IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

if you feel your tummy clenching hard like a muscle, it could be a contraction. Drink a glass of water amd lie down to monitor. Must drink lots of water as the books mention that dehydration can cause contractions. If u get more than 4 in an hour, better see Dr Loh immed. Better to play safe even if it might be a false alarm. Then make sure u tell the nurses u r having contractions and need to see him urgently, so they will squeeze u in. When I started feeling regular but painless tightening (abt 5 an hr), I was glad I went to see him immed, cos the CTG showed I was having painless contractions every few min! But it went away after I was warded for a day and given additional meds. I felt thankful that it was detected in time as it helped me carry my babies for an additional few wks, and every wk really helps for our bbs' devpmt. Agree with Dawn, if ur instinct says it's not right, just go see him. Whatever it is, he'll be able to help. Don't worry ok?

Hi there. Of course remember u, cos we all cycle together mah. :p Nice to hear u r ready & prepared. Just a few more wks to see ur baby! Did u get the float to sit on so that it is more comfy? Did dr say how to reduce it?

zoey, jiayou! ermmm....twins mean double work u know.
just have lots of rest at home after your ET!
Thanks Dawn and Petals, last nite i was lying down early from 8pm until this morning. I got up feeling better.. so far, there is no tightening yet. But I think counting the number of times it tightens in an hour is a good indicator. I will monitor closely, and go by my instinct. Thanks a lot.

Petals, how are your babies? can they go home oredi?
Hi weiwei,

Knowing that u have triplets . Hope tat u can share w me . Yesterday , which is my 6wks ,Dr scan me and told me tat i have triplets too..

Yesterday, i saw fresh blood then quickly went to see Dr. After scaning, he see no internal bleeeding.. Maybe the bleed is due to the crinone insert..

2 babies measure 6.5 mm and the 3rd baby is 3.5mm ( which is smaller for 6wks )

Is that normal for the 3rd baby to be in this size? But Dr not very optismitic abt the 3rd baby... Anything i can do / or not to do nw..

My Hb told me to eat alot so tat more nutrients can be passed to 3rd baby... heeehe..But i really have no much appetite...

thks in advance..
Hi Pinky Panter,
Congrats on your multiples!! Try to think happy thoughts...hope that your 3rd bb can catch up with his/her siblings soon. Make sure u eat healthily rather than just going by quantity... And enjoy ur pregnancy ok?

Glad to hear you r feeling better after resting...Try not to overexert and rest whenever possible. Take care.
MIA for quite a few days as babies r getting more n more active always want ppl to play wif them.


take good rest n monitor carefully, ya!! how many wks r u now?

pinky panter

congrats!! yes, having triplets s never easy but we hav to b extra strong for our 3 little ones.
re ur 3rd baby, dun knw how to advice u coz never encounter b4. forgot about my babies' size when they were 6wks old. but for e bleeding, try to maintain complete rest in bed except toilet break n meals. babies still not yet stable so hav to be careful with everything.
yes, a lot of nutritional food wil help in babies development. but can not be only go to e 3rd one lah. just remember to relax n enjoy ur pregnancy. mummy's mood wil affect babies inside hor.
Hi Ladies,

I am recently test postive and i am now in my 4 + week ....

Have a few questions... how much is the monthly expenditure of a baby (<1 yr old), will not be able to BF due to history of breast infection ... want to start saving for BB....
hi msfamily, congrats!

my twins finish 1 tin of milk powder (900g, about $30 per tin)on average every 3 days. Diapers depends how often u change (each kid change about 5 to 8 diapers a day). Diaper price range from $0.15 (those NTUC/giant brand) to $0.40+ (for brands like mamypoko or pampers). I use cheaper ones for day, more ex pampers for nite time.
These 2 (milk powder: $300, diapers $100) make up the bulk of the main expenditure monthly. mine is for twins, so u prob need oni $200?

