(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

fanny: I will be having lunch and dinner with Mum's Kitchen. They allowed me to order BB full month's menu for lunch, if I take their christmas menu for dinner. ;)

WRT PIS, I'm using it too. I got it for about $300+ ... got it from drugstore.com . alot cheaper compared to getting it locally.

congrats to all mummies who delivered.

Belle, dr lim that time also say i will have a big baby. I gave birth on 29th dec and baby weights is 3.385kg. okie weight. One week before i delivered baby's weigh was only about 2.7kg. Hence there might be a differenec of between 300g or so. Dun worry too much, Dr lim is a very experienced gyane.
so yo delivering at MT A.
My total damage was about 2000 plus but after medi save i only need to give cash about 1000 or lesser. Cos Dr lim has special package with MT E for 2 bedder.

Congrats Linda. YOur baby is so cute
mine still having jaudience and now under the phototerpahy machine.

yea, where did u get the playtex liners? i'm currently using 'the first yrs' milk bags n they r gettg a little too costly at e rate i'm going.
Dunno why my massage auntie said her clients bought swing, $600+ (PSI) all change to Ameda leh.
You BP here? The charger adaptor is 220-240V? How much is yr freight charge?
hey little jovan! so cute!

constance, i m using the brestfriend pillow. think it's ok. i still need to put a pillow to increase the height to get more support.

ya, i agree ameda works well for me too! i tried on one breast yesterday and managed to get 60ml in half hr. what a relief coz it was so stony la the breast!
anyone got loose stools before delivery?
like as in one or two week before labour?
and anyone totally dont feel labour pain? as in you ask for epidural straightaway?
hi leejo,
my gynae is on leave too... but won't be back so soon. Only back on 21st which mean bb will be overdue if wait for him.

i started to see blood stains in my discharge this afternoon... very faint and thread like ones. What does this mean?
i did that. I was 4 cm dilated when i admit but no pain at all but still i asked for epidural cuz i dun want to 'suffeR" and then ask for epi when the pain comes in hee :p kia see...

better call gynae seeing blood could means show...
Hi happi & steffitan
i joined the overseas spree to get the liners. Is even cheaper than the $16.50 for 100 pcs liner avent used to produce and sell.

But havent open up to c yet, cos not using yet mah....

hi belle
i am only 3cm taller than you. hehe
Hi, managed to sneak some time to update while baby is asleep.

Can someone add me into the list of mummies who have popped?

EDD - 18Dec
Actual delivery date - 5Dec
Kid #2
Gynae - A/Prof John Tee
Hospital - KKH
Sex of baby - Girl
Weight - 3.195kg
Length - 49cm
Delivery - Natural w/o epi

Quick summary of the delivery:
5Dec, 7.30am - made my way to KKH delivery suite
9.30am - gynae came n checked, cervix still abt 3cm, he broke water bag, started drip to induce
11am - start to have mild contractions
Near 12noon - midwife checked n said I'm abt 5-6cm, shd be soon
12.20pm - the urge to push was soooooo extreme, luckily gynae came back in time
12.29pm - a 3.195kg baby girl was born
6Dec - Gynae told me can discharge since I am recovering well, which I'm pretty surprised, thought will stay till Fri

So far, ok except having problem wz breastfeeding. Baby is not latching correctly, she sucked til my nipple hurt & bleed. Kind of feeling stress cos #1 dun hv that problem. I regret only bf #1 for 2+ mths. Since I'm not working this time round, was planning to bf for at least 6mths, yet it is not working out. sob sob... Anyone consulted lactation consultant before or got any lactation consultant to recommend? Where can I get help?

Anyway, since baby is having jaundice, will feed her formula while I pump milk out to get rid of engorgement (it hurts till I can't sleep at times).

