Any comments about KKIVF?

Hi, Jeni, I went to KKIVF before, was recomended by GP at polyclinic, becos of this I was under govt subsidies,(S$20 per visit), so I can't choose doctor. It means I have to repeat my history every time to diff doc. It was very tiring. So my hubby and I decided to stop from there. Any way, I heard from my friend, Dr Loh Seong Feei from KKIVF is good, but his consultation fee is just like other private doc.
Hi Koalatree,
I am going to do my IVF at KKIVF with Dr Sheila Loh. She is my gynae and she is the head of the dept. Her waiting time in her clinic in KK is very long but I heard that at KKIVF, it is not so bad. However, she is only available on Monday morning till 12pm.
Hi, Jeni,

sorry for the late reply, wasn't aware that u have replied to me. Have u started your IVF with Dr Sheila Loh? How do you find her?

After reading so many threads in the Forum,realised that quite a lot of the success IVF mom-to-be were under Dr SF Loh. The best part is we can contact him via e-mail.

To me, I guess I would have to go for IVF, no choice. Partly is becos, I don't want to wait anymore. Now is the time to choose which hospital and which doctors that we want to go for it.

All the best and keep in touch.
it's ok.
I have already seen Dr Sheila Loh and arranged with her to do the IVF in October. I have heard of the other Dr Loh as well but Sheila Loh has been my gynae. She is busy... So I am a bit worried that she cannot provide me with the care that patients doing IVF need. Currently, I am also taking chinese medicine. Hopefully will prepare my body for the final stage - implantation.
Yup... update each other of the progress.
Hi Jeni

Yes, I understand that she is very busy, hmmm...I have read from some other threads, this lady named as " puipui80", she was under Dr Loh when she did her 1st IVF. But not to worry, you will be in her good hand, Ok?

Any particular reason that yours only scheduled on Oct? This is wat you requested or KK scheduled for you? I heard that KK is always long q, and we can't really choose the timing?

May I know how much is your IVF cost with KK? Now, I also have my financial constraint as I might need to have a laparoscopy first before I can proceed with IVF.... so the expenses can really cost me arm and leg...

Yes, definately, TCM will help to boost up your energy. May I know who is your chinese physician?
I am a teacher. So, in order to go for the scanning in the morning, I can only do it around that time. No choice.
Well, u r right. KKIVF has long queue. So, if you want a particular period to do your IVF, then u will have to make the appointment with them asap. Besides, u must have recommendation from the gynae in KK to get registered. No walk in.
Don't know about the cost yet but the nurse told me that I need to have $3k in cash just in case.
When we went there, we paid for the registration and counselling and that cost about $200. Then we have to do the blood tests later on HIV, H-B and there's another which I can't remember. That will cost about $50 plus each person.
I am taking the chinese medicine now.
It is yucky!
But I have no choice. My chinese physician told me that hopefully she can help me to get pregnant without the help of IVF by october. I am praying very hard too.
My chinese physician is Dr Du. Her clinic is at Bt Timah Shopping Centre.
Hi Jeni

Thanks. I was also heard that Dr Du is quite good. Realy hope that you can get preggie before u proceed to IVF.

Best Regards
Wish you could benefit from my sad experience and succeed in IVF>>>>>>>>>>>

I have been trying to have a bb for 5 years. After having a tubal pregnancy, I switched my medical care from SGH to KKH and was under Dr Tony Tan as private patient. Frankly speaking, I find Dr Tony Tan is quite friendly and patient. He gives time to ask questions and explains in details. Dr Tan sent me for test to see whether my tube is patent(I only have one tube left,the other one was cut due to tubal pregnancy. The doc who performed the procedure didn't reveal the finding. She saidmy doctor would explain to me. Dr Tan told me that my (only) tube is blocked. As the only tube I have is blocked. It is not possible to conceive naturally. Hence, Dr Tan referred me to Dr Sheila Loh, the head of IVF Centre, for IVF.

When I saw Dr Sheila Loh, she also confirmed that my fallopian tube is blocked, and put me on IVF.

After signing all the necessary document, I started the IVF procedure in June.

