IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi all,

I did my 1st FET @ TMC recently and tested +ve.. Still staying @ hme after 2ww till nw... Dr will scan me after 2 wks later..

Just to chk w all sisters out there, anything we should avoid/eat during this period..

As i have 2 previous m/c, i dun dare to go out.. so, i thk mayb staying @ hme is much better for me till 12 weeks..

Nano, my feet started swelling when i was 4 month plus...all the way till i deliver....very cham, so i could oni wear one large pair of sandles to work.

buying the compression socks help if it really get serious, during my 6month plus, it swelled horribly and i wore compression socks which help....can buy from KK pharmacy or any pharmacy.

weiwei, my son also saw the cardiologist last monday, is it Dr. Tan teng soon? he quite nice hor? mine he say also most prob is an innocent heart murmur.

vivi, congrats and welcome. think 1st semester, folic acid is more impt, the rest of the vitamins/fish oil/calcium is impt during 2nd and 3rd trimester.
but no harm starting to drink more milk now!!!
i don't have any swelling at all until today i suddenly noticed that my ring is getting a little bit tighter.any way to counter it
good morning,

please advise me... for those of you who have already 1 child, how do you decide whether to put in 2 or 3 embryo? based on what? thank you so much...
Hi Petals,

Congratulation! So on which date did you deliver them, i've delivered mine on 25th March. Hope that they will discharge from the hospital soon.

Both babies and i discharge from hospital on 28th March and no jaundic at all. Ever since my discharge, my day and night has been erratic. Trying to catch their feeding time and the amount they consume is enough to keep you through sleepless night. As they are low birth weight babies (my gal 2.2kg and my boy 2.35kg at birth), they can't stomach much milk at one time so have to feed them frequently. Further more the temperature in HK dropped till 17 degree for the past few days and the worst is that i've not prepare any winter wear and all the clothing that i have for them including some which are meant for newborn are just too big for them which can't keep them warm enough.

After all these, having them is really a bundle of joy! Take care and will try to load in here whenever times allowed.
needlephobia, drink lots of water and reduce salt intake will help to reduce water retention and hence reduce the swelling. ;)

theresa, congrats! ;) u must be happy that the babies are discharged together with you! do load their photos when u r settled down and more free. How about getting those "gro-bag" that can keep the babies warm....saw that some times the SMO have bulk purchases...many US BABY websites also sell them, another way is to swaddle them with thicker blanket?

i m so happy that last nite, my boy slept thro more than 8 hours and my gal 7 hours!!! hope they keep it that way, so that i can get more sleep.;)

Thanks. I finally graduated to this thread. I still couldn't believe that i'm pregnant.
I had my FET in february. Put in 3 remaining embroyos. Now, i'm carrying a singleton. Looking forward to every scan.

Congrats! Remember to send us pics of your precious little ones. Take care of yourself.
It is interesting, all of us who did ivf later is now carrying singleton(except Petals), whereas our seniors who graduated have twins n triplets

I already cannot put on my rings since 2wks ago. Ya, do as wat Dawn advised, it is supposed to help reduce the swelling. Also, at night when you sleep, pop up yr feet higher than yr heart, the swelling shd improved by nx morning. But it will come bk again during the day. Try to raise yr leg up abit when u sitting in office...eg put boxes below yr desk(got wat i'm trying to say?)

Welcome! Hope we can share wif each other here. Do come in often.
congrats congrats.. dont wory bout postnatal depresion, but i think your hormones will still be unstable, as for me, i cried a couple times, dunno bcause of tired or overjoy.. until now, i still do. hahhaa..

welcome to the group.

how much milk do your babies take now? how many hours interval? wht time is the last meal before bed?

how bout urs? how r u? must be pretty hectic around there.

i'm still struggling with babies time, whether i should give them fixed schedule or not, but unable to do it myself cause sometimes hubby is still sleeping, still worry of over feeding them, sometimes if babies sleep more than 4hours in the afternoon, worry if they dont get enough milk.

congrats on your babies oso.
They take about 100 to 150ml depending on the time of the day. now usually the interval is about 3 to 4 hrs.......last meal is between 8 to 10pm.

