Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

Hi Hui,

That what my hubby said too.
But when I see bb refuses to drink milk & getting thinner & thinner, I feel sad

She used to be chubby with lots of "reserves"

Agnez, i think baby will make a fuss on their food as they grow ... last time they gong gong will eat whatever we give them now ur gal start on solid food she will be a little bit picky .... so not much worry la
u'r welcome.

actually my MIL only needed 1 bag of profiteroles and i had to order up to $100 at might as well share :p
hi Agnez, babies from 6mths onwards will put on weight at a slower speed from before. if they are active, they will also become leaner. is she on FM or TBF? hhhmmm another reason i can think of for her "milk strike" is probably her unhappiness at infant care. you just put her there for 1 week and this milk strike started around the same time right? she could be unhappy about something, either the fact that she sees u less, or the environment is new to her, or she gets less attention compared to from you etc. babies expressed their unhappiness through certain actions. it could also be she needs time to adjust to this new arrangement. does she cries every day u put her there? and is she smiling or happy when u peep at her when u reach there? u may wanna try going there early one day and peep at her to see what she's doing and is she happy?

soyabean!!! hahahahha!! yeah yep Jovann is my boy.
urs is oredi 3 yrs old? so fast hor??? okie i PM u! yep yep we have also pre-ordered 2 SETS of HP! hehehheee.... so excited.
Hi Buttons,

Thks for ur advises

Yes, her "milk strike" started around the same time when we changed the infant care...
I feel that my gal is not good at adapting to new environment, since the change in infant care, she clings to us like super glue & dun let anyone carry her, not even my SIL who used to hv no problem carrying her

Though she still crys when we send her there & pick her up but she is getting better as she crys not as bad as the first time.
Just hope that as time goes, she will drink her milk again.
hi agnez, is she happily playing whenever u go and pick her up? tried peeping at her first without her seeing you? i think she may feel that you "dun want" her when u leave her there, so when she sees u she clings to u and nobody else, afraid to let you go. so heartpain hor? how many hours will she be at infantcare?
Hi Buttons,
Whenever we go to pick her, there is always a teacher carrying her or changing her diaper. And she will cry "without tears" for us when she see us or flip her arms & shake her legs wanting us to carry her & if we are slow to carry her, she'll start to cry louder.

Yes, heartpain to see her like that cos when she was at her former infant care, she'll smile to the teacher when we send her there in the morning & when we go & pick her up, she'll smile at us. She was there when she is 2mth+ so maybe to her, that her 2nd home.
We would leave her at infant care around 7.10am & pick her up after work around 6.15pm each day.
there's someone organising BP for Amosco items now...but her prices are more expensive...maybe she increase price to cover listing price as well as transportation.
hi agnez,
i faced tat prob too initially when i put rachelle there.
she tend to stick with me like super glue when at home.
after a mth, she gets better maybe she can walk with support.
thus she need not be afraid tat we dunt want her..
perhap you can try to talk to her and explain to her tat
you are going to work, thus have to put her there in sch.
she will understand though you may have to repeat a few times.
i tried this method before and it works.
as for milk, there was 2 times (4 and 8mth old) when rachelle refused to drink milk.
she only drank a little. hence i let her take jar food when she
was at 8mth old.
Hi Jenny,

Ur gal also refused milk at 8mth old, how long does it last? My gal does not like jar food leh
so I give her baby biscuits, but that heaty & she don't like to drink water either.
hi agnez,
it lasted about 1 to 2 mths. i was worried about it.. but since she is taking jar food, i started
to relax abit. however, i still tried to give her small but frequent hours of interval for milk. at least better than nothing.
ya, i agree with you.. biscuit are too heaty. she need to drink lots of water.
hi agnez, what ur girl eats for meals at infantcare now huh? will the teachers cook for everyone?

sigh...guess it takes time for her to get used to it, like jenny said...
Hi Jenny,
1-2 mths... so long
I must think of ways to coax her to drink more milk.

In the morning, the teacher will give her cereal & in the afternoon, porridge & fruit. In between, they'll give milk. Evening time, I request the teacher to feed her with brown rice cereal before I pick her up. Good thing is she still take solid food so I suspect her weight loss is due to her refusing to drink milk.
hi agnez,
ya i agree its a bit long. but then if rachelle is eating other food too, then im not so worried about her. at least it meant tat she dunt like to drink milk..

wt loss could it be she is more active now? i meant started to crawl.. thus may aso lost a bit of wt too.
Hi Jenny,

I also dun know leh, I tot more active will mean leaner but with muscle?? Mine no muscle, juz thinner

