(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

oh ya. Forgot to mention, we just brought baby for a cruise last 2 weeks. He love the sea breeze when me and hubby took turns to take care of him on the deck while the other swam.

yah, budget air plane is not advisable for babies. The last time i took one before baby arrived, we can really feel the plane jerked when going thru air turbulence.

Mel...my bb only takes max of 5 feeds a day. At night he refuses to drink...prefers to sleep. So very difficult to fit in 6 feeds. He sleeps at 7pm till 7am with 1 night waking....and sometimes doesn't want to drink....just want to be carried to sleep.

Witty and lynzi
I travelled quite a fair bit with #1. The main thing is to let your baby drink something during takeoff and landing. Now with 2 kids...not travelling for awhile.
witty and lynzi
yeah, the take off and landing part will affect bb most. Let bb suckle on pacifier or drink something. It will release the air pressure in their ears. The first time i travelled with my no 1, didn't know about this. Ended up he cried and puked on me during take off and landing.

me too, once no 2 came, we only travelled overseas via plane once.

Now with no 3, dun even have to think abt travelling, unless we leave the bb in singapore.
Sgo, den i guess u try to slipt ur feed .. Lesser milk but more times .. Babies absorb better that way .. Wont let their tummy work so hard ..

Even till now my bb latch every 3 to 3.5hr .. Night sleep 5-6hrs stretch but still wakes up for night feed ..

For babies night feed is really important ..
for Amosco eclairs minimum order is 12 bags. Each bag has 12 eclairs. 2 bags is $43.87. Free delivery for $100 purchase and above.
Hi all, my baby is also going thru the milk strike phrase. He has been drinking like 30ml for 3 hrs and refuses anymore when we try to feed him. He will push out the teat using his tongue or he will be baby-talking when drinking his milk and let the milk drip from the corner of his mouth.

He will cry for milk during his milk time but during every feed, will take in about 30 to 40 ml max. And like bluelily and sgo's baby, he will only drinking when half asleep. He is his normal self other than not drinking milk part.

Hopefully this phrase pass over soon.
Wow... so there's quite a few bbs like mine! And I tot mine is unique. haha. So shd we actually reduce his milk amt? So far we still sort of force him to finish.. just that drag to a longer time.
how come they r together?
playing at the indoor playground?
btw, how come you know which one is my "botak" gal? hehe
hhahaha, missylan, just now sms u the metro sale thing... ok mummies, i just came back from metro sale, bgt a few bfree bottles as i have decided to switch from avent to bfree. Bfree and Avent have 20% off over at Metro, but nt too sure abt other brands as I only bgt bfree bottles and avent pacifier, paiseh, but i think the sale is till this weekend, not too sure, i think if you're getting bfree bottles or avent bottles, 20% off wor,hehee!
My #1 had the milk strike when he was 4th mth old, he was pretty chubby then slim down. Haiz... after that milk strike, he is on average weight liao, no longer chubby. But PD said cannot force them to drink, even don't spoonfeed them.

Mine still drinking 100-140ml even feed, cannot finish either wait for a little while or place inside the fridge. He usually will start cranky abit before 30mins of his actual feeding time, then I replace gripe water + water(40-60ml). This way I can delay abit... =)
hi, i am on biz trip to beijing...took SQ flight...just realised that planes dun hv nursing room...so lousy right? y not pro-breastfeeding mums?
hmm complained to my husband, he says so few breastfeeding mum on the plane, wasteful to hv a room just to cater for this need...but to me, there shld hv such a room mah...pple like us, need to pump frequently...engorgement is horrible right?
but i am impressed by the service lor..SIA mah...really good, flight stewardess really helpful, understanding...

i texted emailmequickly already. she said she will check and if haven't transfer, will send payment to u. so look out for it.
hi ladies,
since yesterday, my baby suddenly went back to 120ml * 6feed + 1 latch on. but he slept thru the whole nite last nite. duno why.. think i'm going nuts liao. next wk starting work and if his pattern keep on changing, i dunno how to get to work on time.

