Child Adoption

My boy is the same. He likes to "complain" once in a while when he has his milk. Not really sure why but it really sounds like complaining. Seems like my boy is very impatient...start complaining at such a young age!

I was also wondering whether should buy the Bumbo seat. i am also wondering whether it is good for his back. It is also quite pricy. Seems like the forum is selling preloved ones so you may want to check the threads on the forum. I also read some feedback on it and it seems some people love it and some don't as the kid would outgrow it very fast or the kid don't like to sit on it.

Yuli & Dreams,
haha... so interested that ur babies make sound when drinking milk... I'm so envy, looking forward to this experience.

Yuli, I'm looking for a girl too. If you don't mind, can pass some clothes to me too?
I donno will i hv my 2nd one. If IVF is successful then 2nd will come if not i will stick to 1. Think age catching up, very tired looking after bb. If the 2nd one comes their age gap is only 1 or 2 yrs think will look more tired and old.
I saw the bumbo seat think is bad for bb back at this age. dd has been complaining since the day she doesnt want milk so to me is nothing new..sigh...
My girl latest development is she knows how to put both hands together. She already start to gongxi gongxi to prepare to get more hongbao for new year...haha

I have girl clothings to give away too i can pass to you. Or mayb u can share with iwantitvmuch cos she still havent decide on the gender.
thx Dream! will go chk out n c if got pre-loved bumbo seats or not.

blesswbb, sorry, i type salah. i meant her nxt jab will b in nov. dr yap's clinic will sms 2 remind abt appt. When's yrs scheduled? i noticed 2day my dd got lil bit more hair - hallelujah! hahaha.

sweetclo, sure, will pass u some, juz hope u will like them ;) Lemme noe wen bb comes n we can arrange 2 meet.
That's great news! Really happy for you. I think it is good to take half day. Even if you work, you would not be able to concentrate!

I think you can start your shopping this week end! Although you don't want to buy everything, you need to prepare the basic. Need to get some clean clothes for bb, bottles and diapers.

My bb still wearing his infant clothes but word of advice is not to buy too much as they grow very fast. I am already buying M size for diaper (although he is small size) Afraid he get rashes. So, don't buy too much diapers. I had to go back to the shop to exchange my S size to M size. Just buy one NB diaper first. In terms of clothes, should get at least 5-6 sets as they would need to change alot. Need to buy those with buttons. Somehow, bb gets "dirty" very fast and need to change them frequently.

I have started to buy him singlet as the weather is really hot. Seems like he is wearing a dress as the singlet is for bigger bbs (as could not find smaller ones)!

Otherwise, if you are planning to have more than one bb, advice is to buy white so clothes can be passed down from sibling to sibling.

I also bought Avent bottles as it is supposed to reduce colic.

I am so excited for all of you and can't wait for all of you to have your bundle of joy.

What exciting NEWS!!! I am so happy for you
. Good Luck for the home visit.
Thanks girls. I hoping this process will pass quickly.
BlesswBB,all the best to your IVF. Understand how you feel about age and looking after a kid or two. That's why I want to adopt when I still have some energy left.
Iwantitvmuch, so happppeeeeeee for you! Yah, go visit Alice before your home visit . You’ll be too excited to work anyway!

OR you can use that half day to source around for stuff. I only bought stuff just the weekend before she came home to us BUT I had already sussed out where the best buys are.

To all waiting mummies - just to share. I find that Robinsons 20% storewide sale is always a good place/time to get baby essentials like laundry detergent, bottle detergent, bottles, teats, steriliser, bath foam etc. PLUS you can always go back to exchange if you end up being given the same stuff from friends later on.

Baby Hyperstore and Babymart at Kaki Bukit is a wholesale type place where you can get cots/strollers/pillows etc.

Kiddy Palace of cos sells lots of the baby essentials and is a good one stop place.

If you have friends who are planning to buy presents for you, may I be kapo and suggest a few things? Some items are pricier so maybe can get them to pool money and buy together.