On day 3 (day 1 was on Saturday) of my menses, I called up KKIVF to make an appointment as told. I was asked to go to IVF Centre on D14 of my menses to start Lucrin injection for 2 weeks. I told the nurse I didnt practice safe sex. I then asked the nurse whether it is possible to conceive when one side of the tubes is cut and the other one is blocked. Was told not possible.

So I started Lucrin injection. Two weeks passed, my menses didnt come. I went for appo. IVF Centre did a blood test and scan for me. Told me to call in the afternoon for the blood result and instruction.

I called up KKIVF at about 4pm the that day, asked how was my blood result & what should I do next. The nurse was quite rude: You no need to know the result, you need to continue the injection for another week and come back next Monday morning, 8am.

So I continued my Lucrin injection every night. Me and hus were quite worry, we kept on searching net for related info as my menses still not come. And I notice my breast was enlarged and my tummy was a bit bloatedI checked my pad every now and then, but my menses still not come..

On Saturday, ie two days before my scheduled appo with KKIVF, I suddenly suffered severe groin pain. When checked website, indicates if have pain in groin, should inform doctor. Even though I knew that IVF Centre closes on Saturday and Sunday, we were so worry that we wanted to try our luck to see whether could get anyone there. I kept on calling for several times, but nobody answered. There was no other option but had to wait till Monday which was my scheduled appo date.

However, when came to that Saturday afternoon, I was not only suffered from severe groin pain, but also lower back and abdomen pain. I could only lie in bed to minimise the pain. Later in the late afternoon, when I went to toilet, I saw bleeding, brown color. We didnt know whether it is normal, then thought maybe the brown bleed was due to delay and lucrin injection. Both me and my husband were very released: it finally came. I am in the normal stream (cos in the website, it indicates normally lucrin need to be injected 2-3 weeks).

We went to KKIVF on the coming Monday morning 8 am, told nurse and doctor of the symptom and my brownish menses. During my ultrasound scans, the doctor (not Dr Loh, a junior doctor) asked the assistant for my last scan result. They then discussed some terms which I dont understand. After that the nurse told the doctor that there was one reading in my last blood test also very high (I didnt catch what that was, I later guess she might refer to HCG level). After the scanning, I asked the doctor how was the scanning. She told me that she found some water in my abdomen and asked me for a urine test.

This was the nightmare, the urine test was positive!! I could not believe. So I asked the nurse what does that mean. She told me The urine test shows that you are pregnant. Oh, my god, I AM PREGNANT!!! How could I believe it?!! Considering that my fallopian tubes loss their function to send my egg to meet the sperm!!! Thinking that the urine test is not 100% correct. I requested for a blood test to double confirm. As I insisted, the nurse agreed and asked me to come back at about 11:30am to find out the blood result. We were then left unattended by anyone. We wanted to cry: We have been trying so long for a baby, I AM PREGNANT when I was on lucrin!! I was told pregnant I was bleeding!! We were like left in a lonely planet. I couldnt think properly

Time was like frozen, finally it was 11 oclock. Me and my hus slowly walked back to IVF centre (I still had groin pain, back pain and lower abdomen discomfort). We found out that the blood test also confirmed that I was pregnant.. I was then prescribed oral pills to help to keep the fetus.

I went back home with 2 days MC. Still had fresh bleeding, on and off, even though I rest in bed most of the time. The next day late afternoon, my hus and I went to womens 24 hours clinic to see doctor, asking whether could have injection. Doctor told us that injection was no good for baby and didnt give. I then asked doctor whether I need to be hospitalized. Doctor said can, if I request, for observation in hospital, but will continue same medicine. So I decided to go back home rest.

After went back home I continue rest in bed. Two days later, my bleeding became heavier, fresh bleeding like my D2 menses. We told ourselves, no matter how slim the chance was, we should have the faith in our baby, dont give up. I ate a lot every meal, take medicine punctually, just thinking that this was the critical period, my baby need nutrient to fight, need medicine to help. I also pray GOD to help me and my baby. But it didnt work. The bleeding continued. And the next day I saw tissue in fresh blood. We knew what that means. We went to hospital. the big piece was out by self. I was hospitalized to observe.

