IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Sorry to hear abt your bleeding. But ur baby still ok, right? Take care. If ur hubby driving u there, tell him to drive smoothly, esp over the humps.

Sorry to hear abt the bleeding, no wonder have not heard from you for quite long. Hope you have a gd rest during this period. If can, do keep us updated abt yr visit today, take care!
No, the pharmacy never say must store in fridge. I just finished one bottle which i always put on my dining table...just opened the 2nd bottle. I find my 1st bottle capsule very fishy compared to my 2nd bottle..dunno issit due to temp so better put fridge.

Btw, did the pharmacy said Obimin shd not take with milk?
Aiyo, I called up TPS last time when I first started on obimin n calcium, to ask them if can eat together since the both instruction labels said to take in the morning. They told me it's ok. Then this wk when i collected my new bottles, the pharmacist explained carefully that obimin and calcium has to be taken separately since obimin has iron. And the new sticker labels on my calcium now say to take it at night! Hiaz, after i've been taking them together for a mth+ already, now the instruction changes. So now I try not to drink milk in morning as i'm taking obimin then.

wow wow wow, ur babies r quite heavy huh?! they r in their 27 going to 28wks, right? so far for e past visits, my gyn had never tell me abt e babies weight, just told me they r at normal weight... well, seeing him again cm, wil ask abt e weight for babies. heard by eating durian we can increase babies weight. but dun want to eat too early as if they r too heavy or too big to stay inside my tummy, they may come out much earlier. hav to mature their organs 1st then their body weight.

these days i always feel tired n sleepy, walk abt less than 100m only wil feel giddy n legs also painful. but glad to say, other than tiredness, i dun hav any signs of premature labour. mum n hubby r quite happy abt it, we all hoping can keep babies til 32wks, tat wil b 6wks more... think by then, i can start to eat my durian already.... but for u, greater chance to keep babies til 36-37wks, just like dodo n rebekah, u can go hm with e babies!! so, i may deliver early than u, heehee...

nano, petals

milk should nt b taken with any meds as it wil slow down ur degestion n affect e absorbtion of e meds u r taking. try to apart milk frm meds abt 1 hour. re store of e meds, think should b ok as u r taking it everyday so finish quite fast. by putting in e fridge, e meds can b kept longer.

obimin n cacium can b taken together, no prob with tat. maybe they seperate for u so tat u no need to take so many tablets at one time.
thx, was getting confused w all their diff instructions. You're going on strong...but better rest when u r tired.

when's ur Wk20 detailed scan? is it in ADC?
now is 27week 5days, gynae always see the weight of babies everytime i go by counting the head and abdomen size. i start going to office again but only work for 3 to 5 hours after lunch, feel much happier than being at home, feel energizer cause i have something to do. hihi...
hopefully you can keep the babies until 34week, my gynae said 34weeks consider safe liao, i plan on keeping them till 37week, can get "pig tail babies" hahahaha... around feb 2-5, but we'll see about tht then, if possible mayb after chinese new year. gynae also said he will give injection for babies lungs on 35week. another 3 visits to gynae and must pop the babies out liao, seems like just yesterday we started our journey, and another road opens wide with new experiences.

did your doc prescribe u progesterone or give you the injection? wht week are you now?
Hi all,
Need some advise here..
Just saw doc Loh yesterday. I mentioned to him about tummy tightness. He was quite concern as he said might lead to MC. Really worried. He gave me progestrone tablets to take. Those medicine made me really drowsy. Do u gals experience the same tightness ? Especially after meals? Mornings are usually OK. I am not very keen with taking more hormones med.

Thought i could see gender of baby, but doc Loh still unsure about it. Guess if can't see that protruding object, high chance to be a girl. Can't buy my baby clothes yet..
Take care all
better listen to dr loh, taking the hormone pills is a small price to pay if it helps prevent M/C. Rest more. Hope it subsides for u.

I get it once in a while too, esp b4 i poo...think my abdomen too full.
Nano & Petals, thanks a lot! Baby ok, now at 10.8 cm

I am now 16th wks and 3 days. Yes, was injected 4 times since Depavali and on 100mg progesterone 2x daily.

