IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi dawn

Thank you !! What you said is so true. Whenever i see the babies photo, i am so envy and happy. Happy that after all these pain, heartaches and worries, many ladies are rewarded.

Hi Ladies,

I have another question, i notices most of the forum stated mainly on how to take care of the female body, What about the guy side? Are there anything food to take or avoid for them?

wishababycome, i was 32 when did the ivf and the blastocyst FET. Not sure if age plays a part in the success rate in blastocyst transfer but i know Dr. Sheila Loh did tell me that for normal IVF, success rate is always higher when u r younger. For my age group, (30 to 35yrs) the success rate is i think about 35 percent. I think if i had not done blastocyst transfer, i may have to do FET a few times b4 i strike, cos i used up 11 frozen embryo and oni these 2 managed to develop into blastocyst stage. btw, there is a risk in doing the blastocyst procedure...in trying to culture the embryo into blastocyst, we may face the probability that none will develop into blastocyst at all and lose all those precious embryo! My hubby and i were v heart pain that they took out 11 frozen embryo to culture into 2 successful blastocyst....but now think back, as long as got 1 successful, good enuff liow.

ximi, the gynae gave my hubby vitamin which is higher in Zinc ( can't remembered the name...Vita something....sold in KK pharmacy) and subsequently also recommended a herbal supplement called Tribestan (also sold in KK pharmacy, very ex, 60 tablets for almost $100). Sperm count did increase (when i did SOIUI)but not sure if it is due to these things. ;) oh yah....some pple says oysters help hor? so we go and eat a big plate of Or Lua for nite supper b4 the procedures....haha...an excuse cos both of us love Or Lua!

dodo, yes after staying at home for 4 months will kinda of miss working life...not the work but colleagues and the interactions. cos now everyday we do the same thing, feed, change diaper, bathe them...and no intelligent conversations!!!! last time, i think i would like to be SAHM till they primary school...now i think twice. I want to return to work end of year provided my mum can cope, so that i can give them better life style! now must think twice when i want to buy any luxury items/toys.....haha.
ur twins are v cute and adorable....
How I wish I will for a bb this round.

Thanks so much for your detailed explanation of the blastocyst transfer of FET cycle..... Yah ...I came to know that to culture the blastocyst needs alot of frozen embryos.

Is there anything that u look out for or taken extra care during the 2ww after FET transfer? And did u have any symptons and on which day onwards u felt the difference?? Got any bloatedness in the 1st week of the 2wks? And did u do any urine test on your own before test at the Raffles? When did u do your urine test?

Ops... sorry for so many questions....
wishababycome, thanks, babies r v cute at this stage! think another few more months, they may turn into monster!!!

i planned to have max rest at home after FET but i think on the 4th day after the transfer, my 70yr old FIL fell down, MIL called me over the phone sounding v panic and i had to rushed over and helped to drive him to hospital, but din dare to help to pull him up. so also ended up sending MIL to and fro the hospital those few days, so din rest well too. 1st 3 days i juz laze on sofa....din have any symptoms at all. except was emotional one nite (think DPO 11 or 12, was crying to my sis over the phone at nite, cos no symptoms and i think is hopeless, must be another round of negative results liow.), plus was v tired when i went shopping on DPO 14. I only dared to test at home on DPO16 just b4 I supposed to go hospital for blood test. good luck and hope to see u soon in this thread!

yah yah.. when they can start to walk or run, then the most tiring le.... hee.... but spent so much $$ and the pain to go through, of cos will hope that results will show...

oooo so much things happened to you over the critical 2ww.... but yet u got preggy in the end somemore..... So u tested on DPO16 and got a positive??

preggy mothers will be v emotional one .... but usually will u get emotional easily mah ??

I also hope that my babies will stick and hold on to me le.... sometimes wondering things are fated loh.... i have done so many rounds of clomid and even soiui. Just hope so much that this round works..... And dunno whether i dare to test before hand anot also.... I also hope to be in this thread soon le.... sharing the joys with u all ....
even god bless me with the least with 1 baby, i will definitely be overjoyed le... hee
wishababy, i usually not emotional one n dun cry/weep easily. I understand what u had gone through, i also went through 3 cycles of clomid and 3 cycles of SO-IUI then IVF, FET then strike... so do persevere till u r holding ur precious in ur arms! jia you!

oh yes, DPO16 the positive came up v fast...i was dreading the test, but no choice, made myself do the urine dip stick test to prepare myself for the blood test result the following day. I was really bracing myself for another negative cos i have gotten so many negatives on the test stick liow.
ic .... i already those emotional type... so if get emotional, i also dunno whether got difference anot. ... hee...