Yes, my babies do oversleep some times even more than 5 hours! but they seem quite ok, with that stretch....i also no fixed schedule yet, still feeding on demand.
babywishing & pinky panter

congrats n welcome to e thread


hihi. congrats!! must b excited to see ur babies hor. their weight quite ok not so low la, dun worry.

re e temp in HK, ya, swaddle them with thicker blanket s good n babies wil feel secure also.i wrapped mine until they full mth if nt they cant sleep well. do they sell clothes for premature babies? understand mothercare got sell for even 1.3kg babies.


en...think it's quite common. i hav hole in e heart also, same as my baby's, but only find out last year. shouldnt b a prob to our babies.


hello!! my meimei n didi quite ok n they wil usually follow 3hourly feeding schedule unless after shower then wil demand earlier. but my korkor lor, sad to say he has his own will lor. drink 80mls then fall asleep. then 1 hour later he wil wake up ask for another 40mls. hai...my mil la, anyhow giv water in e night. he used to take a bit then sleep liao.

dawn, deasy

according to r nurse in kk, should feed babies 3 hourly as their blood sugar wil drop if too long never feed. but she never say until babies how old so dun knw now we should still follow or not.
weiwei, think initial first few weeks need to feed at 3 hourly interval, esp if they premature, wun be able to take the dip in the low blood sugar. now should be quite ok bah, as they need to learn to sleep through the night and they can stomach a larger amount of milk to last them a longer period.
wow, so many posts to catch up!

I also didn't have any swelling when pregnant. Only got it after i delivered, but they did make me wear the compression stockings b4 and after my opern...now ok already Try to rest with your feet raised on a pillow.

dawn, weiwei,
Thanks for all your help...really appreciate it. I'm taking neurogain cos it's suitable for b/feeding too. My iron and vit c was prescribed after the c-sect, but running out soon. I'm also eating fish and drinking the fish-papaya soup. Oh, cannot eat black chicken now ah? Just had it yesterday...oops. Oh, my fever was just that day, it subsided by evening....i think it's cos of all the "bu" food too heaty for me. Weiwei, so glad to hear ur bb's heart appmt went well...

Hi viviself,
congrats!! Folic acid is most impt and necessary for 1st trim. In 2nd trim, doc will start giving you other multi-vits and calcium etc. I also drank HL milk thoughout pregnancy. All the best!

Thanks. How r u doing? Do u know the gender yet?

Pinky Panter,
congrats on ur BFP!! Just take it easy and don't carry heavy stuff or over-stretch. Avoid raw or half-cooked food like h/boiled eggs & sashimi.

Congrats!! So nice ur bbs are home with you. Yes, better wrap them up in those thicker blankets since the temp so low over there. I think fleece is warmer than cotton right? Oh, mine was 2 days after yours. Do you latch them on or express your BM?

Hi! ya, i also dunno why i cry so easily during those few days...cry until very cham...i think hormonal and so many worries at that time all converge when i finally had a chance to relax and think abt it. But now ok already.
How r ur bbs?

Just relax and to not worry too much...know it hard for a first time mum, especially when babies' early arrival is a little unexpected. But I believe you can make it. Got to be strong for bbs..

As for me, apart from the hard and tighteness of my tummy, the rest are pretty much usual. My rashes are still there but not so bad as a month ago. During detailed scan, one is confirmed a Princess while the other not certain yet but we believe it's a princess too.
hi Petals..

how's ur c-sect wound..? better alraedy..?


hope u get a pair of LFT!!

weiwei, dawn, petals..

do u ladies intend to look after ur babies urselves after the maternity leave period is over..? do u think that maid is reliable nowadays ? hmmm...i thinking of whom i can depend on to look after my bb in the future.hehe.. :p

I have gotten a maid last dec, filipino and luckily she is very good (she has 8 children herself) and v hardworking, can take care of the kids better than my mum and mil. so i will take afew more months of NPL (though...i would love to quit and stay home to look after them, but it will be financially more stressful for hubby to go single income) then return to work prob in sept.
babies got their polio and dpt-I immun shot yesterday, today temperature a little bit higher, 37,4 and 37,6. the shot area is swollen a bit, so compress with warm water. thanks God so far is okay. my confinement lady came back yesterday to visit babies and will stay until april 13.

i think i experience calcum deficiency as my knees and back hurt. hik...hik.. wonder if we could take supplement if we BF.

koko is taking 120ml 3hourly, meimei is taking 90ml 3 hourly, sometimes within half hour meimei would demand more, but we just give her pacifier, if she's satisfied, ok lo, if not, give her plain water, sometimes cannot tahan liao then give her 45ml or 60ml. usually they can stand for 2hours then start feeling hungry liao.
ya, like what hopes says...maybe u might get LFT!