-Steriliser/bottle starter kit (I use Avent).
-Tummy time mat (Fisher Price & Tiny Love got nice ones)
-Onesies (from Mothercare or Marks&Spencer or the brand Carter. They have short sleeved and sleeveless ones)
-Diapers (Pampers NewBorn - it has a yellow strip that turns blue when diaper is wet. I used Pampers for night and Mamy Poko for day when dd was very young. Now I use Mamy Poko and Huggies)
- Baby Carrier (either sling or beco/bjorn type carrier)

Dream is right, no need to get too much clothes in NewBorn size cos by 6-7 weeks, they may outgrow it.

PJs – if you are not brand conscious then I find the PJs sold at Giant to be good value and really comfy. I go to the one at Tampines and it’s sold in one of the big standalone baskets near the chk out counters. S$4 for long pants and $3+ for tops. All white and pure cotton. If outgrow fast, not so heart pain.

Nappy cloth (muslin cloth) - I find Annaku brand the softest. I started out cloth diapering my dd but once her diaper rash cleared, I got lazy and started her on diapers
BUT the nappy cloths are still very useful as pillows, light blanket, burp cloth and great for peekaboo games!

I remember feeling very overwhelmed just before bb came home and was very grateful to a good friend from church who helped me to so some running around to buy some of the essentials. For those going through Alice, she will provide some of the basics eg: diaper rash cream, swaddling cloth.

Maybe other mummies can add on to this?
Iwantitvmuch, Alice didn't ask for any information when I visited her. Just gender preference.

Blesswbb, yes, my dd has been putting her hands together as well. So cute. I always ask her if she's praying for her papa who's away and she'll smile
I think she's quite kapo cos she keeps trying to 'sit' up when she's in the stroller or when she's propped up on the pillow. She'll strain her neck and try to lift herself. She hasn't rolled over yet though. She's trying though, by turning to her side. Dr Yap did say that we need to help her along when she's ready and trying to roll over so I do give her a nudge now and then. I find that I'm enjoying this phase of her life the most so far (compared to the early weeks). Most of my mummy friends say 6 mths onwards is their favourite time so I'm looking forward to that
Hi Ladies,

Seems like Yuli and I are so excited for you and hope our tips would be useful for your newborn. Can't wait for our "family" to grow.

What is important when you buy clothes for your newborn is that it is easy to wear and the material is not too hot. You may buy one or two nice piece for "outing" but my boy so far has only left the house to go Dr! So, agree with Yuli, that should not spend too much on these items.

Diapers-I also bought Pampers NB but now using Fitti.
Steriliser-also using Avent.
Baby carrier-haven't bought this yet but most likely would not buy
Pillow/mattress: as I am very scared of SID, I bought the pillow and mattress from Robinson. I think the brand is BABY SAFE. Basically, it has hole in the foam to allow breathing.
Pacifier-A must have! May have to buy a few to see which one your kid likes...
Playpen vs Cot-bought a playpen as I felt it would be easier to move around but read that it may not be so good for bb back. So, now considering to buy a cot!

If you are still going to Malaysia for work, you may buy some stuffs there as well. Anakku and Tollyjoy are quite nice and reasonable there.
Hihi....Iwantitverymuch...Just my two cents worth...My friend wrote me a list too when i decided to adopt. It has some items that Dream, Yuli and Blesswbb has suggested. A lot of the items , you can find at Kiddy Palace. Do get the discount card there so that you will get some discount when you purchase stuff.

Here's it is:

Napkin (Annaku)
ear thermometer
small cloth (washcloth & face towel)
cotton tops/pants (100% cotton)
Yu Yi Oil
Minyak Talon (massage baby)
small cabinet for baby things
wet wipes (pigeon)
sling (babybjorn)

Clothes top and bottoms with front tie (strings)opening or buttons
Baby rompers (becos they are cute and easy to change diapers with)
Sets of mittens and bootees
baby bath towels
baby swaddling blankets (but can swaddle with napkins as more cooling)
Baby changing Mat (might be best to have 2; 1 for home and 1 for going out)
Baby Cot/Playpen
Cot mattress cover (for interchanging)
shampoo and baby wash (MUstela, Johnson&Johnson)
Nail scissors (with curved ends)
Small size diapers
2 small, 2 tall milk bottles (buy bfree types )
2 spare teats
4 Bottle drying rack
Car seat (infant size or get 3 in one)
Bean sprout pillow
Baby cotton ear buds (will not use till really need to)
Bathtub (get one with support)
Bottle brush with teats brush
Night light with dimmer for night feeds

In addition to this:
-Decide which infant formula to wean ur baby with. I used nan as my bb was being fed lactogen.
-You will need a diaper bag ready especially when you take the little one for his/her checkup
- individual milk storage containers when you go out
- small hot water flask to carry hot water when you go out.
- cotton wool to wash bum after poo (this really helps prevent nappy rash)
- kodomo Laundry detergent for baby's clothes and tollyjoy bottlewashing detergent for his bottles etc

I think you can collate the items and work out what you need.