Now is the waiting process for results.... Really hope that this time works.... wish me luck!
hi all

anyone who could recommend me a stretchmark cream or oil? I bought one recently, Palmer stretch mark cream but i developed rashes after that.
I used both the Clarins and the Palmers creams, applied daily (not together), no rashes, but i still got stretchmarks on tummy in 3rd tri.
Didn't try the mustela brand. Anyway, the books say the creams won't really help but I feel better at least trying...

good luck! must think positive ok...

Hee, now so busy, can only respond to the last few posts that i read... no time to read everything. Will try to catch up when i hv more time...
weiwei & dawn,
indeed very adorable babies le, luckily this thread doesnt move very very fast so i still have chance to see the pics. so happy to see them.

hi, so babies back home oredi ya? first two months will be quite busy cause as a first time mom we dunno wht to expect, but move into third and forth, they can sleep overnite liao is very nice liao lo.

dawn, weiwei,
babies and mommies all well ya? i lost weight since give birth, thinner b4 i was pregnant but now try to gain weight cause ppl say i look pale, hahaha, rarely out from house le, dont get enough sunshine, only for morning walk with babies at the park. how much do babies drink nowadays? have you started biscuits for babies? i started red-rice water for babies since one week ago, will try for biscuits in two weeks more. babies now like to munch their fist or put fingers inside mouth and make "wueeekkk" sound like vomiting le. hahaha... really funny when you play with them.

looking back on how hard we try and the tiredness all gone when seeing them. i did have mild depression early this month, i woke up in the midnite and couldnt sleep, headache, bodyache, and i couldnt concentrate, suddenly burst in tears although i dont feel like crying, until the next day, the tears just came down without no reason. i texted my church friends and some of them came over, we talked and talked, and i feel lighter. very weird ler. now ok liao.

i used palmers first, clarins second, and when the last tri when i had rashes cannot tahan liao, my gynae prescribe mustella double action for me, it worked for me lo but still got stretchmark la, dont worry, they fade away e after months. its a mark for us, no need to be shame of e. and especially for me, having twins and taking care of them, i dont even have time to look my stomach at the mirror liao. hahahaha..
Hi all

Thanks for the advise. I managed to get a sample for Clarins and i'm ok with it. I think i'm gg to give it a shot. I heard Mustella is also good, will get that as well. My rashes are getting better. Not that itchy le, thank god.

hi hi deasy! long time no hear from u liow. wah...u lost weight!!!! i have been gaining weight like nobody business cos my mum has been feeding me with all the tonics almost everyday cos she say i still breastfeeding. hopefully i will lose all these weight after i stop breastfeeding. u bring the babies for a walk every morning! i bring them around 9plus they will complain of the heat....guess must bring them out earlier...but so many things to pack!!!

deasy, hope u r feeling better now...i think u over exhausted, any help for u? I make sure i have a few hours completely "off" every week. i go shopping or just walk around the town or have dinner with hubby outside, just to take a break from the kids. there were days that i almost burnt out cos the babies kept on crying and i had no help. but as u say...it will get better one.

hee hee....my babies also putting their hands/fingers and everything they can lay their hands on into their mouth...and hee hee yes, tat makes them want to vomit cos their hands too big liow, yet they try all their might to stuff it in!!!

viviself, for me, towards the last few weeks b4 delivery, no matter what cream i put, it itches like crazy and "boom" all the stretch mark suddenly creeps all over my tummy!!!!

petals, i agree with deasy. once the babies sleep through during the nite, u will get your sanity back and it will not be tiring after they turn 3 months.

hihi!! miss u
how r u n babies doing? any pic?

my babies are not well these few days
after their 2nd dose 5-in-1, my boys suddenly drop their appetite and drinking only 60-80mls every 4-5 hours. didi got a lot of air inside his tummy n we brought him to see dr. well, now cut down their feeds to 100mls every 3.5-4hours. (usually 130-150mls every 3-3.5hourly). didi's face not as round as b4 liow, lost about 300gm within these days. heart pain!!! gal gal also got appetite prob so her feeds we cut down to 80mls every 3.5-4 hours.

