(2008/03) March 2008

Ya, at ard 10pm, she said brb. Hahaha.

That's a fast birth for Yu Tong, congrats!!!!

Pet, same here, if climb abit of slope (really really low gradient!, mabbe 5-10 degrees only), tummy tightens, and out of breathe!! wah think this is good for you to 'induce' birth. But better take it easy and slowly!

kevjul, congrats, take care
rem to show us your twin bb's photos!
My HB juz left for reservist... sob sob, will be back only on 8th March.. hope my boy stays there till then. hb hopes boy boy pops on 10th/11th mar..

ming: ic.. dunno when i'll lose the mucous plug then..

sheryl: ya ya.. only 5-10 degrees only. dunno y leh.. tightens throughout the slope.. this slope is good hor. hehe, i think i'll go up n down the slope everyday..
i walk all day also not as *exercising* as the slope... keke..

wah, YT congrats!! hehe, no symptoms hor..
good wt... muz update birth story hor... so exciting...

who's next?? hehe
Congrats Yu Tong! I got her sms too. Was quite amazed since we were still msning last night. Haha.

Yah, waiting for her birth story too.
sob sob.. CL ban me from using computer liao..

CL ban me from walking and sitting too much..

But.. CL is nice lady.. for the first time i can sleep till 8am..although woke up every 2-3 hrs to feed bb!

So mummiess.. anything SMS me k.. tata
yu tong!
so really hit jackpot u're the next one to deliver! =) congrats! we'll be waiting for you to come back!

aiyoh so unfortunate!! i hope my CL's not so strict! glad to hear alandria's back on track!

heehee took 1 day off today to do my maternity photo shoot, so excited!
I think not unfortunate for babe dude wor.. hahaha.. at least someone take care of her and for the sake of her health :p
Enjoy ur maternity shots hor!

Wah u posted immediately after YT pop huh? Hahaha I got woken up by the sms and I thought I dreaming!! Cause at 11pm I think she still tell me TTYL.. Think she shock most of us lor..

Babe dude
Now u can rest more liao with someone looking after ur babe.. haha..
Hi Yu Tong


saw ur sms only this morning alto u smsed at 4 am

PS: Pancake, still wondering whether u have delivered :p hehe, pls do share ur pics hor...where u take urs?
jus nice I was up pumping milk, d sms came in. so update lor. yea man.. it's so surprise ! I was like thinking could it b a forwarded msg fr someone else. u mean she still on msn till 11pm? wow...she more heroic than me considering it's her first Birth!

understand hw u feel but at least u get yr proper rest!

yes show us yr maternity photos. btw I always been wanting to ask u. u seem very familiar . we met b4 this? NUS dance synergy?

who's next? my guess... linda or melissa or kevjul?

i agree tat the most impt how we look overall
and i like the pic u posted ! =) looking very good, both u & Alandria

btw, ur CL only comes so many days later after ur bith ? how come


thanks for asking


all the signs gone already..no contractions, no more tightening ..

looks like my 2nd one wun be premature like Kelicia. After today, tmr is 37th week and officially non-premature
think kevjul is next! cause C-section tomorrow ma.. correct? Yes she was still on msn about 10pm or 11pm!! Thats why when i rec her sms at 4am.. i was shock! hahaa...
taking my pictures at the studio (part of chris ling photographers- they did my wedding shots last year). saw they're having promo $150 till march, so took the offer. =)
anyway i decided this is going to be my last week at work, counting down the number of days left ahahaha!!!

yea! i also thot u looked familiar, but couldn't place u!
I was in NUS dance ensemble, not synergy. Although i got friends there n went for a few sessions. u know liem sianyang n adeline....
congrats yutong...

glad to knw ur xiao wang zi doing well...

me hoped is not 29 feb bb....

better dun do everything by urself during confinement....and dun diet that mth...got to pu ur body that mth....u can start dieting after confinment mth....not all people are lucky to have no aches n pain though never follow confinement rules....u will eventually lose the weight....cos taking care of bb is no easy....so rest well, eat well during confinement...
Anyone knows whether a CTG scan is routine in the last few weeks of our pregnancy? I'm supposed to see gynae this week for CTG scan. Baby's head is engaged already. Wonder when he'll pop...
<font color="0000ff">morning all...

Regarding Natural after C-section,
actually it can still be done, I have a couple of friends and co, most of them have c-section no 1 but natural no 2.... mostly for their 1st one c-section is sude to medicine reason, like planned c-section.... but the gyn will have a lot of consideration before they decided the mode of delivery for no2... that happen to me... so now I can only wait n see... but for sure once my bb hit more than 3.2kg.... no more chance of natural... will go straight to c-section... if so, I'm still thinking of GA or not... coz no 1 is GA... less stressful.... haha

Hi Kevjul,
it is tomorrow... all the best lah...