Plus u have to replenish things regularly like:
1) baby wipes (get Carrefour ones if on budget, cos it is oni $3.95 for a bottle of 200wipes and i find the quality quite ok, compared to NTUC which is $5+)
2) bottles detergent (i.e if u r particular), about 8.50 per bottle of refill. some pple dun mind using normal dish detergent.
3) laundry detergent
4) baby bathing foam

try to get hand-me-downs (clothes/playgyms/toys) from frens/relatives...this should save u quite a big sum of money liow! ;) some frens also passed me Avent bottles, breastpads, diapers which their kids have out grown.

ok, hope that helps. ;)

u r so right....they so active and attention seeking now, want pple to talk to them and play with them. V notti I say!

r u feeling better liow? visiting twins daily?

ya, agree with dawn tat milk powder n diapper wil be e main cost. i use cloth diapper for my triplets in e day n pampers in e night. giving BM to my gal n FM to 2 boys. boys finish 1 tin (900gram) in 3 days time, too. i got 2 babycot frm friends n bought 2nd hand stroller but until now seldom use coz hardly bring them out except for appts. :p


using salt to clean bottles n teats as adviced by kk nicu nurse. she said we cant tell if detergent has been washed off totally. for salt if got remainder also never mind wont harm e baby. maybe u want to giv it a try? so far i find it quite nice.
u mean salt water or just throw salt in?
have not heard of this b4...hee hee..will be so much more cheaper if use salt to wash....is it clean? still must use the bottle brush also is it?

me too, my stroller oni used 3 times ..haha....for their appointments.
dare not bring them out to parks for strolls or shopping yet.

soak bottles n teats in salt water(normal salt put in water) for about 10-20mins, then use bottle brush to clean. so far my bottles n teats r quite clean by using salt water.
Hi all,

My wife is undergoing IVF now at gleaneagles, in the stimulation phase where she is given injections to stimulate the ovaries. This is her 3rd day of injection. However, she is experiencing on/off spotting and is a bit worried. Anyone has such experience or can give advise? THanks very much
On sat night the piles started bleedg at 2am, got frighten so went 24 hr clinic. The MO admitted me cause she said I got regular contractions. Got to see and experience the delivery ward, hehe, dry run. Dr Loh came at 9am, push the piles in and said everything ok, can be discharged but gave me anti-contaction pill cause only 36 wks. Dilation only 1cm, so can still tong.

Let's see if got more dilation this Sat when i see him again. He also gave oral medication, now piles not painful already.

Hope your bbs doing well

hi. dun knw how to advice u but think u can ring up e clinic n speak to e dr in charge or an experienced nurse for opinion.


hold on at least 2 wks more when ur baby wil b considered full term. take care
Hi msfamily,
Congrats on your +ve!! U must be very happy. Have a smooth 9 mths!

You shld check with your Dr as we normally do not hv spotting during the puregon/gonal-f stage.

Sorry to hear abt the bleedg but gd thing ur contractions were spotted in time to be stopped w meds. Tell ur bb to hold on for a few more wks! Take care and rest more...

ya, after 2 wks, i'm back to my fast walk again. Hee...still occasional twinge in the tummy but no more pain. Did u wear ur binder for a whole mth? I already stopped as it's so hot.
petals, yes....i still wear binder on and off leh, cos tummy still very flabby!
i still look 3 months preggie!

ST, do check with the nurses, prob should be okay but hear what the pros say will be safer.
Hello ladies!

I've finally popped! Delivered a healthy 2425g baby boy. I guess my baby didn't want to hold on until the end of the month, even with all the meds I was taking. My water bag burst, but I wasn't dilating fast enough, so had to undergo emergency c-sect. I was discharged after 2 days. My baby was also able to go home with me.
Thanks Needle. Yup, after 36 long weeks, my baby is finally in my arms.

Now, whose turn will it be next? You, Nano or LB...??? Better if your babies can hold on until full term. Then they'll be a little bigger and easier to handle. And they won't be labelled as a PRETERM baby, just like mine...
congrats rammy,
do have a good rest and post ur boy's photo when free. labelled preterm baby is fine as long as they r healthy. haha....my MIL din know my twins were premature by 1 month until i told her yesterday....she so shocked!
Congrats!!! Hee, the thread so quiet until your announcemt.
Happy that you and baby are fine. Since ur bb's weight is gd, he went to the normal nursery, right? Do have a gd rest as the wound will take a wk or two b4 it feels better. Are you b/feeding yet?

For your bbs, does your pd doctor use the actual age or corrected one when checking on their devlpmt milestones? Cos multiples won't be delivered at 40wks...so how do we count the corrected age?

To all the MTBs,
How r u gals doing? Hope all's well...
Hi all,
Long time no chat! My pc was down for quite sometime and sent for repair only recently and now it's up again! Really missed chatting here.

Wow! Rammy popped already! congrats! It must be a great feeling to see yr baby after so long.