yes, my babies also love to suck their hands n whatever reach their mouth. and that make them nausea, hee... they wil suck my shoulder if i put them there. thought they r hungery so gav them milk, but they prefer their little hands than milk leh. errr, i seldom bring babies out leh, only for appts.... maybe i should bring them out more so they dun get isolated......

i started my babies on pear n apple juice about a mth ago, 40-60mls twice a day. so far havnt add other things yet. will try out mashed veg n fruits next mth.

hope u feel better now. i also depressed on n off but kept telling myself must stay strong for e little ones. plus sometime when hav conflict with mil, hubby always side her force me to follow her instruction even if it's unreasonable. hubby dun even think of having a private time with me but talk to his own mother in teochew which i dun understand at all. sometimes feel like just leave 2 of them alone n i bring e babis back to my mum's place.
weiwei, did u make the apple/pear juice urself or buy those baby bottles? tot must wait till they 6 months then can try solid food? i also v tempted to try.

i boil them. haha... coz pear n apple easily get oxidized n e colour n taste change very fast if we get e fresh one. boiled one also quite sweet so hav to puy more water in. so far they like e taste. dun like to buy bottles coz dun knw wat they put inside. oh, i mean finely minced veg n fruits which they can swallow easily.
hi..hi.. babies r doing ok, they get hungrier faster but korkor very lazy to eat, keep playing and playing then tired liao, sleep, only drink a little bit, and must do it lying down like latching on breast. do you still bf? i still do but i dont think the flow is heavy anymore, i take medicine to help producing. r u staying with mil? sometimes argument happens e lo, even with our moms, but i think we can think clearer now and not so emotional like b4 liao lar, being a mother liao. with mil around, got another pair of hand to help mah, can carry, talk with. but when my mil come over we dont talk much also. waakakakakaka.....

baby girl's appetite is very good ler, 1,5-2hour once, 120ml, sometimes i dont give her, try to make her forget about milk, but when she's really eager, cannot stop lor, will scream till the roof fly ar. she can finish 4 bottles of 80ml plain water a day.

korkor still wakes up late at nite asking milk, while baby girl can sleep overnite liao but sometimes also wake up. but they mostly awake around 5-7 and the mommy is extremely drowsy. hahaha.. they sleep at 830, the latest is 9pm. when only me and hubby around, then our dinner will be 9pm. babies sleep with mommy while daddy sleep in another room. one baby will sleep with me on bed and one more in the box, switch everyday, today korkor, tomorrow meimei and goes on. and they can turn like clock e le, very messy sleeper, bolster kicked away, head not on the pillow, blanket cover knees only, i wonder how if they can flip back from their back liao.
rite now we consider having mattress on the floor but then my bed also like tht liao lo. hik hik.. knees pain.. and now when sitting too long hor, tail bone also pain ler.

waaa.. very long liao.. almost 12am here.. go to bed liao lar.

having thread like this keep me insane, hahahahah.... so mommies, if you have prob or want to share, drop some notes, let us all use our brain to think, help you, help us too.

God Bless you all.. happy sunday..

will try to post their pics later.
dear sisters, especially those with KKIVF,
please share with me if you got your menses while you are on lucrin. thanks alot...
Hi ,

I m now 14week pregnant w twins n now thinking to get breast pump . Which brand is more recommended ? Manual or Auto ? Hope to get 1 during the sales for better discount.
hi all,

Sorry i only manage to read the thread only now. On 17th April, I was admitted for emergency c-sect cause bb heartbeat dropped. BB was so small (only 2.06kg) and I was so worried and cried many times.

After that I went for confinement at my mom's place and there was no internet.

Just came home today, so happy to see all of us successfully have our little joy thro our tedious IVF journey, sharing challenging times and encouraging each other.
Hi dawn, hope all is good with u. Enjoying ur time with babies... I was just wandering, my 2nd week of my 2WW is on Wed. I have no symtoms.... Im getting worried n my mind going mental.. Did u have any symtoms?? I keep praying n praying.. asking God to implant my 2 embries.... I had nothing to freeze.... Really worried now......
Hi LB,
Congrats! How's ur bb now? Don't worry, your bb will put on weight gradually and catch up. Must take care of yourself too, ok?