Oh, another thing that cos me much worrying, baby failed hearing test. Have to go back in 1mth time to recheck, if fail again, will be referred to specialist. Anyone got anything to share on this? I'm praying hard everything will be ok.
argh.. ok... I also think I will do just that. straightaway epidural first. HOnestly I feel nothing wrong with epidural. alot of people say with epidural we dont feel like mothers.. but with epidural with are in control and that will allow us to enjoy the labour! we have a whole lifetime to be great mothers. just my thoughts.

my perineal pressure pain is soooooo terrbile.. and my stretch marks is soooooooo horrible
congrats hen!!! it sounds like u had a breezy delivery. natural w/o epi, lucky u... mind to share the damaged at kkh tps? TIA
this time round, i do not have engorgement problem. massage auntie helped me to unclog block gland. So maybe you can try using hot towel to push those HARD areas. Now my 10th day liao, milk supply 70ml for both sides. Quite miserable right but slowly increasing...

Me decided to get Medela PIS Advanced from overseas. Anyhow cheaper than what local are selling... Seems pretty good!

u can call KKH to make appt with the lactation consultants... u can ask for Yen Ping, she's good.. she taught me how to latch bb on and also the massage techniques when i had my #1.


i have used PIS since i had my #1... thumbs up for its efficiency! it's a heavy duty breast pump, suction power is good too. i think The First Few Years sells the parallel import version of the PIS at 599 or 499??? can go check it out
actually though it costs much more than other pumps, u can resell it after u have closed your factory and can last you a long time. Or you can source for a second hand PIS

u ordered your gobi cakes? i decided to order cupcakes from paisley & cream in the end.. hehe..

re: full month celebration...
my #2 got no full month celebration coz didn't want to expose him to too much pple/germs in view that he is preemie... now i see u gals talking abt catering.. i abit regret!
milkingcow, with regards to the PIS adapter, you'll have to purchase a seperate one that suits local voltage. Not hard to find at all. My hubby bought it for about $18?
Freight was about $56 via comgateway.
hi gloomybear,

can i have the link to buy the medela PIS local voltage adapter? i need to get one as mine is also bought in USA. thanks.
Congrats to all mummies who have just popped!

Me cant get to sleep..tmr will be seeing my gynae..she's asking me to go for induce last week..anyway see how tmr morning..

Ya, breast feeding really need alots of patience..Jia U! Hope we can do it for at least 3 mths.
gd mornin mummies..
congrats to more mummies who hav popped.. lookin forward to mine..
tis week my due date already but bb still seems comfy.. no sign of delivery.. gynae says to consider inducing after nex week... *strezz...

can i ask e mummies here..
how do u keep the bottles sterlized?
i read dat for every feed we gotta sterilised the bottles each time.. can we keep e bottles in e sterlizer? or do we hav to keep e bottles aside in another container after sterlised?
*confused.. sorry, i happened to be those really blur types... thanks for any advise...

btw, i'm using a pigeon sterlizer..
Yup, me also see Yen Ping for my #1...lean lady with tough hands/fingers...hahah

So how are u coping with #1 & 2? Me still havent pop leh
normally after sterilising, we will transfer the bottles to a airtight container like tuppleware...unless you used up the bottles real fast, otherwise, dun think its advisable to keep the bottles in the steriliser...
sorry to interrupt, juz like to check if anyone has taken the medicine salbutamol b4 during ur pregnancy, wat is it for? thanks
thanks a lot..
i'm v confused as to which one is e correct method as i was told many different ways.. some say to keep it in the sterlizer, some otherwise..

do u sterlized the bottles again before use when u take out fr tupperware or do u jus rinsed it again w hot water bfore using it...
I just take it out from container and use...didnt bother to rinsed it with hot water..but got to make sure airtight container is clean and properly closed each time
About BreastFeeding

I went to a breastfeeding class and talked about BF in TMC. I was told once baby is born, she will be put in the nurseary room, then nurse will bring her to mum once 2 or 3 hours. Also, nurse will ask mum, which formular want to use. Nurse will give baby formular during hospital stay.