Have PM u my hp number last week for the collection of my Goon diapers in tampines, but till now no news from u.

If u are going to the gathering this sunday, can u kindly bring the diapers along.


What's your opinion on Pampers Dry? Currently NTUC is having a promotion. I think is $28.30 for 3 pkts. Want to stock up as the diapers are running low.

morning ladies!
what a relief...finally busy baby #1 has been found by vpost and will be delivered in 5-8 days to botanist's address (botanist,i'll update you the status of shipment n thanks for smsing emailmequickly
and #2 is on the way to vpost US address too!

i've tried pampers dry before and personally dun like it...i find the material nt so gd (as in nt soft enuff) and it also leaked few times.

i'm using pampers dry for my boy during the day. find that its quite good. in terms of absorbency - its definitely there. the material is softer than g.oon too.
i also kiasu - bought 3 packets from NTUC liao!!
thanks for the update!

I buay tahan my no 2. early morning every day, once she wake up, her whining and screaming will start. The house is only peaceful and quiet after she leaves for sch.

Do you have such problem with your no 2?
Dunno whether she is seeking our attention leh?

Very jialat. Now after work, me and hb will accompany the 2 elder kids after we showered and ate dinner. Didn't even have the time to tend to no 3. My mum say didi very poor thing.

Even surfing net, i can only do it doing my pumping session and ofis hours. sigh.
hi constance,

is like that. my #1 was so cranky for the past 2 months. finally she has more or less settled down noe. i think it takes time for them to know that they have a younger bro or sis.

Talking abt playing time with kid, i totally agreed that once mummies goes back to the work force you can hardly spend quality time with the kids. Nowadsy whenever i comes back from work iwill be busy with the #1 and #2 until such such that i only hav emy own time after 11plus and by then will be too tired to do anything.

Does any mummies still need to carry your BB to sleep. Cos i realized that for the mid night feed i need to carry my BB to sleep till 6am.?
oh missylan, can put the milk inside the fridge ah. U put for how long? Wont spoil?

My bb always cranky in the evening time when we just go back from work. Everyday go home see a screaming baby. Hai...
bluelily missylan

I have been told that once the bb has started sucking on a bottle of milk, that you have to finish within max 2hrs. Bacteria will start to breed as your bb saliva touched the teat.

I also sort of force him to finish his milk as I have to put him into half-asleep mode before he will drink. Its not easy to do this often so I feed more so no need to do it too frequently.
My baby weight did not increase since CNY! But he is still his usual happy, playful self despite the lack of weight gain.

Bluelily, my boy is also cranky when he is tired and wants to sleep so like you, we also come home to a crying baby.
hearing u gerls talk about working and no time for baby or yourself makes me dread to go back to work. Actually i should have been back to work on monday but i took 2 weeks of no pay leave to have more time wif bb.
Hi Mummies..
i sprained my back and now cant walk..
supposedly to return work tis monday but had to take another week off.

Baby is having stuffy/runny nose and been to e PD twice to get his mucus sucked out.. so painful for me to hear him wailing.. any mummy has any gd remedies to rid the cold?
he's taking medi fr PD now.. it seems so slow for the recovery... been almost 2 weeks now...

am so worried cus has to bring him to nanny soon. so scared he wun be able to adapt...

my bb also having running nose last week but after visiting PD & taking med, he is fine the next day. PD had his muscus sucked out, was given some liquid to drip in his nostril & med at night
Hi fanny,
Personally i find pamper dry is good. It can hold urine well & i find it worth the $ to buy.