I didn't hv any symptoms during my 2ww too, other than feeling tired.

ya, my bbs home for few wks already. very tiring, n got no time for anything. Even using computer no time, cos just when i think i hv some time and turn it on, i always hv to rush off when bbs cry or something. Even now, i'm typing with one hand cos carrying my gal who hasn't slept since her last feed at 1pm. Agree w u abt the stretchmks, aft bbs born, no time to worry abt it too.

These few days, my bbs seem to be extending their interval after the last feed, from the usual 3hr to 4-5hr interval. At first I was worried, then now i think it's good that they can differentiate the day/night and let us sleep more aftr that last feed. Hee...

So you also hv occasional disagreemt w ur IL too? Me too...thought i was the only one feeling like i just want to get away sometimes.
Hi Weiwei,

Wonder when have you changed the bottle teat to 2 holes for your babies? My babies are 2 month and a week old now and I'm using Avent bottles but worried that the 2 hole flow will be too fast for them. My gal is only taking 60ml every 2 hours and occassionally 90ml, my boy is taking 90ml every 2 hr and occassionally 120ml, and still wakes up 2x for feeding in the night. Wanted to increase their intake so that they can last 3~4 hrs and hopefully can cut down to 1 night feed but dont think they are ready for that. How many times does your babies wake up in the night?
Hi Nicole,

like petals, i also have no symptoms at all except tiredness during one or 2 days nearer to the test date. keep my fingers crossed for you! good luck!

LB, if baby's weight is more than 2kg, it is fine. U can get similac Neosure for premature babies/low weight babies. My son who was born 2.25kg was on it for the 1st month....now v healthy weight.

petals, think most of us will have disagreement with in laws one, cos diff families, diff values.
it is good that ur babies extending the feeding time from 3 hrs to 4 or 5 hrs. but i read that it is not so good to go beyond 4hrs cos it means they will have one less feed during the day and have higher tendency to wake up at night.

pinky panter, i prefer double pump. ;) i have used both b4....disadvantage of single pump is, one side will leak while u pump the other side.

theresa, i changed to teat no. 2 when they were 2 months plus even though it is recommended for 1 month plus, it is simply too fast for them liow, and keeps leaking out of their mouth!
Hi Dawn, I do hope it positive too. Had a cry earlier... Feeling so down. Really worried... My HL ends on Wed which is test date. Im so worried if its not positive I will be too disappointed to go to work.....

Another thing, sorry to be personal, Im having discharge lately. Did u all have that during ur 2WW? My breats are very tender n hurts @ nite when Im sleeping sideways....... Im know that this are signs also for AF.

I just had a telling off from my hubby told me to stop thinking negatively........

Pls pray for me ladies Im so worried.... Thanks.

wow, ur gal really drink a lot in e day time!! how long can she sleep during e night? my babies still wake up for milk at night leh. they still need to drink milk every 3.5-4 hours no matter it's day or night. sometimes if they sleep too long in e night(more than 4.5hours) we hav to wake them up for feeding. scared they can not get enough milk.


congrats!! my didi were 2.06kg also when he was born. i gav them similac neosure for e 1st mth also n they put on weight fast.
so dun wori n pls take care of urself.


ya lor, after all, she s not my own mother. wat to do? anyway she s helping me to take care of MY babies, i hav to endure.....


hihi. how r u? i changed their teat at about 1.5mth. korkor was quite ok but didi took about a week to get use to e new flow rate. ur gal s drinking a lot for 2mth old baby. it's just she cant stomach too much at one time while her body needs more. maybe u can try out kk style while training for 3hourly feeds. if usually she s taking 120mls 2 hourly. u can giv her one time 130 and next time 110 for a few round, then followed by 140 n 100 n so on. as u increase e feeds, she should b able to tolerate more milk n sleep longer. my babies hav e habit of drinking milk in e night liow. even they dun wake up, i just prepare e milk n once e teat touch their lips, they wil drink as usually but with eyes close. after e milk just put down n they cont to sleep. if we dun feed on time n just wait for them to wake up naturally, they wil b angery n cry very loud once they awake. so still giving them 2 feeds at night. it's just a bit longer interval than daytime.


haha, it's true. when pumping one side, e other side will leak. hav to use finger press 1st. haha...

must i train them to sleep longer in e night for now? coz in e day they r v playful n dun want to drink milk properly. only can make them drink more in e night while they r blurblur.....hehe...

