Child Adoption

That was during the first and second was really exhausting. Since the past 2 weeks, he has changed totally! hope it remains this way! Crossing fingers. If he wakes up 3 times at night, I am happy! How is your daughter? Is she recovering well?

Sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she will recover quickly. Is she staying with you? Although she can't take care of your dd, will she be at home to supervise your helper? Does your helper have experience taking care of bb?

Babylove 80,
Avent also has different pacifier according to the age of bb. I think once you start with one brand, it is difficult to change as bb gets used to the shape and taste. That's what happened for my elder daughter...

I also agree with you that Yuli is the stool specialist! Somehow, I would never be able to describe them the way she does it..and I think BLesswbb comes second...
would have never thought of grainy and seedy....

I remembered falling asleep while feeding him! when my helper was taking care of him at night when I was sick, she said she had to drink coffee to stay awake.

Hi Ladies
I got the email yesterday! Thanks for ur support and encouraging & comforting words. I pray that the interview goes smoothly.

Yes Dream,
I think Yuli and Blesswbb should come up with a list of different words to describe baby's poo. I cannot be so creative with my bb's poo. LOL. Talking abt sleeping while feeding baby. I did that once. It is hard to wake up during the 12am and 2am feeds. But I think it's amazing that we don't let go of them, it must be some inbuilt mechanism in mothers to hold our hands up. Finally I got my hubs to do the 2am feed, as he is able to nap during the day, but not me.

About pacifiers, gosh i am so ulu. bb was using tolleyjoy, and I did not know that there was such a thing as a teething pacifier. Finally I bought it for him. It is very different to the other one. But he is taking it well.

I hope ur bb is not constipated.Let us know how she is. We can think of solutions together.

How are you and bb?
Babylove 80,
Really happy for you! I guess it will also be cleaning time at home as home interview should happen very quickly after the office interview. Seems like your bb would be home with you FOREVER...REAL SOON! Really excited for you! I guess you will have a GREAT week end!

Yep, Yuli and Blesswbb can come up with a stool dictionary...they can even find different words to describe the colours...

About pacifiers, I used to give my dd tollyjoy as well... Once I found out there were other types, it was too late. She was hooked on tollyjoy and impossible to change...
Babylove, so happpeee for u! When is interview? We may all hv our babies by Dec and they will probably all be born in the same year - how cool is that?!

wat's a teething and weaning pacifier? I use Avent n recently upgraded to the 3-6mth pacifiers.

my dd gave a large pasty poop aft I posted abt my worry abt constipation. phew! God is good!

ok, wen I got time I will compile a list of descriptive words 4 poop! haha. Eh, u guys r lucky I m not posting pix of her poop!

Ellebaby n sweetclo, enjoy yr holidays!
That is great!! Finally...and soon yr boy will be home with happy for u!!

My dd doesnt need a teething pacifier bcos our hand is one of her teething equipment haha...
hmmm...looks like i have to go baby department again to look for teething and weaning pacifier.

we should post the pix of their poos in FB haha...add in the caption with the descriptive on it...that will be
Dear Babylove, congratulations! I'm truly happy for you. Very soon, your baby will be in your arms for good.When is your interview by the way? All the best to you.

Looks, like I'm the only one left at the moment, I think! The waiting game continues!

Yuli, I sure hope that your mum gets well soon. Must be a stressful period for you but hang in there!

SweetCL105, I'm so glad that your home visit went well!

Ladies, I'm up to my neck with the packing and looking for stuff for our new place. We have even planned for a baby's room. But I'm not going to do it up yet cos' I've suddenly become kind of superstitious because of some bad experiences in the past. Will catch with you all soon.
Happy Holidays for me. Counting down..cos tonite will get my HSR report.
Yup, it is happening so fast. Same thoughts dream, I only plan to start calling the agency after my holiday.
I am thankful to our SW for speeding up the HSR report for us so we can go for our holiday smiling.

babylove, janella, yuli, dream, sweetcl, iwantitvmuch - Thx so much for the support.

babylove, so happy for you. Ya, start your spring-cleaning.
Janelle you will be next in touch by Touch.
Sweet, you be the next mummy.

