Child Adoption

That's another good idea, which is playing wif bb on the lap. As long as you arecomfy and not straining yourself.

I hope all's well wif u

I think it's normal for bb to explore by putting everything into their mouth. I am sureyou know that
. Maybe after he has had enough of his toes and fists (which is never usually the case), you could use a moist cloth and wipe his face, then apply some cream on the face to moisten. The other way might be to also 'distract' baby from sucking on his fist by giving him cloth books, cubes etc to occupy his little fingers. I realise that my bb gets distracted when he does not have anything in his hands

I have been busy preparing my apartment for the home interview. I haven't heard from the SW regarding home interview. She said that she will revert back to us in 2 weeks, so I guess it will be sometime next week. So I have been throwing away a lot of things.

Sweetclo & Elle,
I am not sure if you all have read books on adoption. While waiting for my turn for the individual interview on wednesday, I was flipping thru one of the books on adoption, 'Becoming a Family'. I felt that it is an important read before it addresses the dos and don't for when you first being your child home. And it's all about developing the attachment with your baby. I borrowed the book to read and found it very useful. Do try to get a hold of it while you have the time to read to prepare yourselves. Just thot I'd share this.

Good Morning Ladies!

Thanks. Will look for the cream but to be honest, can't really tell whether it is rashes or eczema. I guess I'll google to find more information.

Glad you still have bonding time with your girl. It is a great idea.

Thanks for tips. Trying to give him other things to hold but I think he is not ready with grasping yet. His fingers just open and close. So, usually, trying to hold his hands so that he don't put them into his mouth. Somehow, my daughter never put her hands or toes in her mouth! I guess she was more lady like!

Otherwise, a bit worry about his head as it is becoming quite flat on one side. Trying to get him to sleep on the side but it is a battle. How did you manage this? or would it just get better on its own once baby can hold his head.

Thanks for sharing the name of the book. You mentioned you borrowed 2 books. Which one is the other one? Where did you find the book? I thought it is usually quite hard to find such books in library.
Morning Dream!!!

I think it's boy thing then. My little one looks really cute when he puts his toes in his mouth. Nowadays looks at his hand and moves his fingers. He is so intrigued by it. But he tends to rub his face a lot. A lot of times, I don't stop him from putting his hand in his mouth, as they say that it helps them to self soothe. But I do stop him from putting his toes in his mouth. Cannot believe how flexible babies are!!!

Regarding the head, I am sure there are 'foam' pillows that you can use to help reduce the flattening on one side. I think 'the first years' at KKWCH has something. My friend told me about the pillow but we did not get it. Instead we got a buckwheat pillow for bb. Now bb does not use a pillow. Yuli, Blesswbb, do you have any other suggestions?

Grasping wise, I think you can put things in their hands. I did that for mine, although he could not hold it for long, but it developes their motor skills. Sometimes they may not grasp but they will touch and 'scratch' the object. We got stuff from Lamaz, with the different textures for him to experience.

Regarding the books, I got both of them from TOUCH. They have a library of books on adoption. The other book I actually bought, as I want to start reading it to my bb. The title of the book is 'the day we met you' by Phoebe Koehler. When I first read it, I just teared, becuase that's exactly what we did when he first came into our lives. And I want him to know how much he means to us.
Babylove 80,
He is currently using the "babysafe" pillows (with hole in it). Will look into the "first years" pillow.

Thanks for advise. I also try to put things into his hands but so far, I think he likes to scratch my hands the best when he holds it! Can't imagine the day he would put his toes in his mouth! I think my hubby will faint! But, I think you are could be a boy thing since I heard that my nephew also put his toe in his mouth!

As for the book, you also bought it from Touch? Wondering whether you could bring the book at our next gathering.

Blesswbb, Has your daughter done that? you see, seems like her fingers are not so bad after all! When he puts his fist, he sucks until he almost chokes. that's why we are trying to stop him from putting his fist into his mouth.
My dd has both her fingers and toes in the mouth. She's so busy with both her fingers and toes. U can check FB on her latest photos.
Talking abt pillow, i'm using the "foam" pillow babylove was telling u. It actually goes with the head. Did u try giving him hug the bolster? It tend to make the child sleep sideways. My girl now an expert in hugging her bolster. Once we pass her the bolster she will automatically turn to the side and waiting for us to pat her.

