(2008/05) May 2008

no u are not being annoying. I had my fears too previously but once the baby is out, you will forget how pain u have been through. I was not on epidural when i gave birth previously. Though i tried the laughing gas but after 5 mins i gave up using that as it make me dizzy and want to puke so i endure the pain and hubby talking abt baby future helps a lot in relieving my pain. Maybe you can try to think of what you want to do with your baby when he arrive instead of thinking of labour, pain etc so that you will not be so scare.

Smurferoos.. u oso v brave leh.. -_-" i really wanna cry liao.. whenever i tink of giving birth i will start to shiver.. i told my hubby can i dun gif birth.. guess im the most useless woman.. haha
Jer.. i ask u hor.. after gynae stitch up.. hw to go toilet do small n big business?? wil lb v pain rite? sure will bleed rite??
For small biz, i still go as per normally. As for big biz, haha.. i was so scared to do big biz cos i was scared of pain then when the nurse check on me whether i pass motion then i said no then she grin and said "must be scared of pain rite that why never go pass motion" then i just nodded my head, haha.. so she gave me laxative then after that i realised do big biz is not as pain as i thought. Like what Smurferoos said it will heal quite fast, the stitch will start to dissolve in a week or 2. And the pain that i felt is not as in pain pain, its more like a light pricking pain, i dunno abt others but that was how i felt. As for bleeding, I can't remember as i was wearing maternity pad, dunno the blood stain is from the stitch or is the discharge from cervix/uterus(can't remember is from where).
U r not alone, me very scared too
worried that I cannot rush to hospital in time for labour, worried that epidural is painful, worried that delivery room too cold, worried that no strength to push bb out.... aiyo, me so useless hor
just to add that the pain i felt is not during the cut, is after labour. When gynae perform the cut, i dun feel any pain at all. We will be prescribe with pain killer after labour so pain felt really is not much. For mummy who breast feed, the pain killer is safe as I had asked the nurse.
Jer.. wah.. at least the nurse v gd to u.. haha.. dunno wat kinda nurse will i met.. im scare of old nurse.. they seems fierce.. which hospital u deliver in??

LB.. no lah u r nt useless lah.. i oso super paranoid de.. my hubby buay tahan me.. say i keep tinkin so much to scare myself.. ;(
Dear mummies and MTBs, I am from the Nov'07 thread, and am letting go my Medela PIS advanced breast pump (backpack style that comes with cooler box and 4 storage bottles) purchased on 11 Nov '07. As I have already given up breastfeeding, want to let go at $450, and giving away the following.

1> Medela PureLan 100 nipple cream (37g)
2> Medela breastmilk bags - 150ml (19pcs)
3> Pigeon breastmilk bags - 160ml (18pcs)


Before I purchased the Medela PIS, I had gotten a manual Medela Harmony pump too. Also letting go at $40 - barely used a few times, in very good condition.


Any enquiries/keen buyers, pls PM me. Thanks.

Bless you all.
i delivered in mt a. The nurse there are very friendly and joyful except one nurse that came into my labour ward when i first started having the real pain contraction and i shouted then she was kinda of like scolding me(using a stern tone) for not using epidural but i was like the more u say the more i dun wan to use epidural..lol..
haha.. wah u still can 'zhuo dui' wif the nurse.. i dunno my level of tolerance is til where n oso i dunno if i can take epidural bocs a GP told mi i gt slight slip disc which i still haf nt told my gynae cos i scare she will say i will need to go for c-sect.. ;( aiyo.. nw i started to feel dat it seems like nth gd for being preg.. ;(
moony, if u hv slipped disc... it is better to tell your gynae wor. You dun want any thing to happen to you during birthing. Its the last thing to expect wor.
Hey moony, don't feel that way. You creating a life here and you said it's nothing good. How can that be? There are many women and even men out there who wants to be pregnant but can't. Stay positive. Things will not be that bad.
I'm also wondering if I'll be able to have breastmilk for my girl after delivery. It's not a guarantee thing.

I'm reading bedtime stories for my baby every night. Keke... She doesn't have much response (Probably my story-reading skills not good enuf).
jaspire.. i will inform my gynae once i confirm wif my GP.. hopefully everything ok..