Hi all,
Dr loh finally found the reason for my bleedg, mine case is low-lying placenta and solution is rest, rest and rest. Other than that, pray that when uterus grow, the placenta will move up.
Sisters, must be very careful ok, have plenty of rest and make sure yr movements (walk, squat, etc) soft and light. Din know pregnant so vulnerable.

i m in my 26 wk n 1 day today, we r 1wk 6 days diff, heehee....

went to see gyn today. finally got e babies weight. e boys: 930g n 910g, e gal s smaller, 660g. dr said e boys r ok n only e gal got some underdevelopment due to e lung mass. but for now nothing can b done, just hope she wil cont to grow. he also said tat my condition s quite stable, should nt b a prob to carry babies til 28wks. yes, he said try to keep til 34-36wks.
ur boy2 good weight also e, mine were 700grms in week 25. hopefully your girl will catch up soon, lets pray for her together.

u really must rest a lot, and on medication. i read from some books that low lying placenta always cause bleeding e. poor you, cant do shopping, but look at the bright side, u get enough rest tht would make you look younger.

forget to tell you not to eat too much durian lor. one of my customer said when his wife was pregnant with their third child, his wife sneaked to buy durian and ate some, babies came out bald, not like his other bro and sis, lots of hair. i just smile. he said durian is too hot for womb. i dunno about tht cause i dont like durian.

Now i'm craving for travelling all the time. I told my husband and he asked me to go fishing with him for a week, wuaaahhhh... dont want leerr, better stay home, if i'm not pregnant, ok lar, can still casting and fishing, now cant carry anything, fishing is not fun. sometimes it seems i have so much energy to do so many things, but facing the things i want to do, i become unable to do it cause people around me helping me do it and ask me to sit down, lie down, so worry that i might get used to it and become lazy. hahahaha....

happy saturday nite, girls.
Good that they managed to identify the problem, so that at least u know the solution. Rest well. Can do ur shopping online instead.
I had tummy tightness starting around my 7th month, especially after I scolded my class...that tightness, I found out later on that it was actually contractions... I guess that's why Dr Loh is quite concerned... Pls take care of yourself...

I was told by Dr Loh that I had a low lying placenta when I kept experiencing cramps even I was about to reach my 2nd trimester... But he told me not to worry as there might still be a chance for it to move up and by 37th week, he would be able to know what kind of birthing method he would use for me, whether c-sect or natural...thank god, it did go up and I was able to give birth to my boy naturally, without any form of help, except epidural... so, stay positive!

Dawn, how's the countdown?
So happy that yr babies are doing well, I pei fu yr positive atitude, must learn from u. My HB said 1 alreadi so tough, cannot imagine carry 3.

Deasy & Petals,
Ya lor, now Christmas time, so exciting to walk around orchard rd, got to enjoy Christmas mood online, haha.

thanks for the encouragement,really good to hear it is not end of the world yet.
Petals, Weiwei,
Seems like they gave different instruction...the nurs/pharmacist at TPS told me ok to take Obimin with milk so I'm abit confused whether can or not. I think some gynae tell their patient dun take together with milk....so i play it safe too, if i take milk for breakfast, i will also wait at least an hr later then take the pills.

Dr Loh prescribed calcium for me, so i just started taking it yesterday. Is yr "Caltrate 600"? Funny...my instruction on the bottle stated to take in the morning. So can take at night too?

Reg the fish oil, TPS also told me dun have to put in fridge. I decided to leave the bottle which i'm taking outside rm temp cos i'm not sure whether it is harder for the oil to breakdown and absorb when it is cold. However, the bottle which is unopened, i still leave it inside the fridge.

My wk 20 scan will b 29 Dec at ADC..wat abt u?

it's good tat u still so active! me must rest 2-3 times for just 10mins walk. legs pain, pubic area pain, giddy, breathless.... lucky we already bought most of e things n mum s with me all e time.

also can feel babies grow very fast these days, tummy keep on expending, heehee... abt 110cm now. btw, i m using maternity belt since 2wks ago. it help to support e tummy while walking as multiples r much heavier than just one baby.

abt durian, i dare nt to take it now n scared e babies wil grow too big n i cant take e weight, then pop out early. planning to eat a big durian buffet after giv birth, heehee.....for now, dare nt to.....
I read fr Motherhood mag tat "it is not unusual to have relatively low placenta in the early stages of preg cos the womb is still small. As the womb enlarges with baby's growth, most will shift into relatively higher position" so hopefully yrs will shift to the right place.

When is yr detailed scan? Guess they will check the placenta during the scan too?
Is yr tightness thru' out the day?? I do experience tightness but it is after meals so i assumed it is due to food intake. Sometimes I still feel bloated after meals but Dr Loh said normal.
Yah, anyway now I take everything else in the morning, then my Caltrate 600 tab either in aftrn or night when I take my milk. Don't worry, the calcium tab is actually for the mummy, since our babies use up our existing calcium store. I also leave my neurogain in my rm. Mine is on 2-Jan.
Do u still have to go for ur amnio now? Or will they reschedule it later?

