Child Adoption

ok, will try to do so but it is really hard as he is a very light sleeper during the day and at night, I am afraid to wake him up and disturbed his sleep.


A big HUG to you!!! I know how you feel as I did that once, and I made sure that that was the last time. I was soooo sad after, but what made it worse was that the nanny was so mean to me. I mean, it's not as if I purposely wanted to hurt my boy. After that, I never cut his nails when he is awake. I cut them when he is sleeping. I let him wrap his finger around my hand, so it's his fingers are well positioned. It is a tough job and definitely requires lots of skills (as a result of practice). Best part is noone really wants to do it, but like to pick fault when something goes wrong. Also, I started using the baby scissors with the curved end. Initially I used the nail clipper, but never again after that.

Happy Deepavali to you too. I hope you had a good day
. Thanks for your comforting words.
hi Dream, I cut only when she's asleep and use the curved baby scissors. My mum does it most times tho
But nails sure grow fast! I don't use mittens on her anymore cos I read it's good for them to see their hands/fingers so that they will use it to explore (sensory).

Blesswbb/babylove, do you still swaddle your little ones? I still swaddle mine at night. She still startles herself a bit (Moro reflex) so swaddling helps her sleep btr. but by 3-4 am, she will somehow be able to squirm and her hands will appear then sleep is not so deep.

iwantitvmuch and blesswbb, enjoy your mtg! I guess the babies will get to meet each other as well! how nice! Looking forward to checking our FB page tonight!
THANKS! My hubby and mum were really upset too but if I don't do it, nobody else would do it too! and I read it is better to take out the mittens so that he can play with his hands and fingers. Also, even though he wears his mittens, he always manages to take them out and I hate seeing scratches on his face! Is the baby scissors with curved end much easier to handle? I bought the set so I also have the scissors but I was afraid that it was harder to use. When did you stop putting the mittens on?
Our post crossed...I guess we both think alike for bb development.

I think I have stopped swaddling him when he was a month old (or even earlier). He was getting very agitated as he likes to be free and move his hands. So, I use those pyjama rompers (thick) instead at night. I also have those "blankets bags" that are tied to his shoulder. Not really sure how it is called but it is like a bag covering his whole body. I put a bean pillow on him as well.

It is very true that mittens can inhibit their development, as they need to exercise their fingers. I use the curved baby scissors. I personally feel that it is a lot harder to use, but am used to it now. Be especially cautious that you cut the sharp sides of his fingernails, because that's a lot sharper and can cause pretty deep scratches.

Re swaddling: We did swaddle him initially, but used napkins as it was a lot cooler. Now we don't. I bought him a beansprouts pillow which helps reduce his startle. Making him sleep on the side also helps.
Hi Ladies,

I am selling my stroller, as bb is too big for it. I bought it at $220, and am willing to let it go for $150. It is about 3 months old. Still in new condition. Let me know if any of you are interested.

I don swaddle her since the day i brought her home. I bgt a bean pillow to put her chest to reduce the startle although it doesnt help much
we try letting her sleep with noise so that she wont be easily startled.

If he's a light sleeper then u try during his milk time. They don move that much during their milk time.
I stop putting mittens when my girl is 1mth 1week old.

I just saw your little one....She is just adorable. I have a feeling that you might just grab her earlier than Nov ;). She look so snug in your arms.
Your stroller is really nice but unfortunately, I have already bought mine (which I have not used yet!). Do you have any infant seat by any chance for sale? I bought a car seat from infant to toddler but somehow it is very bulky and difficult to use.

Good idea. I will try during milk time. Love your family picture on FB. Finally managed to see your pretty face but hope to meet you in real person real soon!

Also saw the pictures in FB and I agree with babylove that she looks so comfortable in your arm. Hope she opens her eyes this afternoon so that we can see her beautiful eyes.

