Child Adoption

nope, my place quite far from mrt
I think it will be tough for you.

called PD and she advised 6 in 1 which can be taken from week 6 onward. So, will most likely do that. Minimize his jab and hope he will be ok by then.

iwantitvmuch, have been thinking of how is your interview. Been waiting for your post. It must have been difficult when they are ask the question but no worries, i can feel your sincerity and I am sure the interviewer can feel them too. Next is the home interview liao !

No date yet on my interview as the email just say they will contact us in 1 - 2 weeks time. Tis wk no news yet so prob. next week.
dream, yuli,
My girl develop fever after the jab. So worried the whole nite keep waking up to check her temperature. This morning gave her another shot of medicine. Her fever seems to subside, till now temp still within 37-37.2 think bb temp should be higher than us rite? Doc din persude us giving our little girl extra jab & rotavirus. He said both r optional so is up to us to decide. 6 week later he will see her again then we can decide. My hubby & mum both say no to the jab...sigh. Looks like I lost.
Hope your daughter's fever subsides soon. I think anything below 37.3 is fine. Is the pneumoccal compulsory now? Just make sure she rests at home the next few days so that she fully recovers.
Hi blesswbb, dont worry cos fever after vaccination is very common, we need to monitor and manage it. How high was her fever? The nurse there told me fever is anything more than 37.4. Do you know what is her normal temperature? My own GP advised me to take bb's temp when she's well so that I'll know what her normal body temp is like so that when she has a fever I will know. You r right, children's temps are usually higher than adults.

My dd didn't develop a fever but we gave her a dose of panadol (the liquid stuff the paed gave) b4 she went to bed that night, just to be safe. I noticed that she was a lot sleepier the day of the jab. I read that differnt children react differently, some become crankier, some sleepier.

The other unusual thing for my dd was she pooed twice the day after her jab, she normally pooes every other day. and the poo was very little and darker than normal......that was a bit worrying cos I thot she had diarrohea.

I read from another thread that some mummies give the liquid panadol immediately after the jab even if got no fever, just to play safe. I think i will chk with paed next visit if it's ok to do that, for my own peace of mind.....

Baby's temp will also be elevated if u take while sleeping or jus aft wake up. Best to monitor anything more than 37.2 but only need to seek help if 37.4 above. This is also our guidelines at my workplace,(childcare n infant care).
dream Yuli,
My girl fever hit at 39.2 last nite. I was very shock. We were at the temple last nite doing prayers and i realised my girl forehead is hot. When told my mum and hubby they think is normal temp. I feel uneasy so when i reach home i quickily check her temp and confirm that she's having fever. I'm so angry with both of them. But anyway i think that's what mother instinct is when child is sick.

Her temp is up after the medicine time expired (6hrs). Have to monitor until tmr see how. Worried that fever can go too high until burn her brain leh. U think will this happen?

According to Dr Yap, pneumoccal is optional.

I din check her temp b4. After the jab she is much sleepier than usual. Even till today she still look sleepy. My girl also pooed twice today but i tot is normal as sometimes she can poo up to 3 times a day. Doc has ensured me that it is normal for bb to poo up to 5 times a day.
39.2 is definitely high. You must have been so worried. You just gave panadol? When kids are older, can give brufen for fever above 38.5. Was her fever down today? Closely monitor at night. Somehow fever always shoots up at night. So, just be ready to check her temperature more often. Hope your girl recovers very quickly.
thx Die, very useful info.

Blesswbb, gd 2 monitor closely. nurse @ clinic says nd 2 bring bb back 2 c dr only if fever persists after 4days. Hope she's back 2 her usual self soon!
Hi ladies

Just returned late yesterday night from Melbourne. The first thing I did today was to check for any emails from TOUCH but there was none.

I sent the HSR by registered mail on 18 Sept so shouldn't there at least be an acknowledgment email from TOUCH by now? Maybe I'm too impatient.

Anyway, the thread has moved so fast, I'm trying to catch up.

Elle, I too am attending the disclosure workshop on the 15th.

