Child Adoption

Dream, Alice gave me llidian but my friend said it's medicated and it's not good. She advised me against using it. Ask me to get the sea salt spray. Is it the same as the saline solution you spoke about? Last night, she seems to be sleeping better. So, I think we will not bring her to the PD today. As Blesswbb said, maybe not worth the trouble. As long as she eats and sleeps well. Abit of coughing shld be fine. Last night, I was very puzzled by her. drank 4 ounces at 930pm and want to drink again at 11pm. so, we fed another 2 ounces. she cried quite abit last night and i was so worried. Luckily, I managed to pacify her. She seems to know night and day. During the day, she wakes up every 3 hours but at night, she sleeps for about 5 hours before waking up(touch wood).
Regarding the teat. Yes, we are using the 3 moths and the Nuk 1 mth alternatively. She will choke initially(juz a cough) only if hubby feed her. For me, I will introduce into her mouth slowly. If it's at night, i think she prefer to drink faster and go back to sleep. My friend ask me not to talk to her at night, so that she can go back to sleep. If i talk to her, she would think that I want to play with her. We tried last night and it works. bb knows how to adjust to the teat because sometimes, she will pause and not suck and wait for her panting to slow down. Sometimes, I will take it out and let her rest.

Sweet and Elle, glad that you are one step closer. SW tends to paint the worst scenario during the office interview. They have to do that so that we will be prepared. We just have to pray hard so that worst scenarios will not happen. Don't be too nervous. Just take one step at a time. But both of you are really going to be parents very soon. Maybe by end of the year!! Yeah!

On the outing, I'm afraid that when I meet you all, I will mix up the nick name and the real name and your stories. If it happens, don't be offended. haha.

Yes, this is the same one. Good for bb as it is not medicated and natural. Name is Sterimar. I am really jealous that your bb girl can already sleep for 5 hours at night! Seems like I will be the only one with panda eyes when we meet! So, you can easily recognise me! Glad that you are coping well and I agree that it is worrysome when they drink more than their usual dose. Always worried that they will vomit or feel uneasy afterwards. But I guess they know better! At night, we also don't make any noise. I am always so scared when I see his big eyes! I just want to sleep! So, yep, not giving him any chance to wake up...Seems you are already expert in the 3 months teat. Did you buy the one which can be used for water, milk and cereal. I think this teat may be harder to use at night as can't see the number.

May be we should start using our initials instead of our nickname...then, easier for us when we meet!
Yes! Let's meet up! I am not sure if I will be an official mummy by then, but it will be nice to catch up for tea perhaps? I think it will be nice to catch up at each other's place, and take turns to host it. But it will be nice to also go out, then we can shop too:p. Any reason to go out shopping!!!

a pot luck sounds like a good idea, and I am glad that keeping track of what your bub is drinking has assured you that he is drinking enough
. Every baby is different, and they drink different amounts at different stages.

I am so glad that part is over for you. Now is just waiting for the homeinterview. As Iwantitverymuch says, in about 2-3 weeks time you will be a mummy. You can start preparing

your turn is next.

Looks like your friend has given you some really good tips. I use NUK teats for my boy too. I did not know that they had teats for 3mths. I guess I should change his teat then, as sometimes, he does get impatient during his feed.
Hi ladies! Just received an email from my lawyers to say our final court hearing for our adoption order will be in 2 weeks time. The courts will take moer than a week from the hearing date to process our adoption order whilst immigration will take 3 weeks from the hearing date to give us an appointment date. Only then can we process the BC and citizenship/passport. Really praying for the entire adoption process to be finalised by Christmas - then it'll really be a Christmas to remember!

I also hope that sweeclo, elle, janella and babylove can have their babies by Christmas - that will be awesome!

elle, glad your interview went well. Enjoy your holiday! you are going away right? or was it Sweeclo - i am confused.