I like bb chubby chubby type
hi agnez,
erm, tat i really dunt noe leh.. perhaps you observe her and see wat other solid food she can eat.. once she start eating, she should go back to her normal wt.. do not be sad..
hu paulnelaine, i am using britax royale, quite like it. i bought convertible coz bought before baby born, so convertible can last longer. back facing for newborn, front facing above 8kg etc. i not sure when we can upgrade to booster though, maybe not so soon. maybe u can consider britax or maxi cosi convertible car seats.
hi mummies,
i m new here. my gal is 16 months old now but she is having constipation problem. she is only poo every 2 or 3 days. she will scream and cry each time she poo cos her motion is hard like a stone and will bleed. giving her fruits, prune juice, cranberry juice everyday. but it seems doesnt help. her stomach really stubborn. any advise.
yummymama!!! sounds like the problem my 9mths old boy has!!! dun poo for 4 days, even if poo very hard, until he got blood in his stools. saw PD he found 2 cracks in his anus.
so heartpain. he hates prune juice, pear juice. he only eats pear, papaya. he drinks a lot of water, eats a lot of vege. and it didn't help! UNTIL UNTIL UNTIL!!!! I did a few things some mommy reccomended (I have this on my blog)

- Yogurt. since ur baby is oredi 16mths, more varieties u can feed. try Mullers Little Stars, Horizon organic baby yogurt, yoplait (skimmed milk). its very very effective coz it helps to regulate the bowel movement! feed it with her fav fruits in the morning. u try it one morning. take the yogurt out from fridge for 15mins before feeding. but dun feed every day kae? maybe once every 2, 3 days.

- massage. massage her tummy in clockwise direction. her intestines are on YOUR right, so when ur hands come down on ur right, sweep downwards with a gentle movement. i do that every night.

- try to give her a fix timing to encourage her to poo. not that easy to do, but u can try. i dun have time to do it everyday still. see what time she usually poos, say 9am. then 9am plus minus 1/2hr put her on potty and go NNGGGGGG with her.

I did all this and he is pooing every 1, 2 days now. cross fingers. i keep some yogurt in my fridge at any one time! try and let me know how it goes okie?? good luck!
My PD told me yogurt actually causes constipation in babies, so does Asian bananas. The only bananas that don't cause constipation is the Del Monte bananas but babies cant eat too much of those as it is too cooling for them and causes phlegm buildup.

constipation advise
My 18m girl also used to have constipation issues. Yummymama, do you feed your girl alot of brown rice or apple sauce? Also, eating too much of high fibre foods like wholemeal breads, barley and cereals will also cause constipation if their digestive system is not mature enough to handle the fibre, esp if they're not drinking enough of water. Too much of juice is actually not good for them as it contains alot of sugars. Try encouraging them to drink more plain water. Alternatively, u can also boil nutritious soups for them to drink (eg, potato, carrot, tomato soup with loin pork/pork ribs/chicken thigh) if they don't like water so much.

You can try feeding your girl more nutritious fibrous vegetables like baby spinach, butternut squash and other cut fruits like honeydew, rock melon, prunes, peaches, etc. Don't give too much apples as they cause constipation. If your girl likes pears, give her the soft "ang mo" pears (not the chinese or korean pears as they are too cooling) like brown pears, packard pears.

LAstly, certain veggies also cause constipation if your girl's system is not mature enough to digest them, eg, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots.

Anyway, I believe every baby is different so you really have to observe your girl's poo. If her poo is hard after eating a certain food, or if u suspect certain foods give her constipation, stop feeding her that and see if the situation improves. I'm just speaking from my own experiences and now, I still monitor her poo everyday for signs of constipation. So far so good.
dermalogica and bioelements mummies
Just to let u know I've started a spree on the above items on this thread. Comparatively, the prices are way cheaper (near 40% cheaper) than what u pay for here if we buy from this website : . so, if you use the above products, you may want to consider joining my spree.

If you've never used their products before, can also consider. I switched to Dermalogica from SK-II and I found the products very good (not to mention cheaper). SK-II was only good for first time usage. After some time, it lost its effects. If you want to know more abt Dermalogica, check out their website: . I fell in love with their products after trying it out at the facial at greenridge.
hi mamapanda, yogurt causes constipation? hhmmm.... i think it depends on babies? coz yogurt contains the good bacteria that helps regulate the stomach flora inside our babies' tummies. so i guess those with constipation problems if eat yogurt it will help balance it, but those with normal digestive system may get consti or diarrheao? what u think? yep, i agree about the bananas! its a common misconception that bananas help constipation ,when it fact it actually makes the poo harder!