Iwantitvmuch, all the best on your upcoming home visit which will be very soon, don't worry.

Ladies, I need to go through the thread again to catch up on what I have missed. Will come in again later.
Hi Janella,

I handed mine in just a day before you, but i did so personally. I haven't received any thus far. I don't think there's any harm calling and finding out if they have received the forms.

Good LUCK!

You are right, there might be a day when I leave bb, he will cry. I always tell hubby, do you think he recognises us. Will he cry when we leave? I alway pray that he doesn't, not just yet.
I am worried, but I guess things pan out a little different for each and everyone of us. Btw, your little girl is just gorgeous
Hi Mummies, and Mummies-to-be,

I am so glad that I found this group. I think I would have been depressed if not for ya'll. It's been a few tough months. I really hope one day, we can all meet
. It will be nice.
BlesswBB, hope your girl is fine now and her fever has gone down. 39.2 is very high even if it's for adult! Did you sponge her??

Janella, I think Touch will revert soon with an acknowledgement letter. I think you can wait for a while. This is such a waiting game and from the start, I tried to play the game right. If you can, just hold on so that you can train your patience. Or else, give them a call end of this week. TOUCH is very efficient and I'm sure they will get back to you soon. The SW told me that she has to write 8 pages about me and my husband after the office interview! So poor thing. So, they must have alot to do.

babylove80, I'm so glad you found this thread too. I was talking to this lady at the office interview. I was telling her about this thread in case she is lonely and feels helpless.

Maybe we should set up a blog or something.
Janella - welcome back! hope you had a great time in Melbourne!

babylove80 - agree, we should definitely arrange a meetup once all the babies arrive
Your baby boy will be the oldest. He can be the big gor gor!

iwantitvmuch, yes, setting up a private blog that only the few of us can enter is a good idea - that way we can share pictures etc easily.

Blesswbb, how is baby?
Thanks Babylove80 and iwantitvmuch. I feel quite relieved now. Babylove80, I really feel for you. It's just a matter of time before you hold your baby in your arms.

Yup, I too feel that this thread is a God-send. It's so comforting to share our thoughts with each other.

Yuli, yes, I did have a great time in Melbourne. But I kept thinking about whether TOUCH will approve my application.

BlessBB, I sure hope your baby is feeling better.
Great to have you back and I really hope you enjoyed your holidays. It was really a good idea to go there as with bb around, not sure when will be the next holiday.

Wondering whether you have tabulated the info given by sisters here. May be that will help to estimate the waiting time for some of them.

Iwantitvmuch and Yuli,
Agree that we should start a private blog or something else. But I am not very IT savvy. May be we can use Facebook...all of us create a new account and include only friends from this forum. What do you guys think of it?

I was also very happy to find this forum too. It was really hard when I had to wait for my prince. I know this is the hardest time now but remember, it is all worth it and you will get there. It is already great that you have found your little bundle of joy. I feel that everything is fated and he was meant for you. So, just be patient. He will be home with you soon and it is great that you visit him every week end.

So, her fever was only for a day? that's good. She is very strong. Seems like the fever medicine is really working well. You just gave her panadol?

I will most likely give him 6 jabs in 1. I am also afraid that he will have fever. I guess I will be kiasu and give him one dose after injection!
i think creating another account for facebook will be a good idea. Her fever is abt 2days. It started on the day of her jab. But it looks like she's abit sleepy and cranky today. Her rejection of milk starts again. Sigh...
Doc gave some medicine after the jab. I gave him the 3 times of the medicine and she recover. I think even u give him the medicine if the fever will come it will stil come.

Welcome back. Hope u enjoy yrself.

Yes i did sponge her that nite when her fever was high. It went down after the medicine but back again after 6hrs. But lucky only 3 dose of medicine she back to herself.

bb gorgeous like mummy mah...hehehe
We can match make our kids...u wan a pretty daughter in law? haha
Blesswbb, so happy to hear bb no longer has any fever. I just saw the new pics and videos you posted on your blog. I so envious of your daughter's super thick hair! Really nice. Mine looks like she's losing hair! I didn't intend to shave her head but now might do that since like got not much hair!

