IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

very good weight le your boys, what is their weight when they're born? wht brand of FM r u using? my babies tend to sleep in the middle of feed, meimei will finish even though her eyes are closed but mostly will spit out after feed while korkor depends on his mood, sometimes finish sometimes not. how bout yours?

wht is your babies weight first born? how old are they now?

petals, better read all the books u can now. After giving birth, wun have much time 4 yourself. If can get 1/2 hr or 1 hour daily to yourself to nap or rest or surf net, must thank god liow! i want to get some books on the GD or Schicada method....also no time to go and borrow from library.

deasy, How r ur twins getting on? It is tiring but fulfilling looking after them. they are 7 weeks old now. when born, gal who is the elder was 2.67kg, boy was 2.27kg...so they have put on more than 2 kg each lor....here is an update of their 6 week old photo:

boy on left and gal on the right. the gal loves to smile nowadays. look at cot mobile also smile like she has seen somthing v farnee, change her diaper she also smile...scold her she also smile. boy is more sensetive...cannot anyhow scold him or he will burst into tears!

Ya, just went to Taka baby fair, thought of buying mattress, but no size. Finally found in kiddy palace. Also went Kaki Bukit, but I felt things there are expensive, better off at Robinson and John Little when they are running promo.

Came back from Dr Loh's visit, baby only measuring 1.664 kg at 30 wks 5 days, Dr Loh worried baby not growing, asked me to watch out for daily movements.

See all your babies, aiyo can't wait for the big day...
wow, you all are so fast ahead.. cant wait to hear news of your babies born!!

I walked 5 hrs in IT show and Baby fair.. the whole nite also tummy tight. lasted the whole nite until i rested enough till this morning.. nowadays really cannot shop for long.

Wonder how is Hopes doing? have not heard from her for quite sometime...

the baby photos are really cute.. makes me want to see my baby born earlier!! Wei Wei... show us some photos leh...
i remembered i used to envy those mummies when they post their babies' photos and can't wait to see my own kids, the day will come v fast one....all babies are v cute one....hee hee...i.e if they have not been wailing and driving u up the wall the whole nite! i suppose that is motherhood. ;)

weiwei, do post your kiddos' photos when u r free...i think u r much more busier than me!
What's GD method? I still blur abt all this... Your babies so cute and smiley!! Can't wait to dress up my babies next time.

Oh, is it more exp there? I no chance to compare cos i can't shop now, so just ask hubby to go to kaki bkt to buy mattress and sheets set...bought liao...
My babies are abt 1.3kg at 28+ wks. Why did dr loh say ur baby not growing leh? Cos some website say 1.6kg for 31 wks is ok. Anyway u/s scan not v accurate rite? Don't worry...will u be going for another detailed scan later?

latest update on my boys' weight. korkor s 3.8kg, didi s 3.9kg today. they were all abt 2kg at birth. giving them nan1 n if i got extra BM after giv to my gal, wil giv them BM also. my boys also wil fall asleep while drinking milk. it's quite usual thing for babies. learn frm kk nurse, just need to twist e tit a bit n sometimes they wil wake up n cont with e milk. if really cant wake up or refuse to drink, maybe they drink too much air liao, need to burp out e air then they wil cont to drink. oh ya, e nurse says if they spit out while drinking, tat means they r nt drinking properly, must burp them also. 95% my boys can finish e milk. they get hungery very fast n sometimes just 2 hours they want milk again. 4 days they can finish 1 tin(900gm) of milk powder. i worri if i overfeed them as kk fomula s body weight x 150ml = total amt per day. but my gal always hungery leh, they feed her half full only i think. dun knw what to follow...


my babies also like to smile n today just heard korkor's laughing sound. ya, hav been busy with e boys n must send BM to kk n visit my gal daily also. havnt get any sleep more than 3 hours since e boys came home. i look like a panda now....

gals, trying to put up their photos, dun knw can or nt...left side s didi, right one s korkor.
weiwei, the boys look identical and both so smiley! ;) and your gal's eyes are big.

last time my gal used to drink fast and well, chop chop 20 min feeding time will be over liow. Nowadays, she spit out the teat, push bottle away 1/2 way or will often vomit out her milk, drink slowly, think like u say must increase burping time liow. sigh.