No doctor attended to me except a very fresh doctor took a few tubes of blood for me. Thank god, my condition seemed to be stable, had less bleeding..

I was told that Dr Sheila Loh would see me the next day cos I am a private patient.

The next day, we waited for doctor to see me. But Dr Loh was very busy, She only saw me at about 11:30am after several times of reminding the ward doctor and nurses. We asked her about her future plan for us. And then we asked this confuse question: How come I conceived as my one tube was removed and the other is blocked. Dr Sheila Loh flipped through my case notes and told me: IT DID NOT SAY YOUR TUBE IS BLOCKED! JUST SAY THERE ARE SMALL AMOUNT OF FLUID PASS THROUGH MY Fallopian TUBE WHEN PERFORM THE PATENCY TEST!! She also further said, this test (the test I did) was use salt water, was not XX (a kind of solution which I did not catch the name). It actually is not a standard procedure for fallopian tube patency test. She then murmured while reading the report: It is indeed difficult to conclude.

My condition seemed to be stable. Dr Loh asked whether I wanted to go home or stay one more day. We opted to rest at home.

We cried everyday: We cried for our poor baby; we cried for our miserable fate. I hate myself for having injected away my own baby.. I dare not to look at my hubbys eyes. Whenever, we looked into each others eyes, tears dropped.

As times passes by, we are better now. We have decided not to go for IVF again, at least not go to KKIVF again. Who knows what will be the next waiting for me if we go

Truely empathise with your is already difficult to conceive and yet when finally conceived, you are on IVF and the best part is losing it in the midst of all the injections.........

Thanks for sharing your story with us here in this forum......there are times which doctor can be wrong and miracles can always happen despite all the medical diagnosis given by the doctors.

Be strong.......since you managed to conceive naturally in the midst of doing IVF, I am sure that you will receive another blessing again another time when the timing is deem right in God's grace......

Reading thru your story makes me think thru again all the potential risks and pain which the human body is subject to when undergoing IVF procedure.......this procedure is not just expensive but there are lots of unknown and uncertainties which currently, no medical doctors can even, for me and my hubby, we have decided, at least for now, not to try IVF......we will try naturally, and if we are blessed one day with a child, we will have it some day, with God's blessing.....and if we are not fated, then, we just have to accept our fate and think of alternatives like adoption etc if we really have to be parents to children...........right??

I am also like you and there are many others who are in the same shoes as, dun be discouraged okay.........

I also have heard of some horrible stories abt KKIVF, but I am not sure if these are real, as I only heard these from the forum........your story seems very real and scary..........I think that luck plays a part as to whether one succeed or fail in IVF treatments, and also, whether your body react well to these medication, also depends on luck as well.....

Do cheer up and there are really better things in life than just kids..........we have to learn to look out for better things in life....if we cannot have kids, then we have to re-focus our attention to spice up our marriage and family I right?

Thanks for your encouragement, Joan.

I would like to add one more point:

When I was asked to do the urine test, I was already pregnant for 6/52 (6 weeks) based on doctors calculation, while I had on Lucrin jab for 3 weeks. That means I was already pregnant for 1 week when I started the injection. Yah, I now recalled I was asked to started injection on D24 (usually start on D21) of my menses.

There are so many careless mistake during my treatment: If any doc could read my report careful and discover my tube was not blocked, things should not had gone so badly; if the IVF nurses and or technicians could be a bit more tactful or knowledgeable or responsible, things should not have gone so badly; If there were a competent doc around or review the report of my blood result and /or my scan result, things should not have gone so badlyK And I should have trusted the doctors unreservedly.

Still remember when we asked Dr Sheila Loh of my tube condition when I was warded. She told us that the report saying my tube was blocked was SGH report, not KK report. But I remember when I did similar tubal patency test in SGH, Dr Chua (Consultant of SGH O&G Clinic, Blk 5), who performed the procedure for me, told me that both my tubes are patent (that time I still had 2 tubes), although one side was not as good as the otherK.

It is in KK, the doc said several times that I tube was blocked. That was the reason why I started my IVFK.