You very bad leh, pull the pacifier from her! That was a really funny video - she really 'complained' hor?! If you pull the pacifier and then quickly stick a milk bottle in, will she take the milk? My mum has also been trying to get my dd to sleep with a bolster
Agree, FB account will be best! re: Group name. I start the ball rolling then you ladies add on your suggestion ok? Then we decide which one lah.

1) Born from our hearts
2) Precious ones
3) Fulfilled hopes
Hi Blesswbb, is your dd on Similac? I just found out they are phasing out the current forumla and replacing it with another one that has probiotics. The old one is called Procalcify and the new one is Immunify.

I just called the Abbott helpdesk to ask if need to mix the two formula even tho it's from the same brand and they advice to mix for 2 weeks then 3rd week then transit fully to the new forumla. Just fyi, cos I remember you mentioned your dd was on Similac but am not sure if she is still on Similac.
a FB group would be great ! *wave* wave* would love to join.

One more suggestion
5) Our Miracle

Janella - grt we will see all on 15 Oct.
iwantitvmuch - don't worry ya ! u will be fine.

Strange, I did not receive any acknowledge since I send the cheque 2 weeks ago. I think I better call Touch to find out.

Rowcount - iwantitvmuch, sweetcl05, janelle, me will attend the disclosure workshop. see u ladies then
my dd start to drop hair too. Some say bb will drop hair at certain age. Ya mine got alot to drop haha....shave yr bb hair? Don wan lah so ugly for a girl leh

My dd very naughty pull the pacifier the put the milk in will also cry lor...Doc saw it last Sat when we went for her jab...he understand how i feel and said this bb need alot of patience with her. Not choice curly hair bb very naughty bully mummy and daddy.
My girl is no longer taking Similac. She is taking NAN 1. She got loose stools taking Similac that's y change.

Wow...the thread is moving very fast leh. Good to have group name.
"our miracle" sound nice...i vote for that too.

Looks like some ladies will be meeting up 1st.
Hi everyone! Ok, the majority has spoken, Our Miracle, it shall be! Can I suggest we put Our Miracles instead (with an 's') since it refers to so many miracles, heh heh. Ok with everyone?

Babylove, can set up for us? Then how ah? We go to FB and search for Our Miracles then request you to add us on as friends, is it?

Blesswbb, re: hair. Yes, I think they will drop some and then the new lot will grow. I hope she gets thicker and more hair

re: stool. When you dd is on NAN 1, what is her stool like? yi tiao type? I checked with Abbott and they said stools are pasty type when on Similac.
Dream ah, have you started taking kaya and mustard?! haha

Blesswbb/Dream, I received a call from MCYS ytd to say they will arrange the final home visit next week. Blesswbb, did you get a call as well cos I think our process is quite close to each others. They will be coming to see how we are coping with baby and will talk to the people living in our home to see how each of them are coping etc. I learnt from my lawyer last time that some of them can be very ngiao (how to spell 'cat' in hokkien?!) and they may ask a lot of qns etc etc but just to be calm and let them do their job. The lawyer said it can be quite tiring/troublesome cos TOUCH already did the first home vist then this is kinda like the same visit except baby is now home with us. Well, I will definitely pray that baby will be on her best best behaviour when the officer comes to visit!!! She btr not cry and scream till red in the face! *faint*

Girls attending the disclosure talk - hope you will all get a chance to meet up! All go and stand around the refreshment corner b4 or aft the talk lah then can identify each other
Good morning!
All right, it seems we are moving along. We have a name now! Babylove, tell us how to proceed from there!

My bb boy still have blocked nose and still very uncomfortable at night. Really dont know what to do. I need to stop Illian today as it has been more than a week. I am still continuing with the other saline spray and phlegm medicine (musclovan). Babylove, I haven't asked about your medicine yet and trying to minimize giving him medicine. PD said to try to give him zyrtec as it may be allergies. How old was your bb when he had blocked nose? How long did he have it? She said no point massaging him since he does not have much phlegm. seems like phlegm stuck in throat.