LB, i also feel the kaki bukit there quite expensive. somemore hor, the BK sales pple are very yaya, v fed up with them. nearly bought cot and some stuff with them but din cos cannot stand their attitude.
The babies so cute... must look at more cute babies more often..

I finally can feel baby move after 20wks! its not kick, just some gentle movement (quite obvious and often now)... Phew!

btw, i have not been gaining much weight at all. Is that normal?

Mummies, do we have to identify a PD to wait for your delivery or KK will assign a PD and you follow through with him for your babies routine check?
All the babies photos so cute!
makes me look forward to the day i see my bb.

Dawn, Weiwei,
Thks for the info, mine is singleton will try standby atmost 2 package of NB diapers.

In tat case, thk better wait and see first but it is really a gd buy..saw it selling at kk ard $129.

I also wonder how come Dr Loh worried yr bb not growing cos mine at 30wks 2 days is abt 1.5kg and my doc said avg size.

Nice to hear fr u again. Ya alot of us due ard same time. I think u forget leow..Petals having one boy and one girl. Will u be taking leave to rest before yr EDD?

Gd tat yr rashes is under controlled..guess it's hormonal. Mine also under controlled but once awhile still abit itchy but bearable.

Yr baby will do more exercise in the coming wks.
I guess u shd be gaining wt in the coming wks since u r into yr 2nd trim but as long as bb growing healthy tat's the most impt.
Ya, that bp thread so drama...guess have to weigh whether savings or warranty more impt cos maybe it won't break down at all. Last nite, my tummy kept tightening and dunno is it babies changing position. Very uncomfortable, couldn't sleep well cos so worried. Even this morning still have mild ones. Lucky it stopped before lunch. phew.

It will get more interesting for you later.. now I can feel strong kicks and even can see a bump sticking out and moving...maybe baby's elbow.
I guess likely it is yr babies trying to find a comfortable position. U also noticed the bump ticking out and moving? So far I only saw once, will try to observe, quite interesting.

Chk wif u..r u still taking fish oil, obimin n calcium? Do we need to take iron pills?

Ya, i browse thru tat bp just now...like so many issues...
I saw it once, but felt the bump move a few times already. I'm still taking all 3 like u. They mentioned before that obimin contains iron too.
petals, dawn

no, all 3 of them frm different sac. boys look like me n e gal look like daddy.


for my boys, if they never poo for more than 1 day, then they wil drink milk much slower, inside no more place liao. once they poopoo, wil drink very fast n can drink more also.


as long as ur baby growing well, ur weight s nt a big issue. think kk wil assign PD for each baby unless u inform them u want certain dr in advance. ur baby wil b adorable n cute also. urs boy or gal ah?
weiwei, so farnee the way u describe! how much milk they drink each time? i scared i over feed also. last week have been feeding 120ml to 160ml cos they keep crying for more milk and they could finish fast. these 3 days dunno why, suddenly drink v slow and keep vomitting out the milk....so reduced to 90ml to 120ml.

usually gal will look like mummy hor? and boy look like daddy. mine too....gal is chubby like her daddy. haha.

ur boys really look like identical twins leh!!


hihi!! i'm doing ok so far..hehe.. waiting for my scan next mth to know the gender.

i was just wondering when then I can feel the bb... coz now at 16wk already and I still can't really feel the bb.. was kind of worried...

so, u only start feeling the bb at wk 20?
Hi Hopes.. nice to hear from you.. ya, i also panic i could not feel any movement at all. I only started feeling it frequently from last thurs/fri onwards, which is 20wk. A bit late hor... but dun worry, DR Loh say first baby sometimes till wk22 then can feel them... I also like you, very worried initially... until i went for detailed scan.. I also complain to DR loh that i am not seeing him frequent enough, so he changed my appointment from 5 wks to 4 wks... hee hee

Wei Wei, i am carrying a boy.. : )
Hi Weiwei,

Reading from your posting, it's great that you are handling your babies so well. Time really flies and you are already carrying them in your arms now. I'm looking forward to that day too, i'm currently at 34th week now and will have my c-section on 25th March. Having alot of mix feeling nowadays, probably as each day is approaching nearer, feel excited and at the same time feel very scared and worried too. Have been praying that everything will goes on smoothly and my 2 babies will be healthy and strong. They currently weight about 2.1kg each, hope they will grow somemore for the next 2 week.