Talking about real names vs nicknames. Can I suggest we post our photo and real name on FB. It's a closed group so should be a safe place.

iwantitvmuch, I m super envious lah! Your baby sounds like a really easy baby! Drink so well and can sleep for 5hr stretch already! Medical definition of 'sleeping thru the night' for babies is 5 hr stretch leh so your dd achieving that already.

I was just thinking about what you said about your dd requesting milk again within 2hrs. There is a growth spurt at 6 weeks. Yr bb is 6 weeks next week, right? So her intake may increase or her intervals may get shorter. Growth spurts are usually at 3wks, 6wks, 3mths and 6mths.

Hmmm...I think ah, if I ever adopt another bb, I will leave her/him with Alice to 'train' for one month! hahaha.

Dream - your dd so sweet lah. So protective over Blesswbb's little girl. Nice! Eh, yr són's weight at 5.1kg is very good!

Re: meet-up. I think Blesswbb's idea to meet at Esplanade is good. It's central and easily accessible by mrt. Shall we fix for week of 14 Dec? Let's do show of hands - who can meet on weekday? and who prefers Sat afternoon?
I prefer wkday.
I prefer to meet up wkend (if possible). It's elle going for holiday, I'll be also going holiday mid of nov... hehe...

Think after your holiday will be your home interview. So currently jus enjoy yourself when bb arrives you'll be very busy taking care of him/her.
I have already sent out invites for our gathering based on 14 Dec, but of course we can change the details when we have a consensus. Janella, could u pm me ur email add? I will invite you for that.

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but could we keep the discussion of our gathering within the event page of our FB grp? I hope I haven't offended anyone.
babylove, I agree with you. After all, we are protecting each other. We want to meet people whom we are familiar with, not random people who happen to visit our web page as the venue of the gathering might be any of our house. There are all sort of people out there. My bro just got cheated of some goods by a pregnant lady! sigh!

Yuli, don't be envious of my bb. I'm shy! haha. Not all babies are the same! let's not start comparing babies. hahaha. else, forum very competitive. then, we'll start choking our babies. hahaha
Iwantitvmuch, dun shy lah. I'm juz really happy 4 u that bb is good n easy. Dun worry lah, won't compare, ok?

Babylove, Definitely. good suggestion.

hv a grt weekend ladies!
don worry u not the only one with panda eyes. I too having it when my hubby mention abt my panda eyes getting worst...haha
My dd will wake up every hr after 3am and it is really very shag. My kind hubby offer to help yesterday to let me have a good sleep. End up my girl din torture him sleep thru the nite...sigh...looks like my girl sayang her daddy more than mummy

I also envy u leh yr dd can drink so well and sleep long hrs at nite...touchwood don praise too much... :p

I agreed we shall discuss our meeting at FB.
Hi ladies,

Nice to catch up on all ur posts!
iwantitsomuch, do enjoy the motherhood process and dont forget to let daddy share the load.

Good Morning Ladies,

I guess all of you had a great week end! Back at work, now...for some of us!

Congrats! That's a BIG milestone! I am really looking forward to have all paper work done. It is really stressful! and you must definitely celebrate when you have the BC and passport on hand!

yes, my daughter can be caring. The awkward part is that she told me 2 to 3 weeks after she saw the video. i think it bugged her for a while and she just had to tell me!

Agree with you that discussions should be on FB. How was your week end?

Yes, not comparing but giving each other support. But i guess we can't stop envying you that you would not have panda eyes when we meet!

Your bb very clever! Sayang her daddy! but not fair! Saw her pictures on FB. She is changing very fast.

Been busy packing or window shopping?

Good luck for tomorrow.

Good to hear from you. Is your job better now?
Mine still long way to go...think BC and passport will have to wait till end of Dec. Really hope they can process faster. wat dream say must celebrate once BC and passport on hand.

Ya lor my dd so unfair. But lucky she still know how to make mummy happy. Last nite sleep till 4.30am and ask for milk. Then sleep thru till 7.15am to wake daddy up to work.
She definitely change alot. She's getting very noisy nowadays...tend to talk and scream alot.