The past 3 days my bb gal had been very cranky. Cried & cried. No matter how we carried or pacify she still cried. Bascially i think she cried herself to sleep. Heartpain to see her cried till the whole face red. But i really dun know what wrong with her. Milk given, pamper change etc. Really drive me to nuts. Any ideas why????
clarene is having brochititis now. she has a lot of phelgm and when she breathe, there seems to be fluid in her lungs. so heart pain and because she is only 2 months old, she can't cough out the phelgm. the PD was saying that if she still can't recover from the cough after 3-4days, she will need nebuliser for her medicine and I will need to rent it from her. if she still don't recover and become breathless, she will need to be hospitalised. so worrying for me.
worse thing is that she doesn't want bottle and I am going back to work next week.
i also find papmper dry good in terms of absorbency. i used it for night. day time i use goo.n. going to stock up for both today since the ntuc offer ends today.

cloverluv, jubeck
my bb kena blocked nose n cough a few wks ago. went to 1 PD & given med + nose drops to cuck mucuos out. Took for 5 days still not recovered. went to see another PD. was told bb at this age is too young for any medicine to work. Shd jus let them recover on their own. as long as don't develop fever is fine cos scared lung infected.

i'm also glad to hear so many bb fussing milk now. at least nt alone. really hope it gets over soon. maybe sleep more impt to them now. if i've more than 30ml left, normally i'll keep it warm again n try to feed him within the hr. if longer than 2hrs, will throw away cos scared contaminated like what sgo said. also v disruptive to guage the next feeding time.

mummies whose bb took jab at polyclinic, can share how u all time yr injection schedule w the optional ones?

i had started to put my baby to sleep in play pen in her own room since last week. even if there's any nite feed or fuss, i will still put her into e play pen after settling her. Juz thought it b gd to get her used to her own room. If not, it b a waste of our effort to decorate e room with disney characters wall paper. our room suddenly seem big without e play pen. hee....:D
cloverluv, I guess it's separation anxiety. The tots and bringing bb to nanny is hard for the 1st few days for mummies and bbs. Mummies and bbs will get used to it one. Dun worry too much.

And the nanny has trained my bb to poo poo in the potty, so there is something good to put bb w nanny. So now he won't poo in diapers. So it's easy. He is 3 months old now.

i was at NTUC tanjong pagar and the pampers dry was sold out too! i went to AMK and bought L size to stock up in the end... cos my bb already growing out of M size soon. Didn't realise how "HOT" this promotion is... at AMK, the shelf as almost empty!

my son was on nebuliasr when he was 2 mths plus. She caught the virus from his sis. He was on nebulisar for 5 days. He seems to like it and whenever i put him on he will stop crying. i think w the nebulisar your bb will recover. pray over it .
slimz not sure I use the right word or not. After milk, we try to make the poo poo sound and he will poo. But sometimes he will make a face that he wants to poo, so we quickly strip him and make the poo poo and he will poo.

Try it on yr bb.
Oh, that day dizzling, then my class was in the indoor play area. Nicolle's class just next to play area so I can peeped inside. The teacher was calling her, so I got to know that smallest child is her lor.
One of my son's chinese teacher enrolled her own dd in our class, dunno how they just met and cried. Hahaha...
Dun worry, brochititis recovers pretty fast if she is on nebulizer. My #1 was on it for 4 days, every 6 hours and recovered liao. He was given lung tonic(tablet, chewable) also. If on oral medicine, brochititis very hard to recover, will take weeks.

Wa... so obedient, now my #2 will not poo even I Nnng Nnng for him like he used to. Naughty naughty!


Ask you mummies. If can only chose 1 either pacifier or sleep in sarong which will you give ur baby???

My boy sleep on the bouncer during daytime, nite with me-got to carry him to sleep. last week he was very cranky & keep ccrying till 3am. initially I gave my boy pacifier,he stop crying n sleep himself on the bed (dunno isit bcoz he's too tired) then he rejected after 20mins. Anyway I dun like him to be on pacifier coz seems very ugly leh, then next day i put him in the sarong (no more pacifier)and he sleep well, he tend to suck his mittens (dunno isit becoz he tried the pacifer). Again the next day he seems like dun wan to sleep in sarong,want to be carried to sleep even during daytime.
should I let him have the pacifier again instead of the Sarong (Yao Lan)???

which would u prefer???
Sleep Sarong next time go out very troublesome
pacifier very difficult to wean off??
