Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

can share. Oh, splitting oso problem hor...
Hmm, she want extra playset? is she willing to pay a bit more of the share for it since playset is more "useful" than the door? I really dun need 2 doors. :p

Hmm.. I dont think they want to pay extra. Anyway, if u dont want the extra door, I'll just find someone else to share. I've already reserved 3 sets from Cheong Choon. They're out of stock already. Let me know if you're agreeable ok?

Personally, I found the extra door more useful. No point having 2 of the same playset. besides, my girl seldom play with the playset also. However, with 2 doors, I can have an exit and an entrance. I guess its up to each individual.
ok. I'll let u know when cheong choon calls me back on delivery details. PM me your address ok?
cheong Choon can deliver the playard tomorrow if u can give them your address today before they close shop. Call Winnie the lady boss at 65323855 asap to arrange for delivery. I've emailed you the details. Oh, do let her know that Wendy has ordered for u already. I ordered 2xmusical sets, 1x normal set to be shared. So, each of you will get a musical set each + half a normal set cuz they only have 2 musical sets left.
Hi all...

Would like to join in the discussion or even if there is any gathering or meet up.I am staying in d wulu wulu corner at segar rd, blk 477...

My gal turn 8mths now... will like to seek advise from u all if any gd gynae to recommend... as my 1st delivery was at KKH... a very bad experience for me...
There are quite a few good gynaes around that are highloy recommended in this forum. If u don't want to go far, I heard they gynae in 10mile Junction is good but on the pricey side. My gynae was Prof Ng Soon Chye from Gleneagles. I also find him good but abit too far and hard to find parking in GlenE so I'm also thinking of switching to the gynae in 10mile. B4 Prof Ng, I was also being ping-ponged around in KK cuz I was under subsidy and I had some horrible experiences there so I swore to god I'll never go back to another gynae in KK again.
I called CC yesterday liao and they delivery before noon today.

I go to Dr Douglas Ong at 10 Mile juction. He has another clinic at Mt E. He's very good, kind, caring, experienced and his clinic staff oso very frenly...not sure if pricy compared to others, but I think worth every cent!
hi all,

i am staying at blk 627, thinking of sending my daughter to the child care center at blk 631. anyone here has any advice on that?

thanks in advance
anybody can tell me wat playard are u all buying ??? can share photos?? n e usefulness of it??

on top of tat...anybody using gate to stop our babies from entering e kitchen?? any good recommendation??
Childcare in BP/CCK
I visited most of the CC around BP/CCK region and all I can say its.. the money u pay, the quality u get. MOst of the CC failed my standards.. with the exception of a few, and these exceptions are the more pricey ones.

The playard we bought is the Haenim one. Cheong Choon is OOS already. Yday when I ordered the playard for bobianah, they only had 5 sets, so, after i took 3, they have last 2 sets. I think u can do a search on the internet to see how it looks.
re: CC, any mummies have kids at learning ladder at woodlands road? thinking of sending my toddler there..
hi mamapanda and hui,

thanks for ur comment. i think it is more of the convenient sake that I am sending my daughter there. cos second one coming soon in Nov and only MIL helping to take care so dun want to trouble her to walk so far.

Sigh...think I really need to consider again sending her there. My mil did mentioned that someone in the playground told her that the CC not good.

Hopeless now..think I will discuss with my hubby again. thanks again.
yvonne, westbb
i think we dun hv many choices of good CCs here...
Learning Ladder supposed to be not bad program but someone posted the cleanliness not so good? Acutally I always thot that junction of road quite polluted cos of the heavy vehicles that pass by....
Hi hui, bobianah,

I'm back. Dunno how come I could forget abt this thread for the past 2 mths or so. Pea-brain.
Bobianah, saw that u ordered Ergo from Cabbageroses. I did too, in her previous BP, and everything was good. Juz that I opted for the $5 courier, and had no idea when they would deliver it. Luckily I happened to be on leave that day they sent it to me. By the way, I'm totally reliant on the Ergo when we go out now. We dun bother wif the pram cos it's such a hassle to lug it in and out of the car. So much easier with the Ergo. I can even take a bus alone with my bb using it. She's quite happy in it, falls asleep for ages in it too. My mum brings her everywhere in it when I'm at work
Hi tuna & bobianah, may i ask wat is this great Ergo thingy that u r buying? Izzit stroller?

My dh is always BZ n due to that, I'm always stuck at home wif ds. Wish to go out wif ds alone but find it too troublsome w/o dh....

alamak, what pregnant? Aiyoh... you noti la. Busy wif work and rushing from work to home nia.