Cheri.. i understand alot of ppl wan kids oso dun haf but i really being far too paranoid.. oso tink dis n dat.. its like being so mentailly stres up..
Hi moony,

Its better that you inform your gynae that u ever have slight slip disc or should i say must inform your gynae about it. Like i said earlier, think of your baby.. what you going to do with your baby, think of who he going to look like(you or daddy?), think of how cute he going to be, think of places you want to bring him to etc... surely there is one good thing for being pregnant, that is the gift of life and its all worth it. Maybe you could talk to your hubby about the baby too so that you will not worry so much of your labour.
Hi, Moony. Maybe you can try to take up some sports (pre-natal yoga or pilates, aqua fitness for preggy) and meet up more with your friends. This way, you will not feel lonely and stressed up.

Remember, thinking too much does not aid in anything. Your mood now affects your cute baby too. Cheer up and stay positive.
Jer & Gina.. thanks for your advises.. ;) actually i feel so much better tokin to u gals here.. tell my hubby he oso wont understand even though i noe he is tryin to help.. anyway I will go library n borrow some books hopefully can let mi feel more +ve
Oh yes.. Shld read up some books about pregnancy. I have a book passed to me by hubby's SIL. I will read it every now and then. Read over the same pages about the baby's growth, mother's changes and labour this and that. It's interesting. Hope it will help you, moony!
i bought a good book from popular (so far i only saw it at thomson plaza and causeway point)

The Pregnancy Health Guide
*everything you need to know from conception to caring for a newborn*

they show u real photo all types of birth
-assisted delivery
-caesarean section
etc etc...
Hi Jaspire, I had my detail scan today & its baby boy. Can you help to update my status? Thanks...

Wow.. the discussion here move very fast, now we are in labour le. I am also very afraid whether I can endure the pain but I try not to think of it yet.

Many mummies told me how painful they are, undergo how many hours of pain, but when they saw their baby in front of them, they forgot about the pain.

Let's think of the better together...
u r not alone. i even injection oso scare leh...during the triple test hor i still to apply numbing cream... then havent reach TMC i oreadi start crying... or actually havent reach that day, almost every first few visits when my gynae talk about blood test or injection i will start crying.

then i requested for natural during my last visit but.. gynae suggest c-section under GA. hehehe.. she scare i runaway...

I would prefer to see my placenta if i can... But I'm undergoing C-Sect due to low placenta issue. I guess I can't even see it not to say consuming!
i guess you can still request the gynae to keep it for u if u want.

was thinking, after seeing, dunno still dare to eat or not !
Hi moony,
Just stay positive and enjoy the amazing journey of pregnancy

Hi peace(II),
never tot of eating it cos heard ppl say must know how to wash and clean it. I did not get to see my placenta previously. I lifted my head to take a look but the nurse took away b4 i could take a look. This time round, i will ask to look at it and told hubby this time MUST BRING VIDEO CAM!!! haha... cos previously never bring along and whatever happen down there, i have no idea.
wah.... u all talking about placcenta already ah...

hello! been Missing in acton these few days...
yesterday went to my detail scan.. the baby so funny.. sticking out his tongue when my gynae scan.. hehee..we were laughing away...

oh ya... Eu Yan San having sale on the bird nest... i have bought one box... tinking to stock up soon... but wonder whether bird nest got any help in baby anot.
just now i was shopping, suddenly felt dizzy and almost fainted, cant see anything..anyone encountered it b4?izzit because of "ping xie" ??


so far i only bought 1 box birdnest,and eat twice only..ard 3 weeks eat once..
muzicgal.. wah u very steady leh go for c-sect.. but i tot dat after dat u will feel worse cos the wound will b pain.. aiyo.. i really dunno hw man.. tinkin of giving birth i already feeling weak..

Jer.. i oso hope to tink +ve but whenever i tot of giving birth den my knees go weak.. -_-"
Hi Moony

I know how you feel, for my detail scan, I have to pass by the delivery ward, and i told my hubby, just looking at it is enough to send shivers down my spine! haha...think i am as 'useless' too..