However, since new born baby's stomach is fairy small, actually she doesnt need so much food. Early formular can cause nipple confuse and mum's supply may not be enough or catch up. Easy to end up with formular instad of BF.

So, Can I say "NO" to formular during hospital stay? but I heard nurse tends to give because then baby will not cry too much.

at TMC, if two-bedded room, Can baby stay overnight with Mum?
I was having contractions on thursday and went for ctg for an hour, had contractions between every 20 mins. Was only 1cm dilated. My gynae gave me 2 options,either to admit & induce or to wait for it to happen...I choose to go home and not induce also mainly because I was only 1cm dilated & I tot if night time I had contractions again then I will admit myself. After I went home still had the contractions (interval half an hour)...my hubby & mum were all on standby..

Nothing happen over the weekends so today I am back to work. , just that very tired & cannot stand for long..

this waiting game is really very tiring leh, dunno when he wanna come out, feel like starting my ML & stay at home. But waiting at home like last weekend is a torture leh...
Went for my check up on Sat and Doc say baby not engage yet.
Today stomachache, have been going to the toilet for 2 times since this morning...
Will baby just pop out like that? My EDD is 30th Dec.
Checked with my gynae on the "B" wax but she's not open to the idea. She doesnt want me to touch or play with the area at all : )
hi gals, good morn...
congrats to hen!

couldnt sleep much the whole nite, kept waking up to go toilet. was a bit afraid that im leaking fluid instead of pee or discharge.
just had signs of show this morn. so getting prepared for bb anytime now.

Belle, mine was done at 27 wks onwards
Me going to place an order with gobi, cos haven't get the qty of cakes my mom wants. This time 2nd child, so alot of relatives not giving gifts for 2nd child(like that also can!). So when they don't give me gifts, I don't need to give them cakes lor. Kekeke... PSI advanced slightly more x, saying what newer technology which got hospital pump grade etc. Don't dare to sell or buy 2nd pump, think veyr unhygienic leh.

My gynae did VE for me when I was in 39th week and 2 more times after he broke my waterbag.

Thx! E-mail some Medela sellers from USA and they claimed that they are not purpose to ship out Medela products by Medela policy leh. Maybe can buy from drugstore only! $56 is shipped directly to you or BP?
hi anbrasia,

for my case initially i opt for full bf during the 1st day, the nurse will put a remark stating tat the bb will only drink bm and nothing else. however till 2nd & 3rd day still got no milk flow so no choice i request the nurse to alternate formula & bm cos i'm afraid that there s no fluid to my bb to cleanse e toxic in her body & pass out thru urine which might led to jaundice.
woke up at abt 3+ this morning, got crampy pain with 10 mins interval till 6+ but dunno if contractions, then it went to abt 30 mins and now not so pain anymore ... got show yest somemore??!! So tiring!
PierceD: oh really.. 37th week onwards? i went for my check up.. dun seems tt he is doing tt.

btw, for the waxing.. understand from the nurses tt it is needed for C-sec onli. Those gng for natural birth.. they wont be shaving at all...

my situation quite similar to urs leh..

went to see gynae on sat.. put on the CTG monitor and didn't realised that i was having regular 5 min contractions.. problem is that i dun feel it at all and thought that it was bb moving..

however, though 5 mins apart.. because i dun feel the pain.. its not strong enough for me to be admited.. so gynae did a VE and i was 1.5cm dilated.. she said maybe sat night or sunday i will deliver already..

so went to walk for 1 hour on sat hoping that she'll come out but till today (MONDAY) still nothing.. so so sianz i tell u.. so many false hope.. haiz..

my edd is this friday, 14th.. if by friday she's not out.. then inducing her this sat already..

what about u?
Yr gynae initiated the CTG? Am having some slight stains in my discharge but don't feel any contractions at all. Only felt baby moving. Going to see the gynae later. See what he says.

yah.. she told the nurses to write in my appt card that when i come, to put me on the ctg machine.. coz will take about half hour to 1 hour..

