(2008/06) June 2008

New Mama Bottom Spray

Hi Ladies,

I'm from the Feb 2008 MTBs thread.

I bought this New Mama Bottom Spray before my delivery, as it was highly reccommended by some mummies that it eases the episiotomy wound and helps to heal faster. However, I totally forgotten about it after I got discharged and didn't use it at all.

I bought it at $43.45, and selling it at $38 now. Anyone interested please email me at [email protected]


pls be reminded besides dont buying too many diapers now, u oso need to know the size of diaper differ between the brand oso. I know for mamy poko, the size will be bigger than oth brand.
And btw, normally u can get some diapers sample at BB fair which is on next month.
Cloth diaper is another alternative if ur bb get diaper rashes. My #1 had golden butt so ended up use more cloth diaper so that can heal faster. So, you'll need to get rashes cream as well just in case.

I normally brought diapers at Malaysia coz it'll be much cheaper.
pls be reminded besides dont buying too many diapers now, u oso need to know the size of diaper differ between the brand oso. I know for mamy poko, the size will be bigger than oth brand.
And btw, normally u can get some diapers sample at BB fair which is on next month.
Cloth diaper is another alternative if ur bb get diaper rashes. My #1 had golden butt so ended up use more cloth diaper so that can heal faster. So, you'll need to get rashes cream as well just in case.

I normally brought diapers at Malaysia coz it'll be much cheaper.
hi all..

i am 1.66m n my hubby is 1.78m tall..so i hope my mickey will be @ least 1.75m tall then best liao..hehe..

hi zuen,
ic.. bd = baby dancing..hehe..

re:not giving up seats to pregnant women
sporean super ugly 1..it's so normal for them not to give us seats lor.. my colleague taught me a trick that her fren told her.. when her fren was pregnant dat time.. she would get up the train n if nobody give up their seats, she would take out her hp n call either her hb or anyone then purposely speak loud loud saying "yah lor..on train now..so crowded..no seats..i feel so tired..nobody wanna give me seats leh.." and it always works..after a while ppl get paisay then stand up n let her have the seat..hehe..probably we shld try also..
morraine.. yes the sale is very worth it.. i bought 2 dress, 1 top and 1 going out shorts.. all only $99... very tempted to buy more, but got many clothes already, somemore thot only 3 more mths, dun waste so much $.. heard today is last day of sale, u better go down today...

mrswrx, got 20% sale on strollers ah? I very tempted to return the stroller I bought at JL, it's Capella brand... but heard Combi brand much lighter.. very tempted to go and buy Combi instead...

Snow.. so far no pain on pelvic area for me, but a few of my colleagues had it from 4th month onwards and they suffered all the way till delivery coz it was their pelvic bones expanding, hence the discomfort

star, the sale is at Spring at Suntec atrium... normal outlets dun have...

feifei, no prob to give you my receipt, but i go search for it tonite first, my hubby might have thrown it away coz I saw him taking away the Spring plastic bag yesterday.. let u know tomorrow
Peng, I called Baby Avenue and the Combi Miracle Turn im interested in is selling at $629!!!! The similiar function that I got for Capella where all 4 wheels can turn 360 degree only cost me $200.. and Baby Avenue is only having 10% discount on Combi, tink I stick to my Capella :p
maternity clothing:
nowadays i dont dare to go in clothing shop tats on sale coz i had over brought my cloths. Temptation too hard to resist! So the only way is avoid all this outlets.
Hey Roxy, I think stick to your Capella. I think most Capellas better than most Combis cos there is a common complaint that Combi is too light, cannot absorb shock well esp when stroller is travelling over uneven surface. a mother shared on this forum that she saw a Combi stroller fall backwards with the child in it cos it was too light and she hung her shopping on the handle!
Hi Felicia, Yeah!! I'm just like you. find it hard to resist temptation so now just avoid even when there are sales. I only have about 10 pieces of truly maternity tops, 1 maternity dress, 4 maternity long pants, and 4 maternity short pants. I have another 10 or so pieces of loose tops with front flares or a pattern which I can comfortably wear up to 6 months so don't plan to buy. Once in a while, I have temptation to buy, then I tell myself, better save up $ for bb. maternity clothes honestly only use for about 6 months during 2nd and 3rd trimesters (except for maternity pants - no choice must use earlier or else uncomfortable to button up normal pants)... each piece of maternity clothing average $40 if not on sale. 30 pieces or so easily $1.2k liao!! enough is enough.