Hi Adeline,
I can understand how u felt... my boy is also another superglue... everything also mummy..... everything also i do... so tired already also must carry him.... my boy going to 3 year next month lah... still like a bb... haiz....

Congrats - Yutong.... a big surprise lah...


150 is really very good package ! now i feel like going for another one :p

can i noe the website ?


hehe, thanks on behalf of kelicia

clasified as premature in her health booklet becos she din reach 37 weeks, was 36 weeks and 5 days when delivered .. or 6 days i can't remember ..hehe

so hope #2 can hold on till tmr at least for 37th week :p


i think u will be next too
Jia You ! and do eat the forbidden food today b4 confinment :p

hehe, i ate 7 icecreams since last sundays..and 3 IC King Magic cups yesterday
congrats YT!
do update us with ur birth story!

brought my bb to hosp last night cuz she has been vomitting 3 times yest. whatever i fed her, she just threw up. i gt so worried so brought her back to hosp. luckily happened to see my pd else have to wait till wee hours then can come home. it's probably wind in her tummy. if the vomitting still persists today, she have to be admitted for tests liao. the morning feed was okay just now. hopefully things get better. pd given us ridwind drops. and now she has to stop her FM, now she on total ebm. and pd says just give my bb abt 60ml of ebm each feed. how much are you mommies giving your baby for each feed?

RE: weight loss
i am only 5 kg more to my pre-pregnancy wt. lost a total of 13kg liao.

RE: milk supply
i have a lot of excess ebm that i need to dispose. cuz my bar fridge is not having enough storage space liao. take threadfin helps alot!!!
RE: confinement

very sian with the food. really no appetite at all. with all the stress and not enough sleep nights. sighs. craving for coke. whenever gt chance to go out, i sure go grab a can of coke. keke. at home i also sneaked to take drinks with ice. i tink i going die of pain when i am old. plus i on the air con every night without having long sleeves or long pants on.
Today website is it slower? Alamak those i typed all gone hahaha..

Oei!! u doing confinement still drink coke! please take good care of urself leh.. confinement very impt. Wah u lost 13kg already ah! btw ur baby got latch on? eating threadfin only can increase milk ah?

wah! 7 ice cream!! I eat 1 only i guilty liao.. u still take 7!! oh dear..

this might be my last week of work tooo! lets count down together hhahaha.. $150 is a great deal leh.. do u get all the shots back?

urs 3 yrs still glued to you.. mine 16 mths and treating me like kolar bear! whenever people wanna carry her, she cling onto me very tightly.
I guess 2nd time mom are more xing ku!
crystal, good weight loss there, but dun be so stressed lah. take it easy~~~ (easy for me to say this now, keke) how come u r bored with the confinement food? been eating the same thing everyday?
poshies, adeline
i also like u both. my ger super glued to me eversince i preggy. until now i still need to last feed her before she sleep.
really very xing ku
Congrats YT, rest well. hope to c ur prince's pict soon.


u should get some confinenment cooking books. i've got 2, saw the picts...really look yummy

hope ur Cheryl recover fast

btw, i laugh aloud when i see ur post abt dying in pain when old..nevermind, u have me for company :p everyone ard me not happy tat i wana bathe right after i deliver :p

btw, HOW did u lose 13kg..pls share with me


cos ever since gynae told me on thursday tat i will deliver within a week..i was thinking eat b4 confinement ..weather so hot too ..so eat icy cold stuff is an enjoyment !

i promise myself i wun touch icecream after the 3 magic cups within 3 hrs yesterday and hope to stick to my promise :p


hehe, koala bear is a good decription, Adeline, my hb was using the same phrase yesterday but refering to kelicia and himself :p

when i told him Pet's bugis huang shifu said tat #2 will be very close to him too, he was going OH NO, 2 koala bears to 1 human !
<font color="aa00aa">babypink,
so fion also will state on the health booklet premature bb. hee...

wah...ur milk supply so gd...me still not much. sigh...taking fenugreek pill now hopefully can hv more milk for fion.
threadfin is it 'gon fish'? i got eat leh....maybe not enuff.

any mummies doing confinement now keep sweating? i keep sweating alot leh. so hot the weather.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Crystal,
wow so good to have excess EBM lah...

Hi Adeline,
Ya lor... my boy is a super super glue.... last night... i have a false alarm... though I felt no bb movement.... my hubby... insisted i go down to KK for a checkup as my gyn is not onz on Sun plus I'm only wk34... if need to delivery earlier, go KK might be more cheaper... so rush down to kkh... put on CTG, the nurse say heartbeat very strong... haha maybe i super tired can't felt movement, or too stress... my boy was cry all the way from the clinic till i go in... coz i felt alot of pain below my breast... a lot of tense... then i know he would want to carry so i ask for wheel chain... then hubby carry... cry all the way.. .when i'm inside... he keep asking his daddy where is mummy... which i can hear inside.... haiz....