How r u? I believe u've more or less settled down for yr new role as a mummy. Must post yr bb pics to let us see nx time. I might go csect end of this mth...seems so fast.

how r ur babies? gone home already? yes, e dr wil use corrected age when it comes to physical assessment. start counting frm ur edd in stead of bbs' actual b-day. like my bbs were born at 34wks. next monday their actual age wil b 3mth old but corrected age only 1.5mth. u cant expect preemies to b on e same developmental level as full term bbs. we hav to use corrected age till bbs turn 2yrs old of corrected age. by then they should b able to catch up with e term bbs.


ur turn coming soon hor. hav good sleep b4 u pop, u wont b able to find time to hav a really nice sleep liao.
No wonder didn't hear from u for so long...oh, how come u need to c-sect this mth? I thought ur edd shld be nxt mth? But nvr mind, u will be already considered full-term by then. For me, getting more used to the idea of being a mummy now...bbs still in hospital, hopefully will discharge soon. Yah, u must take the chance to sleep...now i'm like panda, at nite sleep also dream abt expressing milk, cos I'm trying to do it every few hrs, but find it tough. Very tired now.

thx for the info...i was always wondering abt it... Did u try latching on ur bbs? I tried but not successful, cos maybe they are still small and not used to it. Will have to keep trying as what the nurse recommended.
Yalor so fast...nx time dun have so much freedom leow. Ya trying to enjoy more sleep while i can

I guess now u're tired but happy cos got 2 lovely babies. Gd to hear tat yr baby can be discharge soon, u still visit them daily? My bb haven't turn lor and I dilated 1cm already.
Thanks Petals, Weiwei, Dawn, Nano.

I've started breastfeeding the morning after my op. My baby latched on very fast. However, I had to stop after a couple of days as I had sore and cracked nipples. There was blood when my baby sucked on them. So scary. My hubby had to rush to the nearest supermart to get formula for the baby. My breasts got so engorged that I had to pump out every hour or so. And the milk that came out was pink, like the BANDUNG drink!!!

Now my breasts are back to normal and my baby is breastfeeding normally. Phew! Was so afraid that I couldn't BF my baby anymore.

Nano, listen to the sisters. Rest and sleep as much as you can now.Before long, you'll join us in the 'Panda Club'! Hee...


Must be a great feeling to bring baby home in ur arms


can i check with u..is yogurt ok to be consumed daily for preggy ladies huh..?

hi. ur baby so cute!!eyes big big n he got nice hair.

re BF, cant imagine how painful it was when ur BM turn pink colour. how r u coping? anyone helping u?


hi. how r u?
think should b ok ba as long as u take moderate amount.

My baby may be preterm, but he's got really powerful lungs. My gynae nicknamed him "chilli padi" as soon as he came out as he was screaming away. I think the people in the neighbouring OTs could hear him. Hee...

As for help, I don't have a maid or confinement lady. My hubby is on leave this week. He's been a great help with the housework, and he also changes the baby every time. As for food, my mum brings both lunch &amp; dinner.

When my hubby goes to work next week, I'll be at my mum's place during the day. It'll be like that until I'm well enough to take care of the baby on my own.
Hi all!! Been really caught up with work so got no chance to log in.

Rammy, congrats!! adorable baby!! It is such a nice feeling to see all the babies photos posted...

Petals, how is your C-Sect wound? btw, did DR say when can your babies come home? what are their weights now? remember to post their photos leh!!

Needle/nano/LB.. waiting to hear your turn soon..

Btw, I am reaching 28wk! Woo Hoo! Btw, i bought some stuff at the Taka Baby Fair, and guess what? I won the 3rd price in the lucky draw. Letter says its a $1000 baby products hamper... I hope it provides many things.. I have not bought anything yet except the baby cot and sterilisers...

How are all the mummies??
Hopes, how are you?? know gender yet??

Rgding yoghurt, I am hooked on to the Meiji Yoghurt, I eat one every nite!! why cannot take yoghurt? antenatal class says it is a source for calcium!

ur boy very handsome!! really big and nice eyes!!


thanks..hehe.. will eat in moderation..


wahh..u very lucky leh..!! $1k is alot!! u can at least buy a stroller and cot !! Btw, is the taka baby fair still ON?

and yes... meiji yougurt is really very very good! i'm hooked to it as well!! hehe..

mine's a boy...
how abt urs? (sorry..u might have mentioned before...but i kind of forgotten.. hehe..pai seh)
Yogurt is good. I took it a few times a week in my 2nd/3rd trim as I read that the live cultures are good bacteria that will help prevent yeast infection which i got twice. Try to choose those lowfat and unsweetened if poosible. Yoplait nofat also quite yummy as it has fruit pieces.