I didn't even want natural birth, but my baby come out too fast already, i was in labour for 40 mins and the baby out already, so i am not prepared for natural birth, the nurse joked for my second one, a little pain must go in already, else deliver in Taxi. Don't worry, it is painful, but once it's over, after a few weeks the whole process won't be as traumatic!
ya lor... i mention that to my gynae, she say will take extra 2 weeks to recover, but at least i wun cry and runaway when i see those needle..there's a time the nurse wanna to poke my finger for blood test hor, i runaway leh...the worst case now is when i go extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist have to blindfold me, then his assistant take tissue and wipe my tears... and my hubby hold on to me, i kick and cry non-stop....the dentist say "dunno who is the next victim to extract my another wisdom tooth" haahaa..

did u eat anything when shopping? or u felt hungry or ur sugar level is low... better check with ur gynae... if fainted and hit something will be terrible...check in case lor...

i ever encounter giddy and abit blackout.. buts thats before i was pregnant.. tat time i tink i didnt eat and stomach very empty..

hope u are ok...
hi ladies,

these few days suffering from bad backache, since friday afternoon. not sure if it's cos i over-exerted myself on friday morning carrying a heavy box. felt terrible, and just a short walk of 30mins or so is enough to bend my back, the pain is quite terrible

wondering if i should take mc tomorrow, since i dunno how in the world i can survive standing for at leat 5 hours tomorrow, but then taking 1 day mc also won't make my backache better. somemore it doesn't look good to be taking mc so early in the year..

piggy mummy, i get dizzy and fainting spells when i have low blood sugar. cos when i drink something later it gets better. i also didn't know it's low blood sugar cos didn't really feel hungry or anything, but dr ang says to try to drink something sweet and it should be better.
doc soong told me she has tried a new plaster for c-sect patients, it helps to heal the wound very nicely! She's encouraging me to go natural this time cos the last time I managed to dilate but too bad high fever. I told her, lets talk abt this in April. Hahaha.

Piggy Mummy,
I experience dizziness, those that will break into cold sweat and muz lie down type, mostly on weekends. I notice it happens cos after waking up, i was walking about looking after #1, doing laundry etc. So more activity, that's why get dizzy. On weekdays its ok, cos jus sit at PC in office. Maybe you over exert yourself that day. You on iron pills? To avoid constipation, I take iron pills only on Saturdays. Works ok for me so far. Take care!

My colleague consumed her placenta. Her confinement lady helped her to prepare it. She dried it and made into powder form and took a spoonful every morning during confinement. She says it helped, cos she didnt feel so tired. She had c-sect too. I'm contemplating this cos I not sure if my CL will help me prepare.
hi ladies,

thanx for all the reply..i think my sugar level is low, coz i seldom eat sweet stuff
now try to take some..my gynae din prescribe any iron pills to me..only normal multivit, and i read fr the the lables, it doesnt consist of iron leh..must ask him on my next visit..

I m Su Sern.EDD 19th May 2008. Gynae Dr Chen Lin Han. I have a 14 month old boy and preggie with a boy.
Went visiting hubby's grandma over the weekend..

Feel so fortunate i'm not staying with MIL! Was quite unhappy with some of the remarks hubby's aunties passed too. They asked if baby was a girl or boy, then I happily answered girl. The next thing was like "oh first one girl is good, then have a second boy will be good". I was like did I mention anything abt having a second child, and even if I were to have a second child, you mean if it's girl again it's not good huh? my baby what's that got to do you you busybodies?" was so pissed but i ren until the evening then scolded my hubby for his aunties' remarks, in front of MY parents! then my hubby say they are like tat, cos whe n he was born, they said he was a jinx cos his grandfather passed away 3 months after his birth (even though he was already diagonsed with cancer), so ridiculous! if tehy ever say anything like tat abt my child they can be sure never to see me ever again! these ignornant old aunties... thinking of it still makes me mad.. Still my own parents better and relatives better, at least if I hear anything bu-shun-er I can directly tell them off or reason with them, not like my hubby's side one..

Told my MIL that we're planning to paint the house, but i very automatic, will stay away until the paint job is completed (I'm not superstitious, just want to pacify the pantang old folks). In front of me she say ok lah, she not pantang, then who knows in the evening she called my hubby and ask us not to paint the house. Aiyo, then dun pretend in the first place to be ok with it lah! Buay tahan..