Do u think i can get those books in any bookshops? U make it sound so interesting...tot of getting 1 to read it.
Oups, i guess it is not only boys putting fingers and toes in their mouth! Seems like it will last quite long since your daughter is still doing it! So, I guess it is not the saliva that causes his rash/eczema...since my boy is the only one having this problem! Just now, went to Unity Pharmacy to look for Physiogel. They have 20% discount (until today) and it was SGD20 (i/o of SGD25). The pharmacist was saying that it was a very good product and apart from this one, could also try Baby Seba Med. Physiogel has not steroid. Hope this cream will do the tricks and thanks again for your help on this. How long did you use it before you see some improvements? Is your girl still using it?

If u don't mind, can you take a picture of your girl with that foam pillow! I went to robinson just now and could not find it. I am wondering whether this is the same one I am using..squarish in size. Otherwise, he has 2 small bolsters but everytime we try to get him to sleep on the side, he would make so much noise and move back to the "normal" position. I guess need more practice like your girl. Somehow, he likes to look in one direction so that's why his head is quite flat on one side only!...

Need to check with you, regards to the payment to Alice. Her charges does it include the child medical checkup and lawyer fees?
HI Sweetclo5, yes, it includes lawyer fees as well as the pre-adoption medical chkup (GP chkup, blood test and hearing test). Scans of the major organs are optional and extra charge.

I would also like to see a picture of the foam pillow, please. The pillow my dd is using now is losing its 'bounce'. Getting flat - time to change I think.

My dd has also discovered her fingers! She shoves two fingers into her mouth each time. She also puts everything she gets her hands on, into her mouth. She has not gotten to her toes yet because...........I think her tummy is too big and is in the way! hahaha. She lifts her legs up but they cant get close to her face.

She's also learnt to flip quite efficiently BUT only flips using her left side, never her right. Wonder if that's a problem. Was told to put a pillow on her left so that she will try to flip on her right instead. Will try it out.
Brought dd for vacination today. Cried very loudly when the jabs went in - poor baby. Next visit 6weeks time. PD suggested I can start introducing rice cereal at 5.5mths, so that's another 1 mth's time. Quite exciting but I very blur lah so looking for advice from mums who have either started their little ones on semi-solids.

PD said the 1st introduction of rice cereal is to introduce spoon feeding and teaching bb to swallow. He said some learn fast, some take a long time to learn to swallow properly. He said to find the right texture/consistency of the rice cereal that dd would like (ie watery cereal vs thicker cereal).

My qn is what happens after that. Can I then introduce other foods eg: veggies and the fruits? How to go about the prep? steam then blend? How long to wait before introducing another food? eg: if I start with broccoli then wait a couple of days before introducing spinach? is that how it goes?
Hi Yuli,
Congratulations! Another milestone for your little one. I did share something earlier. Here is the link again. It is definitely an exciting time for you, as you get to see bb's many other expression when she tries different food.

Never introduce new food at night or evening it might upset their tummy. I started bb on organic rice cereal for 2 weeks. It was just a teaspoon, but now he is taking more. I mix it with a bit of formula milk. The trick is to feed the milk first, then at the end just let them try a bit with a spoon. Then slowly try adjusting the porporation. I used the link as a guide.

the next food to introduce is fruit and vegetables. Usually they say to intro pumpkin, carrots etc as they are sweeter veggies. I think just a teaspoon or less. You can make your own mash and mix with formula milk, or you can use the bottle food. I usually go for the bottled organic type, as for my circumstance, I cannot prepare the food for bb. Stop when bb protest, but do reintroduce the food again, so that bb will be used to the flavour.
As you start introducing solids, you will find that bb might drink a little less. This is normal, no reason to be alarmed. Just adjust the feeding times.
There is also another type of weaning called the baby-led weaning. I am tempted to try, when bb can handle semi solid food.
Hope the infor helps a little. Also a list of things you will need:
- a small bowl
- spoon (i bought this particular spoon which is similar to a gelate ice-cream spoon from mothercare. brand is Annabel Karmmel Baby Spoon ( The square tip helps to deliver the food into bb's mouth without too much spillage. I think she has other types with a similar concept.
- another spoon to scoop out cereal/bottled food etc.
- if you are looking at blenders. There are baby blenders available. i managed to get beaba baby blender which you can use to steam the food and then blend. otherwise, you can always, just steam the food yourself and blend it.

Hope this helps.
That's great! Babylove.
Don't worry too much on the home visit. Sometimes those SW will repeat those questions that had asked during the office interview. Just make sure your home will be neat and safe for your child when he arrive home.
It's great! Your boy will be home for christmas!
CONGRATS! What an exciting news...You really must be very happy! Your boy can be home VERY soon! Must be counting down the days.

