowadays cos she senses the change.

actually enjoying these last week(s) with No. 1 at home, so not bored...went for my checkup today and baby is still not engaged, better he dont come out this week as my gynae is away the rest of the week oso...

me too!! actually i shop until i sianz already.. coz bought all my christmas pressies.. and then if go out.. spend more $$ only.. so no choice lor.. stay at home, watch tv or chat with u gals.. hehe

actually i think the 5 min contraction thingy doesn't really apply to me leh.. coz on sat.. i was having 5 mins contractions.. but no pain.. so gynae says a little weird.. say most probably i can tahan without epi.. gonna see how the pain is when it starts proper.. then say whether i need epi or not.. hehe


i'm also having contractions on and off.. but coz its not painful.. i also dun want to go to hospital and then have to be chased back home.. rather the pain come or at least show or waterbag burst then i know its confirmed the 'right' timing to go.. hee


maybe ur discharge will soon turn to blood red leh.. since its pinkish already.. good luck! hopfully dun need to wait so long..

guess all mummies who hasn't popped are very sianz of waiting already.. haiz..


hahahaha... i like ur gal's pic and ur 'mocca' caption.. showed it to my mum and she say so cute! then she turned to me and asked my bb when she's coming out.. hehehe..

yah i also bot all my christmas presents liao! now doing online shopping! hahaha.. cos no need to go out - furthermore its been raining everyday! Quite sian to drive when its so wet!

Yah maybe your threshold of pain is quite high so dont feel anything. My friend also same... CTG machine monitored her contractions but she didn't feel anything. Haha... superwoman lor!

not superwoman lah.. i just think that the real pain has not arrived yet only.. hahah..

online shopping ah? so far only been checking out the BPs in this forum for good deals.. haha.. other than that.. better not spend too much coz i think i overspent on my bb liao..

u're still driving ah? my dad banned me from driving 2 weeks ago.. so sianz.. but anyway.. stuck at home cos of the weather too.. hehe

u're also not working anymore? when's ur due date?

actually my gynae also mentioned to me that another way to try and get bb out is for my hubby and i to 'come together'.. these were her exact words.. actually i was siting here blur for a little while before i understood what she was saying.. hahahahaha.. i'm so sotong..

but hubby is not comfortable with the idea at all coz he says our bb is in there.. he dun feel good.. so thats a no go for me then..

anyone planning to try it out?

yah, BPs from this forum but also some Australian websites.. heehe my cousin is living in Perth and said he will bring back for me when I order.
Alamak I already overspend by ALOT liao.. lucky my HB haven't complain yet.

Yes still driving everyday, cheaper for me to drive. If my HB drive, season parking in town is so expensive!

I do my own online biz so not really working now anymore.. but still go office to act busy lah. Hahah but I surf net and do my own thing when in office. If I'm at home, I will go mad! Due date 23 Dec. When is yours??

salbutamol is used to suppress contractions. i was on salbutamol drip when i started having regular contractions at 33+ wks. it is a very strong drug, causes heart palpitations, hand tremors etc.. my hands shook so badly until i couldn't SMS properly! keke.. are you on the drug?
Hi Hen,

I am in the same situation wth you. I thought with my 2nd one i can breastfeed easily. However it seems that is not the same as my first one. My 2nd one latch onto my nipples and is so sore now. I almost gave up. I was so depressed and cried.

Luckily my friend was encouraging me and hence i suplement him with fm and breat milk. I even resort to such that i let him suck for min 30 min and later let him drink formula and hence to ensure that i am able to express the milk out.

Mommies got any good recommendation for catering? need to find one.

my girl sticks to my maid most of the time, which is good, coz i try not to carry her. but she will get jealous when she sees pple carrying #2.. few mins ago, she smacked her little brother on the head when he was drinking milk.. aiyoh..
during confinement also not supposed to carry heavy things right?
Al (janmon),
my gynae is also away till 12 Dec. Today is my 38 weeks and I had loose stools yesterday. was worried that my girl decided to come out early today.

re:VE and drug
my gyane first did VE when I was 36 weeks. he said my cervix is quite soft and gave me ventolin to prevent contraction. it also may cause heart palpitations but I didn't experience that.
wah this thread super active, cant catch up liao..

anyone tried RICE TABLE catering before? nice? is it the same standard as the restaurant food?


i m struggling with handling 3 kids!! esp my #2 is 2yo... wah like terrible 2 leh... shiong.. kind of depress man... but with my #2 time... i mean only hv to handle #1 n #2, very easy leh... i guess its my #2 that is diffiuclt coz she only want me n not my hb.
hi, i am into 38th weeks, went to see gynae today and was told that the bb is still not engaged. anyone has the same problem? when shld the bb be engaged? what can i do to get the bb engaged?
hi steffi n cookiemz...

my kids very strange... during my #2 time, my #1 insist ONLY i can carry meimei.. then now #3 insist ONLY i can carry didi... so very noisy if others carry didi loh.