I have no plans for a maid yet...also don't really trust them with babies unless supervised by family members. Unless lucky enough like Dawn to get a more mature one who has kids of her own, cos some of the younger ones can't handle young babies.

Your CL so nice to come back n visit u? Like u, I was also wondering if we can take our calcium tablets. Haven't been drinking much milk as I'm now drinking the red date & longan drink. Do u latch on or EBM?
deasy, i also have back pain and knee pain....din know that is cos of calcium deficiency? in fact 2 weeks ago, when i bent down to wiped off some of the milk vomitted out onto an arm chair, there was a very sharp pain in my back and i fell to the ground. couldn't bend for the next few days.....and went to a chinese physician to tui na. then i must drink more milk liow.

gals, my gal having very bad reflux, keeps vomitting out her milk the whole day. is there any soln other than feeding less and burping more? my MIL says must be cos i sometimes feed her until the milk tuned cold and never warm up the milk again. is it true? :-(

thanks for sharing...

i still have abt 4 mths to come to a decision...hehe.. stress..:p
I'm not sure but I don't think the milk temp makes a diff...don't let ur MIl make u feel guilty, cos in hospital the nurses feed bbs the milk at room temperature. Maybe check w your paed later? Could it be the teat size?
petals, yah MIL always will make me feel i m not doing a good job. saying cold milk will cos tummyache? but i remembered d twins were fed milk which r not heated up also....cos it is those instant prepared milk formula which u juz open the bottle and can feed the babies liow mah. Are u feeling better now?

u r welcome.
how r u? r u sending BM to kk everyday? remember to take enough rest n keep urself warm dun go under e fan or aircon. i din follow e confinement rules n kept going out during mine, now whole body ache need to do frequent tui na. the TCM physician said i got arthritis liao.


hi ur bbs 3 mth liao ah, so fast!! maybe ur meimei s reminding u, hey mummy, i need more milk each feeding. just change e teat for my boys to no. 3 (for 3mth+) as they drink much slower these few days. with e new teat, they manage to finish 120mls n 140mls within 20-30mins each time. my gal s 2.5kg last wk, putting on weight well compare to herself. she s drinking 80mls of BM each time n very often she wil cry 2 hours after e last feeding for e next one. so i think it's e time to increase her feeds again.
but in e night, i m a bit selfish giv her FM (neosure) coz can tahan longer so i dun need to pump so often for her. heehee.....

i also got back pain n knee pain. but taking anmum lacta, should b able to cover e calcium i need leh. never mind, drink more fish bone soup can already.

dawn, petals

e milk should b e same as out body temp just like fresh flow out frm mummy. hospital s giving a bit cold coz want to save e nutrition n also, save trouble. their room temp is about 23-24 degree only. too cold babies may hav wind in e tummy which quite uncomfortable for them. some babies even develop diarrhea after drinking cold milk. but some babies can take milk at whatever temp also no prob. it really depends. no need to b so warm la, just same temp as ur arm can liao. but dun test in a aircon room, not accurate.


re: mil prob, me also having a hard time with mil. she has her own way of bring up e child n insist her ways of doing things. yesterday said i put too much water in e basin to bath babies. said i waste money! i said if too little babies wil feel cold n they may fall sick tat's more costly than putting more warm water in. end up she dun bath e babies n leave it with me n my mum to do. ok la, like tat if she dun like then dun do lor. nobody can force others mah.


i also dun like maid coz hav seen so many cases of maid abuse child. although got conflict with mil sometimes, but one thing for sure, she doesnt intend to harm e babies, tat's good enough liao.

wow, ur kids so fast change to no.3 teats liow....mine just changed to no.2 teats last week oni when realised the boy took 1 hour to finish his 120ml, now like u say, much faster 20 min can liow.

yes, i agree that MIL ultimately means well cos they love their grandchildren.....maybe she not my mother, so u dun take her comments that well. think if comes from my own mum, i wun be upset?
dawn, weiwei,
I'm feeling better now, thanks. But walking still not very graceful leh... Ya, i go visit daily but my EBM still not enough for both, but luckily can see my ss is increasing every day. Do u gals try to latch them on? Hee, will also see if I have MIL prob when the bbs are back, cos sure to have diffce in opinion on some things due to generation gap. I'm eatg confinemt food w ginger, but will turn on aircon whenever i'm hot cos they said blow fan direct is worse than aircon...better for me cos now weather so hot.