Nano, Needles,
I also feel tightening sometimes in the past few days, like tummy is hard. Sometimes even though it's 1 hr aftr meals, and even when I'm resting on bed. Slightly uncomfortable, then it goes away. I also feel a light fluttering feeling, not sure if it's the babies kicking or it's bubbles. Also getting a little uncomfortable sleeping, as I get back aches and can't find a gd position on either side.

when did u start feeling ur babies move?

thanks! we must hav a positive mind n our baby/babies can feel it too. remember i was very emotional n cried a few times last two wks over small things tat i used to do but nt able to do due to pregnancy, babies were very restless n keep on turning here n there. they feel e sadness also. so i try to control my own temper n keep a positive mind, now they r better, can even play with hubby when he tap my tummy. same as u, no matter how many baby u r carrying, he/she s always ur most important one. being preg s nt easy. mum always say tat God s fair, when he giv u baby, he wil giv u something to remember or some tests to pass b4 u can hold ur baby in ur arm. just take all e uncomfortable as part of e preg life which nt everyone can experience it, u wil find it easier to pass. jiayou!!

btw, how many wks r u now? i had a friend got low placenta also, she used maternity belt frm ant 6mth onwards to support e baby. maybe u want to try.


for all e meds, as long as it's nt for sleeping or other specific reason tat must b taken in e night, can b taken any time of e day. e reason why they put as morning dose s easier to remember n it wil nt giv ur stomach discomfort while u take it in e night. it's ok, dun wori.
Tat day Dr Loh asked me whether i can feel baby move..told him not yet. He said usually 1st time mum may feel later abt 20wks+. Likely u more sensative can feel leow...me looking forward to feeling their movement.

Weiwei, Petals,
Thks for the info on the med..think i will take my calcium later.
May i know for the wk 20 detailed scan at ADC, will the sonographer give us the ultrasound pics?..will they tell the results on the spot?
Petals & Nano,
hi.. i graduate to IVF mummies..i gave birth on 17 May. Am also under Dr SF LOh. I feel my bb movement when am 12 weeks
Really admire ur positive attitude. These past few days, don't know why, but I've been a little emotional. Crying over silly arguments w my hubby, and partly triggered by feeling a little overwhelmed and worried abt the road ahead, hoping i can carry babies till full term without any problems. Hiaz, must tell myself to lighten up and take things one at a time.

Hopefully they will give us a report with the pics in it. Cos need to show Dr after that i think. Are u seeing him immediately after your scan?
How's ur scan last sat? I saw my babies sucking their thumbs on separate occasions.

Hi! congrats on ur 6mth old baby! I guess I'll look out more for signs of babies' movement...quite exciting.
It's amazing! You can feel yr baby movement so early. Really looking forward to feeling my bb's move...hopefully soon

Ya i will see dr immediately after the scan..guess yrs shd be same too rite? In tat case prob Dr will brief us on the results.
Haa..i also saw my bb sucking thumb during my last scan. Seems like this is one of their favourite past times.
Petal & Nano,
thanks.. at first u feel is nice but when they grow..haha.. is pain..coz they use their elbow to stretch ur tummy to the max.. :p
Do u let yr bb listen to classical music during preg? Me thinking of getting such CDs to let bb listen fr 5th mth onwards...any recommendations? Where can i buy? Thks
Petals, yes i went this morng for amnio. Prof tee did it in less than 3 min, wow, i was amazed at his experience. Now restg in bed.

Nano, my detailed scan is 26 dec follow by dr visit. Thx for the reassurance.

weiwei, thx for the encouragemt, v motivating.
Not sure if those baby Mozart classical music cds are any diff from the normal classical cds. I have a few simple classical compilation cds (not specifically for preg) that I can use, but i actually prefer jazz. You can pop down to any store and browse, some compilations of popular pieces are not that exp.

Wow, that's fast! Good to hear that everything went smoothly. Think u need to rest for a week or so after amnio? Take care, my dear. Don't worry too much, ok?
Glad to hear tat yr amnio test is very smooth, do have a gd rest during this period. All the best for yr result, do keep us updated, take care!