hi. dun bother about e symptoms. it's all diff for individuals. i had no signs at all for pregnancy n even had tummy cramp(like menstrual pain), in e end i got my three little ones. just be patient n keep taking to ur embryos. jia you!!
nicole, i din have any sore breast or more discharges before the test. try not to think too much...i know it is difficult, i also wonder every single thing i felt is a symptom or not. when is ur test date? jia you!

weiwei, my gal has been sleeping through the nite since 3 months and the boy 4 months. usually they sleep betw 8 to 9pm and have their last feed (dream feed - eyes closed) around 1030 to 11pm. Gal will usu wake up around 7 to 8am but boy usu 5 or 6am. Did u read Gina Ford's contented little baby? i tried to implement some of the things and it helps. like making sure they have enuff feeds during day time and sufficient nap time during day time. I regretted not reading this book before i delivered, only borrowed the book and another one by her called the contented twins when the babies were about 12wks old. another book recommended by many gals in the forum is by Tracy Hoggs's Baby's Whisperer. I read that when i was 30 wk pregnant, din find it as helpful as Gina Ford's book.
the girl can sleep from 830pm to 7-8am, sometimes wake up around 230-330 to have another feed then sleep until 8am, if i turn off the aircon, she will wake up screaming, if aircon is still on, she will wake up, looking for mommy and then smile at you. hehehe... i let them sleep with me cause daddy sleep in another room, cannot tahan the sound they make. the boy will sleep from 8pm till 130am, feed then sleep till 5am, start moving, sometimes asking for milk, white water, breast, so choosy e ler, cause mostly at tht time he wants to poo, and still sleepy, so confuse wht he wants exactly. sometimes i just let him move and cry a little but then he back to sleep.
deasy, wow realised that our boys quite the same hor? they wake up much earlier and are so much choosier than the gal gal! sometimes i also dunno what he wants...so let him cry. haha
dawn, deasy

aiyo, sounds like i m e only one still doing night feeding. how much milk ur babies take per day? how much n how often u feed them? scared if i dun feed they wil not get enough milk. heehee......
maybe ur baby needs more milk? think diff baby diff.
Boy takes about 800ml a day, while gal takes about 600ml a day. but gal usually can sleep through till 7 or 8am.

motherhood fair coming...anybody going?
Petals, Weiwei and Dawn,

Thanks for yr advise and glad to know that bbs are back in your arms.

BB is now abt 4.8kg liao, continued with KK's formula brand. me got a little depressed and paranoid, quarrelled w nearly everyone, haha, better than u all, in laws, hubby and my own mom and sis.

My c-sect wound still hurts after 1.5 months, and i am still spotting (fresh red spots). Is it normal? What about massage, got package fm rustic before pregnant but no chance to use, when can we go after c-sectn?
This is quite interesting. A lady from another forum share about a book she read. The Wonder Weeks.

I think "regression" is just the term people use so that parents know that the blow-up of sleep is pretty universal at certain times and isn't just something that's affecting one child.

I actually think regression is a complete misnomer for several reasons. First, it implies that babies' sleep progresses in a linear fashion, with better sleep each week until the fateful day at which they sleep all the way through every single night. To put it mildly, that isn't true. Secondly, it indicates that it's a negative trend, when in reality it's just a reaction to things cooking on other levels. Kind of the way you shouldn't run right after you eat a big meal, since your body is busy digesting the food and can't spare the energy for running.

Babies have a whole lot going on with them in general. On one level we have the physical milestones. Rachael at SparkPlugDance.org has done this amazing breakdown of the physical milestones from birth through walking and how they affect neural pathways. (She also has a great article up about how to make tummy time fun for even the biggest resisters.) On another level we have the whole feeding thing, which is quite a bit to get coordinated. First they have to get down the sucking part, then they all seem to go through that nasty "does my baby have colic or is it a GI problem?" phase at 6 weeks, then they have the growth spurts (at 3, 6, and 12 weeks and again at 6 months). They're learning to trust you and love you. Then there's teething, which kids can start as early as 6 weeks (mine did) and can last on and off for months before one pops through.

All of these things can affect sleep. But all of these things are kind of obvious, so if your baby's up all night grabbing her ears and drooling, you know it's teething. If he can't sleep because he keeps waking up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth, you know it's because his body is learning to crawl. Since you can see it and label it you can understand it.