Just want u opinion. What will u say if some friends u have not met for long time saw u with yr child. Will u ladies tell them that u adopted or just pretend that u gave birth to her? Cos i saw a friend recently and i cant make myself to tell them the truth. When they congrats me and ask me when i gave birth i go very uneasy.
SweetCL, have a good session tomorrow. If you have any fear or anything, remember to let us know so that we can support you.
Elle, you can start packing and clear our stuff. Good reason for spring cleaning.

Die, you coping with work and baby? I'm also very tired from working and taking care of baby. I miss her when I was leaving for work today. I keep kissing her.

Have have, I have panda eyes but still okay. But quite a few pimples around my chin because always quite nervous with the baby and stomach has alot of acid. Also, my back is aching because I"m not carrying her properly and poor posture when changing her.
Good question and to be honest, I am not sure either. I guess I don't want to tell the whole world about it and yet don't feel like lying either. Sigh...hope the other sisters have more suggestions!

understand how you feel. I also had to work for a week before starting my adoption leave. Just focus on clearing work so that you can start your adoption leave with a peace of mind. Yours is 2-month, right? You are starting mid-November?

I also have issue with posture. I wonder whether a rocking chair would help.It is quite hard to carry and feed him as he is getting bigger. Before I feed him, I make sure that all my pillows are placed properly!
janella - miss ur qn. Submitted my HSR on 30 aug.

yuli - it's me goin on holiday. haha..looks like sweetclo goin hers too in nov.

sweetclo - we requested if we can hv our home interview next week before we go for our holiday. now waiting for SW to contact us on the date. All the best for tomorrow morning !

dream, iwantitvmuch - busy packing the house yesterday. Will start shopping for BB stuff after my holiday. Will refer to the chklist. oh ya, iwantitvmuch, can u also send me the chklist you mention u have. Many Thanks.

I am finding it difficult to concentrate in work lately. I m getting excited as the days comes and hopefully getting the HSR approved. Seeing u ladies talk abt teat is heartwarming.

babylove - thx u for setting and sending the invites. Erh..I am working. Prefer wkend if possible too. If not, no worries, post photos of the gathering in FB.

blesswbb - gd question. this is a difficult answers. I have thought about this too. not sure how I would handle. I think if the friends are not close, I will prob. not say. Just smile and change subject. Recall in the disclosure workshop, we can chose what we want to say.
Dream, Iwantitvmuch & Elle,

Thanks. I'm really getting very nervous cos the interview is in the morning, I'm afraid that I'll be "stone" during the interview, haha....

will there be any camera videoing the whole process of the interview? cos my friend's wife told me her friend also gone through the process of adoption and during the interview was really stressful with video camera on!!!

OMG, hope everythings turn out well tomorrow... what if happen i catch no ball...
No..I only planning to adopt a baby next year..

This job much better..there is more job satisfaction in teaching compared to a managerial job..

No need to tell pple unless they ask abt the birth part then no choice have to reveal lor..otherwise can jus smile n let pple assume he is biological child..

Today I start to take slimspa slimming tea..hope to see effect soon ;) need to lose the ivf weight
HI Everyone!!!
Hope you all had a good weekend. I did have a fairly restful weekend, as hubs did night duty. Apparently both bb and hubby spent some quality time playing as bb woke up at I am glad my hubs had that time with bb.

so nice to read your message in the morning. I tend to log on during the day on and off while working, just to take a break. I am on some time-off in the afternoon, but still clearing a project. I have to complete my PAR form, and just needed to clear my head. Frankly, I am worried, because I have a feeling that I won’t be doing so well this year, as the whole year has been an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes, I really don’t know how I coped on certain days. I really hope that I get more than a pass tho. sighz..