I also not sure whether the normal Mozart classical music for baby got any differences or not. Actually i'm not those who knows how to appreciate classical music...ok will pop by any store to browse when i go shopping, thks

glad to knw tat ur amino went smoothly. hav plenty of rest n dun wori for e results.

petals, nano

think most of e classic music should b ok for babies. my friend said as long as e music s relaxing n calming, babies should like it. coz we wil feel relaxed n calm, i even slept sometimes while listening :p as long as e music doesnt giv me any pressure or make me excited, i think e babies r fine with it. din really look for for baby music cds....
Yah, i agree that as long as it's music that we enjoy and find relaxing, shld be ok. As long as it's not techno...hee...babies will be dancing then...
heard that Mozart is slightly better for brain development.
Think some scientist did some expts and came to this conclusion....hee , so if got choice, go for mozart lah
my due date is Valentine's day, but twins will usu deliver around 36wks hor....so prob in mid jan lor. Just went for check up a few days ago, both of them about 1.8kg each at 30wk, so dr loh says quite good, must try to keep them there at least for 1 more month. nowadays, really difficult to walk leh....i walk awhile, will have backache, knee pain, breathlessness. even want to go shopping also must limit to 1 hour plus only. are u given those anti-contraction pills to take?

how? u finished buying all your stuff? I am left with the baby cot, still waiting to see if got any more cheap sale!

i also got most of e things already, only left e baby cot. some of my friends want to buy for me, so i just wait for them lor.

i m nt on any anti-contraction pills. dr just advice me to rest more only. wow, 1.8kg at 30wks, good weight huh. hope my babies wil hav such a good weight by then also. now i m going to 28wks til this saturday. hoping can keep them til 32wks, tat wil b mid jan also. maybe we wil deliver ard same time.
Dodo, congrats! The twins are sweet! The first one can even smile!!! How r u recovering from your C-section?

Weiwei, yes, i think we may deliver around the same time. I hope can at least 34 weeks, that is 1 month from now lor. But last night i felt something like BH for the first time, whole tummy harden for about 30 sec to 1 minute, gave me a bad scare! When is your next appt? Are you on complete bed rest now?

ur twins r soooo cute!!

i guess e left side one s e gal gal, right? how r u coping with them at home? ur MIL helping u? must b a lot of changes in ur life. r u BFing them? how s ur wound? heard tat even outside layer wound healed, still must b very careful coz e inner layers n abd muscles need time to heal as well. pls take care n do visit here when u free. cheers!!

i had hardening tummy sometimes also. mostly happen in e night when i change position or getting up to e toilet. think i disturb their sleep so they must show me their anger. also few days ago, when i turned to left side to sleep(coz there r 2 in e right side n only 1 baby over left side), e left side boy was so restless n think he kick at e other two who falling on him as i turn. end up all e babies tense up n i, e poor mummy had a bad time e whole night. even can feel they trying to push open e cervix for more space.... wat can i do then, i had to lie flat e whole night although didnt sleep well as lying flat wil make me breathless n palpitation... told mum e next day, she was even more scared than me, said should hav wake her up n send me to e hoapital for observation. :p since then, mum n hubby did nt allow me to go out of e house n even shower by myself. e most i can do s walk ard in e house, frm bedroom to living room, or to toilet... my appt s this saturday, i wil b fully 28wks then. it's a big milestone for e babies, at least they got higher chance of survive.
I read that it's better for us to sleep on our sides (left side is better), as our heavy tummy will press on a nerve if we sleep flat on our backs and this is no good for us. Was wondering how u gals cope with sleeping arrangements so far. For me, my belly not as big as yours yet, but I already need to put a small pillow to prop up my tummy when i lie on my side, else i feel uncomfortable. I also find it hard to change sides.

For ur shower, maybe u can put a stool in the bathroom for u to sit? Then no need to stand for so long.
aiyoh weiwei, your hardening of tummy last so long? must have felt really uncomfortable. Mine a few minutes also difficult to tahan. i also confined to house only on saturday can go out shop 1 hour. hee hee, but with great difficulty in walking. hope all your babies are fine when u see them this saturday! Yes, at least at 28 weeks, their chances of survival is so much higher! you eat more and rest more during this period, i realised that these 2 weeks staying at my mum's place, the babies really put on a lot of weight becos every day, i just eat and sleep most of the time.

petals, i also try to sleep on the left most of the time but think one of the twins' legs keep jutting at my ribs nowadays, very painful and breathless, so i have to turn and sleep on the other side when this happens.

i used to put a pillow under to support e tummy also. but as they grow, they became much more sensitive n strong. any pressure on e tummy wil hav a response frm them. they even kick me til i wake up in e night just bcoz my bladder s full n take up their space. hai.....


yes, at this stage rest s e most important thing for us n babies. as long as we feel tired, better rest so e babies can rest as well. these days, my sleep at night became shorter n usually wake up every 3 hrs. it also takes me abt 1/2 hr to sleep again as e babies always play football inside...guess ur babies r much more stronger than mine. it's really painful when they kick at e ribs n bladder. heehee, agree with u.


ur twin are very very cute!! ur son is so handsome and ur gal.. so so pretty!! her eyes are very big!! even at this age can see her double eyelids liaoz!!

congrats!! well done my friend!! have a good confinement ya!!