My boy just had his 6 in 1 vaccination last night. He was really brave. Just cried a short while. I gave him paracetamol right after his jab and he had slight fever last night. So, he was a bit cranky last night and this morning. Hope the fever will subside very soon.
babylove, I just probably look good while carrying her. But she was sleeping very soundly.
Nice stroller! I like the baby blue colour, you got good taste. Too bad, I've got my heart set on another stroller. I will give you another website where you can put it up for sale. I'm also thinking of getting one more stroller for my mother-in-law in case she wants to bring baby out while she's baby sitting.

On cutting baby nails, I'm thinking if we can file the corner rather than cutting. just a thought.
Hi Dream,

I do have an infant car seat which I am also planning to sell. I bought it from Robinsons. My boy is growing taller, and I forsee that by the time he comes back, he will be too big. The brand is Nania, but I forget what the Model is. My boy used to enjoy sleeping in it during the car ride. It's like a baby carrier, which you can detach from the base.

I hope the home interview goes well for you. Thinking of you today. Thanks for the suggestion of filing the ends of the fingernails. I think it's a good idea.
babylove - nice stroller! love the color but bought mine already.

Dream, hope your boy gets all better today.

iwantitvmuch - it was me who tried chatting with u on FB

Re: baby nails. I do file sometimes instead of cutting, if it's not too long.

hope baby wakes up and opens up her eyes to check you out today!
babylove 80,
Great! May be you can send me a picture of the infant seat later. Wondering what is the max. weight for that infant seat since he is approaching 5 kg soon.

Good luck for your home interview. and thanks for the good suggestion about nail filing. Otherwise, nail cutting/filing can only be done once bb is 1 month old. Otherwise, nails are too soft.
Hi Ladies,
Just got back from Alice place visiting iwantitvmuch bb. She's cute and talkative for a 1mth old.
Btw, just get to know that there is a 18mth old local baby boy available for adoption from Alice. Any one interested can call Alice.
just upload a few photos and video of iwantitvmuch's bb in FB. Happy viewing everyone.

She's smart bb, iwantitvmuch. I believe u will love her once u bring her home. I myself cant stop carry her. She likes to smile and talk. She tend to focus on bright colours object.
So, it seems you were lucky to see her with her eyes wide opened. You did not manage to meet iwantitvmuch?

Seems like she is very advanced for her age. I think my boy only started to smile and talk a few weeks back..and, then it is usually only in the morning. Waiting for him to be more talkative.
BlesswBB, came back and quickly checked out the video. They are very well taken. Thanks for the clips and photo. While playing the clips, my hubby woke up from his nap because he could hear the baby(from the computer). He thought I brought baby home. So, not bad that my hubby can be so sensitive to the baby. He can wake up change the diaper and feed the baby.
Baby is so cute. After I left Alice's place, baby woke up and started playing again. So, we figure out that baby is putting on the best behaviour when mommy is around. hee hee

I have finished the home interview. Upon knowing that I've identified the baby, SW will give me the report as soon as possible, this week! So that I can bring baby home. I think once medical results are out on monday and ok, Alice said that I can bring the baby home on Monday!!!

I have to get everything ready this weekend.
That's fantastic news, iwantitvmuch! Everything is falling into place nicely. Your weekend sounds like the weekend I had before bb came. Rush around and buy stuff and get ready! Try to sleep well this weekend. I made the mistake of cleaning/preparing stuff for bb until 3am the night before bb came home and becos of that, the next few sleepless nights with bb got me really overwhelmed.

Alice got your bb some really really nice onesies. I like today's onesie - so cute!

Nice that your hb is so in tuned to bb's voice already! Yah, hopefully, he'll be the 1st to spring out of bed to do night feeds and diaper changes!

blesswbb, thanks for posting the pics and videos - you super fast lah!
blesswbb, u so lucky able to see her beautiful widen eyes.... so envy, i also wanna see her...
**i must quick log in to FB to see the video...

congrats iwantitvmuch, everything went on very smoothly...
After i knew from Alice that u don hv a chance to see yr girl open her eyes...i try to take photos of her open her eyes. And when i heard her talking i record it into video in case u don hv a chance to hear today

Just wanted to make u happy seeing her...hehe
Looks like she will be a easy bb as long as she not pamper by your family...carrying her most of the time

Oh ya...did Alice pass u the baby clothings? I hope u will like it although not many. And seems like yr baby will grow fast...i heard she's drinking 4oz. For her age she's a great drinker...and can see she's very healthy
Hi everyone!