Who to turn to if your own doc tells you two different story of your medical condition based on the same report, yet you yourself are not competent to interpret the medical terms?

I have to accept what have happened to me and carry on with my life. As Joan said, there are other things to pursue besides parenting. I will nurture my marriage, treasure family, look after healthK Dont lost my marriage after losing my babyK.
Hi Ban

It is indeed good for you to share with all of us here on the KKIVF service and professionalism....

Personally, I have met Dr Sheila Loh herself when she and her team conducted a talk on infertility and IVF sometime ago this year. According to my first impression, she appear to be a professional and someone who is willing to share and a very detailed gynae......can talk pretty well too.....I had a rather good impression of her and another of my couple friend will be consulting her for their IVF treatment...

After what you had shared with me, I really have 2nd thoughts of KKIVF......I think it really depends on one's luck and fate if the entire IVF process goes smoothly.....I guess doctors here are overswept with too many patients that they may not be able to attend to each patient as attentively as they wanted to.....

So, this whole episode just tells us as consumers, we must also do our homework and question doctors when in doubt....doctors can never be trusted 100%.......

Ban, I was wondering why did not Shiela Loh conduct a pregnancy test on you even before you start the IVF programme.......???? And also, did they not tell you also that you all should abstain from sex when you all are on the IVF is just so weird that experts in IVF area should at least know that a woman should be entirely be free from pregnancy even before she embark on IVF I am really questioning on the method of conducting IVF??? Anyone, any thoughts to share on this?


Your reply embarks my thought.
Agree, Dr Sheila Loh talks well, and her answer to your questions are convincingKK

The nurse did tell me no sex between my menses and Lurin injection. We consulted the nurse, based on my scenario, out of the two tubes, one is block, the other one was removed, is it possible to conceive. She shaked her head and told can not. Even on the day to start Lucrin jab, when the same nurse attended to me, I told her that I didnt practice safe sex, we were still put on IVF program. I do not blame the nurse, as the docs also hold the same perception: If I want to have my own baby, I have no other alternative but go for IVF cost there is no way for me to conceive naturallyK..

They all believed that my tube was blocked until I consulted Dr Sheila Loh when I was warded as a result of the pregnancy. Me and my hus were very puzzled: How could I be pregnant? Besides the tubes, is there any other channel exists to enable the egg and sperm meet? Dr Sheila Loh flipped my case notes and realized: Your tube is not blocked. There is some small amount of water passed through. This shows she either did not read my report or she did not read it carefully. As my tube is not blocked, they should not tell me inaccurate message and thus mislead me to such a tragedy of my lifeK

I do not know whether it is a practice to do a pregnancy test before injection started. I have not done a survey on whether blood test is sensitive enough to detect a pregnancy at about D21 to D24 of menses for a normal menses cycle. If can, it should be included in the SOP. Can anyone give advice on this???

My advice is, when you look for a doc., the most senior or most popular one might not be the best choice. Personally I feel a good consultant is better, cos he has both rich experience and time for you.

Do not be discouraged by my experience. It is indeed very rare and extreme. There are many successful stories in IVF.

Good luck to you and your friends and all the IVF ladies.

Now one month passed after my miscarriage. I will go and see Chinese physician tomorrow to build up my body. Please share with me your experience. Maybe I could regain confidence in having a baby once again.

Warm wishes
Hi Ban,

Can I ask you whether if your case is a negligent mis-diagnosis handled by the existing gynae in charge, is there any avenue to voice out these complaints to MOH? I strongly feel that all medical professionals should have a standard of professionalism and such mistakes like reading the wrong report or diagnosis is not is truely a negligence on the part of the doctor....we are the patients and we relied on medical professionals to advise us on what we need to do or to follow on...and if these advise prove to be faulty, dun you think that we have to air our greivances, afterall, it is a medical service that we paid for...and medical professionals should have a certain degree of standards to adhere to...

I am shocked that such things do happen in a govt hospital like KK.....

In Spore, we really have no human protection.....

Hi Ban

Hope you feel better now.

You are not alone dear, I have similar experience as you, Yes, almost the same... blocked tube, thought no chance of conceiving naturally, injecting suprefect (also have same effect as lucrin) for 7 days then discover my mensus was late and discover I was pregnant through blood test...