It’s a very tricky question to ask us. Our opinions might vary, but let me give you my two cents worth, if that’s okie. To be honest, when I first had the bb with me here, and I used to bump into some family friends, because I was with my family members who felt that I should not disclose, I did tell the friends that it’s my own. Also, I was not prepared with an answer. But over the months, I realised that I should tell them the truth, because at the end of the day, I am denying the truth. I feel that we, as our adoptive children’s mothers, should embrace the truth. Only then, can our adoptive children and everyone around them accept the truth themselves. We can say that the child was born in our hearts? But whatever the decision you make, you must be comfortable with it. I think practicing what we might say could help, because sometimes we get caught off guard. But I think it will get easier, as long as you are comfortable with the reply you are giving.

A big hug to you!!! It’s been a week already. Not to worry, panda eyes, aching backs is one of the presents we get from motherhood. For the first month, while you are adjusting with bb, this is very common. Backaches can be managed by perhaps sitting down while changing baby, instead of bending over. Try to find a comfortable position when holding baby. It took me a while to get the right position to hold baby. The trick is to hold babys face to your breast, as if she is breastfeeding, as they find comfort in that, then position the buttocks and body. Support the length of her body with your lower part of your arm. Using a sarong might help too.

To relieve the ache, ask hubby to give you a massage too;).

I am thinking of you. Don't worry about the video camera. Just pretend it's a neutral person looking at you. Good Luck!!!

Have a wonderful trip.
Babylove, I've just PMed you. I've mentioned in my message that I'm not too sure whether I'll be able to attend the gathering as I might be going away to Malaysia for a short while. That is, assuming that I don't have any interviews or home visits. But I would definitely try to come to the gathering.

Sorry,that you are not feeling too good. I hope that the thought of your baby being with you soon will cheer you up. Take care !

BlessBB, I have that same worry! I've decided that as long as I've not told my child yet that he/she is adopted, I don't need to tell the truth to mere acquaintances or people who are not so important in my life. I plan to prepare my child about his/her adoption as soon as he/she is able to talk. Once I do that, then I will tell the truth. So in the meantime, when such people ask me questions about delivery etc, I will concoct stories.

I may or may not be doing the right thing but I just want to protect the child. I do agree with Babylove, that we have to be comfortable with our response.Hope this helps!

Die, nice hearing from you!

SweetCL05, dont' worry. Everything will be fine! And all the best to you.

Elle, you must be all geared up now for your home visit.
babylove, I feel so sorry for you. I can imagine how much you miss the baby.
Thanks for the tips , I think you are right. I have to watch my posture.
a Big HUG to you. It seems that everything is a challenge. I know it is emotionally draining. Let s just try to focus on the positive. You have a loving son and caring hubby. And what matters most is family and health, which you have

let us know how your interview went.

seems like everybody is taking holidays before bb comes!

Yuli, blesswbb
how is everything?

how r u coping? Who is helping u to take care of bb?
I'm coping okay but a bit tired. I don't know why I'm so tired. The baby has been sleeping through the night but I'm still tired. I have to travel for work and won't see her for one night, so I will catch up on my sleep and see I'm still tired after that. I'm on leave on friday and will spend time with her!
Hi ladies,

Phew! The interview went on smoothly but I'm abit nervous and blur blur, hope it won't affect the overall results. I'm now looking forward to my home interview....

Elle, when will be your home interview? And enjoy your holiday!
Good morning Ladies!
Seems like I am always the first to log in the morning! Usually come quite early in the office and after clearing emails, I like to come here! Somehow, it is my bowl of fresh air!

PM u. Hope you are feeling better. I am also worried about my appraisal as I have been away quite a fair bit this year. I think it is really tough for women to balance family and work.

Thanks for sharing your experience and it shows that you are really a strong person.

It is normal that you are tired. Our journey is a rewarding but stressful journey and as you have reached your "goal", you can feel all the exhaustion. It is like Friday for me. I usually feel exhausted on Friday after a hard week. Somehow, even though I am looking towards the week end, I have no energy on Friday. It is like the energy for the week is drained off by Friday and need to be recharged on that day. Does it make sense to you?