Hi Jamie,
wat to do.... but at least u know ur child is so attached to you... when they grow old u don have chance anymore... so even though i know how sticky my boy can get... i still bring him home everyday....</font>
New Mama Bottom Spray

Hi Ladies,

I'm from the Feb 2008 MTBs thread.

I bought this New Mama Bottom Spray before my delivery, as it was highly reccommended by some mummies that it eases the episiotomy wound and helps to heal faster.

However, I totally forgotten about it after I got discharged and didn't use it at all.

I bought it at $43.45, and selling it at $38 now. Anyone interested please email me at [email protected]

Yu Tong, Congrat on the arrival of ur little prince.

KevJul, All the Best tmr to u and ur hubby.. ;)

re: bb movement
aiyo.. sometime bb very active, sometime bb not very active and scared me.. like tdy, he's very active.. even at nite when sleeping, he oso active.. maybe he knws that his daddy not ard.. so wanna keep me company.

Hmm.. march is like a few days away.. soon there will be more mommy popping..
Yu Tong : Congrats!!
Waoo more &amp; more Mar mummies give birth liao, wondering when is my turn..hmm..
Gynae told me my bb gal was small, hope bb can stay in my tummy longer n absorb more nutrients first, tml will be my wk37 liao..hope can stay until 38wk...
This week also my 37th week!

bad period to give birth cause of the weather! Confinement during this period kills man! unless u have air con! i am thinking how to survive during my confinement period. Moreover i am those that adhere to the rules and WONT bathe during confinement. hahahahah..

Just had ice cream. weather outside really hottt..
hi mummies,

does anyone know if mummy had diarrhoe 4x after eating "dirty" / uncooked food during a BBQ session, will it affect bb ? Now in my 35th week.
Yday i had such gastric/stomache pain tat i had no appetite.

baby was as active lor. Just worried watever i ate will pass to my precious one.

Today recovered liao..
Adeline : Ya lor ya lor...have been feeling so warm recently...Cos my mum will do confinement for me, so she will make sure i will adhere to those rules...hmm..My gynae said most prob i will give birth early liao...
exactly, weather nowsadays is really really hot..

at least u adhere to the rules

for me , is impossible not to bathe..even after an evening bathe yday, sweat like crazy !

PS: is kimberly's head all sweaty, my kelicia is all sweaty and angry..we brought her to the aircon room and she became so energectic..no choice but to bring her out again, cos already 11 plus pm and she shows no sign of sleepiness..

of cos i dun dare to step out of bedroom..after staying inside aircon room, living room feels like a heater..but hb dun feel hot, so he accompanies her till 1 plus am :p


Will be 37wk(full term)next week! Really hope that my gal will come out asap though I'm already scheduled for c-sect on 11mar. Really heavy to walk ard leh... and my workplace requires me to walk up n down e stairs cos my office now on 2nd level of the containers! Ya.. it's in a container! Very patatic right? Even going toilet and pentry, I'll need to walk up/down those metal stairsways.... if rain worst ah... super slippery!

The pain ard my V-area are getting worst! Feels like my bones are going to crack! Cannot even change my sleeping posture @ night. HELP!
I am at the exact opposite... can't sleep at all last night. maybe getting too excited now. 17 more hours... hehe... my hubby sending me in around midnight liao. morning c-section tmr.

abc, redtea, babypink,
Thanks. Will try to post some pictures when they are ready.
What forbidden food? you mean ice-cream. hehe.. i better not, or else my hubby will nag at me.
having the same pain....i feel like she is going to drop out like tt....very scary....n the pressure on below seems to be quite big....sometimes i think i feel her movement so near to the opening that i got to sit down to "stop" the pushing down feeling....

u has to be more careful...ur workplace seems very unfrenly for heavily preg u....be extra cautious.....

gynae predict i will be due next monday....so will be going for good food this weekend...and even take leave on monday before the check at 5pm next monday....

weather really very hot....i just came back fr lunch.....was very craved to have kfc...end up the tot to drive to kfc makes me decided to eat at the foodcourst near my offfice....

yalor, sometimes no movement felt by us but heartbeat very strong

tat was what happens to me on thursday too !

the CTG can detect contractions as well

hehe, looks like most kids are closer to the mummies , i.e. jamie, adeline, poshies, venus, abc..

except for mine :p as in she is closer and sticky to her daddy..

but still close to me as we have a lot of fun tog , just not sticky at all..

she cries hard when hb left for work but said bye bye cheerfully to me :p
hahah i relating msg for abc..
Dun so wasted throw away the ebm.. can store in freezer up to 3 months. Try let ur baby latch on hor and yes milk intake is 60 -80ml every 3 hour!
so envy u milk supply so much!!! hehehe..

ya her head very sweaty and smelly.. even sleep in aircon, body cold, head still HOT.


for those who are impatient to deliver, i remember cheryl also right ;)the trick is to make love and to have contact with the N parts of our breasts

read in a mag
no harm trying esp if bb already 37th week :p i have a show few hrs after tat for #1