Don't worry, everything will be fine. Soon you'll see ur baby!

So cute! And ur descr of bandung was so funny, but gd to hear u've managed to heal and resume BF. I dun know if my method is incorrect, but bbs seem to just suckle a few times and then lose interest, they prefer bottle now. But nurse told me to just keep trying until they grow a little bigger.

28wks means 3rd tri already! So lucky to win the lucky draw...hopefully they give u cot/carseat/stroller.
Hopes, mine is a boy also! Aiyo, so many boys... Nano, next time your gal a lot of choices in boyfriend.. hee..

Taka baby fair was in Mar 08. ended already, but I heard there is one coming up in June. Anyway, i called to check that the product hamper includes a stroller (hope its a good brand), and i think sterilisers as well.. so I could be stuck with 2 sets! The hamper will only arrive next Tues.

Twinstar, how are you doing? you still on your shopping spree anot?

Nano, hope you dun have to go through C-Sect (or you prefer that?). Do keep us posted, end Apr is round the corner...

thanks for the advise on the yougurt thing..

how are u babies doing..? when can they be discharged..?

So..3rd trimester starts from wk 28 huh..?


yah lor...think this yr alot of boys leh.. alot of my friends and colleagues also expecting boys..hehe..
Hi Michelle,

Long time no hear! Congrats on winning the prize! How time flies, now you're in the 3rd trimester already. It seems like a while ago that we were in the same cycle together. Enjoy your final trimester. Rest well &amp; don't overwork yourself...


Hopefully your baby will turn before end of Apr. Then you won't have to go thru C-Sect.
Hi gals,
i m new to this thread.I m the lucky one who succeed after first try of ivf.But when i went for my 6 weeks scan last fri.Was found that only 1 sag with heartbeat n the other sag only with yolk.Gynea said that it is either they are implant at diff time so heart beat develop at diff pace n the other possibility is the foetus is not good.Any of u came across this?Pls help...
Hi Sisters,
I'm new. I have my fist ivf cycle done in april, just completed my 2ww. Tried HPT (Clearblue digital) yesterday and result is pregnant. But HCG blood test level is only 9. Was told might be a bio-chemical pregnancy. Need to repeat my blood test again. Can any sisters here advise or experience the term "Bio-chemical pregnant".
Hi everyone,
I've given birth to my bb thru' c-sect. BB is fine and discharged on the same day as me. Now doing confinement at home.

Yr prince has very big eyes!..cute

How's things? Has yr babies being discharged?

Very fast u will c your bb too! Enjoy yr pregnancy! U so lucky!

need ur advise again..hehe..

manual breast pump better or electric pump is better?

any recommendation..?

i'm starting to do up my shopping list right now..hehe...so stress.. and i'm such a noob.. dunno this dunno that...goodness..!! haha

hope u mummies can give me some pointers

my baby is due in late Aug, is it too early to shop now..?

u finally popped!!


have a good confinement...

Pls post the pic of ur baby when u are free ya!!

Congrats! Take great care and rest as much as you can during the confinement.

Me still struggling... just have to endure for as least 11 weeks... long way for me to go..
Honestly, I really can't take it any more. I get very tight at the end of everyday. Dr is worried that I may pop too soon, so order me to have more bedrest.


How are you doing? Are babies home yet? Take good care!
Congrats!! When did u deliver? What's ur bb's weight? You must be very happy now. Must rest more and let the wound heal. Happy for you!

You can slowly start buying the small stuff as it's really fun to shop for bb stuff. As for the bigger items, you may want to wait till later to get them. Like for b-pump, you can try the one in hospital first and see if you like the electric type. Not sure abt manual one, but I'm using the medela PIS and I find it good. My bbs are home, so very busy. No time to post here. :p

Remembered your post. Just fed bbs and washed up, very tired now. Please heed dr's advice on bedrest. i found that bedrest and drinking lots of water throughout the day helped to ease my tummy when I felt tightening previously. I drank at least 3L of fluids, mainly water &amp; milk, everyday. Take care.
