Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

Hello mummies,

Re: Gathering at BPP this sat am
Dun think I can make it cos will be attending a course for half day (morning till afternoon). Have to give it a miss

never knew there r quite a no. of PDs ard, good good, next time will know where to visit. thanks mummies.

RE: gathering?
actually my weekends quite busy, coz gotta go in law n parent place n run errands kinda stuffs, so most likely couldn't make it. N this sun my 1st Mother's Day!!! yeah !!! feels so great, will b gg sakura to enjoy dinner with my mum n family.

zhuzhu, hook,
i've replied u.

RE: contact list
sunnysun, since u have the list of mummies in table chart, u think we should PM our contact number n email address for u to consolidate n send to us via emails??? wat u mummies think? i find it easier on paper to refer. hiaks hiaks hiaks... to start with, i PM u later.
hook, thks for the GP recommendation, alrady keep it noted! how did you get to know the GP at JWextension? a bit far to travel there leh hehe. Yah i agree the GP at senja grand not very good 8(
westbb, you are welcome.
my mum stay there and i always see big crowd at the clinic. KPO asked around and heard the doctor very good with children so give it a try when my elder is sick. there's 4 doctors with the clinic and only Dr. Ling is good. normally the crowd is queuing for him. his clinic starts at 9am and when i call for appt at 9.30am, i'm already holding the last few numbers. (he sees only 50 patients per day).
aiyo like v long never update the chart liao

Any mummies i missed out?

hui, np i can do out the contact list and send to you all after i updated
hi hi, I m also a BP mum. I live in Senja Blk 626.

Smurfy - one qn. I've eaten the Jelly Hearts b4, bt I dun rem the price is $8. Hw cme yours is 10 or 12pcs? Small box is $8 is it? Cos the last time I ate was bigger box 20pcs one.

Y dun u ask if it's bigger boxes do u stil need to fufil so many boxes? It's nice lah bt then I find it 2 exp to kip eating, can get hooked on it man!

I m already bac @ work since las Fri.

Talking abt bringing bb out. I've brought him out imm after full mth, alone. I took cab to Orchard meet my ex-colls for lunch, back to ofc show my colls, then take bus or cab to go mum's hse. Use a bb sling, then carry bag on the other hand. Bb is usually v cooperative when he knows I m bringing him go kai kai. So far no prob lah.
hi mummies,

i used to stay in BP for 10 over yrs.... but moved to east 4yrs ago. I still goes bac BP every sat to visit my family....

can i join ur thread too?? i'm a FTWM with a 8month ++ boy.....
used to Stay in bangkit rd.
hi ah ger,
we neighbours leh. y dun u update ur child's particulars for sunnysun? u so power! wish me more daring... but come to think of it, who very good in slings here? i have 1 MIM cotton sateen one, failed to use on my bb, everytime i try he always cry! such a failure...
welcome paulelaine,
more mummies, the merrier... n we can share more lobangs... kekekeke.... so i guess ur mum stays at bangkit rd? my parents stay at pending rd... ;-)
sunnysun u help me update my profile can??? i shall use my parents add
cos i like BP more!!!

nick... elaine (paulnelaine)
Area... bangkit road
baby's name... Zhao Hui
sex... male
DOB... 20.08.06
hi hi

Sunnysun, my update.

Blk 626 Senja, bb boy, DOB 4 feb 07, FTWM.

Hui, I dun like staying @ hme, + I want him to b familiar w/ outside, dun b so confined.

MIM sling - mine is baybsupp (somehw can't spell in full), sis lent me. V easy to use, bt so far I onl used one way tats cradle cos the rest need his neck support to b stronger than can. Bt anyway I hv ye to venture out. Did u c the instructions frm MIM? Quite useful. I used to do wrongly then once I saw the website then I knew.
ah ger,
i think i'm very lousy with reading instruction manual. read many times n even saw the CD, but still dunno how to get it right. i'm hopeless...
Hi hi

pls update me
Blk 183 jelebu, bb gal, DOB May 06, FTWM.

wow. good next time we must gather and meet.
By the way, any good pedicure around the area?
ah ger,

ya, i heard that the jelly hearts got bigger box one (20 pcs ea) but i never ordered or seen the bigger box one.