Is your home baby safe? Have you installed window grilles? I remembered some conversation on this but don't know whether it must be done and the conclusion!

Otherwise, thanks for tips on baby feeding. I think I will only start my boy in 2-3 mths time!
regarding a pix on the foam pillow..i'm very pai sei to show u ladies cos internally is very yellowish with all my girl saliva stain on it...hehe...i can only tell u i bgt the foam pillow from John little and the brand is Lucky Baby. I think there's one of my photos in FB with my girl playing with it.

I'm now introducing only thick liquid (brown rice with milk) to my girl. She seems to like it very much...she will always finish the whole bottle of it. As for solid food, i only gave her pumpkin (steam till is soft and mash it) once. She still not use to eating thru spoon so will tend to cry after a few feed. But like wat Babylove suggested should try giving her a few more time but i'm still worried that she's not taking enough milk. So i just postpone giving her solid food til i think she is ready (drink enough milk).
Woohooooooo!!! Babylove - fantastic news! Your boy may be home for Christmas and to celebrate the New YEar too!

The assesor will ask similiar qns to office interview and will ask where you intend to put baby - eg: location/position of baby cot, who the caregivers are etc. They will also highlight potential danger areas and ask us to look into it, eg: we have a small small water feature so we were told to be careful around that area when bb can crawl. I was told by assesor they will NOT measure the height of dust in your home so don't worry too much about cleanliness etc

Thanks for your food tips. I will read the links you posted and I'm sure I'll be back with more questions!!!

I'm really happy for you!
Great to hear about your bb development. Seems like they all love their fingers a lot and it will continue for some time!

Now that your dd can flip, have to be more careful when you change her or put her down on bed/sofa. In few seconds, she can be on the floor! Can't underestimate their strength! Next step would be the crawling step...

BTW, when did your kid start to have strong neck. I still need to hold his neck as he still can't control it well. Trying to give him some tummy time but he does not enjoy it!
Congrats! Very happy for you. For the home interview, don't be nervous, just be yourself.

Hi Ladies,
I've called Alice. Hope can view baby next wk.
Sweetclo! Fantastic news! Yah, today got so many pieces of good news - so nice! So glad to be a part of this new leg of your adoption journey!

My dd has been running a temp since ytd's vaccination. She didn't have a fever during the 1st dose of the vaccination but this time got fever. Gave her panadol the moment we got home and was fine til evening then got low grade fever of about 37.2. We gave her 6hourly. It peaked at 37.8 at about 1am. Gave her another dose of panadol this morning so hope she will stay well from now on. Do you ladies mix the panadol with water? I did for the first couple of doses but she never finished the water so this morning, while she was half asleep, I pulled out her pacifier, put the syringe in and I squirted the syringe of panadol directly into the side of her mouth - in 2 squirts. You should have seen the face she made! I quickly gave her some water then the pacifer and she went back to sleep....... Hope she'll be well....
I never mixed panadol with water and just gave the panadol from the syringe. Seems like your trick worked well
Panadol usually given for a day. My boy also had fever after his 6-in-1 jab. He is going for his 3-mth jab (pneumoccal and rotavirus) this week end. Hope your dd recovers quickly. May be just give her one last dose before she sleeps tonight and that should be ok.
I din add the panadol into the water. I just give it to my dd directly. But she seems to like it cos it taste sweet (i tasted it :p )
Yr dd fever should be gone by now...normally the fever will stay for only 2 days. Dont worry.

That's great! Hope to hear yr good news next
Thanks Ladies
I feel so blessed to be a part of this thread. The support is incredible. Thanks for the tips. I can't wait till my bb returns home. Everyone is just waiting for him to come back.

I am so happy for you. Is it a little boy that you will be meeting? You must be so excited. Do keep us updated.

How are you? Hope you are doing well. Are you able to spend lotsa quality time wif ur little girl?

What I usually do is to give panadol straight away after the jab for 24 hrs, and then as and when bb requires it. I usually give when I am feeling him milk, and even on its own, as panadol is sweet. I hope ur bb's fever has broken already.

Dream! Thanks so much for your support and cheer.
I also hope she recovers quickly and the good thing is that the bb is well taken care of now. As Babylove says, it is so great to be part of this forum and be part of your journey. Really happy that you made the decision to go ahead. You must now be very excited and anxious. Has Alice sent you a photo of the bb girl?
Babylove, congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Like the rest have said, you will actually be with your baby before Christmas!

