(2008/05) May 2008

Tks for e explanation...now i hv a cleaer pic and will monitor my tummy closely...heehe...

Ur bb so active hor...twice I see my bb also sleeping wor...tink before e detailed scan next mth, I must eat soemting sweet...hee..

I hv started buying avent mil bottles on and off when they hv sales lor...like those 20% + 10% if u are a particualr card member etc....
choc, i was told got Avent liquid powder. But it is always sold out.

Ant, how come we always opposite one wor. I got bad MS, you dun hv... my baby moves so much, yours till now haven, I got gal, you have a boy. Heehee...

BTW, my gal moves so much till all aunties can feel my gal. They all say she is hyperactive wor...
choc, but sometimes, when i didnt feel the movement for half the day, i get scare instead... cos i duno if bb ok or not... =p

usually after work, i will juz lie down on sofa to watch tv.. more often durin these few hours, will feel the movement. sometimes will juz expose tummy area to observe if got any movement while halfway watchin tv.. waitin to catch bb movement is more interestin than the show... hahaha
poky, me too! Except I will expose my tummy oni in my bedroom... me living with in-laws. I always like to watch my tummy moves when baby kicks! Its so interesting to see.
i tink inside taka baby corner have

duno which floor.. u go to the kid section lor... then right opposite is the maternity section...

i didnt see any maternity shop in taka leh...

hmmm.. maybe u can try suntec city?
choc- thks! cos later goin orchard so tot go taka see got anot. desperately need to get 3/4 pants! the current one gettin tight liao =\
jaspire, if i livin with my family or inlaws, i will only expose my tummy in the privacy of my own bedrm liao. dun think it appropriate to "expose" in front of others... hahahah

but my hubby will get worried that wind will get in tummy as the fan keep blowin. =p
jaspire, cos he always get tummy upset after not coverin his stomach while sleepin with the fan. so that y he more "picky" with fan blowin at the tummy... hahaha
i hv nt really feel the real kick of my boy yet. but hv being able to feel his movement since wk 18. nw me wk 21 and the movement are getting rather regular. some of the movement are like he is doing sommersault inside lor.
Hi maybe i am second time preg, so this time round i feel the baby movement earlier than the first, for my first i only start to feel around 20 plus weeks for my second, i can feel him arond 16weeks plus already, but now that i am 21 weeks, his kick is getting stronger and more more frequent. He kicks more when his sister is 'singing' hahaha...
hey gals i juz saw dis morning straits time.. taka gt sales start frm today..
i oso saw Avent sterliser set on sale.. quite cheap leh.. so regret dat i ask my SIL to help mi get during ytd's isetan sale.. seems like taka is selling cheaper..

anyway tomolo im goin for detail scan.. so scare..
piggy mummy, me dunno if nid to buy anot cos not sure if my SIL is passing me the steam steriliser anot. It seems really a gd and worthy buy leh.
yalor! i tinking of going down to c c look look

maybe can buy hor..

gals.. have u consider wat brand of the breast pump to buy?
Hi all, recently went to see baby pram, cot and robinson sales. At first wanted to buy the Avent Steriliser that robinsons has($139 only). Then in the end, didn't get cos hubby said too early to get. If warranty 1 year, we will waste almost half of it. Anyway, it doesn't matter since there is always sales. Same thing goes for the pram cos we see there is 20% off in Mothercare. We are considering to get the Orbit http://www.orbitbaby.com/ or Quinny Buzz http://www.quinny.com/

Anyone got any reviews about them?
hi, today i got lower abd pain, is no a constant pain, but on and off fr afternoon till now,anyone experience it? izzit because of the stretching uterus?
Dear Mummies,
I'm from Nov07 MTB thread.
I have Gina Ford's Contented Little Baby Book for sale. It's recommended by many mummies who want to establish a daily routine for baby.

Bought it at $28, will let go at $18. Good condition. Anyone interested?
Please email me at [email protected]
Hi sisters,
A little update, my amnio result came out ok, and also just did my 20 wk detailed scan, also ok. Thanks for all the re-assurances. Now can concentrate on preparing BB's stuff.

Yr gynae, Prof john Tee, was very experienced and fast when he did my amnio. He completed the job in 1 minute and was very firm when he handled the needle.

Kindly assist to update mine record, a little prince and my first. thank you
hi all mummies! did my detailed scan and confirmed it's a princess!

so sad i couldn't see the screen when the sonographer was doing the measurements etc but hubby could see. she only explained the various parts to us and turned the screen to show me after she did the measurements. baby was cute, moderately active can see her opening and closing her mouth!

saw that on the report it was the placenta is slightly low and i have 2 fibreoids, but my gynae says not to worry about them.

starting to get leg cramps in the middle of the night, so painful! also get pins and needles in my arms and legs very easily, like if i cross my legs for very long or when i put my arms under my pillow
finally went robinsons yesterday, but sad to see the phillips-avent baby moniter set was sold out
really wanted to get that. anyone knows if it's still available at robinsons centrepoint?

i could also feel my baby move abt 16 weeks or so, felt like bubble initially. then the movements disappeared for a week (got me so worried!) and at week 19 it came back and was more definite, like beating of drums for me. this week (week 20), hubby can feel some of her kicks

gynae asked me to moniter baby's movements, like at leat 10 in 12 hour period. was it the same guidlines given to you ladies?

yalo, when the sonographer taking the measurement, we unable to c the screen ho, but if we c, then the sonographer cant see liao. he..he..

so now u can buy bb stuff liao...

that day may b dr ang was in a hurry, so he just mentioned to observe bb movement like 10 times..but i din heard he said in 12 hours,or may b he talk too fast..

so i have to count liao..my husband like addicted to bb kick, he always wana to c him kick b4 sleep...

what time ur bb most active? mine is ard 1-2pm, then 9 plus at nite..
LB and Lynn, congrats on your prince and princess!

piggymummy, i oso got lower abd pain oso on and off. So maybe it is the uterus stretching. I am seeing gynae next wed so will check with him.