Your baby is also going through enormous developmental spurts that you can't see, because they're dealing with cognitive processes. They work through these spurts the same way they work through the physical spurts, but when your baby is practicing recognizing patterns, you can't see that. Leading up to the actual new skill the baby is going to go through several weeks of intense brain work and prep that you can't necessarily see (unless you know specifically what to look for). One of the side effects of this brain work is that they don't sleep as well as they do during times in which they're not about to master a new skill. They may seem restless in the night (like they do sometimes when mastering a physical skill) but it's just nothing you can see and label. So we call it a sleep regression.

Once a baby has learned the new skill, s/he will often sleep through the entire night for 1-3 nights after mastering the skill. Which is freaky from the parents' perspective, because you go from waking 10 times one night to sleeping 12 hours the next. But it makes complete sense if you know that the baby was working on this really tough challenge and couldn't help but wake up so often (in fact it's probably a miracle that the baby could even fall asleep in the first place with so much going on in the noggin), and then once they've got it they relax and sleep it off for a couple of days, like sleeping off a crazy party. Then they'll most likely go back to sleeping the way they were before they started working on the new developmental skill.

Everything I know about when and what the actual developmental spurts are I learned from the book The Wonder Weeks by the Dutch researchers Hetty Vanderijt and Frans Plooij. They tell you when the spurts happen (based on a 40-week baby, so if your baby was born early s/he'll hit the spurts a little later and if s/he was born later than 40 weeks s/he'll hit them earlier), what kinds of symptoms the baby will show while working on the new skill, how you'll feel when the spurt is happening, how to recognize what's going on, and what kinds of games you can play with your baby to help develop or practice the new skill. One of the things I love about this book is that they don't tell you what to do (aside from suggesting games to play) they just tell you what's going on. I have a definite bias against books that tell you how to raise your kids, and I love that this book is just a roadmap of what's going on when.

According to Vanderijt and Plooij, the spurts happen at weeks 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46, and 55 (that's as far as they studied).

I think the reason the "4-month sleep regression" is such a big deal is that babies wake up a lot in the few weeks it takes while they're working on the 19-week spurt, and then once they've gone through that spurt they only have a week or two (if that) of respite before they start prepping for the 26-week spurt. So it's kind of one long stretch of bad sleep and cranky moods during that stage of your baby's life.

The "8-month sleep regression" (which for some babies is closer to a 9-month sleep regression) is related to the 37-week spurt. For some reason that one just seems to cause more waking, too, than some of the other spurts do. It might also be particularly hard because many babies are smack in the middle of working on crawling or walking, and also teething. (At Casa Moxie we've had probably 8 weeks of crappy sleep between teething, the 37-week spurt, crawling, teething, and now pulling up. Every now and then he'll have an easy night, but boy is it rough being a 9-month-old.)

Bear in mind that individual kids have different reactions to all kind of spurts (physical, developmental, etc.). Some teeth painfully for months, while others just pop a tooth with no symptoms. Some will wake in the night practicing crawling for weeks, while others never do and just take off one day with no warning to you. The developmental spurts are the same, so you might have a kid who has 3-4 nights of wacky sleep and then learns a new skill, or you could have one that spends 3-4 weeks waking up before every spurt.

If you want to be really prepared for the "regressions," I'd say borrow or buy the Wonder Weeks book, read it, and pay attention to the signals your baby is giving you. Once you know what's going on it becomes fasciating and annoying instead of worrisome and torturous.
LB, I had my lochia for 2 months. ;) it is normal esp when we have multiples.... wow ur bb's weight is catching up liao! what is KK formula?

Nicole, jia you jia you!
mine not triplets lah...Already so busy w twins only, really admire how weiwei can cope.

You had your test today? How was it?

Hee, maybe we can all meet up when our bbs are over 6mths when we hv more time, then we can share stories and complaints.

My boy also harder to feed and tends to move a lot while drinking or falls asleep halfway. But my gal breezes thru her feed. Hmm, my bbs taking in abt 700ml a day, seems a lot compared to yours hor, as my kids are younger, but the KK pd said the amt is ok during their last checkup. Check w u...are we supposed to get our 1st period
even though we are bf during 1st 3 mths? Think i got mine barely after my lochia ended.