I juz finished a super long day @ work but was pleasantly surprised 2 find a pc of gd news @ home. I received a ltr fr MCYS addressed 2 our lawyers n cc to us, saying they hv completed their investigations n hv asked the lawyers 2 go ahead 2 file our adoption request in court. This means our case will b heard by a judge within nxt few wks n the judge will, hopefully, approve our adoption request n appoint us as legal parents! once that happens, we can then apply for BC, citizenship n passport! can't wait 2 travel again! haha
wow, Iwantitvmuch, bb is drinking really well. 4oz is quite a bit 4 a one mth old babe. she'll b growing nicely ;) R u going 2 Dr Yap 4 medical or to the PD in the west?
Good morning Ladies,
Will check FB tonight. Seems iwantitvmuch baby develops very fast! my boy is not even drinking 4 ounces. What is her weight and height? and he was only drinking 2 ounces at one month.

Apart from that night where he slept more than 2.5 hours, he is back to his 2 hours routine! I am really exhausted to take care of him but still want to do it as this is the only time I can bond with him. I really wish I could be there during the day when he is awake... Sigh...hard to be a working mother!

Congrats! Seems like everything falling into place nicely. The SW is really nice to rush your report this week. You must be so happy. Enjoy the rest of the week and week end to prepare for bb's arrival. After that, you will not have any time for yourself! so, pamper yourself now..enjoy your sleep while you can! But it may not be too bad as she is already drinking quite a fair bit.

What a great news! I guess that's another milestons to record in bb book! Really excited for you.
Actually, she drank 5 ounces! hahaha. That's why, I saw her on Sat and yesterday, she already look different! If you compare the photo I took and blesswbb took, she looked different already. I really can't wait to bring her home soon but Alice is doing such a good job.
She drank 4 ounces and Alice realised that she is still munching on her blouse and fed her another ouce! And she slept from 11pm to 4am! I hope baby can transit well to my home as she has been with Alice for almost 1 month since I bring her home.

BlesswBB, Thanks for the photos and video clips. I got the clothes too. You mean her girl can't wear them already?? Some are still 6-9 months. There are alot of clothes!

Yuli, I'm going to Dr William Yip at Gleneagles.
me too, i hv to go FB tonite to see..It's so exciting !!! Congratulations iwantitvmuch. So happy for you.

How's the home visit btw ?

Feeling very tired as this is my 3rd day back to work and unfortuately coming down with flu. Urgh..wish don't hv to work..

sweetcl05, no news yet for my interview. I think will call them later to check. wat abt u ?

Looking at the thread, I would like to share. I have mixed feeling, one of elation and one of fear..not sure if I will be as good a mummy as all of u ladies...Silly me.
Elle,you will lah. If you wait abit longer, you will be too used to your carefree life. So, better act now. You are NORMAL. I felt that way before but I have other worries.
But now, I can't stop thinking of baby and bringing her home. I think I can spend hours watching her sleep because she's so drama when she sleeps, stretching so much till she's changing and movedpositions on the mattress. And she's just 1 month old.
Yuli, I'm so happy for you. At long last!

Iwantitvmuch, enjoy your sleep while you can! So happy for you too! By the way, what questions were you asked during the home visit?

Elle, I feel the same way as you do! Sometimes, I just can't wait to hold a baby in my arms and sometimes I'm gripped by fear. My fear usually comes from how the child is going to handle the news that he/she is adopted. I guess this is a learning process.
iwantitvmuch - thx for the reassurance. kinda of worried now as no news from Touch. mayb they found out i m not going to be good mum...

hahaha..u will be planted next to her ya... i would her so we can see...

can't wait to see FB post tonite
thx janella. Yes, we have to learn as it goes. It can be tough sometime to hold the feeling ya.

wat abt u, any news yet from Touch.
I am so jealous! your bb girl already sleeping from 11pm to 4 am! I don't know when my boy can do that! 5 ounces, that's really a lot! I have to ask Alice what she does to get her to drink so much at one sitting! but of course, every kid is different and I guess mine is just a frequent eater!