i guess its coz i was in my 39 weeks already and there is still no signs at all that bb wants to come out.. haha

the contractions felt more like the tummy hardening a bit.. and i thought it was bb moving her butt.. so didn't realised that it was contractions after all..

i've been having lots of discharge.. but its all yellowish thick stains.. no signs of mucus plug or blood at all yet..

maybe u can ask ur gynae for his advice when u see him later.. good luck!!
my edd is on sat.. dr says she will induce by nex week if no sign of delivery, i dun feel anything at all... no contractions nothing...

feel kinda stressed out by all these waiting too.. i'm still working now thou my edd is v soon.. i tink will get more stressed out if waiting at home...

missed the posting on the pricing of your gobi cakes set..

can tell me roughly how much it will cost per box?

i'm looking at the full opera cake with 4 red eggs or ang ku kueh at the side one.. as well as the mini cakes (dunno if its 6 or 8 pieces per box) one..

might get them for my close friends (who will give ex pressies) then get pine garden's cakes for my relatives.. hahah.. save some cost..

i know what u mean by the waiting.. at least u're still working.. i stopped working a month ago and have been doing practically nothing much... it's really very boring.. kinda regret stopping work so soon.. haiz..

if induce.. i was thinking of either 15th dec or 18th dec.. nice dates.. hehehe..
i am using the pigeon steriliser. After sterilising i will put the bottles into a tupperware container .

yah me too... really have to be patient at this stage. my doctor also told me to just relax and go for walks... can't rush the baby lah.

Sian, also very bored. Twiddling thumbs also very difficult!! When I have nothing to do, my hands will be 'itchy' and i wanna go shopping... sigh!


Anyone else planninig their one month gift already? Who are you guys ordering cakes from?

I am also in the mist of preparation. A bit kiasu lah, baby not here already start planning... hahaha
. Doing my own design so have to prepare all the materials, like the box, card etc. But getting a local baker to do my cakes and cookies for me. Am so excited about that!
Me having some wierd crampy feeling today...not sure if this is the start of dilation? Remembered that for my #1 i only experience this crampiness upon induction leh...
jubeck, mi oso waiting to see how. having crampy feelings on and off now, but very irregular so wait to see if need to go hospital first to monitor.

petrina/botanist, looks like im having same kind of symptoms, having cramps on off. so might mean that still muz wait for quite a while lor.
but im having discharge that is sometimes pinkish, translucent and watery leh.
I had been walking a lot for the past 3 weeks coz shopping for my new house. Thought that maybe will help in dilating, but did not leh.
I was thinking only 1cm dilated only, gg to take a long time to 10cm...I haf this feeling is gg to be like my #1, takes a long time to dilate.
So went home rather then admitted. I Keep waiting to see the 'Show' or waterbag burst leh, so can confirm go to hospital. Sometimes the contractions is so deceiving right, feels like bb stretching/moving but actually is contractionn..
haiz dunno should start ML anot

hmm if your discharge is pinkish then maybe bb coming soon! mine not yet pinkish or bloody so just got to be patient. my EDD is very close to Xmas so got 2 more weeks to wait. Worst - my gynea going on leave for on week from Tues onwards! Alamak, must really talk to my son, ask him to "tong" until my gynea come back!!

actually my gynea said that for me, monitoring contractions might not be so accurate cos i keep getting them but not dilated yet. So he said to wait for stronger signs, like water bag burst or bloody discharge. If not, ask me to just wait until contractions are every 5 minutes! (alamak! if every 5 minutes, I think i not capable of driving myself to hospital liao!!)


yah, if you take ML too early also wasted right? To have nothing to do at home is very painful lah. maybe you take leave when you got one week left lor.. quite safe by then.

Congrats to Alien, CSI, Jeelo, Hazel, Slimz, Hen, Babytrelle!!

For those who attended the dinner at Rice Table in Aug, I realised that for all mummies has popped except me!! Maybe also Ankh lah but din hear from her... me so kan cheong now :p
