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  1. E

    Child Adoption

    BlessBB - how r u doing ? hope u r well. haha, ur girl and her bolster phase now ya Babylove - u will be getting ur hsr report approved soon. Your boy will be SG before you know it. Tat's wonderful !!! Thx for the recommendation on the book. Will look for it and try the library. Sweetcl...
  2. E

    Child Adoption

    TGIF ! Happy Holidays for me. Counting down..cos tonite will get my HSR report. Yup, it is happening so fast. Same thoughts dream, I only plan to start calling the agency after my holiday. I am thankful to our SW for speeding up the HSR report for us so we can go for our holiday smiling...
  3. E

    Child Adoption

    SweetCL05, glad the office interview went smoothly. Was thinking of you yesterday. We have not heard from SW on the home interview date yet except next week. When is your home interview ? Yup, looking forward for my holiday ! You too, enjoy your holiday. iwantitvmuch, friday is around...
  4. E

    Child Adoption

    janella - miss ur qn. Submitted my HSR on 30 aug. yuli - it's me goin on holiday. haha..looks like sweetclo goin hers too in nov. sweetclo - we requested if we can hv our home interview next week before we go for our holiday. now waiting for SW to contact us on the date. All the best for...
  5. E

    Child Adoption

    Ladies, finish 4 hour office interview this afternoon. Time flies and it was an emotional for both of us. This path is not easy and there are times I am not sure I am ready for the challenge and if I will be able to connect with my baby. I am also very grateful for this forum and all of...
  6. E

    Child Adoption

    Sweetcl05 - yes, this is wonderful news ! you are next for the office interview ;) hehe..i know what u mean..excited and nervous ya. Hugs babylove, janella - you both will be next too... We will all graduate soon to mummy. iwantitvmuch - no worries about the hole, one of my friend also...
  7. E

    Child Adoption

    Yuli - congrats to u ! Yes, she is forever and legally yours ! BlesswBB - all the best for the home visit ! I may have miss the thread, is this the 2nd home visit with the baby at home ? iwantitvmuch - ur baby girl is so adorable. she is really as clever and alert as LKY Me and hubby...
  8. E

    Child Adoption

    thx janella. Yes, we have to learn as it goes. It can be tough sometime to hold the feeling ya. wat abt u, any news yet from Touch.
  9. E

    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch - thx for the reassurance. kinda of worried now as no news from Touch. mayb they found out i m not going to be good mum... hahaha..u will be planted next to her ya... i would her so we can see... can't wait to see FB post tonite
  10. E

    Child Adoption

    me too, i hv to go FB tonite to see..It's so exciting !!! Congratulations iwantitvmuch. So happy for you. How's the home visit btw ? Feeling very tired as this is my 3rd day back to work and unfortuately coming down with flu. Urgh..wish don't hv to work.. sweetcl05, no news yet for my...
  11. E

    Child Adoption

    sweetcl, i hv enable my pm. try try again.. die, which childcare center is tat ? it sounds really scary ! Anyway, be it principal or teacher, it's a gd choice as it will make you happy. iwantitvmuch, hehe, u r lucky with ur references How's ur tues' preparation ? All the best ya !
  12. E

    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch, baby girl !!! u will be mummy real soon. so happy for u !!! blessbb, thx u. yup, feeling better. jus went for followup n doc said the recovery looks good. i m so grateful. dream, u hang on ya. you can do it. hugs. kit_mum2B, i know at u mean abt ivf. u take care n try...
  13. E

    Child Adoption

    thx dream, blesswBB. babylove, i jus pm u. thx u for the add.
  14. E

    Child Adoption

    hello ladies, sorry for my mia. jus did a minor ops so did not hv mood to go online. I miss so much's everyone ! Hugs to all how's our fb coming ? sori, who can i ask to add me in ? Sweetcl05 - no news yet for my interview but our friends have received the reference letter. I...
  15. E

    Child Adoption

    This is grt !!!! Yippee for our miracle(s) ! babylove80 - Thx so much for setting up the FB group. I will setup another account and will let u my email. xoxo
  16. E

    Child Adoption

    a FB group would be great ! *wave* wave* would love to join. One more suggestion 5) Our Miracle Janella - grt we will see all on 15 Oct. iwantitvmuch - don't worry ya ! u will be fine. Strange, I did not receive any acknowledge since I send the cheque 2 weeks ago. I think I better...
  17. E

    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch, have been thinking of how is your interview. Been waiting for your post. It must have been difficult when they are ask the question but no worries, i can feel your sincerity and I am sure the interviewer can feel them too. Next is the home interview liao ! No date yet on my...
  18. E

    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch, it's so wonderful with the nursery preparation. Yah, better put window grills as this is baby friendly. thx yuli for mentioning wat is lifebook as I was abt to ask. blessbb, dream - i understand how u both feel. Tot I worked in my co. for abt 9 years, I am also tired of...
  19. E

    Child Adoption

    hello everyone. The thread is moving fast and I am so glad. iwantitvmuch and sweetcl05, send my cheque liao. See you both at the workshop in oct. Janella, you coming too for the disclosure workshop ? Plus an email from touch last week that they will contact us in 2 weeks for the...
  20. E

    Child Adoption

    iwantitvmuch, sweetcl05 - I have received the acknowledgement from Touch. They will contact us in about 2 months time on the interview. So, this will be in Nov i think. Better start my mental and house-preparation now. iwantitvmuch - I have not attend the Disclosure workshop yet. Is this...
