Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

ergo carrier,
i bought one too when rachelle was 9mths.. was very happy to have bought it as i felt more relaxed and carefree loh.. i can carry her home from sch myself without my hubby..hehe. just tat now a bit hard to use as she is quite heavy now.. somehow my back still ached.

hi mummies, any one put her kid at the carpe diem near teck whye?can help to give some feedback on that sch? thanks in advance.

shell, is the spree closed? can i join in? yesterday tried to surf the website at home but cannot go in, dunno y oso. Now just a bit free fm work but the website response very slow ley.
anyone interested in a drugstore spree? I need to get desitin for my girl. I don't mind starting the spree as long as I can rally enough of orders. Shipping will be via vpost.
Hui, Tuna

its really quite ex. if bb too heavy, oso not ez to carry rite.

my boi is 8mth, 9+kg liao.. if now buy think wun use for long too.
hi tuna,

you using ergo? can used till how many kg? i bought one with cabbageroses (yet to receive) and starting to worry about the weight thing cos my boy is 8kg plus now.
ya..i need it urgently because my boy super troublesome..always wants to be carry and going out with him is a nightmare cos he cannot stick his backside on the stroller for long. Thought with the carrier, life will be easier for me..haiz..wonder when our ergo will be in.
that time you saw him he's only 1month plus and now he is coming to 4months already. 3month checkup he is about 7.8kg so now another week before he turn 4months so should be around 8plus.
hi mummies,
I'm organising a drugstore spree for my Jan06 thread but I'm opening it to this thread since we all stay nearby. Exchange rate is US$1 to SG$1.60. Shipping base charge will be divided equally amongst buyers and shipping charges will be divided based on weight of your item. If you want to get anything from drugstore, PM me your orders using the following format :

H/P num:
item url: (ensure it works)
item description:
Hi SunnySun

I have sent my hp number to your hotmail.

Please sms me back so that I can contact u when I am coming. Thanks.

Most probably with be coming either Morning - 10.30am (Sat) or 5.30 to 6.30 pm (Sat)

Hi hook,

I think the package says Ergo can use to abt 18 kg. My girl's abt 7 kg. Should be ok la. I can carry her and shop for 4 hrs in high heels and won't feel the strain (But compared to you and bobianah's babies, mine seems to be on the small side la. She's 7.5 mths already).
My hb says he feels it's quite strenuous though, and he doesn't even wear high heels! Ha! Think mommies' tolerance level higher. So I still think you'll like the Ergo (Like doing free advert for them)
wah hook,
your son really heavy! wat did u feed him? BM or FM? if u and bobianah want to let go your ergo, u can let me know... i really xin yang yang...but hubby said dun need.

my son also ard the same size as your girl. 6 mths only abt 6 kg nia... sob sob..
thanks for the info.'re so with high heels and a 7kg bb for 4hrs? Really have to salute you. I can't barely carry him for long now..after 15mins my arms will become numb because he likes to be carry in the sitting position facing outside..

my son's feeding on FM. stopped BM when he is 2weeks old. He's not drinking alot, still at 120ml every 2hrs but sometimes he only take 4-5 feeds a day. Usually bb at 3months should be taking 150ml and 6-7 feeds per day.
i guess the weight thing depends on individual. my elder's weight is very low when he's a bb. reached 10kg only at 1yr but he is drinking alot...240ml before he reach 12months with solids three times a day.
guess the ergo is a good investment since good comments from most mummies who used it. sometimes when i bring my sons out alone, i will have the free hand to hold my elder boy. unlike now..pushing the stroller is so troublsome, esp when my bb cries and wants to be carried. wow..headache man. one hand carry him, another hand push the stroller and eyes keeping a lookout at my elder.(can imagine the scenario?) with a crybaby and a extreme naughty boy when out shopping is a big headache, even for short meals at the coffeshop. how i wish i can tie both of them up and hang over my shoulder, without getting arrested for abusing. haiz....
bobianah...yes! Finally...can't wait to get hold of it and have opted for courier service at my allocated day / time.
Hi Mummies,

Can i join u in this thread? I stay at Blk 206, Petir Rd. I have 2 kids. Elder one is 2 yr+ and younger one just 2 mths+.