I bot some bb clothes from fox during their sales.


The sale on Spring is at Suntec outside their shop, top floor.
hi Roxy,

I tink capella is better also, heard more good comments on that brand.


Agree with u tat saving for bb clothes is more practical than spending on maternity clothes.

Toking abt cost, i tink i have spent a lot of maternity clothes, esp i bot 5-8 maternity bras which cost a lot in total. So my spending on maternty is definitely more than $1K by now.
hi Ellysia, you just reminded me of my innerwear!! I bought 5 nursing bras which I'm using as maternity bras now. And also bought maternity underwear. no choice lah. expanding already. One thing about maternity underwear - I was told it's better to buy the type that will cut across our tummy than under like some pants - cos those may not be suitable if we have to go for c-section.

My Spring receipts also got 15% discount ored cos i have their discount card, dun tink u can use tat to get the member card.


I also bot cloth diapers yest at suntec Pigeon sale, but dun intend to use unless bb skin is sensitive and need cloth diapers. It come with a package, including liners and 5 cloth diapers.

Maternity underpants all come low cut so it be useful. Anyway when tummy gets bigger, low cut is better to breathe.

I tink i spent $2K on maternity clothes all together including those bras and panties.
Hi mummies
Long time no see!

Diapers - I realised Drypers now have new born sizes. And it's quite soft compared to last time. Think this round I will use that instead of huggies.

Prams - Actually, we have to be really careful abt hanging our shopping bags behind the prams. I mean most prams also will topple if the weight is not evenly distributed. A light pram is impt for mobility, esp as the child get older and heavier and if we take public transport or during travelling. My fren bought a solid one that cost her $499 and end up buying another lighter one when her child turns 4mths.

Bottom spray - Read abt this spray thingy. Personal recommendation Procanol is effective and cheap. The hospital gave us that and when I finished it I bought from Guardian. It is alike nail polish remover, as you pour it on cotton squares to apply on your bottom. I use tons of it each time i use the loo. Stingy at first but generally bearable. But my wounds healed within the week.

Mums to be
Anyone leaking colostrum already? I am and it is making my eczema slightly worst
Sian... think breastfeeding is out for me again this round.
that was what we intended when i had my boy... to use nappies in the day... but somehow we all got stuck with using disposables and using none of the cloth diapers. :p but i do agree the cloth diapers have more than 1 use... cos we oso use them for other stuff... but from experience, using them to swaddle baby can be a problem cos they are not big enough... my boy kept coming free when we used the cloth diapers to swaddle him. we're amazed at the strength newborns have... haha...

yes... so far my office is ok with that... so far this mini fridge of mine has been passed and used by 3 mummies already... :p
Re: disposable Diapers

My colleague told me that new born diapers is good bec it has a cut to allow the space for the stump at bellybutton. Cos stump will remain with bb for 10 days or few weeks before it drop off itself.

So do those S size diapers come with such space?
that's alot of maternity clothes bgt! this round i am still surviving on alot of my tunics... i oni bgt abt 5 maternity tees and 2 pairs of pants. i didnt wan to consider my 1st batch of maternity clothes... cos i find the bulk of them quite obiang now... haha.. i wonder wat made me buy them the other time... such poor taste i had... =p

as for maternity underpants, i oso didnt buy any... i jus went to those dept store and buy those low cut panties at an XL size... they can fit me till full term... and they're much cheaper... usu ard $10plus for 3 pieces...
Ellysia, aiyahh dat time during sales i dono the gender yet..though the clothins for Minnies look so adorable..jus hv to bear wit it..

Now i know the gender ler..sale oso finish ler
hi soyabean, on the topic of cloth diapers, do you know if cloth diapers are better than disposable in terms of reducing nappy rash? I have no clue....