I have NB clothing too. Let me know if you want them.
Hi Iwantitvmuch,
I'm also happy for you too!!! Have you decided which gender?? I felt so excited for you...

Elle, didn't hear from you, how're u? have you gone for the office interview?

I've submitted on 8th Sep and I'm still waiting for the office interview, not sure what happen....
U ladies really have a good list.

We all are very excited for u. Looks like all have given u a list what to buy i think i shall not add more.
Looks like the 1st meeting for us ladies will soon be here.

For your info, i din get any NB clothings as i think is a waste cos bb really grow very fast. Most of my girl clothings are over size when she came to us.
PJs...get it from robinson is very cheap. 3pcs at $12 if u holding their cards further 5% off.

All the best for ur interview! So excited for u...;)
After the 1st home interview can bring baby home already? or have to wait for approval? How long does the approval take?
according to the health book bb holding their hands should be around 3.5 - 4mths old rite? Looks like our dds are learning things very fast. My dd trying turning today...i'm very amaze at this age. Bbs mature earlier nowadays.
hi ladies,
after much talking to my hb, i told him tat surrogate need a lot of money and not guarante tat the IVF confirm successful.. and now he say ok to adopt! but after we tried last round of IVF first.. i'm finally relieve...i also hope tat i can be as lucky as u all tat u all found ur bb so fast..
Dream, yuli,babylove, blesswBB for all your advices and the list of things to buy. I think I will put them together and post it on fb. I have a list which my friend gave too.

Today's disclosure talk, I think Janella, SweetCL, Elle(?) and myself are going. I'm wearing a purple dress today. Look out for me.
It does take time to fully accept a decision. I remember when i first brought up the topic of adoption, my hubby was somewhat uncomfortable. So we went on a journey to discover that indeed adoption was the best option for us. Good luck for the IVF, we hope to hear some good news.
Have fun tonight. If you can, take a picture and post on FB

Kit_mum 2B,
Agree with babylove80 that it a decision that takes time but once both parties are on board, there is no turning back. Good luck on your IVF and remember, no matter what, you will become a mummy real soon

Blesswbb and Yuli,
I guess my boy will be ready for CNY to put his hands together. Now, he just wants to put his fist into his mouth. About feeding, it is really hard to predict. Seems like he is down to 2 ounces except for night feeding when he can drink more! Sigh...worrying like Blesswbb that he does not have enough. Otherwise, he has managed to sleep more than 2 hours at night! I was so surprised that I woke up to check on him! I hope it remains this way. 2.5 hours is a miracle for him! During the day, he hardly sleeps and needs to be carried all the time. I guess that explains why he can sleep at night! He is exhausted!

When is he supposed to have another growth spurt? seems like he is still quite small for his age. He seems to be in the 5%-25% lowest percentile.
hello ladies,
sorry for my mia. jus did a minor ops so did not hv mood to go online. I miss so much's everyone ! Hugs to all

how's our fb coming ? sori, who can i ask to add me in ?
Sweetcl05 - no news yet for my interview but our friends have received the reference letter. I don't want to call Touch abt our interview cos want to be in top form for the interview. Wat abt u ?
iwantitvmuch, so happy for u !!! all the best too. let us know how it goes ya.
Yes, I am coming for tonite session. I will be in white top n jean.
I love the baby lists!!! Thx so much yuli, dream, babylove80.
Hi Dream,

To determine how much he should be having. Just follow the instuctions on the tin. For his age (2mths plus?), he should be taking about 60 mls-90mls of milk every 2-3 hours. Therefore in a day, he should be taking about 720ml. So if he drinks more at night, he may not drink much during the day.
Hi Babylove 80,
He is currently taking Mamil Gold and according to the tin, he should be already taking 100 to 120 ml. So, it seems he is only taking half but he is having frequent feeds.

