1 year birthday Celebration

There's once (last mth) my friend saw the TTT design at PG. Very nicely made.
Dun worry lah, since they did it so well, I'm sure they will do a good job for your DS's cake
Have some confidence with PG.

Ya... I mentioned to him to inform mummies of any chances and not just amend over at their end. We have only 1 heart lah, dun think we can take it too many times kekeke...
Yes, he did... even tell me stories of other cases...

Personally for big cakes, I prefer orange zest. Not so sick with the choco.
PG is famous for the lychee martini, triple choco, black forest. The black forest has rum, so not many ppl, especially older generations will like it.
Although many mummies said lychee martini is an unique taste, it doesn't taste nice to me. So, different ppl have different taste

Personally, I feel we should give PG a pat on the shoulder. They could have ignore the "after-cases". I dun expect to receive the call from their boss. They can just get any staff to call me lor.

mummies ordering from PG, that time when I order i actually told her to make more decision on how the final results will be cos I also afraid that if I have specific design and it turn out another look, I'll be very disappointed... so if u r okie to let them take charge then go for PG...
i did tell them to take charge and give me a nice pretty Thomas the train cake with me supplying the figurine but i read someone big bird goes out of shape....i am so worried my thomas the train goes out of shape too!!
hi mummies,

here's my gal b'day cake from PG. the candle & the 3 pooh friends are provided by me. i find it a bit simple and PG did not really do much design for me.
Hi mommies,
I've been following this thread cos my girl's birthday is this month. Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth regarding the PG saga, don't throw stones at me hor, i also ordered for my girl's cake from PG.

Granted that there are certain areas of improvements that PG must make and Chan Wei has already acknowledged that he will work with his team on this, i think we should also manage our own expectations.

PG, afterall, is a neighbourhood bakery shop. The reason why many chose to their cakes there is that it's value for money given the price and that they allow customisation.
Given it's mass-market appeal, it's inevitable that there could be a surge in orders on some days and hence a lapse in service standard. This is something PG can work on.

On whether is it worth it paying $20-$25 for customisation even though some feel that the designs are provided by the customers themselves or feel that the design is too simple to warrant a charge. From a business viewpoint, i feel that it's necessary. Any deviation from standard designs is a cost on manpower and time. It would be a lot easier for them just to do standard designs, no need to spend time in the sales dept trying to understand customer's requirements to the kitchen trying to decipher customer's preference. Plus easier to get bakers and train them just to do standard designs. Look at big chain bakeries eg Bengawan Solo or Breadtalk, they don't take customised designs cos theirs is mass production.
This is where PG is different and why most of us chose to go to PG.

Because a lot of mommies in this forum has ordered from PG, inevitably the designs are copied here and there with a bit of tweaking. So by and large, we keep seeing similar looking cakes, just different name and maybe different figurines only. After a while, nothing special liao and some may feel that this doesn't warrant the artistic charge.

I would say don't get yourselves too unduly worried about the cake design. If you're afraid that they can't follow the design that you want, it's best to just get them to do those existing designs and tweak it a bit. If you're giving them a fresh design or giving them a free rein in designing, just have to manage your expectations. If it's a complicated design that u are going for, then those home bakers who are trained to do intricate designs with icing will be a better bet.
yr cake design is nice.. although they shld hv added those sweets/marshmellows along the sides..

i heard a lot of rave on the pg lychee martini. found it ok lor.. the orange i tried on eeyore cake was nice.. i also like my blackforest n trip choc.. i think all their flav nice la..

hmmm.. now planning who i shld order from for my older boy's 3rd Birthday.. so far hv tried ecreative (1st bd) prima deli(2nd bd) now third bd liao...
Just to share the cupcakes that i've done for my girl's lunar birthday. It was a last minute decision to get this done. My preferred home baker could not take my order so i got another one to do it. I've seen the works of the both of them and no doubt my 1st choice baker is better in terms of designs and piping skills. But the 2nd baker's cupcakes are more competitively priced at $1.80 per cupcake vs $3 from the other one.
I lowered my expectations, give her a free rein and told her i want something cheery with butterflies and flowers and she suggested the rainbows also. And i'm happy with the final outcome since my expectation was not too high.
Just to add on to my earlier posts, below is the pic (b'day cake which mommy wishbear ordered from PG for her little darling} that I emailed to PG asking them to do a identical one EXCEPT to change the colour of the ribbon and name to blue.