What a relief! i am sure you did fine! all of us are human and i would think there is no right or wrong answer. So, don't worry too much.

Enjoy your trip to Malaysia. And you can start shopping (or window shopping) for bb stuff there.

I think I would most likely do the same as you for the disclosure but also agree with babylove that it is important that we all come to terms with it and we should really embrace it and be proud of being adoptive parents.
Thanks Dream, you are such a sweetie. I have PMed you. Talking about holidays, I think I need one too. I haven't been on one since last Dec, and my mind is screaming for one.

I am happy to hear that your interview went well. How many hours were the interview?

I will email you the details of the gathering definitely. Hope you can make it.
SweetCL05, glad the office interview went smoothly. Was thinking of you yesterday.
We have not heard from SW on the home interview date yet except next week. When is your home interview ?

Yup, looking forward for my holiday ! You too, enjoy your holiday.

iwantitvmuch, friday is around the corner for you to rest and spend time with your girl. I PM you liao.
Dream, I know what you meant by drained off of energy and recharged again on Friday. When I can devote my time to baby, I'm very happy. Yesterday, I was so upset because I had to find something for my trip and I spent so much time looking for it and had no time for baby! I was so sad that I couldn't spend more time with her last night and was leaving for airport this morning. So guilty. So, I was SO GLAD she woke up at 2am and I could feed and change her!
I'm comtemplating quiting my job next year if I continue to have problem juggling work and family. Sometimes, I think that I can live with little less money as long as I can spend more time with baby. I'm still thinking about it. sigh, it's really difficult.

elle, I saw your message but left the soft copy in the office. Don't worry, will send it before the weekend so that you can start shopping. I will also forward you a link to buy prams at wholesaler prices!
Hi ladies,
It has been a tiring week for me. Just started my girl with thick liquid (brown rice with milk) and she loves it alot. Must be wondering y so tire... my dd has been sleeping long hrs but lesser times. She wants pple to talk and play with her if not she will start to cry or scream. That make me no time for myself. Sigh...

Glad that yr interview went smoothly. Next will be the home visit...and without knowing bb will be in yr arms. Get more sleep as much as u can now...

I understand how u feel when u need to juggle both work and family. When i decided to adopt i decided to quit as i know i will not have the energy and time for my bb. Yes...i agree with u that we can live less luxuries and spend lots of time with bb. But it will take alot of courage to quit yr job. It took me abt half a year to have the courage to tender my resignation. Till today i have not regretted quitting as i get to see her development and spend time with her everyday.

Babylove and Janella,
Thanks for yr advise. I also think that i should disclose the adoption to my girl before even telling friends that are not close. Cos i don want them to be the person to tell my girl. I remember during the disclosure talk the speaker told us a story abt a boy who heard abt his adoption thru his mother's friend and it hurt him so much that he hated his adopted mother. I don wan this to happen to me.
At least now i feel better as there is someone think likewise like me
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your encouragement.

I've good news, my home interview will be next week! I'm so Happy, now waiting for the confirmation of the date we've selected.

This weekend will be my busiest day, doing spring cleaning and shopping for some baby's stuffs.

Blesswbb, yuli, babylove & iwantitvmuch,
Need some advice from you gals... I'm not sure to buy baby cot or playpen?
cos my MIL mentioned jus buy playpen will do, don't need to buy baby's cot.
I find tat playpen like abit fragile, not tat firm. DO you find it safe?

can you also forward me the link to buy prams at wholesaler prices? Thanks.
Hi Sweetclo,

That is very soon. Guess this weekend is a busy one for you. Good luck k.

Can I have the link for the prams too, as I need to upgrade my boy. He is becoming too small for the current pram.