I have posted my story on this link, you may want to read it. It was on 17 June 2006.

I totally understand how you feel, When I was resting at home after my m/c, wat I usually did was crying and crying before I could closed my eyes every nite. During that period, I always think that I was the "killer" to my baby, Y I went to say yes to the doctor? Y I took the jab without asking any questions??? I continuing to blame myself until one day I told my HB I wanted to jump down to release myself.

After almost 7 months, now when I look back I still can feel the pain. My HB told me all are fated. May be not becos of the jab, my baby still will not with us.

Don't blame yourself, be strong dear. I know it is never easy to go through all these. I don't know how long this had happen, but please take good care. U should be doing your "confinement" to boost up ur body after m/c. Think positively, at least now you know u can conceive naturally, this is a good sign, right?

Get a trustworthy TCM and start to "bu" your body. ok?

If you need anybody to chat, you can e-mail me at [email protected].

Best Regards
Hi Ban,

Sorry to hear about your case.

You may want to consider to see the belowmentioned TCM to bu your body

(1) Dr Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
433 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120433

Telephone: 68723237

(2) Thong Chai Medical Institution
Dr Tan Siew Buoy

My husband and I had seen both the abovementioned TCM. They give good advice and treatment.

Do not give up!

Many thanks to all for ur kind support. I went to see Chinese physician that Saturday at AH. Has visited him twice. Will give him one more try. If not effective, will switch to the one kimly recommended.

Best regards to all
Hi Ladies,

Just has an opportunity to read through the posts in this thread.


I am so sorry to hear about your encounter. But one thing i find very strange. Why they did a "salt" water injection on you? I understand if this "salt" water is injected into the uterus. It induce abortion!

As far as i know. Lucrin will not interfere with pregnancy. Lucrin is a suppression drug. This hormone drug only stop you from ovulation.

For myself, I screen through all the drugs and medication given to me by my Gynae before taking it (Check it at the internet or bring it to a nearby phamancy and get the pharmaist to confirm it). Just be double sure in case the Gynae can't explain clearly to me or i can't understand what the Gynae is trying to say. I am just alittle kiasu but to play safe rather than to be sorry.
hi all, i am new here and i have just seen a doctor at KKH - but now i am very scared! i am seeing Dr SF Loh, is he ok? does anyone know? hope someone can help me please? is KK that bad? please let me know b4 its too late.....
I went through the KKIVF programme early this year, and I'm now pregnant with twins, delivering in Nov/Dec. Dr S F Loh is my doctor from the start of IVF till now (ie. he's in charge of my prenatal care). He's an excellent gynae/obgyn, gentle, with great bedside manners.

I was pretty lucky with my IVF treatment - it was pretty smooth for us and we were successful on our first try. Both embryos we transferred took. We spent abt $6-7k in total, incl. fertility tests, of which $6k is claimable from Medisave (although costs will vary with the nature of your problem/treatment). All in all, I've had a pretty positive experience at KKIVF.

I'm really sorry to hear abt some of the sadder stories of other women here, but I think for every failure, there is also a success story. My only advice is not to worry too much abt the procedure, and just take it one step at a time. For all you know, you may be one of the more fortunate ones.
Lyricist, congrats!
I am going to do my IVF treatment in this coming Nov and I have decided to choose Dr Loh SF than Dr Shielah Loh because I have heard many positive feedbacks about him and you are one of them.
May I know how many weeks did you have the injections? Did you take any medicine and did Dr Loh tell you the grade of your embryos and the thickness of your lining before he did the implantation? I would be very thankful if you could answer my questions to ease my nervousness.

Hi Jeni,

Thanks. It's been more than 6 months since I was on IVF so memory a little fuzzy now. If I remember correctly, I was on the injections for abt nearly 2 months (Lucrin plus Puregon). There was no oral medication during this period except for folic acid. Neither was there any side effects from the injection medication for me.

I only knew abt my embryo grade after my embryo transfer (think it was pretty good), and it was the nurse who mentioned it. No mention of my lining thickness, as I recall. Actually, there was no sit-down consultation with Dr Loh during my ovum pick-up and embryo transfer period, although he did personally do both procedures for me. Everything was arranged by the KKIVF nurses.