Would like to check whether there is any good nursery for my elder boy. Was thinking of sending him to nursery (those 2 hourly class) for some exposure. He is taking care by a nanny who stay at Blk 234 which is infront of the Malay mosque. Anyone has suggestion? Please advise. Thanks.
My neighbour whose girl is 2.5yrs old attends morning school at tot's schoolhouse everyday from 9-11am. Its at block 532 (I think, its at where the RC center near greenridge shopping centre). If not, Kinderland is actually very good. You can try out the Kinderland at CCK centre beside lot1.
my 2nd bb more "hung ni" compared to my elder boy. according to pd, as long as healthy, weight is not no worries.

just replied your pm. the forum's pm is really really turtle SLOW. Very excited to received the ergo but sad too bb doesnt like it! Tried on him and cry non-stop. Haiz...HUI...standby!!
Hi Hook,

The 1st and 2nd time I put my ger in the Ergo, she din like it. Kicked and screamed and tried to get out. But she suddenly accepted it the third time we tried. Guess they need to get used to it.
Hui n those mummies who thinking of buying the Ergo carrier,
if you have not decided on any carrier maybe you might want to contact Baby's Need as they provide rental services. For a small fee, you get to try the carrier of your choice. At the end of the trial period, if you are satisfied, then go ahead to buy it. So you don't have to regret after purchasing.
hi hook,
perhap you tried a few times and see if he likes. cos my ger aso dislikes when i used the ergo on her. like wat tuna said, after a few times, she seems to get use to it.
yah, think the PM very slow...:p i oso kena..

my ger likes her ergo.
heng ah...but i think sometimes it's just a matter of getting used to, try a few more times. Its so easy to use!
mummies, i have 6 tins of similac follow on selling off at $27.50. My gf cancelled her order ... Expiry 2009 Locally .... pls pm me if u interested ...thanks
Hi bobianah,

I'm here. Hee... so fast miss me liao. Sorry, seldom can chk internet. U can sms me la
hi mummies,
anyone had the contacts for the nepia pampers, can pm me the number?
i wana order the pull up pants from them.
thanks alot
hi all,
I have some Healthy Times jar food to let go:
<table border=1><tr><td>Description</TD><TD>Quantity</TD><TD>Expiry Date</TD><TD>Price </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweet Potatoes</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>22-Sep-08</TD><TD>$1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Veggie Stew</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>16-Sep-08</TD><TD>$1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Sweet Peas</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>23-Sep-08</TD><TD>$1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweet Potatoe and Apple</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4-Nov-07</TD><TD>$0.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garden Fresh Carrots</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>25-Nov-08</TD><TD>$1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juicy Golden Pears</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>13-Apr-08</TD><TD>$1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Bears Chicken Stew</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>17-Sep-07</TD><TD>$0.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Let me know if you are interested.
hi MamaPanda (slinky)
got yout Pm-ed.. Thanks so much.

Any mummies wana share with me? I will be ordering the nepia pull up pants (size L).
Please let me know if you wana share with me.
More likely will be odering from them by Tues or Wed. thanks alot.
heehee! i misplaced ur hp...:p
i sold the isis uno...and the buyer was asking me abt the "loose connection" writted on the warranty card. I actually hv to probs with it, so wanted to ask u if u had got it changed before...
Hi mummies,
anyone going to organise Jshoppers spree again?? the free shipping promo here again...pls inform me if anyone organising. tks.
<font color="0077aa">Hi mummies,

I would like to join you ladies in this forum.

I'm a FTWM staying at Senja Road & I have 2 darling daughters (7 yo & 2.5m).</font>
welcome keroppi,
fyi, sunnysun is the one who update our blocks in a chart. which blk u staying? quite a number of us stay senja too. u can see our chart in archives page. cheers.

You forgot to add me in. I'm staying at Blk 528 Jelapang. My girl's bday is 16Jan06. I'm a FTWM.