Still drinking very little..1 to 2 ounces each time every 1.5-2 hours. I am exhausted especially at night...usually, feed at 12 pm, 2 am, 4 am and 6 am...without counting all the noises he make at night and the time I have to carry him as he can't breath/sleep properly. I guess he is a fussy eater and definitely keeps all of us very busy and stressed! but the good thing is that he is growing well. Now, 4.2 kg at 5 weeks and it is getting tougher to carry him for a long time!

He starts to concentrate on the toys but not for long. Can't recognise us or "talk" to us yet.

Yuli, don't worry, I can now talk about kaya and mustard! Experienced all this! Can't imagine that my small boy can produce so much of it in a day. It seems it is a lot compared to his size! usually, producing once a day. He is now on Dumex Mamil Gold and I guess his stool is like kaya but with mustard colour!

Good luck for your home visit. It should be more like a formality so dont worry too much but of course, I really hope bb would be on her best behaviour. It is always stressful to have people judging us but just think you are a step closer to have everything finalised.

Saw your updates as well! Your daughter is prettier day by day and she really likes her pacifier. My boy usually sucks on him when he does not have enough milk or when he wants to sleep but he is not "pro" at it yet. Keep dropping it! I guess your daughter is the experienced one. My elder daughter was also hooked on pacifier and she needed 2 or 3 with her. One in her mouth and one in her hand. She got used to it as I purposely left a few pacifiers in her cot so that she could pick them up by herself without waking us up!

Seems you girls will have your first gathering! Take some pictures if possible so we can put face on your name! Not able to meet Blesswbb this week as my place is too far away so really looking forward to our gathering when all your bbs are here.
Babylove 80,
I just googled Sinupret and it seems it is only for kids above 2 years old. Is there a version for infant? or your Dr. recommended with lower dosage? Must the medicine be prescribed by Dr or it can be purchased in Guardian w/o prescription?
I just did a google search, and could not find the same packaging that was given to me. Sinupret was prescribed by our Paediatrian, Dr Elizabeth Kor. The one she prescribed is safe for infants and according to the dosage indicated on the packaging. Dosage we gave him was 1.1ml 3 times a day. The only places I have seen it is at Wei Min Clinic Serangoon Gardens and the SGH pharmacy. Personally, I would see a doc first before giving it to the little one. I also pmed you.

I love 'Our Miracles' too because they ARE OUR MIRACLES! Give me time to set up the account, say till Monday? you will need to have your own FB accounts, so that I can invite you via your email addresses. To sign up for an account, please click on this link
Babylove 80
Thanks for info. Do you have the contact number of your PD? i also just PM u.

Monday is great! give us time to create another FB account
Dream - how did you get your daughter to stop using the pacifier? My daughter also uses it sometimes to soothe herself to sleep but will spit it out when she's done with it but I'm wondering how to stop her if she gets addicted to it.

Really hope your boy's nose clears up. Poor guy. Hope he'll get better before you have to head back to work.

Babylove - thanks for agreeing to create our group's account.
Finally our FACEBOOK group is out...yeah...Our Miracles!!!

After my dd took NAN 1 her stools is pasty greenie kind. Checked with Dr Yap he said it should be this kind. So i more or less at ease.
I haven received call from MCYS yet. I think will have to wait another week cos the lawyer meeting was delayed due to my hubby overseas trip. For the coming home visit, i think will be delayed again as my hubby going overseas again. Looks like yr dd will have her citizenship much earlier. U should arrange the home visit timing during yr dd nap time so that the officer will not see her crying and screaming.
So nice, by Nov u can apply for a passport for yr dd liao.
When is yr court hearing for yr dd? Mine is on 23 Sept. I'm estimating when they will call from the day of the court hearing.
Does yr dd cry when she bathe? Mine will cry during her hair wash or stay too long in the tub. Recently worst...whenever i bring her to the toilet she will start crying as if she knows bathing time.