I am trying to write down the amount of milk he has a day to see whether he falls short. He is now 7 weeks old. how much is your boy taking now? Can you remember how much he was taking at my boy's age?

I hope your ops was ok and you are fully recovered. Seems like things are moving along with your friend having received the reference letter.

Glad the bb list is useful and hope you will be shopping very soon!
Hi Dream,
At 2 months, my boy was taking 3 ounces, every 3 hourly. Now he is 4 months, so he is taking about 4-5 ounces (120ml-150ml). He is within the normal growth percentile. He is still being fed 2 times during the night.

When i tried weaning him off Nan, with Similac, I realise that the amount is too much, and usually the bb does not finish. For Nan, it is 1 scoop per 30 ml. The scoop is half the size of the similac scoop. For the similac scoop it is 1 scoop for 60ml. So I used to give him 2.5 scoops Similac with 150mls water. But I have switched back to Nan as he prefers it.
Thanks, that is reassuring. I guess he is more or less there depending on his appetite. As he drinks less but more frequently, i guess it makes up for it. Was wondering whether i should cut to 2 ounces as lots of wastage. Most of the time, he can't finish but in his good days, he can...but don't want to miss the chance for him to drink 3 ounces!

Dumex Mamil is like Nan. 1 small scoop for 30 ml/1 ounce. Easier to count!
don worry abt the oz yr boy is drinking. Remember the PD said..."yr bb will decide how much he wants not u". I'm more relaxed with my dd amount of milk intake now....she sometimes finish 5.5oz sometimes 4oz. As long as she takes her milk i'm very happy with it.
According to the PD, she supposed to be over 6kg by 4mths so i'm more worried that she din gain much weight. She looks the same to me everytime i carry her. I wonder is it bcos we are immune to her weight.

All the best in yr IVF. Have u started yr IVF? I'll be starting next mth. Very tired with the idea but no choice just want to have the feeling of being pregnant.

Recently i have 2 friends who gave birth. They were discussing abt the whole procedure of labour. Then one of them laugh at me saying that i will never experience it. Sigh...

Really wish my IVF will be successful.

Hope everything fine after yr ops. U take care and enjoy the talk with the rest of the ladies tonite.

Keep us inform after yr home visit and yr visit to Alice.
Thanks for the link. Very instructive. I usually read about bb development on this website but never thought of looking for this feeding information there. I guess the instructions on Dumex box is very general and more adapted to western babies who are much bigger in size.

I don't know why friends can be so insensitive. You must prove her wrong, OK! Really wish you all the bests for your IVF. Keep us updated, ok. Get yourself ready this month. Eat healthy, take multivitamins and folic acid and enjoy life! as stress is definitely bad for IVF...

Thanks for advice on bb feeding. I try not to think of it but felt a bit stressed today as I also felt that he did not seem to have grown much. Will try to weigh him tonight.
Hi Dream,

I agree with blesswbb. Babies have their own inner milk meter, and I think it's also a lot to do with the amount of fluids too.

Regarding the percentiles, i was talking to one of my mummy colleague, and she told me not to focus too much on the percentiles etc. As long as the ped has not flagged out any concerns to you. Just relax and feed him consistently. I think that is one of the important lessons I learnt, and it will help him get into a routine. I think we all have our different experiences to share. Some might work, some might not.
dear ladies,
thanks for all ur well wishes, I will start the FET once my lining is ready
dunno when will it be ready..

had done a round of IVF in sept, frozen 9 embryos and use 1 fresh embryo last round. Now left 8 embryos, really needs lots of luck..cos my embryos not bad very sad tat its not successful the last round. THe idea of getting disappointed again and again tires me out.. and mentally i'm very strained.. and taking next yr a few months off from work, hopefully its approved.
Understand how you feel. It is really a roller coaster ride and I think only people having gone through it would really understand how you feel. I really wish you all the bests and just remember that whether FET is successful or not, you will be a mother soon.

It is good that you ask to take a break. Will certainly help you to relax.

thanks for your reassuring words.