SweetC105, I'm excited for you too! You must be getting your house ready!

Ladies, still no news about any interview. My husband asked me to call TOUCH but I do not want to pressure them yet. Sigh!
Just went for my review today and Doc asked us to keep our finger crossed hoping for good news next week. Oh yes i try spending most of my time with her when she's on the bed beside me. Just checked with Doc whether can i carry her...he said can but try to minimise it but is good to have her on the lap instead.

That's great! Very excited for you too! U can start buying some bb stuff this weekend. If not u can start asking anyone got bb stuff to give in this thread.

Think u should call TOUCH to check on yr status. U have submitted more than 2mths now rite?
That's excellent news. Just keep doing what you have been doing. Just rest! Don't take a chance and lift heavy items. Will be crossing my fingers for you. If you pantang also, dun have to tell k...and I reaslise that I should stop asking you

You should check with TOUCH on the HSR, and see if your turn is coming next. I am not getting my hopes up until I have the approved HSR in my hands, and my bb's dependents pass. It will be a dream come true, and the journey will be worth it. How is the move coming along?

So exciting! Make use of all the sales to get some nice clothes for ur little one. Let us know if u need any help.
ladies, how come you all ignore new comers? haha

Sweetbaby, nobody in the recent posts(since i joined in July) adopted from local orphanage. Maybe b'cos most of us are first time mothers so orphan might still be a challenge for us as we have no experience with kids yet. If you are thinking of that, good for you!!!

Babylove, so glad your home interview is so soon after your office's interview. I'm so happy for you. you shld ask touch on the dependent pass.

sorry i haven't been writing. I've been trying to rush my work so that i can finish them before my adoption leave next Thursday. So much work still!!
Do you experience yr boy flip over and sleeping by his tummy in the middle of the nite? By the way, yr boy sleep by his back or tummy? Recently my girl will flip over and sleep by her tummy and her face on the mattress. We worried she will suffocate herself during the nite while we sleeping.
Ladies, any suggestion? Any way to prevent her from flipping during the nite?

we not ignoring new comer just donno what to reply her. hehe

Good that u can relax from next week and start building bond with your girl. U must have missed her so much.
Managed to find the Lucky Baby pillow at Carrefour. Yuli, it is called Suprecomfort infant pillow. It says it is breathable and lessen the occurence of flat head syndrome as it has a special concave design. Hope it works on him.

good to hear from you. was wondering what happened to you! Glad to hear that you will be enjoying motherhood fully in a few days! yes, somehow we were all absorbed in our conversation that we overlook sweetbaby's question...

Welcome. Sorry can't help much as most of us went thru agent. May be can introduce yourself...

Seems your daughter is very active, even in her sleep! I'll be worried if I were you too when she sleeps on her stomache. Do you have the baby safe mattress?It is a special mattress with hole on it. I bought it in Robinson. Sorry, dont have other suggestion. Did not have this pb with my elder girl.

I think it is ok to call and ask where you stand. I am sure they understand your anxiety. Otherwise, just email them.

Your girl recovered? no more fever? My boy going for his jab tomorrow.

I guess you are enjoying this long week end with your boy. or doing some last minutes cleaning for next week?

Enjoying your shopping? What have you bought so far?

Wondering how you are. Drop us a line when u r free.
Hi ladies,
Just want to check what kind of health insurance for the adoption kid did you purchase?

I've bought babycot and some baby's clothes.
For insurance, need to wait till all papers are finalized...I called a few insurance agent and they all said the same thing. It is quite sad that we can't start taking insurance the moment they are home with us.

I am sure you had lots of fun shopping. Don't forget milk bottles and diapers !
Hi All

My hubby and I are very interested to adopt. We have a 2 and half year old boy and recently lost our younger son to heart and other complications.Due to several issues its very unlikely that we would conceive naturally again. Can anyone share with me the procedure and cost? Did most of u adopt thru TOUCH?
Hugs to you. I can't imagine the pain you had to go thru. As for adoption, you can read information on mcys website and you can also call them. But in short, you need a home study report if you are planning to adopt from overseas. Mcys has accredited a few agencies to conduct this report and touch is one of the agency. Most ladies in this thread are/have used touch. But if you want to adopt locally, no home study report is required. Most of us have used agency for local and overseas baby. In addition to providing home study report, touch is also an accredited agency for china. For babies from other countries, you can contact local adoption agencies. Most of us are using lotus international. Hope it helps.
sweetbaby, I'm so sorry to hear about your younger son. I pray that he will be happier in heaven.
I pray that in the meantime, you will experience a miracle and conceive naturally!
You may want to check Touch website and find out when is their next 'Pre-adoption' workshop. They will hand out a set of forms and information which will help you get started. To get approval for Home Study Report(HSR), it takes at least 2 months, depending how busy is TOuch or other centres. There are quite abit of paper works to submit before the HSR will start. I started filling up in July, submitting the forms to Touch in mid August and got my approval at end Oct. At the same time, I also identified a baby girl at end Oct! After 6 yrs of infertility, I'm finally a mother!