When I am back from holiday, it is all good news in time for Xmas.. Woohoo !!!
I know what you mean. I have the room ready, have bought everything, and will not set it up till after the home interview. I am soooooo nervous!!!! Praying so hard to everything will move smoothly and that my prince will be back with us sooon. It's been too long....
I am sure you will be next! By then, you would have already settled into your new place, and will be ready to welcome your miracle into your life.

Thanks Blesswbb & Yuli,
As much as I like to hear of the different descriptions of poo, i think we will leave it there:p. But if you want to post more pics of ur lovely bubs, pls do

Have a wonderful holiday!!!
Elle, congratulations! Enjoy your holiday! And sleep as much as you can!Ha!Ha!So happy for you!

Babylove, I can feel your excitement! Truly, I'm very very happy for you!
Hi Ladies,

This is really a GREAT Friday with all the good news flowing in. Really happy and excited for all of you.

Get ready. You are next! Better pack faster as it seems your turn should be very soon...

Elle & Swee,
Enjoy your holidays and drop by when u r back! can't wait to read the rest of your journey!

Understand how you feel and I am counting down the days with you when your bb will be home with you.
so happy to hear so many good news.
Babylove, I'm especially happy for you.

My medication is working and I'm recovering. No more cough today!
Hi ladies,
Seems like everyone is busy with your babies and holiday. No updates from u ladies here.

Hope everyone enjoy your weekend.
Yep, seems like the thread is really quiet but we should definitely try to make it live again!

I guess yesterday was Monday's Blues! I am looking forward to my leave at the end of this week. Really need it. I feel so exhausted and stressed. This morning, woke up with a backache. I am not really sure why. I guess my boy is getting heavier to carry. I need a massage!

He is starting to smile when we talk to him. It seems like he recognises us!

How was your daughter PD visit? did she get fever after her injection.

One more day! COunting down with you!

How is your packing getting along? Any news from Touch?

Sweetcl and Elle
Enjoying your holidays, I presume. Come back and chat with us when you are back!
Sorry, forgot you! Are you back from your offsite? Are you starting your adoption leave soon? I am sure you are counting down the days. Hope you and baby are fine now.
Dream, I'm still not done with the packing yet. Still a long way to go! Nope, no news from TOUCH yet. But my husband has already received the no criminal record certificate from Malaysia and we have forwarded it to TOUCH. That's a load off my mind as I had thought that it will take ages for this document to arrive.

Hey, you must go for a massage. Mothers too need lots of pampering.

Yes, I agree with you BlessBB, suddenly the thread has gone all quiet.
Hi ladies,
Nice to see u ladies here again.

My girl is giving me milk problem again. She wakes up at 6am every morning since last Sat and can be cranky for the whole day. Lately, she will cry when she sees us eating and not giving her any...and when give her milk she will reject. I really donno what to do with her. My mum ask me to start solid food earlier since she's not drinking much...but i'm still hesitating. I'm hoping she can drink more...really worried she got not enough protein.

I can imagine u packing and moving...i'm so scared thinking of moving house. I think TOUCH will so email u since u have submitted the document.

Haha...i just went for a good massage last weekend. Dream, u should go...if feel so nice after the massage and can sleep well too.

counting 1mth time yr boy will be home with u...yeah...

How's yr dd after the jab? Hope she stays healthy.

By the way, what is the status of our meeting? Don't find any updates in FB.
Yep, nice to see some posts!

Great news for the criminal record from Malaysia. That's one less worry! I am happy for you. Your file is complete now!

Otherwise, for your packing, seems like you have lots of things to pack! But I guess it is not only packing but clearing & organising things as well. It is fun to move to a new house but the packing is definitely very tiring and stressful. I hope you are done soon...

ok, will take your advice and try to arrange massage this week. Really need must have backache too with all the packing...