Elle and Janella,
Dont worry. You will be great mummies! And I really hope Touch call you very soon.
Most of the clothes she cant wear anymore as she's growing fast. But Some of the clothes tend to make her look funny i donno y but just doesnt fit her so rather pass it to u.
So happy for u...she's finally legally yours!!
I will be having my home visit from MCYS this Friday at 2pm. Very nervous...hope my girl behave herself. Recently she tend to scream for attention.
Elle, nope, have not received any notice about the interview. Wonder, how long we'll have to wait! Sigh!

Dream, thanks for your well wishes.

BlessBB, good luck on your MCYS visit.
Janella and Elle, think Touch is working hard. They need to complete the studies in maximum 2 months. You should hear from them soon. At least they are finishing on my case. So, it should be your turn soon. Don't hurry because like what Yuli said long ago, after the interview, everything will happen VERY fast.

Dream, Alice has a special technic to increase appetite of the baby. sounds like force feeding. haha. You can call and ask her if she wants to train your baby. hahaha
I am sure you are counting down the days till you bring your angel home. Have you got a name for her already? I saw the other videos of her. She is just so adorable. I think you will enjoy cooing to her, as she will coo right back at you. Do post more pics of her.

Congrats!!!! You must be so excited that the whole process is completed.

Good luck with your home interview. Your little one is a real cutie.
is 2 months the maximum time, ie from when they receive the application. That is definitely a tight timeline. Who was your assessor?

I can't help but feel very anxious...sighz...
Don't stress and just be yourself. The more stressed you are, the more your girl will act up. Somehow, they can sense our feelings.

Can't feed him more as he will always fall asleep and I can't wake him up! And, even when he is awake, he will decide when he wants to drink milk. If you put the bottle in this mouth when he does not drink, he will ignore it or scream!

Remember to ask Alice how she does it! Your bb girl looks very healthy (from the pictures that Blesswbb took). Somehow, I agree with you that she looks different from the picture you took. She is growing real fast. I hope she can be home with you very soon.

Understand how you feel. One day is like an eternity...I hope your boy can be home real soon with you. Wonder whether you can call Touch and ask them whether they can proceed your case on urgent basis since you have already identified your kid. Seems SW are really helpful in the case of iwantitvmuch.

Otherwise, I guess the SW can start on another case whem she completes iwantitvmuch.
Yuli - congrats to u ! Yes, she is forever and legally yours !
BlesswBB - all the best for the home visit ! I may have miss the thread, is this the 2nd home visit with the baby at home ?

iwantitvmuch - ur baby girl is so adorable. she is really as clever and alert as LKY
Me and hubby were admiring her !

Babylove - don't u worry. Touch is probably working on your case in parallel.

I have good news. Touch has contacted us and our office interview is next thurs afternoon. The home interview is to take place 2 to 3 weeks after tat. We are trying to ask if this can be done 2nd week of nov as we are planning for 2 wks holiday (yup b4 the baby comes). I am getting nervous and excited now !!!
yes this is 2nd home visit with bb at home but this time is from MCYS for court order.
That's good news....u be the next mummy in line. Ya...better enjoy now if not got to wait till bb at least 7mth old. Me counting yr when she's 7mth old we going Hongkong DisneyLand.

Ya...i know bb can sense our nervous...i will try my best.
Thanks...still worried what they going to ask. According to Alice the officer in charge of my case is very good...hope he will write a good report on us.
Blesswbb, all the best for the home visit tomorrow. We are on our final leg!