Take care and God bless you!

ur babies poo regularly? these days got anything abnormal for them? suggest u can keep a record of their feeding n poo. then u wil knw how long they wil ask for milk n how much they can finish. also u can see by drinking certain amt of milk can last them how long. at least i find it useful n i can work out e time of next feeding n prepare everything 1st.


heehee....they r brothers mah... should look alike la.


how r u? it's very hard especially in e last few wks.just hold on n u wil b able to see ur babies soon.
Hi hi!! How r u?? Wah, so fast preparing for delivery... I still remember when both of us were doing acu... Have u packed your bag yet? Any symptoms now? All the best for your delivery!
Petals & Nano,

Cause at one position when he measured the baby's wt was same as last round at 1.2 kg, only after changing a few position did the wt move up to 1.6kg. Donno how they determine wt hor...
There are a few formulae for measuring weight. But the one he uses is abdom circumference x thigh bone length (FL). You can see this at the bottom of the printout. Maybe sometimes baby shift, so he can't get the max length? Don't worry, cos at least he still managed to get the 1.6kg for you... So far i only found this website that you can key in the measurements to check weight. You can try...
dawn & weiwei,
your babies gain weight very good hor, mine's gain weight almost 1kg only for 1month, but as long as they are healthy i dont mind lar.

babies always sleep and eat, sleep and eat, cause everytime they hear my voice, either they fall asleep or thinking "yesss... my cow come liao..." hahaha, cause i breastfeed them. so dont really have time to play with them ler. so envy to see your babies smile and laugh. mine can only catch their sleeping pics, but still so busy changing their diapers since i use cloth diapers cause they pee a lot and sometimes poo a lot of times too. especially bb girl, poo poo a lot, right now i still have one old confinement lady with me, but mostly i do the work, she will bathe them in the morning, wipe them in late afternoon, cook water for my bathing water and my meals.

i also keep their feeding time, cause i'm forgetful one, so sometimes if too close, i BF them or give them plain water. if can't settle, then give milk but not in exact amount lor.

weird thing is when they are asleep, i want to to wake them up, and when they wake up, i ask them to sleep. hahahah... siao mommy..

when will be ur turn?
weiwei, oh yah, i do have a detailed record of feeding time/amt and poo time and amt for each twins, otherwise really will go haywire. cos sometimes will be so busy that will forget what time they had their milk previously. Think it is a must for multiples....even my frens with singletons keep a record too. They pooing very well...not sure why suddenly cranky. yesterday and today ok....so will keep monitoring.

theresa, 2.1kg is a good weight! ;) they will sure be bigger by the time u deliver!

deasy, u still have confinement lady with u to help u? how long u asking her to stay? 40 days?
u r right, as long as the babies are healthy, i m happy liow. my boy was detected with a bit of heart murmur when i brought him to see a PD for his cold last month....was v affected but now ok liow, waiting to see the cardiac specialist at KK 2 weeks later.

i also very busy daily until no time to shower or go toilet or have my meals. can only do these things while the asleep for awhile. i take the pics usually after their morning bathe when they r the most alert and smiley lor. ;)
Hi Petals,

How time flies, i still remember when we are doing acup and that was like in last July. So have you set any date for delivery?

Hope i can manange them well with the help of my MIL and helper. My MIL will leave after my confinement but my mum will come over after that for about a month and after that there is no family memebers to rely on..... sigh!

You take care too!

as long as ur babies healthy n growing well, no need to put on weight so fast la. haha. me also like u, when they kuaikuai sleep, i worri how come they r not active, whether sick or not. when they awake n crying, worri again why they keep on crying, anything wrong or not... think all mummies like tat la.
this confinement lady is the second one, cause the first one worked for 2weeks then went home cause her husband was hospitalized, then this old confinement grandma came, so we asked her to work until 1month.

dawn, weiwei, do you still eat confinement food? chicken wine? dome?

thought your tightening because you walk too much, surely can hold until 37week lar, must be positive, last time i worked until 2days b4 delivery, got warning from gynae if i couldnt rest at home, then must be hospitalized. hahahaha...