Seems like your daughter is doing a "hunger strike" or should I say "milk" strike so that you can give her solid food...but have to be careful of allergy if foods are introduced too early. I guess she is saying that your food looks so much better than her milk! What is her weight now? Did you ask PD whether you can introduce food now?

Seems like massage is our luxury and time out from our kids!

About meeting, I am not sure whether I will be able to join in December. Please go ahead and I will join if I can.
Hi Ladies!!!

I was surprised at how silent we were on Monday! It's as if we all had the monday off
. I hope ur all well.

I think ur little one is ready for solids. Maybe try feeding her a little cereal when you all are eating. Make it really watery, and feed her with a spoon. I think she will be excited! Feedwise, I think the cereal you add to the milk, makes up for what she is not drinking. Can she drink the plain milk?

Also, just remembered that u were planning on ur IVF. Have u started already?

We should update our event page, and confirm our meeting place. I think the date has already been set.

wow! sounds like a big move. Good luck with that! Also, is there any way you can join us for our first meetup? Would late Dec be better? Let us know. It will be nice if everyone can make it. Looks like they will be calling you soon for the interview. I look forward toyour goodnews soon.

Hope you and bub are well
Babylove, nice to hear from you again. I would love to meet up with all of you. However, I will be in Malaysia from 24th Dec to 2nd January. But if the rest of you are only free during this period, pls go ahead with the gathering.I can always turn up for the next one! Let me know when's the date.How are you keeping by the way? You must be counting the days!

Actually, I've been so busy with the packing I've not had time to think about the interview. It's a good distraction actually, otherwise I'll be so anxious.

Dream & BlessBB, I've had backaches for some time eversince I hit the books. Neck aches as well! Dream,go for the massage! I plan to go for one as well after I'm done.
dream. babylove,
Tried giving my girl cereal. She cried. I think she hate the taste cos milk is in it. Sigh...
She's now only 6.1kg which my PD said need to gain more weight. He advised me to wait till the next jab for her solid food which is 2nd Jan next year but looks like i cant wait any longer.
This evening she had a bad stomache...she scream and cried. I put on the medicated oil and massage her stomach, after she released all the air she feels better. Think that's the cause of not drinking milk.

U still remembered my IVF. So nice of u..

It started this mth...tmr going to extract the eggs. But sad that my hubby is going for overseas trip again after the extract. He wont be here with me when the embryos are transferred to my womb. If my IVF is successful this round i don think i be able to meet u ladies this Dec. Will have to wait till stable then i can bring my girl out to meet u ladies.
BlessBB, will say a prayer for you. Good luck with your egg extraction.It must be upsetting that your husband is not with you. But take heart! All will go well with you.
Hi Ladies,
I had my office interview today morning. I cannot say how I went. Managed to address the questions to be best we could. Next step will be the home interview.

I hope the extraction went well. Pls don't be disheartened if ur hubby cannot make it for the transfer of embryos. Will be thinking of you. So rest ok. Will someone be with you during the procedure. Do take care.

Welcome back from ur hols.

How's everything coming along?
Hi everyone!!!!

Babylove! So happy for you that the interview is finally over! You're just one step away from having baby home!

Blesswbb! How exciting! Praying all will go well with you this round! Do you feel that this IVF round is different from all the others? Do you feel more relaxed? I really hope it'll be a BFP for you!

Yr dd sounds ready for solids. I read that one of the signs is when they start observing you eat with great interest!

Hi dream! My dd's vaccination is tomorrow. I postponed it by a week cos I wanted to settle my mum last week first before the vaccination. Good thing is this time my husband mangaged to be in S'pore and will be going with me and dd for the 1st time to the PD. I'm praying and hoping she will be well after the vaccinatino.

Re: night wakings. Did I mention to you ladies that my dd has decided she's a newborn baby again?! She was sleeping nicely for 5-6hour stretches in the night now, our dear friend, has decided to wake about every 2-3 hours for milk feeds! I am sooooooo tempted to let her cry it out and not feed her the 2am/3am feed cos she just takes a 1oz. But I dunno if I can harden my heart and listen to her cry..........I sure lose wan!