Yr boy very poor thing. Better check with yr PD again. Did u try sucking out his phlegm? I remember my twins nephew both got serious block nose my cousin actually tried using mouth to suck out their phlegm.
If is too serious need to get help from the expert.

Her pacifier is a stopper. Without it she will scream till the whole world come clashing down. But sometimes the pacifier still cannot pacify her when she's really angry.
Yr pacifier u give to Yr boy is those with short teat is it? My dd like those medium long kind that can suck better.

Thanks for creating OUR MIRACLES in Facebook. Once is ready let us know.

For the time being, Ladies get yr facebook account ready for our miracles....
Good morning ladies,
Went PD last saturday but Dr and Dr just said continue with the medicine. She asked us to take zyrtec as well as it may be allergy. Hubby also tried to suck out the phlegm with his mouth but nothing come out. Actually, the nose seems clear but can hear the running sound (if you know what I mean).

Will give another call today to PD.

What is pearl powder? where can i find it?

Otherwise, my son enjoys his bath. Usually, I make it quite short so he has no time to scream! my boy don't have much hair so no need to wash his hair so much. Just rinse a bit would do!

Yuli and Blesswbb,
About pacifier, my boy is like Yuli's daughter. Just take it when he needs it and spills it out later. But my elder daughter was just like Blesswbb's daughter. Always had it stuck on her mouth and she sucked her pacifier for a very very LONG time...may be until 4-5 years old! Yes, she was really addicted and I really had a hard time to stop her. The good thing was that the childcare did not allow pacifier so she could only have it at night. Somehow, she could control when she was in childcare but as soon as she saw me when I picked her up, she would rush to her bag to take it. So, to her, mummy=pacifier!

As she grew bigger, she became more conscious and would actually hide the pacifier in her bag as soon as we reach school. She did not want her friend to see her with it! Then, one day, I showed her a magazine and explained to her that if she continues sucking the pacifier, her teeth would become like a "rabbit". So, I think her vanity "won" and on that day, she told me to throw all her pacifiers! yep, cold turkey like people quitting cigarettes! I remember that I could not believe that she could suddently "quit", so I actually pretended to throw them (as I did not want to rush to the shop to buy some in case she wanted them!) but somehow, she did it! I tried before to stop her from pacifier but never managed. I also thought that if I force her to stop the pacifier, she would suck her thumb (which is worst to me). My niece which is 9 years old is still sucking her thumb.

I remember there would always be people telling you that you should not give them the pacifier but I believe that if they suck means they need it. So, just ignore them!

I hope I did not scare you. I guess every kid is different and if they need the pacifier, let it be.
This is grt !!!! Yippee for our miracle(s) !

babylove80 - Thx so much for setting up the FB group. I will setup another account and will let u my email. xoxo
Blesswbb, my court hearing date was 18 Sept. I received the call on 29 Sept. Home visit on 9 Oct.

Re: bath time. I have the opposite problem of yours. My dd loves her baths soooooooooooo much, she cries each time she's taken out of the tub!! She started this crying about 4 weeks after coming home. She really enjoys being in the water - she'll smile/gurgle then the moment I position her forward to wash her back, her lip will curl and she will look like she's gonna cry! then sure enough, once she's on the changing mat, she'll cry

Last week, I started massaging her body with moisturiser after her bath and that seems to stave off the crying
I'm wondering if it's useful to attend a baby massage class OR just read up or watch youtube can already?!

My friend bought my dd some bath mitts (kinda like gloves). They have a cute animal patten on the bath glove so you can make the animal look like it's talking to the child. Maybe, that will make bath time fun for her? If she's crying the moment she goes near the bath area then maybe gotta think of a way to distract her before she gets there
I find that I end up talking a lot of nonsense to my dd after her bath - hoping to distract her so that she won't cry! I've recently started singing You are My Sunshine to her after her bath and that has become like her bath song

Thanks Dream for your sharing and suggestions. I hope my dd doesn't become addicted to the pacifier!
Hi Ladies,

It's been 2 weeks since I handed in the HSR. I was hoping for an email at least, but have not received any. I felt kinda down today. It's really stressful not knowing.

