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  1. L


    Hi Dennis, I was with Dr SF Loh too, and was successful during on my 1st IVF. My bb is 8 mths old. My hubby and me felt that: Pros: 1. His success rate is very very high, in fact he is well known for his magic hands 2. He is a very pragmatic man, and will not hard sell things that are...
  2. L

    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Jaspire, Can i join your GD support group, my bb born on Apr 17th, now also on visual cards...moving on to coloured visual cards tomorrow. My MSN account [email protected]
  3. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Dawn, Thanks, my spotting stopped. mine single only la, no multiples. Petals, I also gone facial only, wow, so relaxing therapist somemore did shoulder massage all the way to my lower back...wa shiok shiok hehe Weiwei, KK uses Friso, so continued with it. Ya, think will only do...
  4. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, Weiwei and Dawn, Thanks for yr advise and glad to know that bbs are back in your arms. BB is now abt 4.8kg liao, continued with KK's formula brand. me got a little depressed and paranoid, quarrelled w nearly everyone, haha, better than u all, in laws, hubby and my own mom and sis...
  5. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi all, Sorry i only manage to read the thread only now. On 17th April, I was admitted for emergency c-sect cause bb heartbeat dropped. BB was so small (only 2.06kg) and I was so worried and cried many times. After that I went for confinement at my mom's place and there was no internet...
  6. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, On sat night the piles started bleedg at 2am, got frighten so went 24 hr clinic. The MO admitted me cause she said I got regular contractions. Got to see and experience the delivery ward, hehe, dry run. Dr Loh came at 9am, push the piles in and said everything ok, can be discharged but...
  7. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Thanks Petals for always remembering us. Haiz, me got serious hemmorrhoid, now sit also pain, ps also pain, donno what to do Hospital bag packed, leave also taken as fm 30/4. Pray that everyone delivering soon a safe and smooth delivery
  8. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals & Nano, Cause at one position when he measured the baby's wt was same as last round at 1.2 kg, only after changing a few position did the wt move up to 1.6kg. Donno how they determine wt hor...
  9. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, Ya, just went to Taka baby fair, thought of buying mattress, but no size. Finally found in kiddy palace. Also went Kaki Bukit, but I felt things there are expensive, better off at Robinson and John Little when they are running promo. Came back from Dr Loh's visit, baby only...
  10. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi All, Thanks for remembering me, I am well and at 30weeks going 31 weeks. Tomorrow going to see dr loh at 9:50am. last scan @ wk 28 was 1.276 kg. Now very worried with labour, but guess I will cross the bridge when I reach it hor...thot of telling dr loh i want cesarian leh, but don't...
  11. L

    Any comments about KKIVF?

    Hi NZ, I am with Dr SF Loh too, succeeded IVF on my 1st try. Now 22.2 weeks pregnant. Although he is a busy man, there are a few things why I would still choose him if I want a next BB: 1. He replies email within a day 2. His success rate in IVF is very high (abt 45%-50%) known for his...
  12. L

    (2008/05) May 2008

    Moony, U r not alone, me very scared too worried that I cannot rush to hospital in time for labour, worried that epidural is painful, worried that delivery room too cold, worried that no strength to push bb out.... aiyo, me so useless hor
  13. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Nano & Petals, Tell u something even worse, one of my friends found out her BB has no heartbeat on week 9, on the morning b4 D&C, she asked for another scan. Know what the sono told her in China Chinese "Scan Scan for what, already gone, still scan!!" in agitated voice No, they did...
  14. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, Me too, was 5pm that day and they were all in a hurry to go home. But my sono was quite diplomatic and nice still. When I went for my second scan, I was given priority to go first. Haha, overall feeling was not too good, sono v aloof, except for one, think her name is Yvonne.
  15. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, Detailed scan abt 20 minutes, did not ask the size nor the weight of BB, cause the sonographer seemed so focused, so did not want to disturb her. Yes, all detailed scan are done at ADC. Nano, U gg for 2nd scan too...not to worry too much, everything will be fine Weiwei, The...
  16. L

    (2008/05) May 2008

    Yanling, I had bleeding too, dr checked my cervix and it was closed. Put me on a lot of bedrest (1 mth), progesterone, nifedinpine and injection, now ok liao, so not to worry too much.
  17. L

    (2008/05) May 2008

    Hi sisters, A little update, my amnio result came out ok, and also just did my 20 wk detailed scan, also ok. Thanks for all the re-assurances. Now can concentrate on preparing BB's stuff. Smurferoos, Yr gynae, Prof john Tee, was very experienced and fast when he did my amnio. He completed...
  18. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi all, Thanks for all your wishes. Just did my detailed scan at week 20, all normal. KK charge me twice, 1st round 70+ and cause bb not co-operative needed 2nd round and charged 40+, on 2nd round found 2 white dots on lungs but dr loh said ok. Weiwei, So happy for you, soon u will be able...
  19. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi All, Just got my amnio result, so happy that is it ok and I am expectg a little prince Thanks for all your best wishes and have a Merry Christmas!
  20. L

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Petals, yes i went this morng for amnio. Prof tee did it in less than 3 min, wow, i was amazed at his experience. Now restg in bed. Nano, my detailed scan is 26 dec follow by dr visit. Thx for the reassurance. weiwei, thx for the encouragemt, v motivating.