Ellysia, I was told by a mothercare staff that panties which don't cut low are better after delivery cos the c-section cut will be low and if panties cut low, it may hurt the wound. I bought my panties from mothercare. they all cut across horizontally not under leh. but feel quite okay. they look like short pants more like panties.
soyabean, I bought cheap panties from metro sale yesterday! XL size. only $3 for 7 pieces. 100% cotton. I'm planning to wear these during 3rd trimester. Then after delivery, wear mothercare's maternity pants post delivery.
on that question, i might nt be in a best position to answer u cos we never used cloth diapers from the start. wat i do know is that be it using cloth diapers or disposables, we shld be cleaning baby's bottom every time we change and apply nappy rash cream. and oso... some disposables contain a certain amt of aloe vera, which cld cause rashes for babies with sensitive skin. i know last time, my boy cldnt take drypers and petpet cos of the aloe vera.
on the topic of wearing wat kind of underpants after birth... i used to be wearing disposable panties for nearly a month after birth, esp during confinement... cos i didnt wan to go thru the hassle of washing them and paiseh to ask my MIL to wash them oso... jus use and throw...
I contemplated buying disposables, but feel that it's quite expensive to use and also they cut quite low. Worried that I may be a c-section case.... I will prob have to ask the maid to wash.. no choice lah...
Agree! enough is enough. During my #1 pregnancy, i had spend more than 1k on maternity clothing, so i told myself will not buy any for #2 pregnancy, but i still cannot ctrol and brought some. So, ended up i had spend more than $2k.

How much u brought tat spray from Guardian? Is a spray type?

panties : mostly u'll be using disposable panties after delivery, coz is more convenient. Remember you are not allow to touch water, so cant possible you ask somebody else help to wash it, rite? Anyhow, for c-sec, ur wound will be definately lower than ur panties. So, is better not to get lower waist panty if u r on c-sec.

cloth diaper : for me, i believe is really help to reduce nappy rash.
hey..i also bought some panties from the metro sales..but not dat cheap lah..bought 1 maternity 1 for $10.90..hehe..n i bought 2 jean perry's pillow during their hourly sales..cheap..$9.90 each..hehe..
i see... yeah... better to wear higher cut panties if u are going to be csect...

jus curious and am asking cos never use cloth diapers b4... how often do u change ur baby's cloth diaper then? every time baby pees? issit tough to remove the stains if baby poos?
soyabean - still keeping my fingers crossed about c-section. I'm hoping for natural cos hoping for #2 quickly. don't really want to wait.

bizznow, I didn't buy maternity panties from Metro. didn't notice them. I j ust bought regular XL panties to wear during 3rd trimester. that's why so cheap! I bought it on the last day - not sure if the price was slashed further. Yeah! The hourly sales were cheap. I saw them selling mattress protector of all sizes at $9.90.
tks ger...I will PM you my address shortly..tks..Will keep a lookout at the newspapers now..hee..Me also intend to use disposable panties lor..But duno which brand to buy leh...hmm...

tks ya...If hv hor, then i can pm you my address =D..tks ger...

$2K on maternity clothes? wow, thats alot leh..nvm lor, can keep for ur 2nd bb...hee..
Tink can use the receipts leh...can I pm u my address and then u send to me? tks..

Dont exactly based on how many times bb pee, as we will change based on wetness level. As for poos, as we use liner, so can reduce the stains on diaper. So it'll normally stain when only bb had lot of poos or the poos was very watery. We'll just throw away the liner with the poo and use water tap to clean off the stains and then soak it into the pail with bb detergent. By evening, will just throw the soak diaper into washing machine and wash. To me using cloth diaper is only more time consuming in washing and hanging but it can really save on $$.
i bought the mattress protector too...cos cheap mah..hehe..bought 3..1 for myself the other 2 for my in-laws n my parents..

i went over to baby kingdom over the wkend..saw that they are selling the pigeon baby wipes @ $10.10 only for 3 packs of 82pcs..i think shld be considered cheap rite?? but i didnt buy lah..my hb said dun buy 1st..hehe.. i was out trying to source for breast pump..my fren asked me to get a manual avent pump cos she has an avent pump which can be used as a manual and electric.. but i need to check if the motor can be shared anot..if can be shared then i juz need to attach to my manual pump n used it as electronic if i want to.. does anyone knows?
lemme go back and ransack my drawer... i hope i hvnt thrown the receipt away. haha... :p

i see... but hor... having to wash these cloth diapers mean we will be spending on water and electricity... but ultimately, it shld be cheaper than disposables i suppose?