Doc already said can go massage during my post natal checkup at wk4. So far i only managed to sneak out for 1st facial this wk. Felt so relaxing that i slept thru it...hee...
petals, my gal used to be drinking 800ml per day when she was 3 months, but has been dropping her intake from 700ml to 600ml to 500ml. yesterday was only 390ml!!! she simply refused to drink after 40 to 60ml prob cos she has been vomitting after every feed so has a phobia of drinking milk. PD says the babies will start regulating their milk intake around 4 months. my son's intake oni dropped slightly, still around 800ml per day. but they have been on this amt (120ml) since they were 2months...hasn't increased the pass 2months.
wow u had facial!!! i just booked mine for next month! think going to be a huang lian po liow!
hmmm...i have heard of pple having their menses even though they are breast feeding....but supply of milk may dip during this period. u sure urs is not left over lochia? my lochia took 7weeks to clear completely.

wow, my babies' feeds also decrease quite a lot since ever they turn 4mth old. and yes, they hav been on e same amount for e past 2mth. think what ur PD said s right, they no longer blurblur drink milk liow, they knw how much they need.

the book sounds quite interesting, where to get?


had my menses twice already since lochia stop at 8wks. milk supply still e same during period. dr loh said for c-section mummies it wil take longer time to clear lochia.

so good, u can go for facial. me dun knw when can hav time for myself. woooooooo.......

yes, when we r all settle with e kids, can arrange a tea session for ourselves.


what fomula? kk wil change their fomula every 3mth leh. my time was nan1. think after 1mth can do massage liow ba. as long as e wound healed. but if ur wound still hurt, dun do 1st, play safe.
dawn, weiwei,
Oh i see, so i'll look out for the 4th mth milk thing. Abt facial, I cannot tahan already so went for my facial...the therapist said i have a lot of blackheads and my skin very dry, so spent a lot of time squeezing for me, ouch...
I've been neglecting it for the past few mths. Abt period, I think it's period cos my lochia was tapering off already until suddenly i got red flow for a few days. Abt formula, weiwei is right, kk will change every few mths. They were using Friso for my kids, so i continued.
Petals sorry thought u had triplets. hehe.. So blessed with 2.. wish I could have that too. will settle for one too.
Its next Wed my test not yesterday. hhehe.. Still feeling anxious... trying me best to keep positive...
just counted babies milk intake, boy about 840ml and girl around 720ml of formula besides breast milk and plain water.

babies girl now like to sleep a lot, and always sleep on her chest everytime i put her on her back, she will flip, sometimes she hasnt burped yet then one hour later she will burp or regulating her milk, sometimes vomit bcause she puts her fingers inside her mouth. i give her pacifier cause when she cries, it is very loud, hahaha.. while the boy doesnt get pacifier cause once i introduced him pacifier, he refused to drink for 8hours, until midnite, starving liao then scream so loud. the girl knows when to drink and when she needs the pacifier, so we continue giving her.

so eager to travel like b4, now thinking of taking two babies travelling, will be chaotic ho.. at house always busy liao, wht about travelling. and thinking of babies flying with plane, can they tahan the pressure or not. so much to think about. if not, at this time, we'll go travelling liao lor.

dawn, weiwei, petals, or anyone,
if you go to motherhood fair and find things useful, share to me ya, probably can ask my friend to buy. hehehehe....

btw, how is your frozen embrios? do you prolong the storing or terminate it?
i going motherhood fair tomolo. heard pampers active going for $12 per pack! but oni at 12noon and 6pm. ;)and limited to 1 packs per person.

deasy, i prolong the freezing till end of this year, then maybe terminate.

petals, mine was NAN 1 at KKH. ;) so i just continued too!

deasy, weiwei, petals...maybe we should go to the IVF mummies thread to talk...cos we maybe boring t he MTBs here.


my boys used to take 130-150mls 3 hourly, tat's more than 1L per day. but now both taking 110mls 3.5 hourly. a lot decrease but tat's what they can take for now. galgal takes less as she s only 4.5kg. she s taking 85-90mls 3.5 hourly. i think my babies used to night feeds liow. when it reach 3.5 hours, they wil automaticly wake up n wait for milk. if we delay more than half an hour, they wil start crying.

i terminate e freezing liow, already got 3 devils at home, no need to keep la.


where s e motherhood fair? let me knw for any good deals. maybe wil go down this saturday.

hey, i pm u.
hi hi weiwei, motherhood fair at singapore expo till sunday. u can go to www.motherhood.com.sg to check for some of the promotions. Nan3 got promotion leh! $10 per tin oni plus a hippo bag for kid. but one tin person oni! and must bring birthcert of kid some more!