talk abt smack on the head, my #1 used to awlays smack my #2 head when she was a newborn.. we have to beat her hands to stop her
took few weeks. no choice coz smacking oin the head is bad
Cookies, wow so funny.. then i better keep myself away from having intercourse in case bb pops out earlier than expected date.. heehee...

got a feeling he is popping out soon... i still got 3 more weeks to go though... heehee...
went for my gynae checkup just now. put on the CTG and realised i'm having contractions already... but i don't feel anything. Doc also did VE but said not dilated yet. After VE, had a lot of bleeding. Whole panty liner was soaked with blood. Doc asked if want to b admitted. But i choose to be go home to monitor. Now bleeding is lesser. Anyone has a similar experience?

not to worry, when i had my #1, she wasn't engaged and was quite high up the birth canal during my labour...the contractions will help to push the baby down.

so far my #1 has not protested when i carry #2... but i noticed that when my parents came visiting, she gets very bold and will try to wrestle the milk bottle away from #2 and smack his head. she does not do that usually.. strange hor.

how are your 2 older kids taking to #3? your kids are 2 yrs apart right? i'm trying to imagine wat it will be like when i have #3.. haha.. is there anybody helping you with your confinement and #3?
<font color="0000ff">hihi all mummies, congrats to ALL has popped!!

i am still in the hospital, 5th day liao.. extend my stay due to my baby's jaundice. am waiting for him to go home with us.

here is my birth story. i think i have break record here, the heaviest, longest (baby) and longest labour so far

5.45pm (thurs) - water bag suddenly broke. i thot i lao jio
6.30pm - admitted to the hospital
6.30pm to 10pm - was put in observation room. only 1cm dilated. body not ready despite water bag has broke. tablet inserted into cervix to expedite the dilation
10pm - transferred to labour ward so that hb can have a better rest. was told i will have a long wait...
3am (fri)- VE checked. only 1.5cm dilated. another tablet inserted
5am - still waiting.. was in great pain (contractions) in 5-10min interval. requested for epi
6am - epi administered. felt like heaven immediately
8am - gynea came to check on me. cervix only 2cm dilated. very very very depressed and disappointed.. feel like crying, so sad. gynea decided to put me on hormone drip. since then, the contractions was very intensed and regular.
12noon - another VE checked and cervix has dilated further to 5cm. gynea very happy with the result and told me by 4pm should be able to dilate to 10cm. happy happy happy....
12.30pm - epi suddenly failed on my left side. i felt every contractions in 5-10mins interval. very very painful and unbearable. nurse told me my nerves blocked the drug, the only way to relieve is to administer epi again, and it is not guarantee it will works!! OMG!! i refused to perform another epi. just have to bear with the PAIN

3pm - VE checked. cervix not doing well, still remained at 5-6cm. continued with hormone drip.. broke down and cried it loud!
6pm - VE checked. cervix has amazingly dilated to 8cm but baby's head still way up. nurses helped me to "turn" my tummy. gynea came and told the nurse i can start push in another hour later. i was so HAPPY!
7.40pm - started to push, push and PUSH!
8.52pm - baby Malcolm kenna pushed out!! he weighs 4.045kg and 53cm long!!</font>
Rachel Wee has given birth to her baby girl Jerielle on 9th Dec. She weighs 3.37kg and 51cm long via natural without epi. labour 7 hours
the twins are so adorable.

don't give up. baby's mouth is a bit small at birth so not so easy in the beginning. keep trying and latching on. it wasn't easy for me for my first child but I persisted and managed to breastfeed for 17 mths. tomorrow will be a better day.
I went for my check up today, still the same no further dilation. But my Gynae is going on holiday this friday for 6 days. He say either is to induce or there will be a stand in doctor while he is away. But I feel that most likely I can't wait till his return, coz bb really low liao pressing on my bladder/pelvic when I walk...
If I chose to induce, I will have to pay it tomorrow at least the time when I am staying in the hospital he will still be around.
hi cookiemz,

i m not surprise ur #1 behav like this infront of ur parents, i think she is kind of jealous, my #1 did funny things infront of different pp too when i had my #2..but i think its very normal for them to behav such, so i try not to penalise them but hv to be firm.

they r overly zealous over the little bro, but #2 quite rough, dont know how to be careful around the bb. you want 3 also? hehe go for it!
hi hen,

if you are very keen to TBF, try not to give FM. it will decrease ur milk ss.. as for her not keen to suckle, i think u have to to wake her n try to encourage her to suckle (dont intro bottle, will make her lazier)... easier said then done, i know... coz i did not hv any "bb related" prob with my #1 n #2, thus ablt to TBF for a total of 3yrs... but my #3, wah super impatient.. latch on only expect milk to flow like tap :s... so struggle abit everytime i latch on... need to squeeze n squeeze for fast milk flow... feel like giving up.. but i tell myself to continue.

Congrats Alien on your delivery! Your birth story is really incredible...

Cramps could mean contractions if they are regular enough. Or could be fake contractions if irregular.