Janella - nice to hear your paperwork is in order now!

Hey ladies, re: gathering. I'm just thinking, shall we push the gathering to mid-Jan 2010 so that more babies will be home and settled by then?

iwantitvmuch, hope you're fully fully recovered now!

Elle, you back from hols?

Sweeclo, read your FB status. Hang in there, ok?
Thanks for your encouragement, I'll hang in there! ok, I must think in positive way, maybe it's time for me to rest more before baby arrives... hehe...

Blesswbb, All the best for your egg extraction, looking forward to your good news!

Congrats! Your office interview was over! Home interview will be coming soon... Enjoy your spring cleaning this weekend. I'm so happy for you, you're one step away for your baby to come home with you, think by this month you can receive your HSR.
Thanks for your wishes. One of my best friends said something to me, that really calmed me. 'In HIS time'. I hope this gives you the strength and perseverance.

How are you? Haven't seen u online. Hope you are well!

Thanks so much for your best wishes. I felt that the interview was a good way of learning of what else we should do before the arrival of bb. SW gave lots of tips and basically made me think differently about the emotions of an adopted child. I borrowed/bought two books, to give us a better idea abt the emotional state of the child, and what not to do when bb comes home. She also gave us some suggestions as to what else we can do to prepare before the arrival of our bb. BUT I am nervous as it seems that our savings (ready cash) isn't enough. So now I just have to wait for the email from the SW regarding the homestudy. Hopefully, we can get our HSR approved soon.
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the well wishes. The extraction went well yesterday. But just received a call from embryologist...i had 5 eggs extracted but only 1 fertilised. I'm very sad...this round the eggs quality don't look good again.

Anyway, this will be my last tried...i can full concentration on my little girl now since my hope are slim. Who knows might adopt a boy next year before my HSR report expired then i will have 2 children...
no more worries

Looks like our dd have a change in their sleeping method again. Mine cannot sleep thru the 5-6hrs since she pass 4mths. She will wake every 2hrs but i will just pat her to sleep again.

I agree with u that we should push the meeting till mid Jan 2010.

Happy for you that yr interview went well.

No updates from u leh...hope u and yr boy are well.
BlessBB,hope your are keeping well and are in good spirits. You never know - that 1 egg might just do the job!Nevertheless as you've said, you have your darling daughter and soon to arrive second baby. Keep your spirits up!

Babylove, I'm so glad your interview went well.I feel so excited for you.Yes, there are lots of hurdles and worries but somehow God has a way of taking care of them. Before you know it, your baby will be in your arms forever.

SweetCL05, I don't have a facebook account by choice, so don't know what's the matter, but whatever it is, you too keep your spirits up!
Hi Ladies,
Missing me? That's good to know
Haven't logged in as I am on leave till end of this week. Spending some time with my boy and my daughter. So, don't worry. Everything is well.

Let us know when your home interview is fixed. Counting down with you.

Should have told us what you are going through so that we can give you some emotional support. You are very brave to go through IVF one more time. Really hope that 1 egg do the trick. But otherwise, you already have a beautiful daughter. And I think your plan is great to adopt a second one if this fails through. When is your ET and BT?

Seems like your dd is copying my boy. Wake us up for 1 ounce of milk! Is she on her growth spurt? Have you tried to increase her milk intake?

Are you done with your packing? When are you supposed to move house?

Hoping everything will be settled soon.

wanted to keep low profile til the day my BT but since babylove asked i just mention it. I didnt tell any of my friends this time. I also hope this 1 egg will do the trick. My ET is on this Sat if the embryo keep growing. Not sure when will be my BT. Will keep u inform.

Yes, i do hope it the 1 and only survivor works in me. Just trying my luck this last round to have a sibling for my girl. Ever heard of if the child is sucking toes means calling for a sibling? My girl is doing it now...i hope she's calling it for real.
I hope your embryo develops and grows well till this Saturday. Otherwise, the 2 ww are really tough emotionally so just to know that you can count on us during this time if need to. I think most of us went thru it before and know how difficult it can be. But I guess that is quite different now as you already have your dd. I am sure she can cheer you up every time you need it
I agree with Yuli too. I think most of us seem to be occupied during Dec. Let's meet up in Jan instead. It will be nice to meet everyone in person. I will reschedule our meetup of FB.

thanks for the comforting words. I'm now very anxious as the embryologist still haven called. I have a feeling the only 1 is gone too.