I really felt very exhausted last night and could hardly control my temper. I am not sure how I can take it. Usually at the office at 8 am and leave office by 7 pm...I am really stressed. It is really exhausting to go to work and take care of bb at night (although he started to sleep for about 2 hrs). I really feel that it is really unfair that we are treated so differently. How can it be that we are only "entitled" to one month leave (if lucky) while others enjoy 4 months of maternity leave. In addition to the exhaustion, I miss on all the bonding time with my boy. I hardly see him since by the time I reach home, it is his bedtime. Yuli, how do you cope?

Sorry, need to vent and hopefully, you guys can talk to your boss to ask for more leave or have better arrangements. I am wondering whether I should ask my boss for more leave (but then, it is appraisal time soon!). Luckily, I still have 20 days of leave to clear this year but that's my leave...Sigh...I know some colleagues who were away for more than 6 months as they stopped working 1-2 months before their due date...

Luckily, today is Friday!

How was yesterday's talk? Mind sharing here some tips.

Hang in there! This is a transitional period for u having to juggle baby and work. Grit ur teeth and battle on. Once u have survived one hundred days at work, things will fall into rhythm and harmony and run smoother for u. Take it one day at a time and look towards each weekend for recuperation and bonding time with baby. Many women have survived this, u can too. Jia You!

Also, baby will grow bigger and u wont have to do so much 'night duty' in a few months' time.
Hang on there. If it helps, I've filled in the feedback form that adoptive mothers should have longer adoption leave and I stated that not employees are entitled to adoption leave somemore.
Drink alot of ginseng tea in the meantime. 8am to 7pm is long hours, I feel so sorry for you.

Yesterday, at the disclosure workshop, I truly find it helpful and surprise that we should actually start disclosing as early as 3yrs old. I think it's good that we don't hide anything from them. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about how my kid will react when I tell him/her though but I'm sure that truth has to come out sooner than later.

I met Elle and SweetCL05 !! And we talked non-stop and if not for my hubby waiting, we would have gone on and on. I think with our little support group, we are definitely having a good head start! Meeting each other seems to be meeting friends and we connected straightaway. I can't wait for the next get together. I'm going to call Alice!
I've just called Alice and she said that she has a girl now!!! She's one month old and she's beautiful!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! She asked me to go take a look on Tuesday, before my home interview.
I think if I'll go visit the girl this weekend!!! Or else, I will not be able to sleep this weekend! I"M SO EXCITED!!! I thought I would have a boy but it doesn't matter at all now!!
Hi Die and iwantitvmuch,
Thanks for your nice words. Really happy that we have formed this support group and I can't wait to meet all of you in person!

Really great that all of you could connect/click right away. Somehow, it is amazing how this forum can bring us together.

About disclosure, I also truly agree that adoption should be disclosed but I feel that the timing is something very personal. I don't think I would disclose at such an early age but would definitely try to bring up adoption earlier so that my boy would understand it when the time comes. Time will tell..
I am so excited for you! You mean she has sent you a picture? Yes, please be quick! Seems your case is as fast as Blesswbb! Crossing fingers and toes that everything go smoothly. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! If i were you, I will go tonight!!!

I am planning on writing a letter to MCYS regarding the discrimination between maternity and adoption leave, as I feel that we need just as much time, to bond with our child. To add, did you know that there is a cut-off for the adoption leave? The child must be less than 6 months!
Wow! you girls move very quickly!

Go see her...dun wait!!! So exciting!!!! Ultimately, when you fall in love with your child, it does not matter whether its a boy or girl! Just go with your gut! I am sooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can relate to your frustration. It is definitely hard working and wishing you were home with your child. Not to worry, once your appraisal is over, you can take your leave k.... Can't you negotiable shorter working hours, so you finish earlier?

A big hug for you. I cannot understand the extent of your stress, because I haven't been through it. But Dream is right, you will be a mum soon, and that's a given.
I was also stunned to read iwantitverymuch post as I just finished mine as well! I would definitely support you when you write your letter to MCYS!

Still EXCITED for you! So, writing to you again! Keep us informed, ok! I can really feel your excitement and happiness! and Remember, DONT WAIT, OK!
Iwantitvmuch, ahhhhhh.....I am soooooo happy for you, I'm grinning from ear to ear.....and I haven't even met you!!!