Thats exciting, bb started on solids. I wanted to tell you, that maybe u should start on normal cereal first, then move on the brown rice, as bb's digestive system is still developing, and usually the adv is to give brown rice much later. Hope you don't mind me saying this.

when do you leave for your hol? and where are you going?
Great news! That's really fast. As for your queries, I am currently using playpen and I have been using for my daughter too. The good thing about playpen is that it can move around easily. It also has two level, a diaper changing area and some compartments to store small things. I bought mine in Takashimaya and it came with free bedding (mattress, pillow, bedsheet).

But I heard that playpen may not be so good for baby back when they are older. So, it depends on how fast bb would grow. I guess that if you have the place, baby cot may be better as it will last longer as it usually can turn into a junior bed.

Seems like this week, all mummies are tired! I am too! My boy has been quite good sleeping for longer hours but after 3-4 am, he keeps me awake by waking up almost every 45 min-1 hr. Either he wants to be carried or wants some milk...sigh...

You are earlier than me today
I think I will introduce solids at 6 months and will definitely ask you for advice when I do that!

Long time did not hear from you. How are you and baby?

Hope you will be able to have your home interview before your holidays so that you can truly enjoy them.
BlesswBB, I will start thinking about my job. Maybe if no courage to quit, I will move to an easier job. will see how long I can juggle baby and job.

Girls, will send you the contact for the prams when I'm home. I'm not in BK, going back tonight. yay! my mother in law said baby seems to miss me . hee hee
Hi ladies! I hv bn reading yr posts but hvnt had a chance 2 post.

Sweetclo, grt news! looks like Elle & u will b happily shopping!

Re; cots/playpens. My dd slps in a cot in my room n a playpen in my mum's rm. she seems hapy in both. Adv of cot is can upgrade 2 jnr bed but advantage of playpen is itz portable. i also found that itz hard 2 find mobiles 4 playpens. I bought both fr a baby warehouse called Baby Kingdom at Kaki Bukit. There's another warehouse nxt 2 it called Baby Hyperstore. I got pram fr there. they hv a svc ctr on site so can bring back during warranty.

Iwantitvmuch, so nice 2 noe bb is missing u, rite? ;) I wld also like 2 noe where the pram wholesaler is, pls ~ thx!

fyi ladies, esp Elle n sweetclo! metro got 20% storewide disc starting tom 4 non card members. Can stock up on bottles, teats, steriliser. Leapfrog toys also got 20% which is unusual cos most places always fixed price. they got playpens n strollers too.
that's just adorable
. Must be a nice feeling knowin that ur little one misses you. Hope you caught up on some sleep. Your job seems to require you to travel a bit. But I am sure that you can negotiate with your present employer
I have checked with those experience mothers, they said is fine and most of their kids i taking brown rice at 4mths. Anyway i'm just trying out by adding 1 teaspoon of brown rice into the milk. As i bgt the brown rice from chinese medical hall chinese herbs are added to help in the digestion so i think should be fine. Also by looking at her stools...its still normal.
Thanks for the advise. I will still monitor and see how things go.

That's fast!! Happy that things going fast for u. Don't u think is too fast to start buying for yr bb? y not just list down those places to get the stuff and when bb is here u can just grab the stuff.
By the way, i'm using babycot. I also understand that babycot is better for baby back and it can last longer till 5-6yrs.

Yr boy coming to 3mths rite? That's the time my dd starts to wake up every hourly after a certain time.
Hi girls,
It is really a tough decision to become a SAHM and I guess it really depends on each family circumstances.

Understand how difficult it is to travel when bb is so young. Counting down the hours?

You're right. I really have a hard time to find a mobile for his playpen and hence, did not buy one for him yet. How much did you buy yours? Is your girl still using it? Wondering whether it is still worth it for me to buy one. My boy is almost 2 1/2 months.

When did your dd stop waking up every hour? Somehow, I am very happy that he can now manage to sleep more than 3-4 hrs but then, he is really draining all my energy by waking up every hour after 3-4 am. How did you cope? or are you still coping with this?