I think I'll have a mini celebration when we receive our dd's birth cert with my husband and my name as her parents! I think for all of us adoptive parents, seeing our names together with our child's name on a BC will mean more to us than to biological parents

iwantitvmuch, wow, sounds like bb is active if she can move so much while asleep. I read that active babies learn to roll over etc earlier. My dd doesn't move at all when she's asleep. Actually just like me, we wake up in the same position that we fall asleep in!

Drinking 5 oz and sleeping 11 - 4 is fantastic! I'm super envious. My 3 mth old still does 3hrly feeds on some nights!

Ellebaby - great news! Yes yes, go on holiday first! hahaha.

ABout being parents - Janella & Elle, you guys will be fine. I read somewhere that maternal instincts come naturally to women (that's why called instincts, i guess!). I don't think any parent (adoptive or biological) will ever say they think they make great parents. We will all learn together with our child on this parenting journey.

I enquired with Joyful Parenting (adoption agency) when I was waiting for my HSR to be approved and left my name with the agent, Francis. I missed his call ytd but he left me a voicemail asking if I had adopted yet and that he has a girl available for adoption at the moment. Thought i'll just share that with you in case any of you are interested to contact them to find out more.
blesswbb, Mine still pasty type but can see got fiber in her stool cos Similac new version got added fiber. She used to pang sai every other day but nowadays, sometimes, she pang sai everyday but slightly less. What is yr dd's stool like now? If it's like grainy/seedy type then I heard could be sign of teething!

We talking kaya and mustard again! iwantitvmuch, very soon, you can join in this conversation! hahaha.
Great news! Really excited for you. Seems you will have bb in your arms before X Mas! It is a good idea to take a holiday before bb comes home(like Janella) Blesswbb, I am counting down. Wondering where I could bring him for holidays this December but I think it is too early. most likely, have to wait for the next school holidays in March or June. Sigh...seems so far away...

Just make sure the stool colour is ok. What consistence is the stool?

Otherwise, for your interview, don't worry. Just be yourself. I am sure the SW can feel all the love you have for your beautiful daughter.

Babylove 80, Janella and SweetCl05,
You girls are next in line
waiting for your good news.
Good to hear that I am not the only one suffering at night! my boy same as your girl. Don't move at night. but when he is awake, he can't stop moving his feet and his he is boxing..i guess that's how he grows and stretches himself.

somehow, it seems the topic always come back on stool. I did not know that it can be described in so many words and colours!
Elle, congratulations! So excited for you! Yup, enjoy your holiday first as life will not be the same for you again.Ha!Ha! a more wonderful life, I mean. By the way, roughly when did you submit your application?

Babylove80, I hope you are next! SweetC105, you too!

I can afford to wait as I am moving house in December. We hope to hold a baby in our arms by February, hopefully. Anyway we are still waiting for my husband's no criminal record certificate from Malaysia. TOUCH has already informed us that they will proceed with the interview and home visit but the final report will be given when that document is submitted. Sigh! Knowing how slow the Malaysian authorities are, I wonder how long we'll have to wait. It's already been two months since we've submitted the request for this document.

I'm just very impatient and 'kanchong' asking this and that!

BlessBB, all the best!

Yuli, thanks for the reassurance!
hi ladies,
congrats to iwantitvmuch! i wan to see ur gal!!!

but hor, i can't seem to locate the website, anyone can give me the forum address???

i also would like to u gals manage to break the news of adopting kids to ur both parents? r they very supportive from the very beginning??? i dunno how my parents will take it if i can't give birth on my own..

Hi Ladies,
Yesterday, we had a fright as he had a big pimple growing on the BCG area looking like a boil. The pimple is red in colour with whitish discharge. I thought it was due to the 6 in 1 vaccination but when I googled, I found that this is a reaction from the BCG that can appear many weeks after their BCG injection. It said it can take 3 months for bb to recover from the pimple. I thought I'll just share this with you in case you experience this and won't be frightened if your bb has this. According to internet, it says that this is a sign that the medicine works. If you are interested, read this:

Yuli, Blesswbb and babylove, did your bbs have this?