There's an agent fees which include legal works for my agent. I don't like to write numbers but it's around the cost of 2 and half times of IVFs.
I hope you can consider adopting from the orphanage, like you first mentioned. Do share with us when you have more information please.

SweetCl05 and dream, thanks for reminding me about insurance! I almost forgotten about it!

Sweetclo5, you bought baby cost?? It's fun seeing a cot at home right?? I was so happy when I set up the play pen, waiting for baby to come home! I can imagine how happy you are! I'm doing a dance for you!
looks like you have found the pillow. How much did u get it? I can't remember how much i bgt...tot of buying another 1 cos this current one is getting yellowish. I don't want to wait till it smells then i change by then my girl will stick to the smelly one.

Hugz....sorry to hear abt your son. Hope u be strong. Glad u moving forward and looking for a new life in your family.

happy shopping for yr girl huh...that's great!

Regarding insurance...which will u ladies look into? more on their education or their life (medical). My hubby is looking more on education which we found 1 with Manulife.

Check with u....have u received anything from the court yet? have u received her approved citzenship? I haven't received anything yet...and we hoping our girl can be a citizen by end of this year.
Hi all

Thank you for your kind words, it was a difficult journey losing my boy but we hope to give another child the love and concern that every child deserves.

i'm hoping to adopt locally (with or without agency) before venturing to neighbouring countries. Is it true that the waiting time is longer? Anyone when thru this route before?

Congrats to all the new mummies and mummies to be!
Hi Sweetbaby,
So sorry for not replying any earlier. I am really sorry to hear about your loss. It must have been a tough time for you and your family. I admire your strength and courage to make a difference in another child's life, after your loss. A big hug to you. I think for local adoption no homestudy is required, however the waiting list is long. But I don't think there is any harm in finding out. No matter which you choose, welcome to the group!
to stop bb from flipping over, just ensure that there is a pillow at her sides, so that when she flips over, she does not flip over completely. That is a suggestion by one of my mummy friends

Yes, it was a good weekend with my boy. He has started to give me little cuddles with his arms. It's so comforting, but I feel guilty when I leave on Sunday. I alway rock him to sleep, then leave. I don't want him to see me say goodbye to him. It makes me sad, and I don't know what it does to him. I really look forward to having him back here with us. I am starting to count down the days. I miss my prince.
Great to hear from you and as babylove said it, welcome to the group! Hope we can support you in this new journey.

Pillow was SGD9.90 if I recall correctly. PD said his head is too flat and I need to force him to sleep on his side. Otherwise, it will be permanently flat. Really worried. i hope it is not too late. Anybody had this issue?

Glad you enjoyed your week end and just remember that you are at the finishing line. Hang in there, ok. Tomorrow is another BIG day for you. Wish you all the bests

This week end was very stressful. Decided to bring him out for the first time on Friday but then he came up with fever on Friday night! Brought him this morning to the hospital to do blood and urine tests as he still had fever this morning. Was really worried...He was screaming when the nurse poked him for his blood. I felt so sad as I could see his tears rolling down. Luckily, tests came back negative. So, I guess it is a virus. Hopefully, fever would come down today or tomorrow. So, just be careful. Lots of virus going around.
Hi Dream,
A big hug to you. I can imagine the stress. As it is our hearts break when bb is being jabbed for their vaccinations, so I can really feel your sadness. Hope his fever breaks by today.
BlessBB - how r u doing ? hope u r well. haha, ur girl and her bolster phase now ya