Did u have a big celebration for ur bbs' full mth? And was your gal back home yet at that time? Thinking how to celebrate cos i don't want too many people around them if they have just been discharged.
petals, haha....will never be graceful for a long time. nowadays i go out and wear heels, my sis and hubby larffs at me cos they say i walk very aunty. dunno why, think 9 months pregnancy never wear heels, plus at home confinement no wear shoes for a long time, dunno how to walk with shoes liow. need to learn how to walk gracefully? ;)

i oni celebrate my full month with a lunch with PIL n my own parents n sister even though i felt like throwing a buffet party. luckily din, cos we were tired out just sending cakes to relatives that day, can imagine if i have to entertain 50 to 100 guests! but i know everybody looking forward to seeing the multiples, so r disappointed we din throw a party for celebration.
yup, CL is nice and funny oso, so i can put more smiles on my face,
me unable to pump milk out so i just let them latch on, sometimes meimei can satisfied but not for korkor, unless in the middle of the nite at the time he is quite lazy to drink and not very hungry but feeling like drinking, that can do.

dumb me, i just know teat got number meh? hahaha.. i know only size S,M,L. i use teats that come with bottle, that no 1? korkor finishes 120ml in 10-15min, meimei finishes 90ml around 10-15min oso. i remember when korkor first milk was S26 (wyeth), he finished his 60ml milk in 30-60min, i guess he composition is too heavy for him, or perhaps too fat for him. now their milk is nutrilon royal 1. i give them same milk, will finish 1 tin of 800gr in a week.

mayb you can try burp your girl in the middle of feed. i just consulted my doc, my girl oso can vomit milk, have stomach wind, and doc said probably alergic to milk, if she keeps vomitting, mayb can change to soya base milk, some babies cannot tahan animal base milk e. how much do you feed your girl? 3hourly oso?

btw, dunstans bb language is good lor, helps a lot with me and babies cause they do make sound like tht to communicate, but sometimes confuse with korkor cause he doesnt really cry much, hahaha, only making grumpy sound, like oldman, wakakakaa... but meimei, phew, very "xiong" one, scream to the top of the world, but now we know wht she wants, its much better, especially if after feeding she wants to burp but unable to do it, we are not very confused liao wht she wants exactly, oso looking for hungry sign, i put attention to hungry and burping sound, cause its more critical. so now if they cry b4 their meal time we're not busy making milk and let them have it. we hear the sound they make, sometimes blur blur in the mid of the nite can confuse oso. haahaa... but practise make perfect la.

huh, no.1 teat s for newborn leh. frm 2nd mth should change to no.2 already. ur boy must been sucking extra hard.


cont to pump n giv ur babies EBM. for e 1st 1.5 year in babies' life, it's e most important nutrition for them n hav antibodies tat wil protect them frm getting sick. so jia you! mummy!!

din hav any celebration for thir full mth as my gal was still in nicu tat time. initially wanted to hav a 100 days celebration but now dun want anything liao. ya, they wil be more prone to infection compare to those full term babies. kk dr advice us dun bring babies out to crowded place for e 1st 6 mth when my gal was discharged last mth. so we decided to stay at home n hav a mini mini celebration for now. wait they turn 1 year old then can invite many ppl to my place liao.
haha, u so funnee...u walk like aunty, i think i walk like granny now...think i can't walk with my legs closed cos my hips expanded during pregnancy and haven't gone back yet.

U can latch on so mnuch easier, cos pumping need a lot of work to wash, sterilise, thaw, etc. As for teat size, each brand will have their own numbering system. Like NUK, they not only have teat size (like size 1 for 0-6mth), they also have diff hole sizes (whether for milk or for thin liquids like water). So must read labels carefully. I was also quite blur when shoppg for bottles. Yeah, found out abt Dunston bb lang when i watched oprah's show. Thinking of getting the dvd.

ya, will prob have a mini celebratn too...just immed family. Huh, can pump for 1.5yrs ah...you going to do that? I aiming to try for 6mths first, then see how.