FIL also asked us to have someone calculate the strokes for baby's name. I'm against it, but he was like calculate already never say MUST use, for reference only. Crazy, then what for I do it? Cos I dun believe in it in the first place. Why stress myself over naming the baby within days of her birth when I'll be stressing over taking care of her, breast-feeding and recovering as well? Somemore my MIL seems to be very against breastfeeding, the typical traditional mindset that thinks formula is best.

Buay tahan manz, only a weekend and I can get angry with hubby's relatives and parents. Told my hubby if his parents are coming to visit when baby is born, he must be around cos i so will not entertain them, plus i predict my temper will not be good then... My FIL drove hubby's car, and blasted loud hokkien music in the car and was talking sooooo loudy too my eardrums were hurting!
Sound like a frus day. Sometimes old folks are like that, that's dai gou. For the speaker, they usually don't mean harm, just their thoughts, and their beliefs. Some of my aunties are also like that. Sometimes even before they say something, I can almost predict what's gonna come out. It's usually very predictable one, like, b4 married, they'll ask you where's your bf? why never bring here? when getting married? They either remark "don't be too choosy", or "take your time"... that second remark is really not very pleasing to the ears, if you really mean "take your time" then don't keep asking! After married, they will ask, when are you going to be a mommy? Tell them "don't have leh, how to be a mommy?" then they also say "no hurry, let nature take its course!" fei hua right? pregnant they will ask boy or gal? After 1st one, they'll prolly ask when's the second ? .... the list go on. I'm numb already, so I usually take it with a pinch of salt, or maybe next time take it with a pinch of vinegar, suan them back ! :p

Usually if you don't live with in-laws, you'll have lesser conflict, coz' you grow up in a different environment that your parents brought you up. I believe it is the same generations after generations, it happen to our mothers, and maybe grandmothers, but for us, perhaps we are more fortunate coz' in this generation, most of us live on our own. While our parents or grandparents' time, they live under the same roof.... perhaps for all their lives.

With our own parents, if you are not happy, you can tell them, they are usually more receptive. If your own parents nag too much, you just tell them off, at most my mum will just say "you're so rude!" After a while, we could interact like nothing happen, truely like nothing happen, no hard feelings. She'll still prepare the best thing for me...

Don't think too much about it, have a good rest today !
my MIL oso leh... against me breastfeeding. she say her 2 sons oso never breastfeed what, oso grow up big big. blah blah blah... but u just simply one ear in one ear out... heck care..

then i wan english name for my baby, she oso against it.. say call chinese name better... so obiang lor...
Hi Jaspire, I had my detail scan on friday & its baby girl and it is my first child. Can you help to update my status? Thanks...

hi lynn.. found out that i have a bb girl.. told my family about it.. my mother came out with many many theories why im carrying a bb girl instead of sharing my joy. Not sure am i too sensitive, when we asked my MIL to guess what is my gender, her immediate response was boy... sigh.. not sure it means anything after that? Do take care of urself.. dun carry too many things.. ask some runners( students) to do it for u.. heheh...
sigh, guess most MILs are like that, that's why i was very thankful i'm not staying with PIL, and not gonna let PIL take care of my baby either. goodness knows what they'll do, and somemore can't voice my unhappiness (if any)..

muzicgal, what do you mean your MIL dun like english name? nowadays nost children have their chinese name plus an english name what right?

juin, just days after school starts and i'm collasping already. i think it may not be so much the carrying of stuff, but the prolonged hours of standing on my feet.. i'm already wearing flats to school, ditched my high heels already! but each day on average it's like almost 5 hours of teaching time (yes, i have the highest load in my department, and i'm the only one pregnant! dun understand how come able-bodied men and women can have lighter teaching load than me!) and there's no way i can sit and teach, cos my kids will be walking all over my head if i do that. must maintain my authority in class mah..

i told one of my colleagues i feel very very handicapped by not being physically fit, and she puts in plainly: being pregnant is like being handicapped with no special priviledges!

these couple of days baby is like break-dancing in my tummy, wonder if it's cos of the pineapple cookies i took :p first time in many many years i'm liking the CNY pineapple cookies so much!

english name as in christian name, cos she say she will ask some shifu to pick a chinese name for my bb, then must call that chinese name then will be good for him. ask me not to be so "tee kee" =(

but you can still have an english name registered for your baby mah. if my MIL like tat she can go ahead and call my baby by the chinese name while i happy happy alternate between chinese and english name!