wht is heart murmur?
Is it much cheaper to order books thru Amazon than say buying thru kino or borders? Me never order online before wanna find out more..too lazy to go bkshop nowsaday.
deasy, last time i used to wake the babies up during the 1st 3 weeks, but after that juz wait for them to wake up on their own. how about u? is it better to wake them up? cos for my twins, if i wake them up...they v drowsy so dun drink fast. if they hungry and wake up on their own...will drink faster. dunno why first 3 weeks they can drink when drowsy...after that ...they very pig leh...put the teat in they dun want to suckle. Heart murmur is like a hole in the heart which has not closed properly....most kids the hole will close within the first few days they r born.
Ya, last Jul seems like a long time ago hor. At least your mum & mil can take turns to help look after you & babies for the 1st few crucial mths...after that prob u'll get the hang of it? How abt getting a maid there in HK to help u?

Now i get tightening daily even when lying down...that's why i worry everyday. Just have to make sure it's not happening too regularly. Am happy when I pass each wk.
This time i bought from amazon cos i couldn't find one of the books here, plus I might have some shipping rebates to offset. Try this site for books, amounts are in S$ if u select their s'pore site. Sometimes may not have all the books u want, but I find it cheaper and less hassle than to chase those bookstore sales like kino. You can use Amazon to check bk reviews beforehand. http://www.acmamall.com/

Yes, i've a got maid that came in last week. So far she is o.k and quite street smart but don't know can handle bb well or not, can't depend on her too much also. I think the difficult part will be the night waking as i will be the one taking the night shift and the maid morning shift after my MIL leaves. Just have to pray that i will have 2 easy bb to take care!

How about you? What is your arrangement? Hope you can hang on till 37 week, do take care. So far i could say that i really PRAISE THE LORD as i don't have much problem carrying the 2 of them and still able to walk miles doing shopping yesterday but have to walk slowly and got to have my MIL with me to carry my stuff. I don't really experience backache (it's only once in a while if i over strain).
theresa, u so lucky can still shop during the last trimester. i was on bed rest the moment i reached 3rd trimester. u alone taking the night shift feed the twins? will be very siong one...esp if the wake up together. nowadays, i take one twin, the maid takes care of the other twin at night. of course there is a feeling of guilt placing the other twin to sleep in the same room as twin.but imagine the number of times u have to wake up if the twins are in the same room....energy will be completely zapped!

petals, i understand what u going thro....every week is a great milestone for me during the last trimester! ;)was a great relief when i passed 32 weeks as dr loh says it is more or less safe liow, the rest of the weeks are bonus for me!

Yes i do agree that i'm quite lucky with the whole pregnancy compare to what others was telling me that how difficult it will be during the last trimester but i guess it is very individual depending on your own body constitution. I prayed alot too during these period of time asking GOD to give me a comfortable pregnancy, no backache, no morning sickness, no stretch mark, not to put on too much weight (so far only 11kg but luckily bb is gaining growing at a healthy weight) etc.....

Hopefully, GOD will give me 2 easy bb to care for as HE knows that i have limited help in a foreign country.

You take care! And will call on you BIG SIS for advise if i really face problem handling the 2 of them.
Thanks. It's great to hear tht u r coping well...still can go shopping...
So far haven't discussed my delivery w doc yet. Handling the night shift will be quite tough on you unless you can nap in daytime.

You do understand...hope to be able to follow ur example. Went for my detailed scan, bbs weigh 1.3kg n 1.5kg. How much did ur bbs weigh during ur wk30 detailed scan? Did they show a diff then?

how r ur babies doing? how much they drink? u givin them fully FM? my younger son also has heart murmur. heart murmur not necessary to b a hole in e heart, it's e extra sound of heartbeat. sometimes due to a hole in e heart, sometimes s due to e incomlete development or not proper closing of e heart valves. normally, an echogram(a kind of u/s) wil b able to tel wat s e real prob. when ur bb seeing cardiologist? mine wil b next mth.

just got my gal's CT scan result. my gal has a tiny hole between her atriums which e dr said it's nt a big issue n wont affect her much. she has a 2cm cyst in her left lung which we already knw b4 she was born. they r arranging e surgeon to see her for further plans. luckily she doesnt require an operation now n can wait til 1-2 years old. she s 1926gm today, maybe end of this wk or early next wk she wil b able to come home liao. so happy

thank GOD tat u r doing so well.
cont to b positive n cheerful, then ur babies wil b potive n cheerful also. u planning to BF them? better dun make urself too tired coz BM quality wil b affected leh.


i dun wake e babies up for their milk, they wake me up....haha... they get hungery very fast including my gal who stil in hospital. it's me who scared wil overfeed them n dare nt to increase e feeds so fast. heehee... i'm still taking e confinement food. my mum said hav to eat for 3 mth as i deliver 3 babies. haha.... how r u doing? babies still drink milk at diff intervals?