Lynn, my gynae did not ask me to monitor wor, cos my baby already so so so active. So no nid to count how many times she moved. Oni unless baby is not active then nid monitoring. Thats wat i was told.
Hi mummies,

good to see all of you and your babies are alrite.
today I rushed down to see the gynae again cos in the morning, there is some bleeding when i went to toilet. so it got me so panic. so hubby and me quickly went down to the gynae's clinic.

she didn't do the ultrasound, only use the doppler to let us hear the heartbeat to make sure the baby is alrite. then she did the swab test and confirmed tat the bleeding is from vagina. so she said it's a threatened miscarriage, but the cervix is still closed. then she gave me a one-week mc to rest at home and ventolin to relax the womb so tat it won't contract.

sigh.. just hope everything will be alrite after this.
hi, sorry to interrupt, have got the following for sale:

hi i've this MIM sling for sale. used only once with DVD. $35. color:
lime green. collection by postage or shenton, serangoon, AMK o TPY.
interested, pls pm o e-mail me @ [email protected]

hey jaspire.. plz help mi update my bb's gender.. its a prince.. hehe

hey Yanling.. sorry to hear this.. plz take care of urself n bb.. rest more at hm n do not move ard ok??
hi lynn,

u looking for baby monitor? i was at robinson centrepoint yesterday.. they still left alot..

for those still looking for the philips avent sterilising set, robinson got better bargain. Cardmember price at only $139, you get the complete starter set(2 bottles, 2 teats, 2 pacifier)+baby neck support+3M thermal bag+non-spill cup. Takashimaya's offer is $145 but not the complete set (only got 1 bottle and 1 teat i think)+dunno what food storage.
hi lynn,

u looking for baby monitor? i was at robinson centrepoint yesterday.. they still left alot..

for those still looking for the philips avent sterilising set, robinson got better bargain. Cardmember price at only $139, you get the complete starter set(2 bottles, 2 teats, 2 pacifier)+baby neck support+3M thermal bag+non-spill cup. Takashimaya's offer is $145 but not the complete set (only got 1 bottle and 1 teat i think)+dunno what food storage.
Any mummies interested in the below items. Collection at Bedok.
1.Daifonai (Herbal Bath), 17 pack.
2.Friso Gold Step 1 (900g), 1 can
3.Frisomum (400g), 1 can
Interested mummies can contact me at 92789982.
hey jaspire, can help update mine,just did my detailed scan and confirm mine is a princess.
Went to robinson sale, but not sure what to get and also so many ppl in the queue. Does anyone know if the avent price for cardmember is still available or only till 27th?
by right is until 27th.

But yesterday(28th) i went to check all the prices from plaza singapura to OG to Robinson to Metro to Takashimaya from 1pm till 9pm.

When I was at Robinson at around 2pm, the avent set was selling at $183. After comparing all the prices and free gifts...I decided to walk back back to Robsinson at 7pm to buy the $183 set.

Then hor... to my surprise.. they change the price tag.... cardmember offer... $139!!! =D
i have a brand new avent sterilizer just bought yesterday with warranty. as my friend just told me she is passing me hers so i don't need it liao. I can sell u at 130 if you are interested. sms me at 91813861.

i went to john little... to buy pram, baby cot and get 30% rebate for the items i purchased

not bad leh.. if u gals interested.. can go and take a look.. worth the buy..

pram i got for ard 150 (after discount).. baby cot ard 260(after discount.) include bedding set...
me will try to make my way down to robinsons centrepoint to check out if they still have the baby moniter set, but i'm so lazy i dunno if i'll make it. it seems to be a really good buy! if only hubby doesn't have to work today he can drive me down

me gained 4kg in 5 weeks! so stressed, and so constipated! must remember to eat less and eat more fruits and vege. school's starting soon and canteen food sucks so hope will slow down on the weight gain. baby is only less than 400g now leh..

choc, i also bot some stuff from john little and got the vouchers, but then dunno wat to buy with the vouchers already cos it says can't be used with discounts/promotions. good thing is that the expiry date is still long to go..

piggy mummy, my baby seems to be most active a while after i take my meals and also at night. last night i was up late and baby was still kicking me at 1am, maybe telling mummy to go sleep sleep heehee. i am happy the kicks are getting stronger everyday.

yanling, hope you have a good rest this holidays. Stay strong and positive
I had bleeding too, dr checked my cervix and it was closed. Put me on a lot of bedrest (1 mth), progesterone, nifedinpine and injection, now ok liao, so not to worry too much.
what type of pram you bot, may I ask? me k-po, still at a lost which to buy. went to bb kingdom and bb hypermart, so many choices, very confuse.
Hi jaspire, can you pls help to update? I'm having a little prince. Thks

The good thing about having a second baby is that he can use all the hand-me-downs from the first. Hehe.... I remember shopping for all the baby stuff from taka, robinsons for my first and it was really fun. Happy shopping, mums!

Any mommies delivered before at TMC standard single bedder? Can share what's the bill like?

Went for the hospital tour on fri since i was there for the detailed scan and i'm not keen to share a room with a stranger leh..