i see... is there any reason why u are so scared that urs will be csect? must stay positive ok?
I think it's more hygenic to share the manual pump and not the eletric cos the motor cannot be sterilized. there is a theoretical risk that bacterial can pass through used pumps esp when not properly sterlized. I did a google search using the words used breast pumps safe to use?
Just to add, the websites I went to stated that FDA regulations are that pumps are meant to be single user, not shared and in the US, it is actually illegal to sell used breast pumps.
Thanks cactus and ellysia, tink i keep the capella stroller then.. your comments also make me feel better.. somemore price difference is just too big, no point spending that extra $

Wow, ellysia, you spent so much on maternity clothes already? Tink i spent only a few hundred but mainly bought during sale so still not too bad....

cactus, me same as you, just buy those XL normal cotton panties to wear.. tink should be able to last till full term..

sure feifei, i go home and check and let you know tomorrow
if u free, pm me your mailing address first...
I intially wanted to use my SIL's avent manual and medela electric, but now decided to just breast feed directly whenevr possbile, and also to use the manual pump if really necessary to express.
hi soyabean,

There is a slight chance I may be a c-section case cos: placenta still low (not sure if will move up in time - can only tell about 28 weeks), and bb is a boy and if he takes after my hb, he will be a very big bb. At the moment, he is still average size 50th percentile exactly, so keeping my fingers crossed that he will stay this way.

Hb and I really want #2 very quickly cos we want 2 kids eventually and we've not bought our home yet. The home will be our biggest investment and we don't really know whether to buy a 3 or 4 bedroom home. If we have only 1 child (somehow I can't conecive after #1), then we will buy a 3 bedroom. If #1 or #2 is abnormal (ie. downs syndrome), we will just buy a HDB flat to reduce financial committment. So until we can establish our family size and the health of our kid(s), we can't really buy a place yet. therefore, only solution is to buy a place after both kids are born.

i think the kodomo bb wipes sold in watson will be more cheaper compare to pigeon but not too sure about the kodomo wipes quality coz i had been using pigeon all this while. I think the pigeon is roughly about this price.
From my experience, i wud prefer to use box for the wipes, then after tat just buy refill type. Coz if using wipes w/o box, the sticker on the wipes tends to be not sticky after few use and the moisture of wipes will reduce as well.
actually, it's not so much a fear of c-section. It's more like hb and I want to buy a place of our own asap, but with c-section, I need to wait 18 months before I can conceive #2. I'm not sure if we can hold back our house buying plans in this way. we may just end up buying a 4 bedroom HDB flat in such a case. We're currently eyeing a 3 bedroom condo, or a 4 bedroom landed property.
hi soyabean,

Actually although the cost is a lot, the amount of clothes is not a lot. Majority of cost is spent on maternity bras which are more ex (i bot during non-sales) and during CNY period, i bot extra clothes for weekend wear.

My working clothes have only 1 week to rotate.

Ya i just realise the Komodo wipes i bot from watson dun have box. So dunno want to buy those with box.

Btw, if we buy pigeon wipes with box, can we replendish with Komodo wipes (without box type, loose type).
anyone here using Ameda pump? I know this pump is electrical pump, but can we use battery to operate if we r goin to BF after start working. If need electrical supply will be troublesome though my company do had a nursing room but i hvnt check out wat facilities they have.

Actually i dun understand, with u and yr hb earning power shd be able to afford a new house, just not i guess u 2 are not settled on the decison on what house to buy and probably dun want to waste $$ to upgrade later? Are u the type who want to buy property with cash and not using any loan? Cos i have fren who prefer that and insist to save up until he got enuff $ to buy the property without taking any loan.

Maybe bec' i am in the private property line, I will prefer HDB flats bec' of the freedom to renovate according to my preference, whereas Condos are more restrictive, and i tink more $$ is paid for the facilities than the value of the apartment.
Pigeon box will be too big for Kodomo wipes. But you still can use it. Just put ur kodomo wipes exactly in the middle (opening) of the box , then use cloth or paper to stuffed into the empty space in the box to secure the wipes.
Hope that you can understand what i mean. I'm bad at describing thing. hehe....
hey felicia,
where can we buy the pigeon wipes with box? i have the same problem as u...the sticker really dun tend to stick after a while..dat's wat happen to the pigeon wipes i buy for my own use lor..sian leh..


U can pm me yr address, i go back to find the receipts. I shd have quite a lot, u can get yr discount card soon