I will be setting up the FB account by Monday, and will invite you tojoin the group. Just wondering if you all are creating separate accounts from your personal ones? Just pm me your email addresses, so I can invite ya'll.
Pearl powder can be found in chinese medical hall. It can help on reducing phlegm and rashes. Phlegm for infant, apply it on the lip and bb will tend to lick it bit by bit. As for rashes, mix it with water and apply on body.
For pacifier, i only give my girl when she cry or when she want to sleep. She will spit it out after she fall asleep. She prefer to suck her hand and smell after that haha

dream and yuli,
I'm very surprise today my dd did not cry at all for the very 1st time when bathing. I think she knows i complain to u ladies here so she wants face haha....hopefully will maintain this way tmr.

I tried talking and singing to her during her bath time but her crying sound is much louder than mine so i doubt she can hear me

Talk abt massaging, my dd will cry initially when i massage her body. As Doc say she got ezcema so need to put prescribe mosituriser. I have to apply twice a day and she will cry every time. My hubby said is bcos is ticklish that y she cry. That's when i realised is true and change my method of massaging her body. Realised she stop crying nowadays.

Base on yr hearing date to MCYS call...i think i will have to wait till my hubby back from business trip. That will be nearly end of Oct.

I will be creating a new account as not many friends in my existing account knew abt my adoption. Thanks will pm u my new address soon.
babylove, don't despair. TOUCH contacted me only 3 weeks after I handed in my HSR. For peace of mind, maybe give them a call to check on the status?

Blesswbb, hahaha, her crying louder than your singing voice ah?! I'm glad to hear she was happy with her bathtime ytd. Hope today's is a good one too
I heard there's a baby swimming place in Harbourfront called Hwa Xia I think. My mum's friend's grandson hates bathtime so they brought him there to 'swim' so that he gets used to the water etc. Seems much better with his bathtimes now

Where is your dd's eczema? Does the moisturiser have steriod in it? or is just a moisturiser meant for sensitive skin? I share my experience with you. I have slight eczema on hands and feet (flares up with I'm stressed) and I used to use a topical cream prescribed by doc to treat the area but becos the cream has steriod in it, it made my skin darker and thinner on those areas.

When I brought dd to doc the first time, he also said she's got sensitive patches of skin on her cheeks, on the forehead near the eyebrows and behind her ears. He prescribed a hydrocortisone cream for her. However, I haven't used it yet. I bought a tube of pure aloe vera gel and used it on those areas instead and it's worked beautifully. I plan to continue with the aloe vera gel cos it's natural and milder. Just sharing my experience lah.
Her eczema was everywhere. After using the cream prescribe by Doc she looks better. Doc prescribe this Physiogel-Hypoallergenic for my girl. It doesnt states the chemical contain inside. After this think will switch to yr suggestion - Aloe vera gel. This aloe vera gel is cooling and natural. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi Ladies,

I got an acknowledgement email today, stating the outstanding documents that I need to submit. I immediately scanned the docs and sent it through. I guess this is the first step. But am a little worried about the 2-3 mth wait.

Thanks for sharing. my boy also has this rash on his face. PD said it is heat rash and not to put anything but I think I will try your aloe vera gel since it is natural. Just now went to Guardian and there are quite a lot of gel to choose from. Do you mind telling us which one you bought? thanks
I am also wondering whether we should grow this plant as it is really a useful plant and then, we are sure it is 100% natural!

Hope your daughter continues to enjoy her bath! how many times do u bath her a day? read that can give twice a day when they grow older.

You are one step closer and it means they are looking at your application now. So, i think it is great news! enjoy the week end with your baby boy. remember to take lots of pictures

o/s, i am not really sure whether your PM works as I replied to your mail when you PM me. May be check your settings. Need to enable PM.