My impression of Dr Loh then was that he was one heck of a busy guy. I still remember him running down the hallway to do my embryo transfer after the nurses paged him repeatedly - I think he was in surgery/doing a delivery before that because he was still wearing surgical scrubs. But that's understandable given the caseload they have at KKH. He's more relaxed now that I'm seeing him as my obgyn at KK's The Private Suite for my prenatal check-ups.

It's understandable to be nervous because of the unknown and the invasiveness of the medical procedures, but it's really not as bad as you might imagine (perhaps it's just because I'm one of the lucky ones). Just follow the instructions that the nurses give you faithfully. If in doubt, call the KKIVF hotline to check - they are there to help you. The injections are not painful, just like pinpricks or a pinch, although you might end up occasionally with nasty-looking bruises. Get your hubby to do the injections if you'll rather not do them yourself. After all, it's his baby too, and you're both in this together!

You might feel that you're in a cattle production line sometimes at the clinic because the nurses have to deal with so many IVF patients and have no time to hold your hands. They can be quite impersonal in the way they treat you but they're really quite ok. There's nurse Sara (quite young, abt late 20s and very capable), who's with the KKIVF clinic - I like her because she's one of the more personable ones. She was also one of the OR nurses during my ovum pick-up. If you're seeing Dr Loh at Clinic D, you'll meet his assisting nurse Sandra (who's quite nice and motherly).

Oh yes, you can actually e-mail Dr Loh (even if you're not his patient yet) if you have any IVF-related questions. Anyway, he will give you his e-mail addresses when you see him for consultation. He replies quite fast, usu within 24 hrs. If you want to e-mail him before you meet him, just drop me a note at: [email protected] - I'll rather not put his e-mail address on a public forum.
lyricist, I must agree that Sarah is very good.. She is quite young but very understanding esp when I express my concern that one of the nurses always caused some pain while jabbing me...

I was also under Dr SF Loh for my IVF..and succeed on the 1st attempt... now seeing him as my gynae...
congrats mashmallow!
i also have a friend who also just found out she's pregnant after IVF 1st attempt with Dr Loh. so great news all around

do you know whether you're having multiples (two and above) yet?
Hi All,

I am interested to do the ICSI ivf in KKH. Can anyone tell me what is the waiting period now and what is procedure for getting an appt?
hi, don't mind me joiningg? i am new to this forum. Can anyone share with me the process of ivf in KKH? I just started my new job for less than a month. Must i take long leave to do ivf? Can it be done over the weekend and go back to work on the following Mon?

I have been seeing Dr SF Loh for >1 year and he did a laproscopy to clear my tubes in Sep07. He gave me 4 mths to try naturally and i am due to see him again in Jan08. So far, no good news yet and time is running out for me.

One more thing, not sure if i am the only one who has this experience. I noticed that Dr SF Loh has become rather impatient and lack of personal touch after he became the head of dept. I went to see him on several occasions and he treated me and my hubby quite coldly. I feel really disappointed. On the day of my laproscopy, i told the nurses i would like to speak to Dr SF Loh after my op to find out more info from him. However, Dr SF Loh did not even appear or come to check if i was ok. Is this the norm in KKH? My worry is that if i face with such uncaring situation during my ivf, i will be very confused now.
for ivf, there's no need to take long leave for the whole process. but to play safe, i avoid carrying heavy stuffs. Good thing was that I had a v understanding boss and collig.
oni the day when my eggs were extracted, i took leave coz might have some pain/discomfort on the day itself. i rem that after the day op, i still feeling very good..even ask my hb to go eat mac...went home and took a nap. after the nap, i felt pain in my ab since the painkiller wear off.

the last i saw him was in april 2007..not sure if he's already the head of dept. but i noticed that he's a man of few words...he won't cause unnecessary worries unless no choice. coz during my preg, i have low placenta, baby putting on wt too fast, sugar detected in urine...but he will tell me calmly not to worry...will observe again.