What i get on the day of my collection is a ONE tier cake WITHOUT my son's name on it.
Hi All,

I do agree with what Babygrace had said. Indeed, I was impressed by the designs of PG initially and had pined to get my 2nd's first birthday cake done there. But after reading what most of you had goen through now, I think I stick back to Patissier as design wise and taste wise, it's really superb. Though the cost can hit the roof.
i requested for the same design in their catalogue except for a change in wording colour & figurines but they still got it wrong..

anybody know where to buy this in singapore?

cos i tried all the sprees but all is OOS,
pls help cos my boy bday is on Nov
Me oso ordering from PG, - Sesame street theme cake.
Guess is the miscommunication from the sales order to the baker. I had my in details, with pics sent to them, also wrong.
Guess it's becos too many orders for that particular day till everyone did till gong gong, too tired liao.

that's a very nice and sweet cake. Post your boy's one leh. I would love to see the blue effect.
yes yes,, i also want to see yr boy's cake.

u order from Pattisier n want to order from PG??? Design wise, both hv nice designs.. Taste wise, they are worlds apart! if i hv bigger budget i wld definity get from pattisier..

PG did a 3 tier crown cake for 1 of the jul mummies.. was really nice!
i am thinking of ordering from PG for my son's coming 1yr old....hearing these disappointed stories... kinda scare.
i hv been liasing w Chan Yun as well.. i even drew her picture to show how i wan the cake to be..
Then she asked me to call her to firm up. When i called n intro myself.. then she said "the one who the weird weird design one ah" ... i was like ##@%^&$^@...how could u say tat, sound so unprofessional.

But i din react, follow-on the conversation, she gv some suggestion, coz my 3kg cake only able to cater for Sq cake not rectangular.. Ok fine..so sq.... finally aft our conversation, i cant fig out the cake she sound to me, hence i requested her to sketch n send the design to me (heng i did)..
The design back to me was so simple n plain.. almost 50% off wat i want.. I still hopin i can fix my order upon viewing the draft from her. I was so disappointed.. I replied her in email and she ask me to send her the desgin to her in order to avoid miscomm... i was like..DIn i send u in the beginning liao????

I kinda tired w the attitude n hvnt get back to her... n am thinkg..should i source for other confectionary?

this is my first boy, n i pinned alot of high expectation in this bday bash.. i don wish to hv any disappointment.. scare...
Aiyoh... The PG saga still not ended yet???


If you intend to do a customised cake, please dun be lazy. Take some time to draw out your designs yourself before passing to the baker. If you cannot even sketch it out, how do you expect the baker to get it right? Choose something simple and uncomplicated. Most of the mommies cut and paste designs and request for some modifications to make it their own cake. The modifications are communicated verbally or thru email. Wats missing is the final sketch of the cake and if wat you see is not wat you perceive it to be, one immediately jumps at the baker. Isnt the problem solved if you drew the cake yourself and the baker just follow according? Granted that most of us are not artists but I am sure you can put your thoughts into drawings if you want to.

I was talking to Chan Wei last evening and he was telling me that he received many calls from mommies telling him that they are afraid to order from him cos of wats posted here. I dun think its fair and right for mommies to question a company like that. If you are afraid, then why bother calling PG up in the first place and pass cynical remarks? You choose a supplier cos you trust and like their products. You do not choose a supplier because you hope that they will do another wrong so that you can validate your doubts. PG is running a business, not an agony aunt hotline. If you wish to order from them, check with them whether they can deliver your designs and not whether they will disappoint you. Negative thoughts already breeds negative expectations so why dun turn it into something positive instead?

Taste: PG and Pattisier serves different group of customers. Its like comparing Botak Jones to Lawry's!! Wat you pay is wat you get. Pattisier charges are much higher and PG gives value for money so you do the math.

Service: PG was chasing me for the toys for my order this weekend and I told them that the reason for the delay was because I didnt have time to wash them. I was pleasantly surprised when they told me that they will wash all toys sent to them w anti-bacteria vege wash. When I ordered from SO, the lady told me that they do not wash the toys I gave them and I have to do so myself. So if it contaminates the cake, its my fault...

Side track abit, PG's forte is actually in doing wedding cakes and I would say, they are one of the market leaders in terms of design, price and taste. If they were really dat bad, would a bride, on the most important day of her life, risk having a "surprise"? I dun think so right?

Therefore, if you really like PG cakes and designs, order with sincerity, give specific details/sketches and all should be fine.