Saw the link that hui posted on Ergo? That's the carrier that allows me to go out hiao hiao with bb without any help.
ahaha! can forget one ah! bookmark lah! :p
thanks for feedback on the ergo...makes me feel better for spending so much on it...:p yah, stroller sometimes a bit mah fun to lug around. Only thing i'm worried abt ergo is that it might get too warm....
I oso opted for courier...was thinking to ask them send to my office. wat is their courier delivery timing?
How's Dr Douglas Ong charge? I was thnking to do my pap smear..its overdue...

Hmm...anyone feel uneasy if the gynae is a guy? Used to visit ladies gaynae...
Cannot bookmark la. I usually log in for a while in office ,and it's done very secretly cos they're very strict abt internet access. I happened to get access for some official requirements, otherwise dun hv one. How to bookmark like dat, if they check sure die one. Wait till I find a new job

The courier timing uh, U won't know what time they deliver till they deliver, know what I mean? They delivered mine at abt 6 pm. No call or anything prior to that, just heard the ding-dong, opened my door and there was my Ergo. I'm quite ok with the material of the Ergo, unless u're talking abt using it to go to the zoo under the hot sun, then bit siong
i cannot remember how much Dr Ong charge liao cos I was under package...:p but I think 1 consultation is like $50-80. This excludes the tests. But he's good...hv good bedside manner, not like some docs bo chap or not pleasant type. even his staff are frenly.
I hv no problem wif male gynea cos to me, they are professionals and i'm paying them for their professional advise and service. Plus, I'm not their first patient, so there's nothing to be shy abt. Oso, they always hv a female nurse/attendant around when they need to do procedures like pap smear etc.

oooh...heehee! no wonder home ley? u dun access internet ah?
oh...then i better dun ask them courier to my office! thanks for the feedback!
I've placed the orders for the dermalogica spree already. Now awaiting vpost's advice on actual shipping charges incurred. Will let u know how much more(or less) to transfer to me once I receive it.
My gynaes all are male and I've no problems with it. Just don't think too much. Anyway, what have they not seen? They're doctors and they're professionals. If they need to do any internal examinations, they'll always have a female assistant with them.
hi thanks all for the reply.

used to visit Dr WK Tan from Thomson, but i find her charges is a bit high site. But after Bobianah reply..50-80$. i guess almost the same, i paid ~ $ 70-80 for the consultant exclude the test.

re: male gynae
i just feel "pai shei" doing those test like pap smear, V check and so on..:p
Jshopper FREE SHIPPING!!! I received their email, free shipping from 10-12 july only 2 days!! Anyone want to join me? Collection at bkt panjang only.

The entitle for the free shipping, must at least 10,000 yen...

If yes PM me your order latest by tomorrow.
Item #1
Item name: Bodysuits 3-pack
Item Code : A18803
Size: S (If OOS - Drop or another size)
Color: Navy (If OOS - off-white)
Price : 1,140 YEN (exchange rate fix at 100 YEN to SGD$1.35 any excess, will refund)

Want to keep this spree will close once hit 10,000 yen
i think it's standard consultation charges for pte gynaes. Anyway, I go to Dr Ong cos it's convenient (save me travel time) and he's good. I know pple who hv been to him and all say he's good.
i'm interested in, can advice approx shipping costs before i cfm??

Item #1
Item name: Tank top 3-pack
Item Code : A65702
Size: 80 (If OOS - 90)
Color: Blue (If OOS - drop)
Price : 1,140 YEN /100 x 1.35 = S$15.39

roughly how much in total+shipping?
Hi Hui
No shipping cost at all (Free shipping from japan to spore)..just pay what u buy from the website but total of purchase must exceed 10,000 yen, there are lots of mummy organize the same spree but none of them is in Bkt Panjang..

I will wait untl tomorrow afternoon, if combine purchase cannt exceed 10,000 yen..then i will cancel the spree..ok?
is it? then i cfm my order for the above. u let me know if successful. if need more orders, then u say, i go shop again... heehee...tks.
never receive ur PM ler...

okok..i wait for u all, shud be able to it 10,000 yen as me and my sister alone oledi almost 5000 yen.

send all orders to me the latest tomorrow night..will place the order then..
oo..oo..i received hui and agnez PM liao..will consolidate and update u all..abt payments..later la..when order place
Jshopper free shipping fast spree
I've also opened up a Jshopper spree to enjoy this free shipping. If you missed shell's spree, you still can join mine. I've already hit 15k yen so can close spree anytime but I'll keep it open till 11pm tonight. To order, PM me the following:

item url:
colour (provide alternative in case OOS or drop):
size: (provide alternative in case OOS or drop):
amt (yen):

exchange rate is standard - 1000yen = $13.50SGD

nordic naturals cod liver oil
I've also opened up a spree #3 for the cod liver oil. If you've missed my spree #1 and spree #2, you can join this one.
