Search results

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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hi, I'm looking for a childcare within BP area. Preferably NON aircon. Mommies got any experiences/comments to share/advice me... 1. Ichiban Kiddie Kollege (Blk 631 Senja) 2. New Life (COVENANT EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH) 3. Seedlings Patch (Fajar) 4. Noah's Ark (Fajar)
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Smurfy My son has asthma. The puff is ventolin oso = salbutamol, but in form of inhaler. He has to puff everyday as preventive measures. Puff is better 'coz reaction is immediate to windpipe, whereas syr still has to go thru bloodstream 1st. My son has hospitalised x3 for asthma attack...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hi Smurfy, e salbutamolsyr prescribed to u is syrup? how often u have to give whenever flu occurs? My son need to puff everyday, even w/o any sickness. but once flu or cough, must immediately puff more & give other medications too. he was on singular for almost 4mths. its a VERY VERY...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    hi smurfy, u went all the way to bedok ah? may i ask wat medicine were u prescribed? my son has v sensitive nose & lungs. he tends to get asthma attack whenever flu attacks. so its v important that u have the rite medications & appropriate application.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    yes smurfy, Dr Yvonne is a PD.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Smurfy, u may wanna try Dr Yvonne'S Clinic @ Sunset Way. She's pretty popular...pls call in advance. Tel : 6463-5001
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    1 year birthday Celebration

    virgo, u r here too... mommies, anymore spree from birthday direct?
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Mommies, Any ideas or suggestion where to hold 1st bday party for abt 100pax? Cracking my head now, running out of time. DS' bday is in Nov.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hui, Tuna its really quite ex. if bb too heavy, oso not ez to carry rite. my boi is 8mth, 9+kg liao.. if now buy think wun use for long too.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    hui & tuna thanks.. i saw the link liao.. but quite ex hor. how old r ur bb now?
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hi tuna & bobianah, may i ask wat is this great Ergo thingy that u r buying? Izzit stroller? My dh is always BZ n due to that, I'm always stuck at home wif ds. Wish to go out wif ds alone but find it too troublsome w/o dh....
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    hoho03, wat r the prices like?
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    bobianah, i missed it again? ok then... no choice. hope i'm fast enuf for the next order.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    I have 1pack of Mamypoko Pullup Pants - Size M willing to selling @ S$12.00. Interested, pls PM me.
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    bobianah, pls include my orders. Profiteroles (vanilla) Each carton of mini profiteroles have 4 bags, each bag 60pcs. $10.40/bag of 60pcs 1) Bobianah 2) Bobianah 3) Bobianah 4) Sunnysun 5) Umama Mini Swiss-rolls (strawberry) Each carton has 4 boxes and each box 42 pcs at $17...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Senja Mummies WTG - Heinz Cereals 1. Organic rice cereals (for >6mths) DOE: Jun07 2. Organic fig & sultana porridge (10-15mths) DOE : Jul07 Both r gift from fren. Still wrapped n intact. DS now only 6mths n current tin of cereal not finished yet. n above 2 expiring in next 2mths...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    btw, saw previously there will BP on those swiss rolls, eclairs & other yummies in this thread. I missed that out... anymore coming up? I wan to try them...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Sunny, for ur compilation. umama - FTWM - Blk 631 bb boi boi - 10 Nov06 after seeing all these kiddos' photos, must start remembering liao. so next time go downstairs ... see any of them .. must b able to relate which mummies. so ... mummies. dun b surprise if some1 walked up to u & HI...
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    westbb, i dun mind sharing for the nepia delivery. my boi currently - L
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    hui, I agree wif u, take turns to bbsit so that daddy n mummy can take time off to go pak tor smurfy, wld love to meet up. but 9am, abit too early n wkends always bz wif hsewk, errands, ILs' hse visiting lei. moreover, BBP always packed! i suggest mayb we can go 1pax's hse, then the...