Btw, I am in no way connected to Pine Garden so please do not flame me for my comments. Just sharing my thoughts cos I think many of us here are highlighting the negative. There are always 2 sides of a coin, me just giving the positive experience from PG.
Hi mummies, wondering if any of you had tried the cakes from http://gladcake.blogspot.com/

I was initially quite set on getting a cake from PG for my gal's bday in Nov. But seeing all these negative feedback, am really having 2nd thoughts liao..

gladcake designs really look nice, but dunno how the taste is like. Anyone can advise?

the strawberry shortcake figurine also from playdough? i think to play safe, i will ask them to follow exactly yours loh....i like your cake leh.
btw, how many lollipops u bght for the cake uh? and where can i buy from?

jenny and ep,
thks for the info. They are really useful! i a bit taken abck from jenny's experience, but hopfully from these incidents, they will be more conscious loh....if want value for $$, no choice lah....

Since you talked to Chan Wei, you may have know this. PG is practising this now, and they will send back to customer to acknowledge. They learnt from mistake and is trying to improve their customer service.

To share: My friend went down to PG few days back to order the cake. She showed the staff the sketch of the cake design. The staff can't even sketch it out. Ended, my friend gave her copy to them.

The prob doesn't lie with the sketch. The prob lies with the miscommunication. The person taking order didn't convert the message to the baker. Thats why the design is different. This is what Chan Wei called and told me yesterday after his investigation.
Yes, he called me again yesterday and told me more stories. In fact, he's glad I informed PG abt this case. He is now checking thr the orders made these few days, and found there are some similar cases just in time. His mum, who's taking the orders, didn't write the correct design in the order form. The comments/sketch from Chan Yun was totally out. He is lucky he found all these in time, if not there will be more wrong orders.
Chan Wei is looking seriously into each order PG is receiving. He even read to me some emails that he received. There's one saying things like "I've been ordering from PG many times, and I believed PG won't disappoint me despite the recent wrong orders..." Yi Shi Qian Qian lor, telling PG to look extra careful with this particular order lor.

For my case, I DID check with PG if they can customise to the designs I want. They said YES. Thats why the order went to them. I have several emails corresponding with them, talked to them thr phone as well, did what I think I should do to give them a clear tots. Even Chan Wei was impressed with what I did and gave them. For your info, I did my draft design till late midnite. This is why I'm disappointed with them when I saw the end product. I could have been nasty, rejected the cake on the spot and get PG to redo and sent to my party venue. I still took it but was disappointed with the design. I know the hardwork the bakers had for each cake. Same as you, I have ordered many times from PG. Which ppl won't be disappointed when the final product is not what as agreed? I NEVER ask PG to copy the design exactly. I told them I want a theme something like this, up to their own creativity (Indicated in invoice). Is Chan Yun who spoke to me thr phone, asking me to provide the bridge and she will get the baker to do a river on the top tier.

And pls, I'm not creating a PG sage here to scare mummies. I'm only sharing my experience here. Forum is afterall a sharing place. No one wants to tear one business. If I will to do that, I won't even be bothered to say nice things to mummies who "fear" or praised PG's oneh oneh here. Every 1st time mum will wants their best for their kids, of cos they are worried. PG afterall, earning some free ad, cos suddenly a lot of ppl interested with their oneh oneh.

Mine is an exceptional case.

<font color="0000ff">Ok, CASE CLOSED</font>

I like your analogy on comparing PG with The Patissier. Indeed it's not a fair comparison.
I'm a regular customer of these 2 bakeries. For hubby's birthday, i order from The Patissier (he does likewise for me). But for the kids' birthday and when i want to feed the masses, i order from PG.

The power of internet can make or break a business. Just like how so many people order from PG after reading about it in the forum. Likewise now, a few negative experiences, it can get blown out of proportion with everyone expressing fear that PG can't deliver.

It's valid for the few mommies expressed their disappointment over their cakes. But for the rest to start expressing fear, i think it's unfair to PG. Communications is 2-way. Interpreting your thoughts and designs and delivering the final product is an art.

Another thing about them not providing figurines for the cake, it's because of copyright issues. While it means nothing to us copying designs or wanting certain cartoon characters on the cake, it's a business risk for PG to undertake to do the design that we want. Not providing the figurines is not a lack in customer service, rather it's just a delicate balance that PG has to undertake in trying to accomodate us as well as not to run foul with law.

Like what i mentioned in my earlier post, PG is not without fault. They had ackowledged their shortcomings in certain areas and are looking into it. So let's move on. Think of why many mommies chose to go to PG in the first place.

And after all, a birthday celebration is not just about a cake.