What cereal do you buy? can find organic cereal as well or just the brown rice?
Hi Blesswbb,
It's very interesting to know that there are Chinese herbs to aid with digestion. The purpose of introducing solids, is to introduce baby to eating with a spoon, and encourage their swallowing. I know a lot of mothers feel that brown rice is better for their babies, I agree 100%, as I wanted to give my bb that. But then, a few of my mummy friends told me that if they had known better, they would have given the normal one first. But nothing happened to their little ones. I think the decision is a personal one, I just wanted to share my experience
. I know all of us will be introducing solids differently to our babies.

The brand is Only, and it's available at Great World City. The name of the shop is four seasons, at the basement 1. They had 2 types, and I decided on this. I am sure that there are other brands out there. I think reading the ingredient list to see where the main ingredient is is important.

Regarding playpens, I bought a graco one from Robinsons, but I found a link later I think a cot is better overall. Guess its more stable. I think Ikea stocks them too. You might want to shop around.

Thanks for the info. We should try to consolidate all these info and put them in FB so that they can easily be referred to. Otherwise, did you buy a mobile for the playpen? Where did you find it? Do you think it is still useful for my boy?
oh yes...there is herbs that help. Surprisingly, my dd after taking the brown rice tend to hv better appetite. I havent start with spoon feeding yet as i just giving her thick liquid thru milk bottle. If she digesting well in the next 2 week i will go for spoon feed. I understand wat u meant in fact i bgt the normal cereal but most of my friends encourage me to try brown rice.

my dd stop waking up every hr after 3am since the start of this week. Initially, i cant take it so we try making her sleep later than her usual timing. Now she's better as she will wake up around 6am for every 15mins till 7am. then i will kick her out of the room (my mum will take over the morning shift)
Oh no! Seems like I have another month to go with this routine? and every 15 minutes! OMG! How old is your girl now? I was also thinking of trying to make him sleep later but his routine is already quite set in and I don't want to change that too. At least, after I put him in bed, I can enjoy my dinner and have some time with my daughter.

I would also usually "kick" him out of the room around 6:30-7 am as I need to get ready for work. And he would be so happy in the living room...kicking his feet and looking around with his eyes wide open...while my eyes can hardly open!
I think different bb will react differently. Yr boy still taking 3oz of milk?
Every 15mins is worst but lucky is around my hubby waking up time. Normally he will take over after 6plus. When u have 2 u need to split yr time for both and can be very tiring. Especially u're working.
My girl will be 4mths old in another 2 days. She's going for her next jab this Sat. Hope no fever this time...start to worry again...sigh
Yr boy going for his 3mths jab soon rite?
I am now trying to give him 4 oz of milk but it really depends on his mood, especially at night when he only takes 1 or 2 ounces. My boy went for his 6-in-1 at 2 month. I gave him panadol right after the jab for a day and he was ok. Just very mild fever so you may want to do that as well. Very small dose of panadol...i think only 1.5 ml every 4-6 hours. I think he will go for his pneumoccal jab when he is 3 months and the rotavirus. Your girl will take the pneumoccal jab as well, right? it is now compulsory so no need to persuade your hubby and mum
We will seek Doc further advise before deciding. For yr info, pneumoccal jab is not compulsory (we checked with Doc during the previous visit). Do u give yr boy panadol the whole day after the jab? I will give her panadol after the jab after the previous incident i don wan to take the risk again.
sweet, babylove and elle, I have sent the prams link to you. please check your email.

sweet, your question on playpen or cot. my friend lent me a playpen cos she insist i must have a 'cot'. And another friend came and visited and insist I use her cot which she lent me later on. If you can borrow one from friends, it will be good cos you won't use it for very long. Actually, my mom brought up my niece and nephew will a mattress on the floor. It is good because the kid won't try to climb out. Boys tend to try to climb out because they want to be superman.

I think pneumoccal has became compulsory and this must have been decided after your visit to your PD last month. Anyway, just double check with PD. Yep, gave him panadol for the whole day after the jab. I think it helps for the pain and to control fever.