if u really dun feel comfy with him, i think u better find one whom u are comfy with...coz ivf is not easy process...u nid support from ya hb and oso a gynae who u trust too...

lastly, i wish u all the best and hopefully u can succeed in the first attempt as i did...

take care!
Thx mash, rly appreciate your sharing and congrats on your preg. So, you must have given birth by now. :p Happy for you!
I feel more hopeful now knowing that i dun nid long leave to do ivf. I m seeing Dr SF Loh this sat and see what he says first. Hope he will be more caring this time. I still miss his first consultation with us which he was really friendly and patient.
Hi NZ,
I am with Dr SF Loh too, succeeded IVF on my 1st try. Now 22.2 weeks pregnant.

Although he is a busy man, there are a few things why I would still choose him if I want a next BB:
1. He replies email within a day
2. His success rate in IVF is very high (abt 45%-50%) known for his "magic hands"
3. He is very gentle, no pain for both OPU & ET
4. When I was hospitalised for bleedg, he visited me 4 days out of 7 days even though he had 100 patients in queue.

Me and hubby think he's very pragmatic, don't talk much but do what is necessary. Of course, the downside would be not so personalised, and waiting time long but consulting time short. But to us, most impt is someone who is experienced to see us thro the pregnancy journey.
Hi LB,

Thx for your feedback. Congrats on your 1st try and preg now.

Yes, Dr SF Loh does reply emails, not many doctors do that. I also heard that he is good at fertility problems that's why i stay on for so long. I haven't seen him in the past 4 months. Looking fwd to get his advice this Sat. Maybe i should look at him from a different angle and try to accept his style this time. See if it makes me and my hubby feel better after this round. I will come back and update you guys after seeing him. :p
I just came home from seeing Dr SF Loh today. Today he is quite nice and approachable. In fact, me and my hubby didn't expect him to be this nice and patient today coz when we reached there, the crowd was overwhelming and we thought he might rush his consultation with us again. Sometimes, when we expect less, we receive more. The first question he asked us was "Any good news?". I said 'no' but he corrected me by saying "not yet right..?". Then he asked if we are ok with test tube baby. I told him we are oredi expecting it as our next step. He started to explain the process of ivf to us and filled up a lot of forms on the spot. As my chance of having ectopic preg is rather high, we brought this up to him. Unfortunately, Dr Loh said even with ivf, it won't reduce my chance of ectopic preg. We are quite saddened by this coz it seems like there is another obstacle. Anyway, we decided to give it a try. Before we left his room, he reminded us (with a smile) to keep trying naturally meanwhile and said we can email him or call him if we have any questions. After that, he referred me to do some blood test...they drew out from me 3 tubes of blood today...luckily only poked once but drew a lot. He also arranged for us to an ivf prep briefing on 30Jan at the ivf centre then to see him again in the evening.

So, we decided to give it a try with Dr Loh and hope that we will be blessed with a baby soon. :p
hi ladies,

would like to seek some advice from those who undergoes kkivf. when will the scan take place after pregnancy test (earliest)?
hi NZ,

thanks for your help.
i have checked with them, the scan will take place 2 weeks after the blood test as earlier scan cannot see much.
Hai everybody
Am newbie.. and am indonesian. I went to KKH and have my ICSI under dr SF Loh. Am 4 weeks pregnant now. I flyback to Indonesia last week. I need an information about dr Loh email address. I had it actually, but he didnt reply our last 2 emails. Is anyone contact with dr Loh through email recently? Please PM me, i need to find out either he change his email address or not. I have the "gmail" one. Thank u everybody, your response is much appreciate it.
hi miselina,

i think the gmail one is the only email he has. Try sending another email using a different subject title. Sometimes, gmail grouped all new and old emails together under the same subject. If it's really urgent, you can call the clinic and request to speak to Dr Loh. I tried that b4 and managed to speak to him.

Congrats on your pregnancy. Mind sharing if this is your first attempt?
Hai NZ, Thank you for your response. I'll try to send him another email then. At this moment the situation is not urgent, but we would like to keep in touch with dr Loh, since this is our first baby, first attempt and many "first" for everything hehehehehe. Just in case u (or everyone else) go to see him, please tell him that his Indonesian patient try hardly to reach him hehehehehehehe...... (joking)

And yes, this is our first attempt.