As i will be getting the boxes as gifts, I prefer the smaller boxes.

Anymore orders for jelly hearts? would like to change delivery date to 17 May if possible (cos need 1 week notice to order). Any objections, pls let me know.

Anymore orders?
Each box cost $8.
8) firefly
9) hoho03
10) hoho03

Think no mummies meet up yst (sat) hor?
How about this sat morning 19 May at BPP Plaza, 9am. Venue TBC
1) smurfy, hb and bb
gd day to all.............

Wah - so early morning meet up? I think, hb & I w/ bb still in lala land. Ha ha ha..........

Hui, if we ever get to meet up I can show u hw. Bt nwadays my boy doesn't like to b in the sling anymore, cos it's stuffy. He rather I cradle him myself or let him 'stand' upright. Bt mum kept telling me nt to do so cos his legs nt nt strong enuff. Bt then wat can I do...... I put him dwn he will scream, unless it's milk time. Otherwise, I let him sit upright like our sitting position, infront of me.
weekends i busy catching up with hubby with errands...hahaha.....most prob still trying to catch more sleep dat time.

ah ger,
if have chance...thanks.

looks like our thread's gettin gg...good leh... i like it. then more lobangs...

next time hor, if we near, we can take turns babysit our children n adults take coupletime out chilling! dat'd b so wonderful!! am i daydreaming???
I agree wif u, take turns to bbsit so that daddy n mummy can take time off to go pak tor

wld love to meet up. but 9am, abit too early n wkends always bz wif hsewk, errands, ILs' hse visiting lei.
moreover, BBP always packed! i suggest mayb we can go 1pax's hse, then the kids & bbs oso got proper resting place...
wat say u ppl?
any mummies go john little sales ? Yesterday all regular items got 20% ...

cant join u gals for the gathering cos got to bring my boy to class every sat

Need to inform all those who have ordered that cheese cake that I will not be ordering since we cannot meet the min quantity...
looks like alot of mummies sleeping late over weekend, me too!! 9am for gathering is too early for me too :p
any mummies wanted to share NEPIA diapers? read in another thread, can get at $15 per pack (ntuc is $16.90), regardless of size, 4 packs for free delivery.... i wish to get 1 or 2 packs to try.
my son's b-date wrong, it should be 20 Dec 06. N my email address dun have _21 in it. thanks.

nepia not bad. Remember to keep the nepia seals for exchange for NTUC vouchers. but need 10 pcs. think also valid till end May, if hurry, can still make it.

RE: Nepia seals
Anyone here collects? i only have 2. hope to consolidate n try to get 10 to exchange for the NTUC vouchers. we can share share.

RE: Diapers
Like to do a survey (below list), see what diapers u all using for your kids. If got promotion, mayb we can buy together if we dun want so many packs. Also there r online sources to buy too.

Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
wow, all of you so good life.. me wake up at 7am with my bb.. sigh... so you will see me around BP coffee shops having my breakfast.

The promo for Nepia at NTUC just ended last week. 2 packs (regardless of size) for $26+ only. Alternatively u can order from at $14.70 per pack.

re: Nepia seals
Seems like their promo is continuous. I have changed 2 times for their NTUC voucher already.

re; Survey on diapers
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
3) mamy poko diaper-medium (currently cheapest $15.60)
sorry hui ar, too many abit blur liao.

Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
3) mamy poko diaper-medium (currently cheapest $15.60)
4)Sunnysun_21 - Dryer (L) 96pcs $18.24 (Brought fm John little Sales)
Mamy Poko (L) - $15.75 NTUC
hui thanks for the feedback on nepia! diapers list to share promo - that;s a good idea!

smurfy, aiyo missed out the nepia promo... me must be cockeye lah, didn't see!!!

thanks for the website, but need to buy at least 6 packs of diapers (think any brand) for free delivery leh... any mummies need to top up diapers wants to share order??

Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
3) mamy poko diaper-medium (currently cheapest $15.60)
4)Sunnysun_21 - Dryer (L) 96pcs $18.24 (Brought fm John little Sales)
Mamy Poko (L) - $15.75 NTUC
5) westbb - NoFrills(L), HuggiesUltra(L), pullups still experimenting.

Actually i changes brands readily if got promotions and worth trying :p

sunnysun, my info for your consolidation... blk 629, boy, DOB 17may05. PTWM. looks like my boy is very old here :p
u not the only one baby wakes mummy up so early lah.... my boy also always disturbs me ard 6 or 7am, but hubby ard, can still take turns n go back to nap for a while mah... u must live BPP v near, for us, we jus buy breakfast from kopitiam downstairs.

RE: Nepia from Dignus,
i used to order just 4 packs from them, free delivery. but now they suspended their biz due to pulling out of a major shareholder. so u can only order from Nepia Distributor @$15 per pack, min 4 packs for free delivery. What mummies did is they order n they cut out the seals b4 even using.

U forgot to add my msn email [email protected]
think u accidentally deleted it...

Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
3) mamy poko diaper-medium (currently cheapest $15.60)
4)Sunnysun_21 - Dryer (L) 96pcs $18.24 (Brought fm John little Sales)
Mamy Poko (L) - $15.75 NTUC
5) westbb - NoFrills(L), HuggiesUltra(L), pullups still experimenting
6) Jaline - currently using Huggies Dry Comfort (M)
actually i've also got an idea!!! once we know each other well enuf, in this case....needs alot of trust!

since we live so near, we might be able to share our discounts/VIP cards if we have any... hahahahaha...can save some $$ also... or help each other buy items if we going for any member's sales/promotions....
hui, wow you mean dignus stop operating?? i went thro their website, they like still accepting orders leh... so wierd.

umama, i've pm you!
Survey on Diapers:
1)Hui - NTUC-M, Drypers-M
2)Smurfy - Nepia-L, MamyPoko-L (changing to Huggies Ultra after this pack)
3) mamy poko diaper-medium (currently cheapest $15.60)
4)Sunnysun_21 - Dryer (L) 96pcs $18.24 (Brought fm John little Sales)
Mamy Poko (L) - $15.75 NTUC
5) westbb - NoFrills(L), HuggiesUltra(L), pullups still experimenting
6) Jaline - currently using Huggies Dry Comfort (M)
7)zhuzhu-nepia n pampers (m) after trying so many diaper finally settle down with this 2...
yeah.... yup sahm.

anyone keen to meet up during the day? we can either meet at someone's hse for tea and le the kids play.
hui, see my son b4 ? ur boy so cute leh somemore got Beckham hairstyle wor

how u can upload the photo uh ? ur photo size so big le. I have to keep shrinking my photo le...
i have not seen ur boy b4... or mayb met b4 at many children here, easier to recognise parents maybe.. i also srank my photo to 40%. end up still big. dunno y... ur son 1 year older than mine... so cute.

ur girl got big round eyes, so nice. how come u want to shave her hair? i always wanted to have girl so can keep long hair... btw, ur house corner room? looks like mine. t-shape living hall.

Her eyes sometimes big, sometimes small. Maybe photo looks bigger. Cause she had rashes on her head and she likes to pull at her hair when angry so shaved it off. Mine not corner, actually regretted not getting corner one cause more privacy and away from the rubbish chute.

Urs is it 4 rm? Heard my ex-colleague said that those 3 blocks opposite us are bigger than ours. Whats the floor area for urs? Think is true cause when I walked thru ur void deck it seems bigger than ours.
hui, not pretty leh so dun dare to post my photo here ... hehehee ... not 1 year la is 364 days
just kidding
taurus, aiya shave of her hair so short else can buy nice nice clips.

Me also like to have a gal too, wan to po 1 this year
btw senja grand got 4 rooms one meh ? i thought all 5-rm and corner flat? Last time i went to visit the showroom once regretted applied too early ...