Everyone in the family tells me that is fated....ya but think of going thru the pain and not giving at least a chance make me angry and sad.
A big hug to you! I cannot totally understand what you are going thru but I teared when I read your post. Don't be sad just yet. You still haven't heard from the embryologist yet. So, don't get so down so fast.

No matter what, just keep thinking of what you have in your life right now and your plan for the future. A big hug again....
I am not sure whether it is too late but may be you could ask for day 2 transfer instead of day 3 transfer. That's what happened to me. Anyway, understand how you feel. It is more the emotional pain than the physical pain. Be strong. You have done what you could and now it is really up to that little one to grow. Crossing fingers for you that this one is the strong one. Be positive, ok.
hi ladies,
Thanks for being here for me. Yes u're right! Must be positive! The embryologist called...the only survivor still surviving at satisfactory level. Tmr going for the transfer. I will have to stay in the hospital for at least 2hrs after the transfer so hope i will not be bored. Lucky i have asked for a single room so still have TV to keep me entertain.
That's good news. Take a deep breath, just relax and let nature take its course. Good luck!!!! Babydust to you
. I will be thinking of you over my weekend! Hugs!!!!
BlessBB, I can truly empathise with you,the fear and the anxiety.

But hey, it's good news about the embryo.I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and pray that this embryo will implant. After the transfer, for the next 2 weeks try not to move around too much or even carry heavy things. I'm sure you've heard all this before.This is the advice the nurses gave me when I was doing my ivfs. And, yes, that includes carrying your daughter too.

All the best for your ET tomorrow.
HI Blesswbb,
Great news! Really happy for you. As Janella says, you must really take it easy after ET. I know easier said than done. Just try your best and don't do anything you will regret later. And, yes continue to be positive! It is already half the battle won! Otherwise, just bring along your IPOD/MP3 so that you enjoy listening to music after ET if there s no good show on TV. All the bests and I will also definitely think of you over the week end.
Thanks ladies. It great to have u ladies and yr encouragement. i will continue to stay positive.

Yes, i have been advised not to carry my girl. I donnot whether i can tahan that long for 2weeks anot. I remember after my ER i wanted to carry her so badly but was stop by my mum and hubby.

too bad NUH ward doesnt have broadband if not still can update myself thru IPOD. After so many times of IVF i still feel very excited with the ET. Ya i must remember not to do a single thing and be queen for the next 2 weeks. Have regretted the last 2 times i did some housework. Sigh...this time round no more housework.
Alright! Queen for 2 weeks that sounds good! I am sure your daughter will be well taken care by your hubby and mum. So, dont worry. Just keep talking to her. As long as she sees you, it should be fine. Just think, you are on 2 weeks leave! But, I guess it will be tough. Wondering why you can't carry her before ET? Anyway, better be safe than sorry.
All the best to your ET tmr! Enjoy your queen's life, haha...
Remember not to carry heavy things, not to stress, relax and enjoy your 2 weeks!

How've you been?

From the IVF thread, there were ladies that strike with just 1 transferred embryo. The embryo quality also doesnt predict the odds of success..u still have a great chance! Jia You!!

Can u advise roughly how much cash savings the social worker wants to look at? So I can be mentally prepared..tks..
Hi ladies,
Back from my ET. Feeling dizzy after being put upside down for 2hrs. Now resting at home. Thanks ladies for the support.