i'm going to object to PIL going to a shifu to calculate the chinese name. dun care they can do it all they like after baby's arrived, but i'm not going to consider any of it and will register my baby's birth asap after birth! guess i'm getting very stubborn, even my hubby says so. but i think we're the one suffering and sacrificing so much to have our baby, why must these other people impose so much of their nonsense beliefs on us? if they like it so much ask them to have their own kid then they can do watever they wan with their own kid!
wow..u so daring ah?
my mil like to say... "for your own good ah..." blah blah blah.... then sighz... which mother dun wan own baby to be good? sianz....my in law superb pantang one.. even choose the date and timing for deliver liao... so bor pian have to c-section
oh ya ladies, i was checking the ingredients on tiger balm (since that gave me relief from my rashes) and saw camphor listed as one of the ingredients. it was one of the essential oils to be avoided during pregnancies!

i stopped using it immediately and went back to the useless creams prescribed by my GP and gynae (useless cos last time the cream my GP gave me was good and my rashes would go away hours after using it).. my hubby visied the GP the next day as he wasn't feeling well and he double checked with the GP who said should aviod using tiger balm during pregnancies

wonder if i did any harm to my baby, but since she's normal at detailed scan i hope she's still ok. going to ask my gynae abt it the next time i see him..

oh ya, i forgot who mentioned tapping on the tummy to "play" with baby right? i tried tat on saturday morning cos baby was giving me kicks in the morning when i was lying in bed, and she responded! hubby was amazed and thereafter would try now and then to "play" with baby. but sad to say, she's not always in a good mood to respond to us :p
muzicgal, wah it's like you're forced to go for c-section just because of pantang? doesn't your MIL know c-section carries risk for you?? i mean, unless you've decided you're going to do elected c-section anyway, if not then it's not medically sound to do c-section just so that the date and time is right..

i am going to ignore my PIL, if they knew what was "good" for my baby then they would be the best parents in the world for their own children (which they aren't). all just superstitious nonsense with no grounds. my hubby's grandma just had 2 of her toes amputated cos all the aunties and uncles ignored a small injury and allowed it to drag on for months when it wouldn't heal. and best part instead of going to a medical doctore they went to temple or medium or watever sort to pray for it to be healed! OMG! and now weeks after the operation, instead of following the doctor's orders to keep the wound clean they brought her to chinese sinseh who specialises in 'snakes' and claimed she has 'snakes' in her bones! now applying dunno what herbs or nonsense to her wounds. i was so appalled i told hubby these people are not definietly not to be left alone with my baby! how can they let baseless superstitions run their lives and ignore medical advice???
kind of being force... cos she say must deliver baby at this date and time... for whole of dec she keep asking me.. how? have u decided natural or c-section? then i tell her off many times... its not up to my choice... i have to ask the doctor.. then she say y ask doctor.. very obvious wat.. she want tat date and time.. i have to ask doctor whether can induce or must c-section? my doc say only can c-section, cos got timing... if date only, she say can induce...but got specific timing, then cannot liao... so not my choice wat...

tomorrow no school? still havent sleep? u teaching pri or sch school? =)
Smurferoos.. wah u very very brave leh.. and so envy u dat ur give birth time so short.. ;( aiyo.. i soooo scare nw.. when each day pass, nite time i will start to panic.. cos 1 day nearer.. my hubby so happy cos he wanna c bb faster.. i scold him cos i tell him i v 'tong ku' leh.. -_-"

i din noe some MILs will against on breastfeed.. mine support on breastfeed.. she even said ask the malay massage lady to help mi massage after give birth..
lynn & muzicgal.. go tell ur MILs don't they noe breast milk is full of goodies??!! -_-" can make bb v strong leh.. oso will build up bb's antibiotics.. sorry to say but i dunno wats ur MILs r tinking leh.. even my mum oso said always give bb breast milk unless bo pian..


personally hor...i feel that giving birth is ur own choice leh..to choose between C section or natural birth.. why must u listen to ur MIL on the exact date and time?

u dun have to be forced to schedule for tt rite? did ur hubby agree?

if she want that particular timing and date..ask her go give birth lor...

i feel personally is ur baby and u have full control... dun let others manipulate...

is easy to say mah.. no need money.. just say and advice... but the person doing is u leh...
