Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

hey mummies,

here's a pic of my gal


my gal oso has hair pulling issue. It was very bad lat Nov when she was 16 mths old. We cut her hair short. I cant bear to shave her. But, recently, she started pulling again. We are juz praying hard that she wont pull till it gets bald like last Nov......
mine's 5 room. corner. i dunno abt haing bigger space leh..i think floor area 112? can't remember.

there r 4 room flats at senja grand.

now we all know how u look liao.. i din use. mountain tortoise. but it's great to see ur girl growing up photos. she looked so different. wonder how my son will look like when he's older... hmmm...
Sunny, for ur compilation.
umama - FTWM - Blk 631
bb boi boi - 10 Nov06

after seeing all these kiddos' photos, must start remembering liao. so next time go downstairs ... see any of them .. must b able to relate which mummies.

so ... mummies. dun b surprise if some1 walked up to u & HI...
btw, saw previously there will BP on those swiss rolls, eclairs & other yummies in this thread.
I missed that out... anymore coming up? I wan to try them...
Actually I already bought hairclips for her, me kiasu. So waiting for her hair to grow, won't shave anymore.

So ur girl also pull her hair but dun they feel pain? I seem to have got used to my girl having shaved head. Last time her hair was longer looks really messy and some part of hair not fully grow, so shave it hope to have thicker hair.
what's the brand of your exersaucer? good? i'm currently sourcing for 1, preferably evenflo brand. u intend to sell yours or not? heehee
Hi mommies,

I'm a new member and saw that most mommies here are from Bt. Panjang. I'm also staying in Gangsa. Would like to join you girls in you discussion too.

mine is a hand me down from my sister. the brand is Rovking Entertament. No.. Not intending to sell coz keeping it for our future No. 2

ya men... dun know why???? last ye we were so worried that she's insensitive to pain and has even brought her to see the PD. We concludede that she has a VERY HIGH threshold of pain. Every time during injection oso never cry or whine....
it's okay... i think i drop the idea of getting exersaucer already...

where, which rd u staying? so u jus preggie only. congrats!!

ya...i'm a sahm and i look after my 2 boys myself. Not use to having someone at home so no helper. Typical housewife life (auntie)...look after children, do housework...
me had similar history. but mine is no heartbeat detected. luckily 2nd pregnancy quite smooth, my son would be 1 year older than yours.

me same same...gonna be another auntie look homemaker...
hui, still look ok compared to me. After 4yrs of "training", i have graduated to be a 100% auntie.
btw mummies,
u all saw the amosco BP in biz thread? think it's better n cheaper if we order amosco direct.

jus my 2 cents worth comment.
hi hui,
yah now every 2 weeks got to see gyn. everytime me and hubby keep asking where is the heartbeat.

I will visit the gyn tomolo for check up again.
hi hook,

Can share with me how you go about taking care of 1 toddler & 1 infant at the same time. R u breastfeeding? Have time for housework?
hi Serene,
my boy also got dark circles.... n lots of visible vein near e forehead n eyes.... maybe his skin is too thin cos since birth already like tat so i nv bother much....
Hi Paulnelaine

Can't really see any dark circles on your baby. Mine wasn't born like that. She just sleeps very little when she was young. I think that's why now she ended up like this!
can you add my name in your table? My girl's name is Adabel and I'm staying in Blk 154 Gangsa Rd.
By the way, any mummies keen to take up exercise? I want some company! I plan to go to this fitness studio in Bt Timah Plaza. It's call Attitude. Not very expensive. Better if mummies stay in Bt.Panjang, then I don't mind to give you lift back home.
my blk number disappear again from the chart...:p it's 168.

wah..everybody bb so cute!

I oso wanna share pics of my ah's not the latest foto tho...think this pic when she abt 3-4 mths.


hi taurus033,

my bb is on FM. my elder is in school from 1130pm to 330pm so i use this time to rush out all the housework. he will take his meal when back from school and after that takes a 1.5-2hrs nap. during his nap time, either i continue with unfinished housework or help my husband with his paperworks. (if time permits, i will steal a short nap before my bb next feeding time) Evening time is revision time for my elder...revise his schoolwork or story telling for him. Time is never enough because it seems like everything / everyone needs my attention. Hee hee...but the feeling of satisfaction at the end of each day is there...

But how about ur younger son? Then you have time to cook ur own meals? U still have to send ur elder son to school, so u bring ur baby along.
Hope you dun find me loh soh but interested to know how you can manage with 2 kids.
what's ur girl's weight now? my boy also born in same mth, also dropping hair liao. which PD u go? or do u go polyclinic for jabs?
think my ger weighs abt 7+kg now...not sure exact.
Yah, she dropping hair...i hv accepted that she's like me...botak till maybe 1-2 yrs old. haha!

I only went PD during her 5th day and 1 mth checkup. Subsequently, I go to a family fren's clinic in Bishan for her other jabs like 5 in 1, rotavirus, pnuemococcal. He's quite a gentle doc.
ur girl weight very good. my son still got alot of catching up to do....

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">RE: BPP sat's midnight fever!!</font></font>
haha... its back again, wonderin how many of u out there will be going??? i remember i queue for $1 a carton drinks.... hot hot!! rush like mad... but diet coke light not very nice to drink leh....still got balance... faint...
got this from someone:

<font color="119911">hi hi, something to share
if interested pls go to the booth at west view pri sch tis sun 27.5.07 from 1pm to 6pm </font>