Like minnie, i'm also trying to present the other side of the coin. I've been a customer of PG for the longest time and i don't hope for things to get blown out of proportion.
Hi Jenny,

Yup, I agree SM is a place for sharing info, dats why I gave my side of the story.
Most of the mommies here are all scared off by your experience though. Hah.

Anyway, lets all move on and keep this thread as per wats its originally meant for.

Btw, you've got mail.
In the service industry, word of mouth travels far and fast.
u hear 1 story or 2 stories... its ok.. when so many mummies experience the same miscoms, then its a diff story. lucky Chan wei comes into the pic now.. m sure things will be better..
If u hv seen the big bird cake, u will defi loose the confidence in them.. as we are organising our child's FIRST brithday .. all of us want it to come out right..
Fortunately for me, the big bird case was the 1 and only story i heard so i went ahead with PG. (but i cant help hving the shaky feeling of "wat if my cake becomes like tat?"
the July mummies who ordered from PG were all happy with the cakes incldg me PHEW!. It was soon after that i started hearing all the stories on PG.. if i were jenny, i really dunno wat i wld do..

PG cakes are very pretty for kids party. its a gd choice!

Guess in here, we are jus sharing all our cake experiences...
it will also help other mummies know how to describe/sktech/present their ideas if they shld go to PG for the cakes..
stressma, just saw ur post asking me on my cake...

I showed her the below samples and she say she can do it, except, ribbon abit different and I don't want the cupcakes...

Then I go search for figurines for them to put on the cake... Then here's the results...

<font color="ff0000">the strawberry shortcake figurine also from playdough?</font>
yes, it's from playdough... the pony, piglet n eeyore too...

<font color="ff0000">how many lollipops u bght for the cake uh? and where can i buy from?</font>
total 4 marshmallow lollipops, 1 mushroom & 1 duck. I bought it @ BIY outlet <http://www.b-i-y.com/>
hi eeyore,

i went to taka today but cant find the figurines from playdough. these are the figures on top of a can of playdough rite? they have a few but the figurines and not what i wan loh. i m surprised they have strawbery shortcake.....now headache...hopefully i can find it over the weekend....

anybody letting go chalet at downtown east on 2Nov-4nov07? I wanted to celebrate my boy's b'day but its fully booked.

Hi Mommies,

My boy celebrated his birthday on Saturday and I would like to share pics of his cake:



It was a blast with the kids and adults. Some thought it was from SO and were very surprised when I told them it was from PG. They loved the design (we drew it ourselves) and many commented the cake was very delicious as I chose a combination of two flavours. Tri-layer choco (on the No.4) for the kids and lychee mint for the bottom layer.

Personally, I am very happy with the cake as it was better than I expected it to be. This is because its not easy to bake a "construction site" cake and the bakeries I asked were pretty clueless and wanted me to modify from their design. Customisation would have cost me a bomb. I am glad that Pine Garden's managed to deliver.
Hi Minnie, the cake is very interesting... glad tat u were satisfied with PG...

stressma, I think I'm lucky to find the figurines on top of playdough and I believed when I bought it at the strium toys fair, it's a clearance of stocks... and I'm not sure at which section of tak do they still have the stocks... and now I'm clueless as in where to find nice figurines already...
Hi Minnie,
Job well done. You actually designed the cake by yourself... How I wish I'm as artistic as you. I'm sure your guests would have been impressed.

I think the Disney playdoughs are only available at the toy fair. I gave these out as "thank you" gifts for the little guests at the party.


Thanks! Actually, its just a simple cake. No need any artistic talent to draw... Just a 3D "4" on top of a rectangle cake. Then I gave them some toys and ask them to create a construction site cos J loves anything to do with construction. In my sketch, I indicated where to place the toys, where to place the "sand", etc and the colors I wanted.

Most importantly, I guess I didnt have any prior expectations as I havent seen any nice construction cakes here. Most of them are BTB which I didnt want....
I just liase with Yun Chan over lunch face to face about the bday cake for my DS. Hope the TTT cake will turn out alright this friday....
Good tat seeing more n more good reviews abt PG.. no doubts their cakes really look gorgeous..
I juz got a call from the guy Chan issit, i din really get his name. He discussed w me abt my design contraints n pretty honest..n Yun did put in efforts to redesign my cake..
I looking very forward to the bday cake... Yippy!
I gotta source the candle n lollipops from BIY fast... Btw anyone selling 2nd hand?
Just wanna share this. If you can, try to self collect yr cake from PG. PG was late for 1.5hrs for my friend's gal's party. Not only that, the figurines on the cake dropped and destroyed the cake (can see the inner part lor). Q bad lor. My friend called up PG and they redo another one, but color not as nice as the 1st one, and workmanship of cos not as nice as 1st one cos of the time constraint (1hr+ to rush for the 2nd cake + delivery).
So, my advise is, PG has lots of orders especially when it comes to weekend. Try to arrange for self collection rather than delivery.