yummymama, i second mamapanda's advice about cereal and wholemeal breads and apples. these are things that may suit ang moh babies but may be a bit "heaty" for our babies sometimes thus causing constipation. yep i forgot to mention, to counter my boy's problem, i stopped feeding him cereal for lunch. i used to do that, but switch totally to porridge for lunch and dinner, and i only feed brown rice if he POO that day. funnily, my PD said brown rice HELPs in constipation. so sometimes i find not sure to believe PDs a not. coz to chinese, brown rice is heaty and harder to digest?
you got mail

Yeah, i agree on brown rice causing contstipation. My girl didn't poo for 7 days after eating brown rice and that constipation episode was SCARY. My poor girl's anus also bled for days when she finally managed to poo bit by bit. I had to use my hands to help her "push and pull" the poo out. The poo felt like dried sea cucumber. Poor darling..

Actually I think yogurt helps in the absorption of nutrients in digestion but it doesn't really help in the paristalsis.. you know.. it doesn't form any soft bulk to aid in the movement of bowels in the intestines. On the other hand, if u have too much bulk (too fibrous) it becomes harderned and difficult to push through the innards. It's all a matter of balancing and its very individual as each baby's systems develop differently.

did you receive any updates from cabbagerose? i need the carrier urgently leh..but no reply from her till now....
So glad to see this thread. Am staying in Segar Rd Blk 482, the area where a lot of frens say is very wulu...admit is kinda but like its quietness...anyway my gal jus turns 5mths..i'm a working mum but not well today so on mc, now at my mum's place.

Would like to join in the discussion or even if there is any gathering or meet up. Me seldom have the time to login but will try in order to catch with you mummies. My email is [email protected]
Thanks for your precious advise, buttons and mamapanda!

usually, my gal will take a slice of wholemeal bread every morning. She is not very keen on cereal, so i only give her twice a week. but she has been given brown rice mix with white rice for some times. Gosh! i didnt know all these will cause constipation. thought high fibre will help her poo better. in fact, it worsen her condition.

buttons, it's really heartpain to see our kids suffere from this problem. actually, my gal suffered it when she was 6months old. she was breastfed and given porridge during lunch and dinner. as like u, gave her fruits and juices. but it just couldnt help until she is teething. because some babies might poo a lot at this teething stage and luckily my gal was like that. this solved her problem until recently she has been given more variety of foods. the problem comes back again. i will let her sit on the potty try to poo every morning now after breakfast. watch over her diet very careful now. hopefully, she will get over the problem soon.

mamapanda, my gal's condition is like your gal now. i got to help to press around her anus to push the stools. yesterday, i inserted the Dulcolax for her cos she never poo for 3 days. i have to do so, if the stools keep too long, it will make the condition worse. her anus bled again.. really heartpain. by the way, does apple cause constipation?

agreed.. every baby's system develop differently. careful on her diet now..
yeah, the first shop just next to my block. They charge $68 per session. I find it quite good and so convenient too.

Ya.. Read in some baby diet book that apples cause constipation in some babies. At least, for my girl, it does affect her poo. Applesauce is confirmed cause constipation, so dun give applesauce (pureed cooked apples).
yah, i got email from cabbageroses
she say carrier is on it's way..maybe another week or so?

btw, any mummy know where to get haenim playyard?
cheong choon sells it. If u want to take a look at it, you can come by my place to take a look at it when I'm around. I think my neighbour upstairs want to buy it too so, if U're thinking of getting 6 panels, u can share with them cuz 1 set has only 4 panels.
It used to cost $165 for 1.5sets, 6 panels (1 set of 4 panels = $110). Anyway, I just called Cheong Choon. They still selling at same price but they only got 7 sets left. If u really want, I call my neighbour and ask if he's interested. BTW, u getting 1 set or 1.5 sets?
I'm interested! I think need 6 that's 1.5? Pls chope for me???!!
Can Cheong Choon deliver?
ya they deliver. Now, I'm waiting for my neighbour to reply me. Later when I'm home, I'll talk to them and see what they say.
Are u still interested in the dermalogica spree? I've not heard or received any confirmation from u. I need you to transfer $41.58 to my account (which I shall PM to you) to confirm your order. I'll wait for u till tomorrow afternoon 4pm to reply me before I cancel your order ok? I'll be closing the spree soon.

I'll let u know tomorrow if my neighbour wants to get the playard or not. They've borrowed mine to try out for today.
sorry.. should be $39.68 instead. I forgot to deduct the base charge from the shipping estimate.
are we confirm sharing the playard to 1.5sets each? My neighbour would like to get 1.5sets.

BTW, each set comes with 1 door and 1 playset. For the set we're sharing, one will get the extradoor, one will get the extra playset. My neighbour would like to have the extra playset.