ya, i wil as long as i still hav BM.coz now mainly e BM wil go to my gal, who's only half e size of her bros. she s more prone to infection and she wil need a major surgery after her 1st bday. hav to really take care of her right now so next year she s stronger to fight over e operation. for e boys, i hav to say sorry n feel so guilty coz already stop givin them BM since we increase meimei's feeding volume.

dawn n me r using avent products so there r no. 1,2,3...maybe urs diff brand? as long as babies drinking well should b ok.
weiwei, i tried the teat number 2 when they 2nd month but they din like it leh, kept crying when feeding them with the bottle, so i switched back to number 1....n think i forgot about changing the teats after that haha....till last week! cos the boy was fussing when feeding. ;)

deasy, think i just changed the teats and my gal could not adjust, sucked just as hard, so think she gobbled everything down in less than 10 min, that is why i think she vomit. Difficult to stop her 1/2 way cos she sucks hard n wun let me pull out the bottle....think just have to let her slowly adjust. she now usually feeds 120 to 140ml at 3 to 4 hour interval. last nite she slept through from 630pm to 445am!

petals, yah the dunston baby lang quite good hor. i check the NLB they purchased the DVD but it is not ready for loan yet!
mine using pigeon and gerber bottle.

wahhh.. girl girl can sleep tht long ar? mine still wake up once every 3-4 hour, sometimes sleep 10min wake up liao. but they are not aiming for milk, korkor sometimes cannot finish 120ml ler then sleep liao and mouth close very very very tight, korkor feels like slimming down a bit but the weight is still increasing, probably getting taller, while meimei will just take whatever u put inside her mouth until cannot liao then vomit, me and hubby so worry see her belly grow wide and big not propotional to her.

babies now like to sleep on their chest, reducing their shocking movement, especially my girl, her hands like bali dancer, wakakakka.... sometimes at nite when she is fussy, i put her next to me, hold her hand and she sleep, no more carry carry, but sometimes she cries really hard must carry oso. we are so scared to see her cry, legs and hands all up, then squeeze their body, scream until face and body red like steam crab.

hows ur babies?
haha one time off oni....my gal gal back to 4 to 5 hours feed last nite. ;) yes, sometimes they v stubborn hor, mouth shut really tight, even tongue is held to the roof to the mouth, so that even when u force in the teats....also go under the tongue, so frustrating!

agree their hands always scare themselves and wake themselves up....
haha but how to hold her hand s when she sleep? means i no need to sleep? ;) hiaks
Hi Dawn,

I agreed with you that their hands always scare themselves, at this stage they don't know that is their hands and they don't know how to handle them so you have to swaddle them tightly (don't give chance). My twins struggle when i swaddle them so what i did is to free them from the swaddle when they are awake and reswaddle them tightly after their feed which they will be at a "drowsy" stage.
theresa, i oni swaddled them when they 1st month, then after that 1/2 swaddle,i.e below waist, nowadays coming 3 months liow, dun swaddle them oredi cos they so active...even after feed also no longer drowsy. gone were the days when they finish their milk, they r nodding off to sleep.......heheh.

my babies still 3 hourly feed leh, sometimes they ask for milk as early as 2 hours. only in e night they can sleep til 4 hours. i also sometimes hold my boys' hand when sleep. just hold e hand by his side can already.

dawn, deasy

found out my korkor' head not round shape leh.
he love to sleep on e right side n now e right side s more flat then left side. how ah? so worry if he grow up like tat then can not get gf.
theresa, dawn

ya, me also like dawn. only swaddleed them for e 1st mth. they wil sleep with hands n legs wide open. heehee...

gals, here s a pic of my 3 babies.
didi on e left, meimei in e middle, korkor on e right side.
weiwei, cute picture, your didi really big sized!
How heavy is he now? last time my son also like to sleep one side...so I went to buy yaolan at about 6 weeks, so that the head so rounder lor, cos yaolan cannot put your head sideway mah .....wahhaaahaa...evil mummy! so hor, so fast think about his galfren liow ah!!!

yes yes....my kids nowadays sleep until very chor lor one....hands and legs open wide, plus will rotate one, usually in the morning will realise, they have each made a 90 degree rotation. ;)
i let my girl sleep on my side, after she's sound asleep then i put her in bb box lor.

didi so big ho, hihihi... my hubby so amazed ler seeing their pic.
my boy's head also not very round and now worry if his cheek will be unbalance also cause now he likes to sleep on his chest, girl also like to sleep on her chest but then will scream loud when she's unable to turn her head while korkor will move up to find colder spot on bed. hihii..