After ER I don't want carry her cos still painful & bloated. Trying to avoid heavy bleeding too.
Dream, babylove, yuli, sweet. Thanks. I did recover well. I left for Hungary on Monday night and was very bz the days before, to prepare for the trip. It's my company offsite. Very stressful with what to wear as it's winter and we have to have biz casual attire. anyway, nothing important but just taking me away from the forum.
I'm still in Budapest and will fly home on Sunday. I brought baby to the paed , to make sure that she's recovered before my trip. She indeed has and we have taken her off her medication. Hooray! I hope that she will stay well for a long time after the antibiotics.

BlesswBB, I pray for the best for you. It's tough going through IVF and with baby now. You must have alot of mixed feelings. Remember to cast everything aside and think happy thoughts. Take care.
It's true i have mixed feelings now. Especially now i'm restricted from even carrying my girl. It's so painful and hard not to carry her. Sometimes i feel i shouldnt have gone thru this IVF. Yesterday, after the ET i wanted to cry looking at my girl who seems to want me to carry her. I feel that everyone is taking her away from me too.

Everyone keep remind me not to carry her but it is so hard not to.
Hi everyone!

Missed so much over the last week!

Congrats Blesswbb on your successful ET! I hope you are feeling well and resting well. Each ET signified hope for me so know that I am here praying and wishing you all the very very best!!!

iwantitvmuch - wow Budapest! You're probably home by now and enjoying baby
Post more pics on FB when you're free? I'm sure she looks so different now!

I haven't brought my dd for her jab yet! Last week I came down with the stomach flu on the day of her jab so my husband said btr not bring her cos in case she gets fever/falls sick, we won't know if it's cos of the tummy flu or the jab..........I changed the jab to today BUT i develped the flu ytd! Now dunno if I should just bring her and mask myself around her and hope she doesn't get the bug from me!

Not sure if any of you use Desitin diaper cream? There's a BP going on at the moment in this forum. Quite cheap. I think Guardian sells a 2oz tube for about $9.90. This one's selling a 4oz tube for $10. Here's the thread if you are interested. Expiry date of the cream is Dec 2011
so nice to hear from you. You must be so happy to be with ur little one. Must have missed her lots.

It is hard, but focus on your goal of doing ur best to sustain the ET. If u cannot carry your daughter for the next two weeks, just make surethat you lie down beside her and play with her. You can also cuddle her on the bed. That way you still have skin to skin contact with her.

I hope you are feeling much better.
Great to hear from you! Your company is really generous..offsite in Budapest! Ours has been cut down last year and I doubt they will have some this year...but they started D&D and Family Day this year.

I hope you had a great time there! Are you starting your adoption leave this week? You can make up for all the lost time with her now!

Babylove had great suggestions. Lying down next to her certainly gives you lots of bonding with her. Just keep talking to her. Remember to rest well and don't overexert yourself.

Thanks for the link. Talking about other good deals, Fitti has also a promotion...6 packs for 60 dollars with free delivery. I have asked them for their order form. Let me know if you guys are interested and I'll look for the email address.

For baby injection, it is better if you fully recover before her vaccination (just in case you pass your virus to her). Better be safe than sorry and a few weeks delay is ok. My boy also needs to go for his vaccination this week..He will be 3 months this week!

My boy likes to put his fist into his mouth and sucks it! So, there's saliva everywhere and I think that's why he has heat rash/eczema on his face. What do you guys recommend? Blesswbb, what was the name of the cream your PD gave? Yuli, it does not seem like aloe vera is working for him...How to stop him from putting his fist into his mouth? Possible?

Any news for your home interview? Did you have time to clean up your place? As your week ends are filled up, it must be stressful for you to clean up during the weekdays.

Hi ladies,
Thanks ladies for the concern and the suggestion you gave.
I managed to make my hubby to let my girl sit on my lap so that i can at least carry and hug her. In this case, she will feel that mummy still loves her

PD recommended HYDRODERM for rashes and skin allergy. PHYSIOGEL Hypoallergenic for eczema.
I also hope there's a way to stop my girl from putting her finger into her mouth...but i don think there's a way as they tend to cry if u stop them.

If yr girl doesnt develop fever during the 1st jab then she wont have fever for her 2nd jab. My girl develop high fever the 1st jab but the 2nd jab she only had slight fever.