PG keeps contacting me... And today I received SMSes from them again, saying wanna delivery something to me. I hope they are not going to delivery a cake to me as what you mentioned earlier. I will faint man! hahaha cos I dunno what to do with another cake!

Thats nice!
sillycow, the cake is nice and so sweet looking.

jenny, dun give you cake give you oneh oneh better right? hahah...

shannen, i am also praying my cake will be alright this friday!
Maybe should go down n collect, any minor changes still can make hor... in AMK rite, their shop..
appreciate their efforts to restore our confidence..

celine, sure be nice, u gg to hv a great party

rembr to share pics w us if possible..

Juz saw Yun's redesign again, btr than the first, first was too simple..
Coz they say my 3kg is too small, cant incoporate all the stuffs i need,4kg too much for my 30guests (mainly adults)..
ANyway, hope everytin proceed nice nice for my darling boy..
hey umama!!

u now then order, wont it be too late?
i wanna order too..then starry told me concourse alot..i went n see..indeed alot..see until i dizzy..haa
be gg down wks ltr to really buy..no more time
use the free cake for yr bd/yr hb bd/yr mil bd or whoever bd coming up la.. free cake..

i hv extra 1,2,3 candle from bakery crafts
ep, thanks..but 1,2,3 i do not need..coz got a big 1 on my cake..

i am looking for BIY the animal lollipops and the Happy Birthday Candle .. anyone?

i guess i nid to go down to BIY shop by next week ..
hi mummies,
I have also ordered a cake from pine gardens despite all the big hoo ha created recently because I saw a design that i kinda like that no other bakery seem to be able to provide. plus i am doing a 3 tier 4 kg cake which will very expensive if ordered from elsewhere.. i went down to the shop personally to place my orders and have them to sketch out the design and discussed it with them. hopefully there are no errors ultimately.

hi ep,
do you mind showing a picture on how the #1 candle looks like? I'm looking for #1 candle.. may I know where is bakery crafts?

hi virgo,
great to see u here! remember me..? surfbabe.. hehe how's ur boy? our boys turning one soon..so fast!
hi mummies,
I am the victim of the big bird cake that ep mention.

I cant rbr who the lady who coordinate with me last year.

She was very nice on the phone and email. She seemed to be very compliant to all my request.
That make us to expect nice cake as end prodt.

My BIL helped me to collect the cake. I even showed him how the end prdt shld look like. He was so shocked to see the end prdt. He called me immediately and informed me abt it.

He argued with the lady and it was the explaination that we couldnt accept.

She said she cldt make the big bird that i gave her cos of copyright issue so why they did not tell me at the 1st place?

Copyright issue and they are still doing a big bird. So an ugly big bird meaning they are not violating the copyright??

I do not denial that their cake is nice but not the design.

I ordered the triple choco....and i guessed my family member lost their appetite to taste the cake when they saw the cake.

My BIL was very disappointed and upset on the excuses they gave us. He doted my daughter alot and luckily my ger did not really bother abt the cake at the age of 2. If the same cake is to appear now, i believe she will tell me the cake is ugly.

The incident still boils me when I have to bring it up again.
of coz rembr u, stacey..infact saw u v active in the nov thread..hee.. how's ya jumpy brandon?
yup, so fast they are turning 1 .. i'm v excited abt it.. and did alot of plans for him..hee.. hope everytin goes on smooth n fine..

for PG.. been hearing a lot of the screw-ups but finally i think gd comments is more than bad.. i'll still go with them.. sense their sincerity..
keeping my fingers crossed the cake turn out well...

HAHAHAHA... wah liew although the oneh oneh is really nice, but eat too much will scare me off wor kekeke

Yes, I think better self collect and also give oneself sufficient time to react. AMK Ave 10.

hahaha... I hope not a cake! Anyway I intend to order a cake for hb from a homemade bakery. But till now she hasn't confimed my order
And I doubt PG can do the design I want leh.

oh dear, hope our discussions dun boil your blood. I saw the big bird cake pic. I must admit it was a lousy job done.
But since over, pls dun let it bothers you. Cheer up!