Pray okay? I truly believe God has planned that perfect child for each and everyone of us. Ask Him for His peace and pray for sensitivity and discernment to know the next steps. I'm so happy for you lah. HUGZ!

Dream, hugz to you too
Sorry to hear you've been so tired out. I work in a family biz so my hours are a lil flexible but this few weeks have been really busy so I know what you mean. I really wish I could spend time with her instead of being at work.

Babylove, I wana support you in that letter. you need extra signatures?
First they should make it mandatory leave! and second, they should give us more time. It is discrimination.

Kit_mum2b, many of us here know how tough things get during ivf and the agonising 2ww and then the bfn. There was a time I so wanted to be pregnant but somehow with my adopted dd now, everything just feels so right. It really doesn't matter that I didn't carry her the whole 9 mths. Like Dream says, you will be a mum.

blesswbb, I'm sorry you had those insensitive remarks thrown at you. That was awful. Hugz to you too!
Iwantitvmuch, truly happy and excited for you!!! Get all you baby stuff ready!!! Can't wait to hear more news from you.

By the way, I did not log in yesterday, so I missed seeing you, Elle and SweetCL05. But, I believe there will be a next time.

I found the workshop very interesting. Initially, I had planned to tell my child about his adoption only in his late teens or early twenties. But after attending this workshop, we plan to tell the kid when he/she first starts to speak.

Babylove, I didn't receive any news about the interview. I'm 'chasing' my referees to quickly post the letters. And thanks for that wonderful list on baby stuff.

BlessBB, sorry you had to listen to such insensitive garbage. I had my fair share too from a friend whom I met recently. She said some negative stuff about people who adopt (I don't care to repeat them here). I wanted to slap her face but I quickly said a silent prayer to prevent myself from doing so. All the best on your ivf.

Dream, I can imagine how frustrating it is for you. Have you ever considered working shorter hours or on a part-time basis? Oh, by the way, I don't work in Malaysia, in fact I don't work at all. I'm currently doing my Masters.

Thanks for all the tips that you, BlessBB and Yuli have been sharing with us.

Yuli, I feel so touched about what you shared with Kit_mum2b. I still feel depressed at times when I think of my failed ivfs and worse, my, miscarriages. But what you said about your daughter and that it doesn't matter that she did not come from you womb, really made me feel good. I really should stop this self-pity and take inspiration from you all.

Kit_mum2b, good luck on your FET. I share the same sentiments as Yuli. You will be a mum! Just you wait and see!
I'm so excited for you. Ya..go visit during weekend. In fact, if u want can ask Alice to let u keep her for the weekend to see whether there's bond. U can have the baby clothings from us anytime. Start shopping for bb stuff!!
I'm really very happy for u...yeah...1 more new member...
babylove, dream, yuli, BlesswBB,janella,sweet,die and all I left, thank you for your cheers. I'm so grateful for you all.
I wanted to go tonight but my husband has prior engagement and I want to take this night and calm myself down and pray for peace and guidance. Alice said that I can visit her in the afternoon. So, we'll go in the afternoon and speak to her. I think I've been quite brave to announce it before I see the baby. But I'm praying that there's a bond. I will ask Alice what would be the best arrangement on bringing her home. Then, Tuesday can bring her for medical checkup. BlesswBB, I mentioned your name to Alice in case she ask you.

Janella, missed you at the workshop yesterday. I actually went up to Elle and asked if she's Janella.

iwantitvmuch, baby girl !!!

u will be mummy real soon. so happy for u !!!

blessbb, thx u. yup, feeling better. jus went for followup n doc said the recovery looks good. i m so grateful.

dream, u hang on ya. you can do it. hugs.

kit_mum2B, i know at u mean abt ivf. u take care n try to be happy.

yup, we met up..hehe..iwantitvmuch was asking if i m janella or elle ;) So happy to at least put a face to the names.

Last nite workshop is really good. Like janella, we wanted to tell when our child is early twenties. I like to idea of telling them when they are baby while bathing is gd practise. Listening to their story is reality check for the challenges we will face. I really hope I can be as calm and strong like them.

Hope to meet u with all u ladies soon too