my CL will swaddle them tight and hubby or me will release them, hihihi, cause we think our girl tends to move and then bcause get swaddled she force herself to move and then vomit.

do you mommies talk to your babies when feeding them? or in the morning?
dawn, deasy

didi was 5.3kg when we took e pic(last week). korkor 5kg n meimei 2.8kg.
nowadays they dun like to be hold in a lying position, must hold them upright n support their head so they can look around.


yes, i talk to them whenever i m with them. they must find mummy very noisy. heehee...they wil make all kind of sounds like yee...ah...oh...er..., like having conversation with us.
Woh, weiwei, ur babies are beautiful. Were you with SGH Care for ur IVF program?

Im staring mine in May. Hoping for the best. Leave it to God.
Dawn, ya, I think I'll get the dvd set...looks v interesting. But u borrow frm library, won't it be in great demand and hard to get?

Deasy, my bbs now slowly gaining weight...but my gal still lower than her birth weight at the moment, putting on weight slower than her bro. Oh, the nurses advised us not to let bbs sleep on their chest at home, in case they accidentally sleep facedown. They said in hospital it's ok as there are nurses around to monitor 24/7.

weiwei, ur bbs are so so cute!! See already want to cuddle. Your gal looks very sweet!

nano, rammy, needle, LB,
how r u gals doing? Are u all prepared for ur delivery? Packed bags?
petals, the dvd is not released by the library...so can't be borrowed by anybody yet. ;)

weiwei, wow 5.3kg! ;) super power! 2 weeks ago went to kk, boy was 5kg, gal gal din go...but she always about 0.4to 0.5kg heavier than didi. recently, bad reflux, vomit so much, think has gone thinner.

deasy, i talk to them all the time like weiwei....hee heee. so now they can actually "engage" in conversation liow, answering with their ee, ooh, ahh, ehhh and goo....very fun.
ello mummies..

I have yet to graduate to this post, hope one day it will be my turn. I did IVF in Dec but no luck. Am supposed to go for natural FET but menses has been since irregular. My doc suggest tat i go for medicated FET i.e. taking hormone drugs to monitor the cycle better. I'm not sure if the medicated FET will work for me with more drugs. On the other hand, i dont wanna wait any longer.

Anyone here can share if their FET succeeded based on natural or medicated cycle?

many thanks
Hi ladies.. starting yesterday i was feeling tightening at my lower abdominal area at random periods (esp after meals) throughout the day. I feel better when lying down, but immediately after i woke and stood up this morning, the tightening feeling came again. It went away and after lunch, this strong tightening is felt again. I can no longer distinguish if this is normal bloatedness or stomach stretching due to baby growth, and it is getting increasingly uncomfortable. I sent DR Loh an email and he replied immediately that if this persists, i should go and see him.

I dun feel any pain or cramps except the tightening. Really make me worried especially DR Loh told me my baby is very low.

I will monitor over the nite, and if this persists.. i will probably request for an insert into the TPS queue tomorrow to see Dr Loh.

Any advise?
zoey, i also did ivf in dec 2006 and was unsuccessful, then menses MIA until april 2007 when i took medication to induce menses and started the FET cycle. I was successful with n now busy with my twins born jan 2008.
i know they say FET has lower rate of success, but do give it a try and good luck. oh yes, i also went for Chinese acupuncture during the FET, so i m not sure what helps.

michelle, trust your instinct. if you feel it is really not alright, do go to see Dr. Loh and check. At least it will put your mind at ease. At this stage, we have to do everything to ensure that our babies are ok. i remembered i kept bleeding in my first trimester and i was so worried and at times break into tears thinking i must have lost the babies when the blood flow become heavy. After visit to Dr Loh, i always feel better.
Thanks Petals for always remembering us.

Haiz, me got serious hemmorrhoid, now sit also pain, ps also pain, donno what to do

Hospital bag packed, leave also taken as fm 30/4.

Pray that everyone delivering soon a safe and smooth delivery


Thanks a lot for the advice. Tat's an encouragement for me. Will go ahead with FET this month and pray that everything will work out. Apart from accupunture, is there anything else i shd do/eat to increase my chances? As soon as my menses stop, will go for the accupunture.

Hope i can be as lucky as you. Strike with twins. O