Good luck NZ and for everyone else, dont ever loose ur spirit and keep the faith ok.

GBU all.
Hi Miselina,
Once again congrats on your first attempt. Dr Loh replied my email on 2Feb08. This means his gmail is still working. Maybe you want to check if you sent to the correct email address or not?

Yah, i should have faith in my coming ivf (although i have been quite worried recently).
I put the correct address. And yesterday (3 Feb 08) Dr Loh replied my email.... finally hehehehe

NZ, its very human to be worried, who doesnt? We all have our own. But never loose the faith and the spirit ok. Again g luck.
Hi ladies,
I'm new here. Have a few questions and appreciate your advice.

Is the ivf cost in kkivf high? Was told that it costs approx $15k in Gleneagles, hence was looking at kkivf as an alternative. Furthermore, heard that the success rate is higher at kkivf.

Is anyone here a subsidised patient at kkivf? Can share what are the differences between subsidised and private-paying patients.

Does Dr SF Loh has weekend appointments? I would prefer to go for my appointments on weekends.

I intend to start ivf in April 08. When do you think I should go for the first consultation? Is it too late to book an appointment now? I heard there is a waiting time to start on the ivf programme. Any idea when is the earliest time one can start on the programme because I heard there is a long queue, so probably got to wait for a few mths. I really want to start on the programme asap.

i think for the 1st 3 attempts in ivf, govt have some subsidises. my 1st attempted was fully subsidised from the govt fund.

i dun rem going on weekend appt. think the ivf clinic dun open on sat noon and sun whole day.

if u intend to start on april, i think u better call and arrange for 1st consultation soon. coz before i start on my ivf, i rem gog thru counseling and doing blood tests.

wish u all the best!
thanks for your prompt reply.

think i will call kk to make appointment. Hopefully they have weekend slots
Hi Chloe,
i recently signed up for kkivf and will be starting end of this month. I am currently seeing SF Loh at TPS. TPS has evenings and saturdays noon consultation. Unfortunately, TPS patients are not subsidised. However, SF Loh has another clinic in KK too. You may want to check it out. :p

Two weeks ago, i went for the pre-ivf briefing at kkivf centre. The ivf cost in KK is between 6k-9k and for the first attempt, we can claim up to 6k from medisave. As for the ivf queue, i don't think you have to wait long. For my case, it was Dr Loh who asked me when i want to start. That was in Jan08 and he signed me up for Feb08. He is rather pro-ivf, i think.
Hi NZ,
oh, i didn't know Dr Loh has evenings consultation. I kept asking for weekend consultation and in the end, I was given March appointment which I think is quite a long wait. Think I better call KK to re-schedule to weekday evening.

I felt better knowing that the cost in KK is much lower. As least we will not be financially drained.

I am excited for you cos you are starting the programme soon. I also wish to start soon so that we can encourage each other. In fact, I just realised that you also have had ectopic preg before. Did you remove your tube? Mine is still intact but chances of ectopic again is high. A bit worried having to go under the knife again.
Hi Chloe,
For evening consultation, Dr Loh is operating from The Private Suite inside KK. I heard that the consultation fee in TPS is maybe about $5-$8 higher than his other clinic in KK. Not too bad though coz evenings are more convenient coz can't afford to take so much leave.

Oh i didn't have ectopic before. Dr Loh commented that the condition of my tubes have a high chance of getting ectopic. The thing is, even ivf does not help to minimise the chances of getting ectopic. Just pray hard that my journey will be smooth and successful.

Yes, if you are starting ivf soon, we can definitely encourage each other. In fact, a lot of sisters here are very helpful and encouraging. In fact, last time, i was not in favour of ivf at all but after secretly reading all the postings here, i got the courage to start, finally. :p

All the best to you let me know when u r starting.

Hi NZ,
oops, thought you also had ectopic before :p

I found out that the weekend consultation is slightly more exp than weekday evening. I just called to change my appointment to weekday evening.

You know probably when I start on the programme, you would have already got BFP. Good luck to you