Hope to catch some sleep in the daytime if my maid is able to cope, if not then see how to rearrange depending on the situation.


Trying to stay positive as much as i can, probably getting nearer to the delivery day so having alot of negative thoughts and fear. I don't totally rule out no BM but no plan at the moment yet, intend to give them only FM so that my MIL and maid can take turn to feed them.

You take care too and hope that you will rejoin with your gal soon.
me also still taking confinement food too...hee hee. same rationale as weiwei....must bu the body properly as we give birth to multiples.

weiwei, good to hear ur gal can come back soon and dun need any big surgery. ;) all ur babies will be united! yeh!

petals, i went back to check, my gal was 1.8kg and boy was 1.7kg during 30 week scan....when they were born, there was a difference of 300g even though 1 week b4 the ultra scan showed both were 2.6kg....so the ultrascan not very accurate one, must plus and minus some weight one. and at a later stage more difficult to measure. i remembered during the last 3 weeks b4 i delivered, the weight is for both is always the same...either they din grow or can't measure the difference liow. you still have 2 months to go....sure will reach the healthy weight one. once they reach 2kg u can heave a sigh of relief liow. jia you!

u can freeze BM n store for up to 3mth. maybe u want to consider pump out then keep in e fridge. then ur mil n maid can just take out n warm up to feed ur babies?
BM s still e best for all babies.


just came back frm kk, gal gal may be discharged over e weekend!! so happy. after 7wks of hospital stay, finally she can be with us.
how s ur boy?
So happy for you...your gal can play with her kor kors soon! What a relief it must be for you that the lump isn't a big issue and doesn't need immed surgery...Yay for little miracles. Your gal is a fighter.

Hmm, your babies bigger than mine...:p Agree that the scan not very accurate. Cos when our dr scan, it always looks almost the same wt...haha, maybe he doesn't want us to worry. Oh must eat confinement food for 2 mths ah?? Oh no, is it only the food? Are you also using the herbs instead of water to shower too?

You keen on the thermometer? Was thinking of buying the same model from a US site directly since the ones from BP also from US supplier. So if you are ok abt the limited warranty issue, I worked out abt $75/pc if we share the shipping betwn 2 of us. May be a few dollars lower if I can get a rebate but can't confirm how much lower until i actually order. I was thinking if I'm paying $75 compared to $132 full price here locally, then I may be willing to tradeoff on the limited warranty issue. Let me know if you r keen. Cos I'm still finding out more abt it.
i dont wake babies up for milk, they wake me up. wakakaka.... i read from one website that we need to wake babies up for milk but i dont do that, cause i imagine myself sleeping so sweet liao suddenly someone wake me up, hhhh... so mad ler.

bb still have different eating time, i almost look like panda oso liao. hihiihi....
petals, yes the scan is jus estimate one. i think dr loh dun wan me to worry, always scan he tells me the twins are the same size...unless i go those detailed scan and ask those pple, then will give a more detailed info. ;) just take more "bu" stuff lor, continue with those black chicken soup every nite...and still take those fish daily lah. yes, use those herbs to bathe for about one month...hated it...but what to do.

deasy, i usually dun wake them up for milk esp at nite....last nite they slept through 5 hours, i was so happy can finally sleep more! only day time if they sleep more than 4 hrs i wake them up.

weiwei, glad that ur gal is with u liow? must be tiring coping with 3 kids! i oredi so tired looking after 2! my boy's check up is oni on 24 march...
hi ladies
it's great to read that u all are successful cases of IVF. It does spur me on with what i am abt to go thru. the baby pics posted are also keep me going. thanks and congrats to u ladies

I also love the fotos posted...Somehow or rather gives me the determination and courage to embark on the program....Thanks a lot, tis forum is definitely my companion to the IVF since I told only 2 frens of mine tat I am going to do it...