Babylove - u will be getting ur hsr report approved soon. Your boy will be SG before you know it. Tat's wonderful !!! Thx for the recommendation on the book. Will look for it and try the library.
Sweetcl, how's the baby ? Any news from Alice ? You bought baby stuffs. It is becoming real soon. So happy for you dear.
Yuli, i hope ur baby is well now.
Janella, has Touch contacted you already ?
sweetbaby, I am sorry to hear about your younger son. Be strong and welcome to the group.
dream, your heart must break seeing ur boy cry. Hope he is better now.
iwantitvmuch, ur girl is so cute leh. want to hug her tight esp. when she laugh. U must miss her much during ur offsite.
for me, today is so stressful clearing 800+ email. whao, my holiday rest seems to be going off soon. haha.. back to email. hugs to u all.
elle, 800+ email. at least someone and I have the same workload. hahaha. Thank you. my girl is very sweet and lovely even when she cries, you don't want to scold her.

my baby doesn't use pillow cos Alice said no need. do you think I should start letting use a thin pillow?? She's 10 weeks old now .
Great to have you back. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. A new chapter in your life is starting soon. Must be very excited.

Thinking of you! let us know how the home interview went. Hope your bb can be home with you REAL soon.

Seems like after coming back from all the tests, his fever broke down. So relief but he is stil very weak. I think he lost a few pounds as he had no much appetite then. His neck is not as strong as before. I guess it would take him a few days to recover.

how are you feeling?

Your girl recovered? How are you?

Not really sure whether pillow is really necessary but if you want to buy one, you may want to buy the one recommended by Blesswbb or the babysafe pillow. Both seem safe for bb as they let the air go through it.

Hope you will hear from Touch very soon. How is packing?

Any news from Alice? Must be excited.
Hi ladies

I've just finished packing up and we are now putting up at my parents place as our new flat is still not ready yet. And then will come all the unpacking!

Still no news yet from TOUCH. I'm getting worried now. Anyway, I'll email TOUCH about our change in address and using that as an excuse, I'll enquire about our status.

Dream,I'm so glad that your son's fever has gone down.Must have been a stressful period for you.

Elle,I hope you had a wonderful holiday! Now I think you're going to have your hands full getting baby stuff if you had not done so yet!

Babylove, I share the same sentiments as Dream! Your baby is going to be with you very soon! You must be so excited!

Sweetbaby, hugz! I just cannot imagine what you must have gone through! Maybe you can also pick up some books from the library to learn more about adoption. I'm still doing that right now and they are very inspiring. Welcome to this thread!

BlessBB, hope you are keeping well and are in high spirits. You are in my prayers!
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the concern. I'm feeling fine...but this morning start to get worried as i see some pinkish spot...wonder is implantation spotting or.... I'm still monitoring if things doesnt look good will have to go for bloodtest tmr.

for the 1st 3mths pillow is not necessary but as they grow u will need one. Get one light and safe pillow as baby will tend to cover themself with piilow once they learn to grab things.

thanks for the advise...bgt another big bolster and place it on her right (she tend to flip from the right). Looks like is better as she can't flip with the bolster blocking her way.

Not to worry too much that your boy got difficulty sleeping by his side. Once he learning to flip he will always be turning to his side. But for the time being u should still trying using bolster to make him sleep by his side.

Welcome back. Hope u enjoyed your holiday. Wow 800 emails...u must be shagged...

Don worry TOUCH will contact u...since u have email them they will look into your case.
hi everyone! Didn't get an opportunity 2 post earlier.

Sweetbaby, Welcome n sorry 2 hear abt yr loss. It must hv bn such a trying time 4 u. I did put my name with two shelters 4 unwed mums but the waitlist is realy long. My husband has bn working with an orphanage in Thailand n we tried that avenue but there was a lot of paperwork n we weren't familiar with wat was needed etc. after a coupla mths, we went thru Lotus International (alice) n we now hv a 4.5 mth daughter.

Babylove, thinking of u as u hv yr home visit. 3/4 way now. Lil Prince will b home soooooon! So nice 2 read abt his cuddles specially for u! I can't wait 4 when my dd can do that! how old is he now? 6mths?

IwantitvmuCh, yr dd is adorable! I love her smile ;) She looks slightly different fr that first pic Blesswbb posted. She definitely looks like she's thriving! good job, mommy!

sweetclo, how's baby girl?

Ellebaby, welcome home! r u going thru Alice as well?

Janella,hope Touch can give u a status update.

Blesswbb, how many days past trsfer now? fingers crossed tightly for u!

Dream, my dd got flat head BUT back of head is flat. she slps in concave pillow since coming home n we massage her head too BUT still flat.
Someone suggested maybe her birth parents r hainanese.......cos they say hainanese hv flat heads. I had nvr heard of that b4 ;)
